I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 802: Northern Liang Returns!

In the turbulence of the void.

The Gemu barbarian gods of the ancient Jin court and the Zhuming barbarian gods of the Gufeng royal court looked at each other, each of them was a little silent, and the atmosphere seemed very quiet.

And the territory they are in is also the place where they fought before.

After being startled away by Chu Taizu's aura, they found that the terrifying existence hadn't made a move, and felt something was wrong, so they came to investigate carefully.

As a result, it was discovered that the previous person had long since disappeared without a trace.

They have been tricked!

"Who is that person? Have you ever known him?" Zhuming Manshen looked at Gemu Manshen and asked. Among the three great royal courts, the Ancient Jin Royal Court is the closest to the Central Plains.

It is at war with the Central Plains almost every year, and has the deepest understanding of the current Central Plains.

"Human race."

Manshen Gemu recognized Chen Yuan and knew some information about him. When he saw his face, he recognized him as the one who spoiled him in front of Liangzhou City.

I have been paying attention to his movements all the time, knowing his current achievements, but before the words fell, a powerful aura descended on this place.

The two looked back, only to see Wufeng Manshen appearing in front of them with a gloomy face, staring at the two of them and asked:

"What about the guy from the Central Plains?"



Wufeng Manshen's pupils shrank deeply, and he was a little startled and angry. He had been searching all the way so far, but he ran away! ! !

"When the man fought, he used a method, showing the terrifying power beyond the level of the earth immortal. The two of us were caught off guard, so we had to avoid it, but in the end, we were tricked by that man."

"Where did you go?"

"I don't know."


"Why, do you still want to reprimand us?" Gujin Wang Tingge Mu Manshen frowned, a little displeased, they came to help, and they were not Wufeng's subordinates.

Even though his seniority is the highest, but they both belong to the Sixth Realm, who is lower than the other?

"I just can't help it."

"Don't you Ancient Wood Royal Court have 'Ten Thousand Miles Tracking'? Maybe it's too late to use it now."

"It's been used before."

Wufeng Manshen said with a sullen face.

"What did that person take away from the ancient wood royal court to make you so angry?" Zhu Ming barbarian gods asked casually with their gazes moving.

"He destroyed the sacred mountain of my Gumu clan."

"Hehe, this thing is just a symbol, just recast one, why should you be so angry?" Hearing the words, the two barbarian gods were a little disbelieving.


Naturally Wufeng Manshen didn't want to tell them the specific reason, otherwise after regaining the Xuanwu body, he would inevitably give them two shares.

"Who is that person, do you ever recognize him?" Wu Feng frowned and asked.

Gemu Barbarian:

"This person is an existence that currently dominates half of the Central Plains. He is known as the King of Yan. He has millions of soldiers under his command. The strong have nothing to count. He is respected as the number one in the Central Plains Tianbang."

"No. 1 on the Heaven Ranking List, yet to step into the Sixth Realm?" Wufeng Manshen didn't quite believe it. When he was chasing him before, he exhausted all means but failed to catch up with him.

As for the Tianbang, he has also heard that it is the ranking below the Six Realms of the Central Plains.

"Don't underestimate this person. Although he hasn't stepped into the sixth realm, he is able to fight across the ranks. His hands have been stained with the blood of an immortal. He is no different from an immortal. When the royal court invaded Liangzhou in the Central Plains, he was the one who disturbed the world. It's a good thing, at that time...he hadn't stepped into the fifth realm yet, so he was a difficult guy."

"Is there any more?"

"Fellow Wufeng don't think about going to the Central Plains to get him right away. According to the news I have learned, not only are there other immortals helping him, but there are also earth immortals who can hide in the dark.

Even the Buddha of Buddhism failed to kill him twice. "

"He is at the peak of the Yang God, half-immortal, and can let the Earth Immortal make a move?" Wu Feng was somewhat disbelieving.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it and see if I lied to you."

Gemu Barbarian snorted coldly.

"Then how to get this person?"

Wu Feng still didn't want to give up.

Gemu Manshen immediately said:

"It's easy to take this person down. The three royal courts have joined forces to attack the Central Plains, instead of the two of you splitting up and pretending that after taking the Central Plains, what losses can't be made up for?"


The barbarian gods hesitated a little and did not respond immediately.

Their two royal courts are too far away from the Central Plains, so they can't move there. Wouldn't it be the ancient gold court who will benefit the most?

"Today, Wufeng Barbarian God summoned me. The reason why I came here is also for the sake of the alliance. Now the Central Plains is in chaos, and all parties are fighting. However, in just half a year, half of the Central Plains has been unified.

If my grassland barbarians ignore it, when Chen Yuan completely dominates the Central Plains and the luck of heaven and earth increases, he will be another Chu Taizu who sweeps across the grassland.

Do you want to reproduce the catastrophe that happened thousands of years ago? "

Gemu Manshen asked in a deep voice.

"The matter of attacking the Central Plains is too great."

Zhu Ming barbarian shook his head.

"Short-sighted, fellow Daoist Wufeng, you are near the ice field, don't you know that the ice field is covering the grassland faster and faster? Could it be possible to annex the Central Plains after the ice field's snow covers the grassland?"

Wufeng Manshen's eyes flickered, he was silent for a moment, and nodded:

"The ancient wood king's court has been gradually migrating. In another hundred years, two-tenths of the current grassland will be covered with ice and snow, making it uninhabitable."

"One hundred years, one fifth, another five hundred years, the grassland may be wiped out, if you don't do it now, when will you do it?" Gemu Manshen said in a low voice.

"Gemu, you are in the southern border of the grassland, adjacent to the Central Plains, what do you think should be done?" Wufeng Manshen continued.

"Your two royal courts have brought out your best elites, joined forces with the ancient Jin royal court, gathered millions of elite cavalry, and wiped out the Central Plains in one fell swoop, with you and me joining forces to sit in town.

Even if the entire Central Plains cannot be conquered, it is still enough to occupy the three northern states of the Central Plains, and after that, we will gradually plan to integrate all the tribes of our grassland into the Central Plains."

"The three royal courts join forces, who will be respected?"

The savage gods looked at Gemu.

"The three royal courts merged into one, following the example of the previous Xiongnu royal court, and elected the real Great Khan to lead the tribes of the grassland, and the three of you and I shared the position of barbarian gods and were equal to each other.

If there are major issues, discuss with each other. "

"I'm afraid it won't be easy."

Wu Feng is the oldest and has seen the most events. He knows how difficult it is for the three royal courts to unite. I am afraid that none of the three royal families is willing to submit to others.

"The years will smooth everything out."

Ge Mu stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes deep.

"Let's conspire with the Central Plains first, this matter will be discussed later."

Seeing that the two had reached an agreement, Zhuming Manshen nodded immediately.

On the other hand, Chen Yuan, who had successfully escaped, didn't know at all that because of his attack this time, it accelerated the cooperation of the three royal courts in the grassland.

He only knew that before he left the grassland, it was still very dangerous and he couldn't relax his vigilance.

On the way back to the Central Plains, Chen Yuan changed direction several times, and it took five full days to find that he was completely safe before returning to the border of the Central Plains with a sigh of relief.

He didn't immediately go to Nanzhou Jiulong Mountain to break through, not because he was not in a hurry, but because he wanted to see Wei Jinfeng again and heal his injuries by the way.

After all, he had to continue recuperating after returning home.

Besides, with Wei Jinfeng's strength, he still can't hurt him now.

Galloping all the way, Chen Yuan soon found out that Wei Jinfeng was now inside the border of Liangzhou, confronting the grassland army outside, and was constantly training troops.

What's more, when he arrived at Jianmen Pass, the barbarians were attacking, but now they didn't have the momentum of the last large-scale invasion. They just used various machines to go to the city while condensing the battle formation.

The setting sun is like blood, and the fights shake the sky.

Standing on the mountain peaks on both sides of Jianmen Pass, Chen Yuan watched the battle with his own eyes, as if he had returned to the time when the 700,000 barbarians rode horses on the Central Plains.

It's just that compared to the past, the him now is not what he used to be.

Even with a move, this battle can be eliminated.

However, he didn't do anything, just watched quietly.

From the three barbarian gods joining forces to surround him, it can be seen that they must have known it when the beast Xuanwu was in existence, and it was extremely important that he did not help them, but harmed them.

Once the traces are leaked, the three barbarian gods will be ushered in.

Liangzhou, can't stop it!

When the sun was setting, the prairie general Ming Jin withdrew his troops, ending another battle. The soldiers defending the city were exhausted and began to change their defenses.

Wearing a golden armor and great cloak, Wei Jinfeng, king of Northern Liang, stood at the gate of the sword and was silent. He didn't know when this great war would end and when the Central Plains would be unified.

When he was thinking, suddenly he frowned, and a familiar voice came from his ears.

After hesitating for a moment, he ordered the generals around him to guard the city gate, then disappeared into the void in place, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared on the left side of Jianmen Pass to cap it off.

In front of him, stood a young man in a black robe, looking at the battlefield below with his hands behind his back, his brows were as calm as water.

"Why does King Yan have the time to come here?"

Wei Jinfeng walked to Chen Yuan's side and said slowly.

Chen Yuan turned his face sideways, with a smile on his face:

"This is also the place where the king once fought, why can't he come?"

"It seems that Wei is stingy."

Wei Jinfeng shook his head.

"You, King of Beiliang, have never been stingy."

"Why does Yan Wang put a high hat on Wei, you can speak up if you have something to say, there is some friendship between you and me, so there is no need to see outsiders."

"Okay, then the king will speak directly."


Chen Yuan looked at the northern sky and said in a concentrated voice:

"In a corner of Liangzhou, there are only 300,000 cavalry to death. They can't stop the Gujin Royal Court. It's just that they haven't taken the real action. If there is a war, the people of Liangzhou will suffer disaster!"


"So, submit to this king, and I will block the grassland for you."

"It turns out that King Yan came to persuade him to surrender."

Wei Jinfeng laughed out loud, but he wasn't really surprised, because he had already expected this day, especially when Chen Yuan was in the south, watching the world, he knew it was not far away.

It is really unacceptable to just belong to a former subordinate.

"Your Wei family has worked so hard to guard the northern border for the Central Plains. It is worthy of this king's personal visit. But this is the first and last time. This king admires the ambition of King Liang, but he will not forget the big things because of it."

Chen Yuan said seriously.

"To receive such praise from the King of Yan, it is not in vain that I have fought bloody battles for many years." Wei Jinfeng smiled heartily, Chen Yuan is not the former Liangzhou Golden Envoy, but now the number one in the list.

Even he is far behind.

To be praised by such an existence, he feels at ease.

"Then what does King Liang want to do?"

"Hehe, the king of Yan has achieved great power, what can Wei do? If he refuses, not only Liangzhou will disappear, but my Wei clan will also disappear completely."

"No, for the sake of love back then, this king will leave blood to the Wei family."

"That's a real thank you."


"When do you want this king to surrender?"

Wei Jinfeng asked with a smile.

"Won't King Liang ask about the conditions given by this king?" Chen Yuan's mouth twitched.

"Almost forgot, King Yan might as well talk about it."

"The Prince of Liang is attached to you, and Liangzhou will still be guarded by you from now on. The 300,000 cavalry will still be given to you, according to the conditions given by the Great Jin."

"King Yan is not afraid that the king will rebel after he has accumulated enough strength?"

Wei Jinfeng frowned, a little surprised.

He originally thought that it would be very difficult for Chen Yuan to give him a throne. After all, the current Yan army is different from the original Da Jin. cool army.

However, Chen Yuan's general situation has already been achieved, and there are so many strong men under his command, and he is an arbitrary character. It is hard to imagine that he will let the Beiliang army grow.

"You deserve it, and besides, it's not a good position. If you're in power for a day, Liangzhou can't afford to lose, or this king will cut down the vassal.

As for the rebellion, do you think this king is afraid? "

"As for King Yan's words, if the Wei family really has objections in the future, they can be punished regardless of friendship. This king cares about Liangzhou, not the Wei family."

Wei Jinfeng said in a deep voice.

"There is no urgent matter of surrendering. This king will send a message to you, but before you do it again, you must first take down Youzhou completely. If it doesn't work, this king will send troops to come here."

"Zhongzhou can be taken down easily, isn't King Yan planning to do it?"

"The time has not yet come."


"Let's go, King Liang, take care, and be careful of the grassland."

"Wait a minute."

Wei Jinfeng suddenly stopped Chen Yuan.

"What else?"

Chen Yuan looked back.

"Xiang Qianqiu really died at your hands?" Wei Jinfeng asked very seriously.


Hearing Chen Yuan's categorical answer, Wei Jinfeng was suddenly in a daze. The Chen Yuan at this time was really very similar to the Xiang Qianqiu he saw in the barracks back then.

Not only the appearance, but also the temperament.

"King Yan take care."


Chen Yuan tore open the void and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Wei Jinfeng sighed softly, looking at the battlefield below, he didn't come back to his senses for a long time, and vaguely thought of more than two hundred years ago.

Sima Yuande seemed to be standing here too, promising him these conditions.

Dynasty is a cycle.

The Wei family uses the town here.

It seems that it is not bad

There is nothing wrong with being a king with a different surname, except for being a bit desolate.


Next, start to break through the six realms.

It's almost over too.

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