I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 801 Chasing after thousands of miles!

Within the turbulent flow of the void, Chen Yuan remained expressionless, and a terrifying force of rules lingered all over his body, obliterating all the turbulent currents approaching him.

The speed is extremely fast, and you can jump a long distance in the blink of an eye, just like a gap, but in this way, the breath is bound to escape into the void.

He only knew that the aftermath of that battle had spread far away and might have alarmed the existence of the barbarian gods in the ancient wood royal court, but he didn't know that the opponent had already started galloping in the direction of Wangtian Peak at the beginning of the fight.

What really made him feel that something was wrong was the faint terrifying aura coming from behind. It was undisguised and rampant, even more terrifying than his speed.

The void interlayer is not a different-dimensional space, but just a barrier between the heaven and the earth and the starry sky. In fact, it still needs to rely on speed to control the space by itself.

It's just that it can hide its whereabouts and speed up.

"Fellow daoists ahead, stay!"

A low voice suddenly exploded in the void, resounding in the ears, and Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes suddenly, a little surprised that the barbarian god of the ancient wood royal court came so quickly.

As soon as his eyes moved, in just a moment, he quickly had a plan.

"Fellow Daoist summons me to live here, what can I do?"

Chen Yuan looked at the other party with a puzzled face, as if he didn't know the reason.

Wufeng Manshen was short in stature, with long and narrow eyes, and his face was a bit old, but he couldn't hide his real aura. He suppressed his anger and looked up and down at the young man in front of him and asked:

"Fellow Daoist is from Central Plains China?"


"Unknown taboo."

The Gumu Wangting is located in the northernmost part of the grassland, more than ten thousand miles away from the border of the Central Plains. He is a little confused about all kinds of news, and he is not sure who this person is.

After all, in order to lock his vitality, he always shows others that he is in a deep sleep. Unless there is a huge change, he will not leave the customs. Supporting the ancient and modern royal courts to attack the Central Plains is also the master of the ancient wooden royal court.

"My seat, Xiang Qianqiu."

Chen Yuan replied with a normal expression.

"Xiang Qianqiu, are you from the Xiang family?"


Wufeng Manshen's face was a bit gloomy, he naturally knew how powerful the members of the Xiang clan were, but now it was not Da Chu who was in charge of the Central Plains.

He also knows this.

If it is said to be jealous, it is not much.

"Who is Fellow Daoist?"

"Ancient Wood Tribe, Wufeng."

"What's the matter with blocking this seat?"

Chen Yuan stared at the other party and asked.

"Fellow Daoist, did you kill the divine beast Xuanwu on the ice field before?" Wu Feng didn't have any ink marks, and after asking who it was, he quickly explained his purpose.

"What mythical beast Xuanwu? I just came to the grassland to do some business. I just came to see the legendary ancient wood king's court. I don't know what fellow Taoists are talking about."

Chen Yuan frowned and replied.

"Fellow Daoist, don't you want to deceive me?"

"Heh, I, Xiang Qianqiu, always keep my word in my actions. Besides, you and I don't know each other, so why should I deceive you?" Chen Yuan snorted coldly, seeming a little dissatisfied.

"So that's the case." Wufeng Manshen's eyes flickered, he nodded thoughtfully, and immediately said:

"Since fellow daoist is not, I guess I have misunderstood you. Fellow daoist has come all the way to the ancient wood king's court. If I don't entertain you, it would seem that I am not polite.

Why don't you go back to the king's court with me to rest for a few days, just in time, you and I will also discuss it. "

Before fighting, he couldn't figure out the root of this person, but the power of rules shrouded in front of him could not be faked, and he was probably also an immortal.

Besides, he was indeed a little apprehensive about the Xiang family, he thought it would be safer to appease the tempter first, and wait for the other two royal courts' barbarian gods to arrive before taking action.

Of course, if the other party refuses directly, then he can't care so much and can only do it.


Chen Yuan nodded with his usual expression.

He directly agreed, which was beyond Wufeng Barbarian's expectation. Some people were not sure, and even suspected that this person did not do it. ?

"The fellow Taoist comes with me."

Wufeng Manshen was silent for a moment, and stretched out his hand.


Chen Yuan stepped forward without any scruples, as if he had a clear conscience, and his actions made Wufeng Manshen frown, a little suspicious, and his flickering eyes froze instantly.

The next moment, a wave of rule power instantly enveloped Chen Yuan.

Facing this kind of offensive, Chen Yuan did not move at all, despite the offensive, and when the rules completely enveloped him, he instantly shattered and disappeared in place.

"Damn, I was cheated!"

Wufeng Manshen's pupils shrank, his face was livid.

With the time for chatting, this Xiang Qianqiu didn't know where to go, the vast grassland. It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to find.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Feng was silent for a moment, then quickly opened his right arm, forcing out a few drops of blood, which turned into a bloody curtain, covering the surroundings.

The next moment, the blood curtain suddenly congealed and turned into a blood arrow, galloping towards a certain direction.

This is the witchcraft of the ancient wood royal court, called thousands of miles tracking, as long as you can sense the breath around it, as long as the other party has not escaped thousands of miles away, you can find the trace of the other party.

It's a pity that this technique is limited, it can only be used on the same person once, and it only has a range of about ten thousand miles. If the opponent escapes thousands of miles, it will be difficult to find.

Originally, he didn't want to use it now, but unfortunately he was cheated, that's all he could do.

"Two fellow daoists, Xiang Qianqiu, who has robbed our family's treasure, has fled to the southwest, hurry up and chase him down."

While chasing in the direction of the blood arrow, Wufeng barbarian quickly contacted the other two barbarian gods, hoping that they could pinch back and forth to stop this person.

"Xiang Qianqiu? This person has already fallen."


Wufeng Manshen's eyes turned cold. The other party even lied about his name, and he said it so confidently. He really... treated him like a monkey!

But at this time, hundreds of miles away, Chen Yuan was running at top speed, rampaging in the turbulent flow of the void, and began to flee at the fastest speed. As for Cai Cai, it was just a rule force left behind.

The purpose is to delay time.

It's not that he doesn't have the strength to fight against him, but before the opponent's strength is not clear, fighting is not a good choice. After all, he has just experienced a big battle.

Furthermore, this place is not the Central Plains, but the grasslands. Who knows how the friendship between the three royal courts is like? What if there are other barbarians?

It is the best choice to accept as soon as you see it.

A range of several hundred miles is enough for him to leave.

However, as soon as he had this thought, he felt a feeling of being spied on inexplicably in his heart, as if there was an invisible thread implicating him.

Chen Yuan's eyes sank. Although he didn't know what the method was, he probably had something to do with the barbarian god of the ancient wood royal court. The other party had already known his whereabouts.

It's a pity that there is no way to get rid of that feeling, and I can only run away quickly when my whereabouts are detected!

Originally, he wanted to change directions to confuse the other party, but now it seems that there is no need for this.

Invisible rules enveloped him, his speed suddenly increased, and he disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Such a forcible pursuit lasted for a full two hours, and the feeling of being spied on was getting lighter and lighter, but an inexplicable danger shrouded him somewhat.

He knew that the other party might not be far away from him.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Yuan immediately began to burn the power of Qi and blood, exchanging consumption for speed.

In the blink of an eye, several hours passed, and Chen Yuan still hadn't shaken off the cover of that tyrannical power. He burned his energy and blood in exchange for speed, and the opponent must have used some means.

It's a pity that he still hasn't broken through to the sixth realm after all, and there is still some gap between him and a real immortal, otherwise the other party will definitely not be able to draw the distance between them closer.

And when he was galloping, an offensive swept across the void in front of him instantly, and at the same time, there was a burst of shouting:

"Bold Central Plains thief, dare to invade our grassland!"

"Leave it!"

Another barbarian god of the royal court, appeared

Without hesitation, Chen Yuan took out the God Killing Spear instantly, and the power of the rules accumulated for a long time suddenly blasted over, and the two terrifying rules collided directly.

The endless aftermath swept in all directions, and the turbulence in the void within the range of the confrontation was instantly emptied at this moment.

The burning of qi and blood continued, Chen Yuan used all his strength, and all of them gathered on the God-killing Spear, in a completely desperate posture.

Immediately, the barbarian god of Gufeng Wangting was startled, and he retreated subconsciously, unwilling to accept this person's power. After all, he was only here to help, and it was not Gufeng Wangting who suffered a loss.

But it was precisely this retreat that directly gave way to Chen Yuan. He didn't even look at this person, and rushed over without any regrets.

The attitude of fighting for life is true, but it is also true not to want to fight.

"Dare to play with me!"

The barbarian god of Gufeng Wangting had an ugly expression on his face, and quickly chased after him.

As a result, there are two barbarian gods behind Chen Yuan, and the situation is even more unfavorable. It can be expected that the barbarian gods of the ancient Jin royal court are also waiting ahead.

Sensing that the feeling of being peeped in his body was about to disappear, Chen Yuan quickly made up his mind again. He is not a fairy, but he is no different from an ordinary fairy.

Without completely sealing the void, it is very difficult to completely block an immortal. Even if there is one, the invincible Xeon Soldier God Killing Spear can break it open.

Therefore, it is not that Chen Yuan has no chance.

Knowing that Chen Yuan escaped from the hands of the barbarian god of Gufeng Wangting again, Wufeng barbarian god was even more annoyed. He wanted to call that barbarian god a waste, but he didn't know how to prepare the witch formation in advance, wasting this opportunity for nothing.

But the other party came to help after all, if he scolded, the other party would not help directly, and he would be helpless, he could only curse himself secretly, and comfort him on the surface.

The chase continues!

It lasted for half a day, and Chen Yuan and the two barbarian gods had already crossed tens of thousands of miles of territory, and half of the grassland was swept by them. This is the real speed of immortals.

And it is driven to the extreme speed.

The two barbarian gods were speechless. After the man's cultivation was exposed, he obviously had not yet reached the level of the sixth realm, and he was able to compare with them in consumption.

Most importantly, they can't compare!

I really can't hold back my face.

But how did they know that Chen Yuan's energy and blood had actually been exhausted, and the reason why he was able to hold on was entirely because he absorbed the essence of Xuanwu's body.

Otherwise, I couldn't hold on anymore.

But the reckless increase in speed also brought disadvantages, that is, the peeping feeling on Chen Yuan's body had already disappeared, but such a large movement could not hide his aura at all.

The closest one to the two sides was only within ten miles, and it was almost fleeting. Therefore, he didn't even dare to stop for a moment, and just kept his head on his way.

"Friend Daoist, you can't escape, leave the things you snatched from the ancient wood court, and I can let you live!" Behind, the barbarian god of the ancient wind court shouted loudly.

As for Wu Feng's ambiguous treasure, he actually wanted to know what it was that could make him, who had always been prudent, lose his composure so much that he would not hesitate to ask the two of them for help to keep this person.

But for such words, Chen Yuan didn't care at all, and he didn't waver.

"Fellow Daoist. It is not easy to practice for a hundred years. Why seek death?"


At the right time, in the void in front of Chen Yuan, suddenly a giant palm held up to the sky from the depths of the outside world, and directly grabbed Chen Yuan. The barbarian god that the ancient Jin court had seen before finally came!

Chen Yuan was waiting for this moment.

The flesh body instantly cracked traces, and directly merged into the God Killing Spear, and an extremely terrifying momentum rose instantly, sweeping the world.

It was not necessary before that Chen Yuan did not want the other two barbarian gods to see through his reality, but at this time the three barbarian gods had already appeared, and he had to awaken a trace of Chu Taizu's brand.

Although he didn't want to use it very much, there was no other way at this time.

Within the turbulent flow of the void, a huge phantom slowly appeared, and once that astonishing power erupted, it enveloped the entire world. Without any accident, the barbarian god of the ancient gold court who had stretched out his hand quickly stopped , into the void.

Before leaving, he cursed:

"Wu Feng, how dare you trick me!"

With such a powerful power, he definitely reached the level of an earth immortal, and even surpassed this level. He didn't even have the idea of ​​fighting.

Same with him, there is the barbarian god of the ancient royal court, he quickly turned around, and ran away without any delay, very smooth.

But in his heart, he also scolded Wu Feng Manshen and Chen Yuan, scolded Wu Feng for not knowing the heights of heaven and earth, and scolded Chen Yuan for not using such methods early, so he had to cheat them at this time.

Chen Yuan's face was pale. Seeing the two barbarian gods leaving in shock, he quickly cut off the connection with Chu Taizu's brand. If he really stabbed that shot, he would probably have no strength to fight back after going through such a large amount of consumption. .

Even the basalt essence is useless, and before the breakthrough, he is really reluctant to use it, otherwise if it affects the breakthrough, it will be regrettable.

Fortunately, it is still bearable.

Chu Taizu's phantom slowly disintegrated, while Chen Yuan quickly tore open the void, and fled in another direction, without the existence of stalking behind and the scruples in front.

Unless the other party can still use the previous tracking methods, if the vast grassland wants to find him, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

By the time they find out it's wrong, it's too late

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