I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 686 Showdown! Lord Shura!

"You keep saying that you are for the people of the Central Plains and for the peace of the people, but in fact, you are the Wusheng Patriarch of the Wusheng Cult who killed all living beings!"

Chen Yuan scolded sharply, and his voice rolled down.

In a radius of more than ten miles, everyone heard these words clearly.

In deathly silence!

In fact, when Chen Yuan and Jingtai debated each other before, everyone present was already very silent, even Gu Tianqiong and others did not speak.

All of them looked shocked.

Because, since Jingtai came to power, no one has dared to scold him like this. Even though he has no outstanding achievements in the world, he is the emperor after all.

Standing in the supreme position above all people.

Holds the power of life and death.

However, Chen Yuan still directly belittled his achievements and his crimes.

And the same thought flashed through the minds of those Jianghu warriors:

"Good scolding!"

What a fucking boost.

Jingtai was indeed angry, and even everyone present knew that it was time to see each other, and it was time to start the war.



Just Jiang He, Taoist Lingxu, Taoist Tianxu, Chu Changfeng, Taoist Qingxu, Evil Ghost Taoist, Changqing Taoist, and others.

For example, when Ye Xiangnan, the lord of Wudi City, Dongfang Sheng, the lord of Tianmo Palace, and other strong men were about to show up, Chen Yuan once again threw out a big news.

Jingtai, the current emperor, the Ninth Five-Year Lord, is... unexpectedly, the Wusheng Patriarch who is wanted by the court and hated by the world! ! !

This news was no less than a heavy hammer, which hit the hearts of everyone present, including Jingtai.

He really didn't care much about the crimes that Chen Yuan described before, because they were not important, after he ascended to the throne of Emperor and possessed the power of a god.

It can be completely eliminated, and when he really can dominate the world one day, who else will think that he is not worthy of the position of emperor?

Therefore, he was not too angry in his heart.

After killing Chen Yuan, it would make him feel at ease.

But he never thought of it.

Chen Yuan actually knew his biggest secret!

He actually knew that he was the Wusheng Patriarch of the Wusheng Sect. He planned everything and committed countless crimes in the rivers and lakes and among the people.

Yes, he is the Wusheng Patriarch!

Jingtai yearns for longevity, and has always yearned for it.

His first goal was not to be an emperor.

What's the point?

Under the suppression of the fate of the country, it has only been a few decades.

If this person is really that good, the ancestor would not directly abdicate by feigning death, and those senior uncles would not be the elders of the royal family, after all, they are all the sons of the great ancestor.

In fact, among Chu Taizu's heirs, the first four followed the path of martial arts, and the one who really chose to be the emperor's lineage was another son who had no martial arts talent.

Yes, it is very good to be the emperor, with endless power. On the bright side, even those uncles have to salute and bow to him when they see him.

However, decades is really meaningless.

Therefore, although he yearns for the throne, he still wants to live forever in martial arts, but unfortunately, his martial arts talent is very poor, very poor!

Even with the assistance of countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures, at most they can only form a real pill.

It's still the kind of fake pill with no longevity.

Just when he was desperate, by a very chance, he found a piece of miraculous method left by the Xiang family thousands of years ago among the classics in the royal family's treasure house.

Use blood pills to build the foundation, and use incense to concentrate.

Yes. Longevity and long-term vision!

If it is supplemented by the blessing of the fortune of the country, it will be that if the dynasty is not destroyed, he will not be destroyed, and he will enjoy endless life.

And put it into action immediately.

Under his planning, Wusheng Cult was established.

At that time, he was only more than ten years old, not even an adult, and directly established an evil sect. Although he was still very weak at that time, he would be strangled to death easily.

But he was also lucky.

Perhaps it was God's favor, he has been walking smoothly, using the power of the prince, killed an unknown number of people in the capital, and improving his cultivation and strength while making progress step by step.

Then, when he became an adult, he released Wu Sheng from outside the school.

Put it in the south, because there are the most people there!

To him, what are millions of souls?

As long as the purpose can be achieved, everything can be sacrificed in blood.

But he also knows that this matter must not be known by anyone, whoever knows will die.

Over the years, he has been very cautious, and he has been very careful. Even the personal eunuch Cao Zhengxian didn't know that he was Wusheng Patriarch. He thought that this matter would never be known.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, it was said by Chen Yuan.

Or say it in front of millions of people.

The murderous intent in his heart instantly filled his mind.

Down there is still silence.

Gu Tianqiong was silent, Li Kuangxiu was silent, several princes were also silent, Princess Pingyang, civil and military officials, and concubines in the harem were also silent.

The warriors in the rivers and lakes, the people of Zhongzhou, and the 300,000 forbidden troops are all like this.

Everyone was shocked on the spot by this huge news.

However, it was only for a moment, and then Gu Tianqiong stood up, fixed his eyes on Chen Yuan in black above him, and scolded in a cold voice:

"Chen Yuan, you are a thief who has no king and no father. How dare you slander His Majesty, and why don't you get out of here and die? Do you know what crime you have committed? It is not an exaggeration to punish the Nine Clans!"

"Presumptuous, dare you, thief!"

Li Kuangxiu also reprimanded in a cold voice.

"You thief, how dare you slander Your Majesty like this?"


"court death!"


The sound of stern shouting resounded through the heaven and earth. These are all strong men belonging to the imperial court.

The eldest prince and the second prince also stared at Chen Yuan and scolded:

"The dog is so bold, do you want to go against it?"

"I will cut you to pieces!"

Sima Ke, the fourth prince, also wanted to go up and scold at this moment, to show that he had nothing to do with Chen Yuan, but as soon as he raised his head, he saw Princess Pingyang shaking his head slightly at him.

He hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head as before.

The same is true of Concubine Yang Gui, she also wanted to scold, but...but... thinking about the previous things, she quickly lowered her head again, in case Chen Yuan said something about their connection.

Then their mother and son are dead!

If Chen Yuan knew about her idea, she would definitely laugh at it. It is a serious crime to have an affair with a noble concubine in the harem, and Chen Yuan is not stupid, so how could it be made public?

He is not afraid of the court, but if this kind of thing gets out, what will happen to his reputation?

What he wants is a positive image!

So, in fact, Concubine Yang doesn't have to worry at all.

On the contrary, Chen Yuan didn't want Concubine Yang to shake her arms.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Yuan, do you have evidence?"

Suddenly, an old voice resounded between heaven and earth, overwhelming the voices of other people.

"Yes, do you have evidence?"

"You might as well take it out and have a look!"

One after another voices sounded from the group of Jianghu warriors.

Yes, evidence!

The emperor's real body is Wusheng Patriarch, which is very absurd, no one believes it, but if Chen Yuan can produce evidence, it will be different.

It can definitely nail Jingtai to the pillar of shame.

Not only him, but also the entire imperial court, the entire Sima clan, will lose all the people!

Because the Lifeless Cult is simply too evil.

Blood sacrifices to the county, drawing souls to refine souls, and congealing blood pills can be said to be the ultimate punishment for everyone.

Once it can be proved, the world will be in an uproar.

People's hearts are light, but they are nothing, they are just some untouchables, but if they are heavy, the people's hearts in the whole world are heavier than ten thousand zhang mountains.

And in the Jianghu, who is not considered a citizen?

Originally, the Sima family was about to lose popular support, but if it can be proved, then the Sima family will be overthrown by everyone, and everyone will be punished!

Those powers in the rivers and lakes can also have better excuses to attack such a faint king.

Everyone's attention was focused on Chen Yuan at this moment. At this moment, he became the brightest boy, and Jingtai's murderous intent rushed into his mind.

But I also know that by doing it at this time, it is basically to confirm the matter.

So, did not speak.

Gu Tianqiong and others wanted to step forward and suppress Chen Yuan.

However, as soon as he left, a series of powerful coercion began to dissipate among those groups in the rivers and lakes, covering the world, and directly locked on the court powerhouses present.

To put it simply, if you dare to move, I will hit you!

All the military guards of the Sky Surveyor seized their swords one after another, and all the masters of the imperial court were also staring at each other. Almost at the very sentence that Chen Yuan said, the presence turned into a state of solemnity.

Close call!

There could be a major war at any time.

Although those warriors in the rivers and lakes only exuded their own aura, the strong men on the side of the court knew very well that as long as they made a move, they might rush forward.

The situation immediately deteriorated.

Therefore, Gu Tianqiong and the others all turned their attention to Jingtai on the top of Zijin Mountain, waiting for him to make an order, and if he said it, they would do it.

"That being the case, then you have to produce evidence."

Jingtai signaled the people below not to do anything, and locked his eyes on Chen Yuan.

"You think I don't?"


Chen Yuan turned his eyes, looked at the people below, and said in a deep voice:

"If you want to see it, then go see it!"

After all, Chen Yuan threw out a photo stone directly, and under the impetus of vitality, all the scenes in the Broken Soul Valley were revealed in front of everyone.

Futon, incense burner, stone statue, appearance.

There is also the blood pool, the ghost tree, and none of them that do not fall are revealed.

"Here is the head of the Wusheng Sect, and the person worshiped by the Wusheng Sect's disciples is Jingtai. In fact, I have always been curious why the court has been wanted for so many years, but still can't find a mere founder. It has been a cult for decades, so I am looking for it, desperately looking for it.

Finally, Huangtian pays off. I finally found the chief rudder of the Wusheng Sect in Shuzhou. Only then did I understand why the imperial court could not find it because the emperor was the ancestor of Wusheng.

When he was an adult, it was the time when Wushengjiao began to emerge in the arena. As his authority became more and more important, Wushengjiao became more and more powerful.

Did you all see the pool of blood and the dead tree? "

"Hehehe, that's the blood of millions of people of my Great Jin people, and that tree bears the souls of millions of people in the Central Plains!!!"

"Let me ask, what qualifications does a person with the blood of the common people have on his hands to be the emperor of my race? How can they, a bunch of beasts from the Sima family, stand above all the people?"

"So, here I am, regardless of the danger, I came to the capital of the Great Jin Kingdom, and I was the first to stand up and denounce the dog emperor. I, Chen Yuan, want to seek justice for the millions of people in the Central Plains!

Ask him, what qualifications does he have to be the Emperor, and why? "

Chen Yuan's words were passionate and very provocative, and they also stirred up the hearts of everyone present.

Hundreds of thousands of imperial troops were in a commotion, and they couldn't hold their weapons securely. When they saw the pool of blood, their eyes were filled with confusion. Is such an emperor worthy of their service?

Nearly a million people in Zhongzhou were in constant turmoil.

His eyes were filled with anger, resentment, and shock.

The lofty emperor, the emperor who loved the people like his own son, the emperor who kept saying that he wanted to seek justice for the people of the race, turned out to be an executioner with blood on his hands!

Is this the emperor?

This is the devil! ! !

The warriors of the rivers and lakes were shocked and angry, and some people were happy.

The evidence was actually brought out!

The situation of the Sima family is unstable!

Wu Wei of the Sky Survey Division was also confused and shocked, what happened today was enough to refresh their cognition.

All civil and military officials were silent.

Say no more.

Li Kuangxiu frowned and took a deep breath.

Gu Tianqiong narrowed his eyes, and his murderous intent was even stronger.

Sima Che snorted coldly, extremely angry.

He was not angry at Jingtai's crimes, but at being exposed.

The death of some untouchables is nothing.

But the impact is really too great.

Big enough to overthrow the Sima family.

Regardless of victory or defeat today, Jingtai can no longer sit on the throne.

The faces of the princes turned blue and white, and they couldn't speak any more.

Princess Pingyang sighed lightly.

"Jingtai, what else do you have to say?"

Chen Yuan questioned the person in front of him.

Jingtai didn't speak, the veins between his arms were bulging, and the murderous intent was fully condensed.

Exposed, exposed. Exposed! ! !

Damn it!

He really has proof!

Even if he reprimanded it, it would be too late. In addition to being true, it is also because this matter will be confirmed by all ambitious people, unless... he suppresses everyone.

After dozens or hundreds of years, the matter gradually dissipated.

Or, kill Chen Yuan and push him on him.

"Absurd, it's simply absurd. What can a photo stone prove? It's not something that can't be changed. His Majesty has a heart for all people. How could he do such a thing?"

Sima Che stood up, crossed the sky, and scolded in a cold voice.

He was angry at the emperor's carelessness, but at this moment he had to wipe his ass.

So what?

Just turn him into a fake!

Gu Tianqiong didn't hide anything anymore, and echoed:

"That's right, what can a mere image prove? Who knows if you prepared it secretly? You committed boundless murders in the south, and this pool of blood was clearly formed by yourself.

Bendu is surprised how you practiced so quickly, you reached the Yang Transformation state in just a few years, it turned out that you relied on the method of blood pills to improve your cultivation.

What a beast! "

"Chen Yuan, let's capture him without a fight!"

Li Kuangxiu was not so shameless, he couldn't say what Gu Tianqiong said, but he also knew the severity, Chen Yuan must die today, otherwise, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Powerful men of the imperial court stood up one after another and surrounded Zijin Mountain, ready to swarm up to kill the traitor Chen Yuan at any time.

However, in the face of so many threats, Chen Yuan did not have the slightest fear.

Crime, he has spoken out in public.

Those strong men in the rivers and lakes will not, let alone hide it anymore.

Sure enough, after those court powerhouses stood up.

Domineering auras from the group of Jianghu warriors also came out.

The first to step out was Dongfang Sheng, the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace. He was full of demonic energy, and said loudly:

"Blood State Heavenly Demon Palace, seek justice for the people of the Central Plains!"

"One knife mountain in Yunzhou, seek justice for the people of the Central Plains!"

An old man in black said coldly.

"Shushan, Shuzhou, seek justice for the people of the Central Plains!"

"Central Plain Taixu Palace, seek justice for the people of Central Plains!"

"Yunzhou Goddess Palace, seek justice for the people of the Central Plains!"

"Xu Sheng, a casual cultivator in the East China Sea, seek justice for the people of the Central Plains!"

"Lanzhou Wujianzong, seek justice for the people of the Central Plains!"

"Gu Clan of Yunzhou, seek justice for the people of the Central Plains"

One breath after another, one voice after another, no matter whether it is related to Chen Yuan or not, or someone who has hatred, at this moment, they all stood up.

Hundreds of people rose up from the crowd, from the peerless true monarchs on the Tianbang list to the ordinary alchemy masters, all of them criticized Jingtai verbally and in writing.

Among them, there may be some who wish the world would be in chaos, but there are also some who really want to rise up because of the spirit in their hearts, and with so many strong people standing up to take the lead.

The people below also criticized Sima's family, the imperial court and Jingtai verbally, drawing swords and swords one after another, with a murderous aura.


Gu Tianqiong and the others' eyes turned cold, and they stared fixedly at these Jianghu warriors who jumped out.

"Who are you!"

Jingtai's eyes were bloodshot, murderous intent enveloped his whole body, and he stared at Chen Yuan firmly.

He felt that it was not that easy to enter the main rudder of Wushengjiao silently and jump out at this time. After all, Chen Yuan's practice speed was too fast.

It's not normal to be fast.

There must be someone behind you.

"who I am?"

Chen Yuan laughed, and his whole body exploded with momentum, not weaker than Jingtai at all, even worse, he looked at Jingtai, looked at everyone below, and said loudly:

"I am a Jiang Hu guest from the Central Plains!"

"I am a poor family member in Qingzhou!"

"I am Chen Yuan, Marquis of Wu'an before the imperial court!"

"I am the God Envoy of the Heaven Surveyor in front of the imperial court!"

"I am the governor's official in the three southern states!"


At this moment, Chen Yuan suddenly smiled again, a ghostly face slipped from his sleeve, and it was slowly pressed onto his face.

"I am the Demon Lord Shura of the Dao God Palace that you ordered to hunt down and kill!"

In an instant, an aura exploded, and the magic flames surged to the sky!


This plot has not been finished yet, after all, it has been paving the way for a long time.

Water, I admit.

On the one hand, this episode is really hard to think about. You are urging every day, and you can’t do without one update. You can only bite the bullet and update it.

The previous breakthrough was just a pretext. In fact, what I wrote was about Wu Daozi.

Everyone spends money to watch and have fun.

I wrote as hard as I could, and I was happy to draw money.

It can only be said that I tried my best to write, but my writing skills were really not enough.

I actually read your comments all the time, but I seldom respond to them recently because I don’t know how to reply. After all, I actually write quite emotionally.

But you all scold water.

There is no way, book friends who have abandoned books, I wish you find a book you like.

Book friends who are still persisting, let's continue to get along.

Those who have been scolding all the time, if you really don’t like it, it’s actually good to read other books. Anyway, isn’t reading novels just for fun and enjoyment?

It can only be said that we have no fate, and I can't keep it.

The rivers and lakes are predestined, and it is okay for us to meet in the future.

Okay, let's get down to business.

I hope that all book friends will take good precautions. It is quite uncomfortable to see that many people have been recruited by Huayang recently.

Hey, I didn't expect this move.

When I write the next book, I must add a realm of transforming Yin.

Finally, ask for a monthly pass!

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