I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 620 Su Ziyue VS Xu Chenyu Shangguan

It is very difficult to raise troops, especially to maintain an elite cavalry of 100,000. The resources required are extremely huge. From this point, even if Wei Jinfeng controls a state, he can only maintain 300,000 troops. Liang Jun could tell.

Almost a gold-swallowing behemoth.

However, the army soldiers had to be recruited.

Whether it is fighting the world or sitting in the world, Chen Yuan needs a huge army.

He can control a whole province or even a state by himself, but what about the world? Relying on personal prestige alone is not enough to secure the world, so he must train a loyal cavalry from a weak start.

As for the cost, Chen Yuan has long targeted those aristocratic families in the south, as well as various sect forces that have been passed down for hundreds of years, they are the best granaries.

Inherited for hundreds of years, it happened to be a wedding dress for him.

During the trip to Nanzhou, Chen Yuan made a lot of profits in the Su family, which strengthened his determination.

Su Ziyue raised her head and glanced at Chen Yuan, then nodded slightly:

"This is not a bad idea, but... you set your sights on them, aristocratic families, and they won't sit still.

Once joined hands, its strength should not be underestimated. "

"Of course it's impossible to simply kill them all. Dividing and merging is the right way. The Shangguan clan is a model. Before Shangguan Tiehong came to see me, I had already told him about it.

Now, thinking about it, preparations have already begun. "

"You have prepared so well, it seems that I can't help you."

Chen Yuan shook his head, stared into her bright eyes, and said:

"I can't sit in one place all the time, you need to take care of the logistics for me."

"Will Mrs. Xu be willing?"

Su Ziyue knew Madam Xu's current status and role, so it was impossible to refuse. Chen Yuan could make a decision with just one word, but I'm afraid it would be uncomfortable in her heart.

Men like power, and for the same reason, women actually like it too.

"Don't worry, Madam's heart is like a mirror."

Chen Yuan chuckled.

The last time, Mrs. Xu expressed her thoughts. Naturally, she would not fight for the position of the eldest wife and wife, and she herself did not have the qualifications.

What she asked for was to be the second child, which was already satisfied.

And Su Ziyue is better than Mrs. Xu in terms of cultivation, age, means and appearance. She has some brains, and she will definitely behave very obediently.

"Let's go and meet your harem beauties."

Su Ziyue said with a cool demeanor.

"See you, what's so scary?"

In Tangshan Fucheng, in the back house of Xun Tiansi, Mrs. Xu said such a sentence with calm eyes, and beside her were Shen Yanshu, Shangguan Hong and Yu Qingyan.

As early as a few days ago, when Chen Yuan was still in Qiyue Mountain in Nanzhou, he asked Jiang He to pass the message on his behalf, telling the intelligence organization under him, so that Xu Chen and his daughters were prepared.

Now, after several days, the information has just reached Tangshan Fucheng.

As for Mrs. Xu, who received the letter from Chen Yuan, she had someone call all the daughters of Shangguan Hong. After all, they were all related to Chen Yuan in name or in reality.

As for Yu Qingyan, although the other party strongly refuted it, she reckoned that it would be a matter of time.

Shangguan Hong's face was inexplicably flustered, as if a concubine was about to meet her first wife, she had completely lost the heroic spirit she had when Chen Yuan first met, her beautiful eyes swept over the bodies of the sisters around her one by one, breaking the silence softly:

"This sister named Su, has any of you seen it?"

Yu Qingyan remained silent, like a transparent person.

Mrs. Xu also shook her head, not to mention that she had seen this so-called Miss Su, she had never even heard of it, but Chen Yuan's letter was so solemn, it seemed that she was not a simple woman.

Although I had already prepared for this in my heart, but at this time, although I still refused to admit defeat, I was actually a little inexplicably nervous.

At the same time, I was also a little lost.

She is as good as anyone in terms of appearance and figure, but she has no family background and cannot help Chen Yuan. Moreover, she has an extremely important weakness, that is, she has been married before.

Although Chen Yuan knew that she was still innocent, others did not.

Also, she is twice as old as Chen Yuan.

Sometimes I sigh in my heart, I was born before you were born, and I am already old when you were born.

"Where is Sister Shen?"

Seeing that Mrs. Xu and Yu Qingyan were silent, only Shen Yanshu was acting strange after hearing the news, Shangguan Hong instinctively felt that she knew something, and immediately asked.

Hearing this, Yu Qingyan, who was originally silent in the ancient well, also subconsciously looked over.

Mrs. Xu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she raised her head:

"Yan Shu, have you seen this Miss Su?"

Shen Yanshu hesitated for a moment, then slightly nodded:

"I did meet a girl surnamed Su, but I don't know if it's the one mentioned in Yuan Lang's letter."

She had only been in contact with Su Ziyue for a few days. After Li Suqing took her into his family, he never saw her again, and never even heard of her.

I asked Chen Yuan before, but the answer I got was not very clear.

"How does it look?"

"How's your heart?"

"How is your cultivation?"

Mrs. Xu, Shangguanhong and Yu Qingyan couldn't help asking each other.

Shen Yanshu recalled the astonished face, and said:

"The appearance is heavenly and beautiful, which is rare in the world, and there is a charming aura radiating from the whole body. The cultivation base should be above the alchemy state, but I don't know how. As for the heart, I just stayed with her for a few days at the beginning. , do not understand."

"How does it compare to sister Xu?" Shangguan Hong couldn't help asking.

Among the few of them, Yu Qingyan has the coldest temperament, and her appearance is also outstanding, but if it is only about appearance, Mrs. Xu is actually slightly superior.

"Each has its own merits," Shen Yanshu said in a low voice.

Upon hearing these words, Mrs. Xu knew that it was Shen Yanshu who could not say that she was inferior to that person in appearance, and her appearance must be rare in the world. After pondering for a moment, she continued to ask:

"Can you tell me about the scene when you first met?"

"Yes, sister Shen."

Shen Yanshu frowned slightly, recalling the previous meeting, and said:

"I was practicing at the time"

Shen Yanshu described in detail what happened at that time and the situation she was in. Chen Yuan had already broken through Tongxuan and was about to leave Nanling, but she wanted to follow.

But before she could meet Chen Yuan, a beautiful woman surnamed Su approached her, saying that her current cultivation was just a burden, and she was willing to find a high-level immortal sect for her to practice.

And the sect she chose was the Goddess Palace.

After all, this happened only a year or so ago, and Shen Yanshu actually remembered it very clearly.

"In other words, this girl Su has some friendship with Master?" Yu Qingyan said softly.

"It seems that it is very likely that he is a real person in Huayang Realm, no wonder." Shangguan Hong said something, but immediately understood that he was wrong, and immediately shut up.

Mrs. Xu was silent for a long time, and squeezed out a smile:

"Now it's useless for us to say more. After this Miss Su comes to Tangshan, it will naturally become clear. It will be good if she can help Lord Hou."

"Sister Xu said yes."

"Well, then I."

Before Shen Yanshu finished speaking, a little maid hurriedly ran in from outside, panting and hurriedly said:

"Ma'am, ma'am"

"What's wrong? Could something have happened?"

Seeing that the servant girl was so eager, Mrs. Xu's face suddenly changed, thinking that something serious happened down there.

"No, no, it's Lord Hou who came back with a very beautiful woman by his side."

The servant girl finished speaking intermittently.

The girls in the room froze for a moment, this can be regarded as Miss Su, and Miss Su arrived.

In the end, Mrs. Xu stood up and said with a light smile:

"Since Master Hou and Miss Su are here, we will naturally go to see them."

In front of the gate of Xuntiansi's house, Chen Yuan and Su Ziyue walked into the courtyard talking with each other. After returning from the Tangshan Mountains, they went straight to this place.

It took only a quarter of an hour to arrive here.

Originally, Chen Yuan wanted to inform Mrs. Xu in the courtyard through voice transmission, but was stopped by Su Ziyue, saying that she wanted to meet Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu had never heard of her, but she had already started paying attention to this woman.

In terms of acquaintance, they had never met before, but when she was young, she had heard of the title of the most beautiful woman in Shuzhou, but it was a pity that she later married the owner of the Cangbing Valley.

After that, I didn't pay attention to it any more.

The second attention after many years was when Chen Yuan took her back to Tangshan, and took charge of all affairs in Tangshan for Chen Yuan as his wife.

"Ziyue, stay later." Chen Yuan pondered for a moment, wanting to ask Su Ziyue to restrain himself later and not to cause any conflicts, but before he finished speaking, Su Ziyue nodded and said:

"I know what to do."

Entering the second door, the maid at the door bowed to salute, and Chen Yuan and Su Ziyue also saw Mrs. Xu and the others coming forward at a glance, and smiled at them.

"I've seen Lord Hou!"

"I've seen Master Hou."

"I have seen."

Mrs. Xu saluted first, she had the demeanor of an old lady, followed by Shen Yanshu and Shangguan Hong, as for Yu Qingyan also bowed, but she didn't say much.

"This is Miss Su, right?" Mrs. Xu raised her head, looked directly at Su Ziyue, and there was a flash of surprise in her eyes. No matter whether she admitted it or not, when she saw Su Ziyue for the first time, Mrs. Xu felt a surge of excitement. Feeling of frustration.

she is pretty!

Whether it is appearance or figure, she is not inferior to her, or even better.

Not to mention her family background and cultivation.

This is natural, otherwise Chen Yuan wouldn't have thought carefully when he saw Su Ziyue for the first time, those pair of headlights were unparalleled.

Not long ago, when the Qiyue Mountain Cave Mansion suppressed the fire for her, Chen Yuan discovered another advantage of Su Ziyue that had never been discovered before.

Simply put, Buffett.

stock god!

Wearing a long skirt on weekdays, you can only tell that you have a very good figure, but when you face it calmly, Chen Yuan really can't control it.

Chen Yuan nodded, nodded and said: "Yes, this is the girl Ziyue mentioned in my letter."

"Miss Su is polite."

"Miss Su is polite."

Shen Yanshu and Shangguan Hong also nodded and said.


"I know." With a smile on Su Ziyue's face, she stepped forward and took Mrs. Xu's hand, and said with a smile:

"You are sister Wenxiu, right? Yuanlang mentioned you to me a long time ago, saying that you helped him a lot, sitting in Tangshan for him, and handling various things for him."

Xu Wenxiu is Mrs. Xu's real name. Hearing Su Ziyue take her hand and call her sister, and put on a big lady's pose when she came up, Mrs. Xu could only forcefully smile:

"It would be nice if I could help Lord Hou."

"Yan Shu, long time no see." Su Ziyue greeted Mrs. Xu, and then set her eyes on Shen Yanshu.

"Senior Susu."

"What are you called seniors? From now on, we will be a family, called sister."

"Sister Su" Shen Yanshu quickly responded.

She and Su Ziyue were always at a disadvantage no matter in the last contact or this time, but she didn't expect too much.

As long as this sister is easy to get along with.

"Sister Shangguan, before"

"Fish Fairy, respect your master for me."

Su Ziyue took the initiative and put on her own posture as soon as they met, but because of her cultivation and status, Mrs. Xu and others could only back down.

However, Chen Yuan still saw some reluctance from Mrs. Xu's face.

That's right, no matter how much preparation you have made before, when it comes to the moment of meeting, it is still a bit difficult to accept. Fortunately, Su Ziyue, apart from confirming her status at the beginning, has not been domineering, and instead talked to them very kindly. chat.

Mrs. Xu, Shen Yanshu and others breathed a sigh of relief.

But Chen Yuan was thinking, how can they eliminate these alienation and barriers in a short time?


Blood State, Liangshan.

When Chen Yuan arrived in Tangshan Fucheng, Liangshan Dazhai master, white-clothed scholar Song Lun was also preparing something.

In the dark secret room, Song Lun opened his eyes, and the whole secret room was much brighter. Looking at the sound transmission talisman in his hand that had been burned to ashes, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the depths of his eyes, there was a trace of coldness.

It is true that Liangshan's rise was supported by the Xiang family, and he has always been grateful to Xiang Qianqiu for his support and appreciation, but people's ambitions gradually change with the passage of status and time.

In the past, he was just a down-and-out scholar who accidentally embarked on the road of banditry. All the ambitions in his heart were reduced to ashes, and he only wanted to survive in the world.

Don't talk about great ambitions, even if he can only spend the rest of his life in peace, he is very satisfied.

But now, he is no longer the down-and-out scholar he used to be. He has cultivated to the level of a sun god, and he has been on the list of supreme celestial beings, and is admired by countless people.

As soon as the banner was erected, all the heroes from all over the world rushed to vote, and even held a strong army of nearly 200,000 in their hands.

There are also many Huayang real people around him, and his ambition naturally grows accordingly.

At first, he was dissatisfied with Xiang Qianqiu's control over him, and felt that he was just a pawn, and these foundations of Liangshan might even be his wedding dress.

Then, Lu Guangsheng, the elder of Xiang's family, came to Liangshan to sit in the township, and began to act as the second head as soon as he came, using various means to win over forces in Liangshan.

He tolerated it, but there was always a surge of anger in his heart.

It is true that Liang Shan received the support from the Xiang family, and it was with the help of Xiang Qianqiu that he was able to make such a smooth progress and improve his cultivation base.

But. Aside from those resources and support, Liangshan was actually built by him alone. He has devoted a lot of effort from being weak to the current top power in Blood State.

After all, Xiang Qianqiu helped him a lot, but Xiang Qianqiu wanted to surpass him and directly control everything in Liangshan, but he refused.

His brothers who followed him would not agree either.

The knife was almost on his neck, and he had to make a move.

Because he didn't know what other methods Xiang Qianqiu had, he didn't dare to contact other immortal sects and forces rashly. After careful consideration, he thought of the imperial court!

At that time, the world was peaceful, but there were turbulent waves secretly, and Liangshan became a serious problem in the eyes of the court, so he secretly sent his confidants to the capital.

In the first year of Jingtai, on the sixth day of June, I finally got in touch with the imperial court.

At the beginning, both parties were testing each other, and gradually built trust. He has shackles, which are the backhand left by Xiang Qianqiu in his early years.

Although he was still very weak at that time, even now, he can't untie it by himself, and needs the help of a spiritual creature from the court.

As a price, he confided that the Xiang family was behind Liangshan.

After a long time, Jingtai gave him what he wanted, and the two sides have been in close contact all the time, and they never revealed any news about it.

Jingtai gave him a lot of things and promises, promised him to destroy the Xiang family, and after taking control of Liangshan, he would entrust the entire Blood State to him, becoming the third king with a different surname in the imperial court, and ascending to heaven in one step.

Song Lun happily agreed, because he still has a lot of ambitions to stretch.

However, he is not a fool, he knows the urgency of the imperial court, therefore, he has never sincerely prepared to submit to the imperial court, all he wants is to drive away tigers and devour wolves.

The Xiang family will be eradicated by the imperial court, but he will control the entire Liangshan. When the time comes, he will have hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and the initiative will be in his hands, just like Wei Jinfeng and Nangong Lie.

Even the imperial court has to appease him, and even, when the real time comes, there may not be no chance to add a yellow robe and sit on the world.

A few days ago, almost before the northern barbarians invaded, Xiang Qianqiu approached him and asked him to start preparing for rebellion at any time, and he told Jingtai the news.

Both parties felt that they could not wait any longer and that the Xiang family must be destroyed as soon as possible.

The Xiang family without the immortal may still be very powerful, but it is not enough to deter the court. As long as Xiang Qianqiu dies, they have achieved their goal.

As for the time, the one hundred and twenty-year-old birthday is set in a few days!

On this day, Song Lun wants to get rid of the control of others forever, and become a chess player himself, not just an 'insignificant' chess piece!

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