I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 685 I...don't be an official anymore!

Chapter 685 I. No longer an official!

"At this time, it's a pity not to pretend."

It's not that Chen Yuan is hypocritical, but he really thinks it would be a pity if he doesn't take the opportunity to pretend at this time.

In full view, in the eyes of all.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the capital and surrounding areas here, and there are nearly 100,000 warriors in the rivers and lakes. It is not even known how many peerless powerhouses on the Supreme List are hidden inside.

There are civil and military officials, royal family members, and hundreds of thousands of forbidden troops.

But today is the day when Jingtai offers sacrifices to the heavens and is promoted to the throne of the Emperor, which will definitely cause a huge disturbance in the world. Let me ask you, if you don't fight for fame at this time, when will you wait?

Jingtai must be killed. His luck and blood feud must be avenged.

At the same time, he had to create this rebellion, and he had already made a lot of preparations. It could be said that everything was ready, and he only owed the east wind that blows!

Originally, Chen Yuan also wanted to lie dormant, accumulate food widely, build high walls, become king slowly, and let others beat them to death, to be the top bird.

But... Maybe it's because he became stronger and then drifted away.

Or maybe there are too many forces gathered around him, and he is no longer as cautious as before.

It may also be that he spent too long lying low under Jingtai, and couldn't help but want to crush his delusion directly at the most critical moment of his day.

More likely, Chen Yuan didn't want to miss this good opportunity.

In short, he was moved!

Anyway, today is going to be a fight. Anyway, this battle is going to be recorded in the annals of history, and it will surprise countless people. Why not make it bigger?

Chen Yuan has always been cautious, seemingly reckless, but most of the time he is confident, and this time... this time... is actually no exception.

Several true monarchs are by his side, and the immortals of the six realms are by his side.

What is he afraid of?

Moreover, it wasn't just Chen Yuan, he could sense that the aura of these warriors around him had changed, and some people wanted to take the lead. Is Chen Yuan a humble person?


So, he was tempted!

Jiang He focused his eyes, took a deep look at Chen Yuan, and nodded in shock:

"Put it on."

The Taoist Lingxu, the head teacher of Shushan, and the Taoist Tianxu, the head teacher of Taixu Palace, were stunned for a moment, as if they didn't expect him to be so courageous.

But looking at Chen Yuan who was ready, the two of them hesitated for a moment and didn't speak.

On the top of Zijin Mountain, Jingtai with deep eyes looked down at the tens of thousands of warriors in the rivers and lakes below, and continued:

"How come no one dares to step forward?"

"Since you don't dare, then honestly watch from below, how I was promoted to the emperor, and created an eternal peace for hundreds of millions of people in the territory of the Great Jin."

"What qualifications do you have!"

As soon as Jingtai finished speaking, there was a questioning voice resounding between the heaven and the earth. The voice was infused with the vitality of the heaven and the earth, and people with a radius of tens of miles could hear it clearly.

Of course, the main reason for this is that the surroundings are too quiet. When Jingtai uttered those words, although those Jianghu warriors were a little commotion.

But no one has come forward yet.

A vacuum time was formed, and it was at this time that Chen Yuan spoke.

Yes, the person who spoke was Chen Yuan.

Those civil and military dignitaries in front, powerful royal families, and concubines in the harem, many people turned their eyes to the rear, as if they wanted to find out who had such courage.

He really dared to show his head.

The people in the capital behind stood on tiptoe, wanting to wait and see.

As for those Jianghu warriors around, on the one hand, they created a vacuum around Chen Yuan, on the other hand, there was suspicion and admiration in their eyes.

real man!

There were quite a few people present who criticized Jingtai verbally and in writing, and there were quite a few who said they wanted to rebel, but at this time, this place, and under this situation, it seems that no one dared to stand up!

On the other hand, Jingtai on the top of Zijin Mountain shrank his pupils deeply, feeling that the voice seemed very familiar.

Chen Yuan didn't give him too long to think about it. After the surrounding warriors gave up a vacuum of several feet, he moved without making a sound.

But with great fanfare.

He stepped into the void step by step, and the light was overflowing under his feet, and the light was shining brightly, which set off the incomparably stalwart figure in black.

"Chen Chenyuan!"

"Marquis of Wu'an, Chen Yuan!"

"It's him?!"

"How could he?"


Chen Yuan has never concealed his appearance, but he used some tricks of his own to make him less conspicuous among the crowd, and now he is in front of millions of people.

Naturally, he wasn't going to cover it up.

And his reputation is naturally very big, although his real body has not reached Yangshen's cultivation level, and he has been promoted to the heaven list, but he has done too many things in the past few years.

If he doesn't move, he will cause a sensation in the world.

There are naturally many people who know him.

Now, it will naturally be recognized.

Chen Yuan stood up, step by step with his hands behind his back, and walked towards the top of Zijin Mountain. Gu Tianqiong below frowned, and a solemn murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and said sharply:

"You dare to be presumptuous!"

Zhang Yantong's eyes flickered and he sighed softly.

He naturally knew about his daughter leaving the capital secretly, but it was already too late when he returned to the capital, and he understood Chen Yuan's thoughts.

Concubine Yang, Sima Ke, Sima You, Princess Pingyang, several great envoys of Xuntiansi, Xiao Jing, Zuo Tiancheng, Wu Tianxi, Li Kuangxiu, Li Hongshuang

All the people who had greeted Chen Yuan and recognized him had complex expressions in their eyes.

Concubine Yang's eyes were filled with despair, Sima Ke's eyes were filled with panic, and Princess Pingyang's eyes were flat, as if she had already expected this scene.

As for the few people on the Xuntian Division, they are...angry!

The heavenly envoy of Xuntiansi, who was the Marquis of Wu'an in the current dynasty, openly rebelled!

And those warriors in the rivers and lakes showed shock and astonishment on their faces. After someone called out Chen Yuan's identity, they were extremely astonished.

Some people will come to make trouble today, this is something that many people know well.

But most of the people did not expect that the first person to be this early bird was actually Chen Yuan! ! !

"It was snatched by this kid."

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man with a long sword whispered to himself.

If he waits for no one to come on, then he will go on.

It's not a pity, it's not a joy, it's just a little surprised.

And at the boundary of the crowd, an illusory figure in white clothes was thinking a little bit, and couldn't help but think of what the master said before.

This son, has the hope to become the next Chu Taizu?

In the void, illusory lotus flowers appeared one by one, and then collapsed one by one, the countless vitality of the world around them were stirred, and the entire void changed.


Naturally, it is better to dress up.

Make it bigger.

The scolding voices from below sounded one after another, but to Chen Yuan, they were all just dog barking, and he didn't pay attention to him at all. He only had one person in his eyes.

That is Jingtai.

And maybe it was Jingtai who gave the order before, maybe they were afraid of arousing a bigger reaction, in short, no one made a move, and everyone quietly watched Chen Yuan step by step to the top of the mountain, confronting Jingtai.

Chen Yuan's eyes were calm and awe-inspiring, he looked directly at Jingtai, and continued:

"What are your qualifications?"

"I didn't expect you to be the first to stand up."

Jing Tai answered irrelevant questions, and he also stared at Chen Yuan.

Indeed, he did not expect that it would be Chen Yuan who stood up today.

In his mind, today, the strong from the Xianmen, the northern barbarians, and even the strong from the monster race in the southern border might all come, but he didn't expect him to come back.

In his impression, although Chen Yuan may seem reckless, he is cautious and meticulous, he will consider the consequences before doing things, and now he has laid a foundation in the south.

With his little strength, to be honest, he is not qualified to stand above the general trend of the world.

So, he was a little surprised.

But that's all.

Without Chen Yuan, there would be others.

It really doesn't matter who comes.

"I didn't expect that you would have the guts to risk the disgrace of the world and want to steal the throne of the Emperor."

He didn't call himself a minister, but called 'I', the meaning of which is self-evident.

"Why can't I?"

"You do not deserve!"

When Jingtai heard this sentence, he smiled happily. He stared at Chen Yuan and asked:

"Why is it so difficult? Are you worthy?"

"It's more suitable than you."


"Jingtai, since you came to the throne, you have been self-willed and vicious, but you have no open-mindedness. The northern barbarians invaded, and the northern Liang army fought desperately with the people of Liangzhou.

You, however, took the opportunity to weaken the King of Beiliang's strength. Hundreds of thousands of forbidden troops are clearly in front of you, but you deliberately don't save them. You go and ask the people of Liangzhou. Are you worthy? "

"The great epidemic in Youzhou, you let people seal the road crossings, leaving thousands of miles of people uninhabited, the bones exposed in the wild, not willing to give up your own interests, collecting taxes from the south, and spreading the pressure on the people.

Buddhism preached in the Central Plains, and the Sima clan assisted him, oppressing the rivers and lakes in the Central Plains, and the monks' temples did not collect taxes. This pressure was also placed on the people.

The monster tribes from southern border invaded Shu Mountain and stared at them like a tiger, but you shrunk the power of the imperial court to the four states in the Central Plains, completely ignoring the four states in the south, you go and ask the people all over the world.

Are you worthy to sit on the throne of emperor? "

"You are not worthy, and neither is the Sima family!"

Chen Yuan's voice resounded between heaven and earth, like thunder rolling from the sky, questioning Jingtai's achievements.

"Since you came to the throne, you have no achievements, no heart, no good thoughts, and no humanity. Can such a person be the emperor of my human race? Are you asking if I am worthy? I can say in front of the world that I am more worthy than you!"

"The barbarians of the East fought in the capital, and the imperial court couldn't lift their heads. It was me who resisted the confidence of the warriors in the Central Plains. The northern barbarians invaded, and 700,000 cavalry entered the country.

It was me who was not afraid of death in front of Liangzhou City, and used the real martial arts sword to fight against the barbarian god.

The forces in Qingzhou, Shuzhou, and the two states are oppressing the people. I am the one who leads people to eradicate those forces that harm the people. How about you? What merits have you done to dare to steal this position? "

The world is shocked, everything is quiet.

The court officials below stopped scolding, because what Chen Yuan said was reasonable.

Those warriors in the rivers and lakes looked at Chen Yuan who was questioning Jingtai face to face with a look of reverence.

"The Marquis of Wu'an is right."

"Slow down, don't die!"

"Yes, yes"

The common people in the outer layer whispered and talked a lot.

But Jingtai didn't change his face, he laughed:

"Because I am the emperor, I am the emperor of the Ninth Five-Year Period of the Jin Dynasty, because I hold a powerful army in my hands, and you are just a usurper, but you have only made some trivial achievements.

But here is a lot of nonsense.

I really don't have any great achievements, but that was before, and I had to do this under the strife of all kinds of forces. Now, the world will be in chaos, and all forces are eyeing each other, and you are just one of them That's all, what qualifications do you have to question me?

Being promoted to the position of emperor is a strategy to save the hundreds of millions of people in the Central Plains. You come to stop me because you don't want to let all the people in the world live in peace.

For your own selfish desires, for your desire for power, you betrayed your father, formed a camp secretly, secretly raised troops, and harbored evil intentions, what right do you have to criticize me? "

"Your official position is given by me, your rights are given by me, and your reputation that shakes the world is also given by me. If you are a loyal minister, if you are a common people, you should be loyal to the king and serve the country, and assist me to bring peace to the people." , Ding Dingjiangshan, let the people of my Jin Dynasty live a peaceful life, not today, say these words.

Without Zhen, without the imperial court, you are just a commoner in a county under the jurisdiction of Qingzhou. Without Zhen, what virtue do you have, how can you become the Marquis of Wu'an respected by thousands of people, the divine envoy of Xun Tian Si Tian Zi?

No king, no father, wolf ambition, this is you, Chen Yuan! "

Jingtai's questioning voice sounded immediately.

Chen Yuan laughed, seemingly contemptuously:

"Jingtai, these words of yours seem to have some truth, but they are actually worthless, relying on you? Hehe, you are just a stupid king, how can you make me loyal?

I can have what I am today because of fighting all the way up by myself. It is the fame that I have earned through many times of hard work, not your appreciation. "


Jingtai wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Chen Yuan directly, and continued:

"Jingtai, have you forgotten what you have done to me? Bullied me, made me a dog of your Sima family, suppressed me, and threw me to the place of the Fourth World War in the south.

Spy on me, staring at me day and night with the Sky Surveyor Wuwei?

However, what you said is also reasonable. This official position is given by the imperial court, and the power is also given by the imperial court. If this is the case, hehe. Then I will not be an official of your Sima family! "

With a wave of Chen Yuan's hand, several official robes, an official seal, and many imperial decrees appeared beside him, all of which disappeared in the void and turned into ashes.

"I don't want the official position I earned, and I don't want the rights I earned. Now, I'm just a gangster, a commoner in the Central Plains, and I want to seek justice!"

Chen Yuan said in a deep voice.

"What's fair?"

"Hehehe Loyalty to the emperor and patriotism is indeed my dream. Wrapping corpses in horse leather and defending the frontier for the country is also my goal. Now I don't want it anymore. Do you know why?"


"Because you, Jingtai, are not human!"

Chen Yuan pointed at Jingtai's nose and cursed.


Jingtai frowned, with murderous intent on his face.

"You keep saying that you are for the people of the Central Plains and for the peace of the people, but in fact, you are the Wusheng Patriarch of the Wusheng Cult who killed all living beings!"


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