I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 815: The God-killing Spear Unleashed, Immortals Fall!

Lanzhou, Oblique Moon Mansion.

The golden light shone across the world, and compassion permeated the heaven and earth. Lu Chengfeng smiled and indulged in the Buddha's kingdom in the palm of the Buddha, as if he had been transformed.

The corner of the Buddha's mouth in the void also evoked a faint smile, as if he was very satisfied with the current situation.

The Buddha Kingdom in his palm is the supernatural power that he has cultivated for many years and has accumulated great achievements. It is where his cultivation base is, and there is no upper limit, as he understands the rules more deeply.

This Buddha country will become more and more real, until one day, it will be transformed into a realm, at that time, he will not age, die, live forever, and transcend the long river of time.

The stronger Xiaoyaozi is, the stronger he is, but in the face of his methods, won't he still sink?

He doesn't expect that the Buddha Kingdom in his palm can trap him to death forever, because this is unrealistic, but there is still hope if he is severely injured and trapped here for a period of time.

The Buddha sat cross-legged, with his palms in front of his knees, and one after another Buddhist voices blessed the Buddha Kingdom.

After a while.

Just when the Buddha thought that Lu Chengfeng had completely fallen into it, suddenly, Lu Chengfeng, who had been quiet all this time, stretched out his arms and opened his eyes.

It seemed that he had just woken up.

The Buddha's complexion changed instantly, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

"This Buddhist country is not bad. It's rare for this old man to want to sleep. It's a pity that he has to wake up early because he has other things to do." Lu Chengfeng looked up at the Buddha and smiled.

"Benefactor. Good means."

The Buddha was silent for a while, and spit out a few words.

"Fellow Daoist holds the Buddha Kingdom in his palm. I have already experienced it. Does the Buddha still need to learn how to teach me?" Lu Chengfeng asked with a faint smile.

"No need, Lingshan won't interfere this time."

The Buddha said in a deep voice.

"Then thank you."

"However, the poor monk still wants to warn the benefactor."

"Buddha please speak."

"Even if Chen Yuan is under siege from three sides this time, it will not be so simple when the Immortal Realm comes. It is not easy for the benefactor to practice. Don't make mistakes. It is best to leave the Middle Earth and return to overseas."

"Thank you Buddha for your warning, the old man understands."


Lu Chengfeng returned with the wind, and a cloud of fairy mist condensed under his body, which turned into a cloud of shock, and disappeared into the sky in an instant, until there was no trace left.

The Buddha looked at the other person's leaving figure, narrowed his eyes slightly, and remained silent for a long time.

The battle in Lanzhou has come to an end, but the battle outside Jianmen Pass has reached the most intense level at this time.

The earth cracked and the void twisted.

Phantoms supporting the sky gathered together, sword qi swept across the void, and blood qi condensed into battle formations, stirring up the wind and clouds. The golden light and the sun set off with extraordinary power.

Looking around, there are all the sounds of fighting.

Holding a real martial arts sword, the old master of Wudang Mountain completely broke out his combat power, and even inspired his own madness. He was worthy of the name of an old lunatic, and directly dragged the ancient and modern king's barbarian god Gemu into the turbulent void.

There was a terrifying roar, and there were continuous muffled explosions.

Mo Luo, whose golden light and magic light complement each other, is surrounded by magic flames all over the sky, and golden lotus with Buddha light under his feet. It seems to be diametrically opposite, but in fact it is very harmonious.

The barbarian god who pulled Gufeng Wangting left the vicinity of Jianmen Pass, and started a real battle between humans and immortals, Buddhist supernatural powers, and self-realization of magic.

Confronted with the supernatural powers of the prairie gods, the great witches, and the support of the gods.

The ground was cracked and the sky collapsed, the void was shattered, the mountains with a radius of tens of miles were abruptly interrupted, and several rivers were cut off in the middle and diverted directly.

The turbulent flow of the void continued to escape, like two gods and demons.

This is the horror of immortals.

Changing the world is not just talk, if you are in a busy city, it is even enough to overthrow everything, then ordinary people, low-level warriors, are no different from ants.

The ones under the greatest pressure were the soldiers of the Northern Liang Army in Jianmen Pass, as well as Wei Jinfeng.

The prairie cavalry outside were stronger than the Beiliang army in terms of quantity and quality, and the resulting battle was even more horrifying under the guidance of the barbarian god.

In terms of attack power alone, it is no less than the means of an immortal.

In order to resist, thousands of soldiers of the Northern Liang Army fell down and turned into shriveled corpses. As for their blood, they had all been sucked away by the formation regardless of the cost.

There are still more soldiers of the Northern Liang Army who are gnashing their teeth and trying to hold on, and they will not hesitate to take the elixir that forcibly condenses blood and qi at the last moment, destroying the foundation, just to prevent the barbarians from stepping into the land of the Central Plains.

As for Wei Jinfeng, he is only the peak of Yangshen. Even with the support of a large formation, the blessing of Wudang Mountain's background, and a lot of energy and blood, he can only last for a while.

How can they resist the Wufeng Barbarian God of the Gumu Royal Court when the backlash comes together?

There are also those Central Plains warriors who spilled blood on the battlefield, all of them are desperate, defying life and death, forcibly resisting the strong men from the three great royal courts of the Northern Man.

The balance of war is already tilting towards the northern barbarians.

Compared with other lines of defense, this is undoubtedly the most difficult!

"Hmph, mere Yang God, let me see how long you can hold back?!" Wufeng Barbarian snorted coldly, and the endless power of rules turned into a giant hand and reached out into the void.

Wei Jinfeng waved the magic weapon, his face was covered with bloodstains, and he shouted sharply:

"Then try it!"

Above the East China Sea.

Once Ye Xiangnan, Jianghe and the others broke out, it was tantamount to bullying the small with the big. The Yang Gods on the opposite side were directly pushed into the disadvantaged almost in a face-to-face.

At the same time, the prepared army in Emperor Wu's city also quickly opened the city gate and rushed towards the Dongpu warriors outside.

Without the restraint of the immortals, Wudi City, as the largest city in the Central Plains, and the strength of the second immortal sect, is undoubtedly extremely terrifying. Coupled with the help of many warriors, it also has the upper hand.

Compared with Beiman, Dongpu is still far behind.

At this time, the confrontation in the turbulent void was also continuing, and Chen Yuan was not interested in talking about anything with Liu Shengjun and the other Dongying Immortal.

He just wanted to kill each other.

The combat power displayed by the half-step Martial God Realm is extremely terrifying. Once the rules of the inner world of the body are integrated with the rules of the outer world, they are simply incomparable with ordinary rules.

It seems that it is not a thing of the same level, and it is not an exaggeration to call it crushing. As soon as they fought, Liu Shengjun and Muto Kamii felt extremely huge pressure.

Even if his sword light filled the sky, covered by a blood curtain, he couldn't stop a god-killing shot.

As for the God-killing Spear, it seemed that he had found some familiar feelings, and he was extremely excited, with a strong murderous and evil spirit that was twice as strong as before.

"The sea of ​​blood is lifeless!"

Muto Kamii with a dignified face cut open his own body without hesitation, and forced out drops of blood to melt into the blood sword. This is his most powerful method.

The sword is nourished with blood, and the edge is restrained.

The blood sword was shrouded in thick blood light, and a trace of extremely fine blood-colored sword energy slashed out. The terrifying sharp aura cut through everything and annihilated all turbulence.

Death with one sword!

Liu Shengjun pulled out the magic sword of the Liu Sheng clan and held it with both hands. The two regular flowers on the top of his head shone with light, and streams of light merged into the magic knife.

Step out with one step, and the sword glow pierces the sky.

One sword, one knife, Qi Qi blasted towards Chen Yuan, from left to right, blocking Chen Yuan's retreat.

But, the problem is, Chen Yuan never thought of retiring.

The physical body burst into divine light, and the five internal organs sang together. Chen Yuan held the gun in both hands, and swung it suddenly like a stick, and in an instant, it condensed into a semicircular arc-shaped full moon.

Suppress the bloody sword energy directly.

Then, Chen Yuan stabbed back, and the huge phantom behind him pressed down with his palm, directly grabbed Liu Shengjun's blade light, and crushed it forcefully.

The rhythm of the confrontation did not stagnate because of this, Chen Yuan's figure flickered, flashing across the streamer and hitting Liu Shengjun directly, the terrifying power of the rules was condensed at one point, and everything he passed was destroyed.

Once the powerful power erupts, it will be overwhelming.


Liu Shengjun's eyes were extremely solemn, and he retreated quickly. At the same time, he swung the magic knife with all his strength, and the knife light, hundreds of feet in size, slashed directly at Chen Yuan's face, trying to block the blow.

But it was just an ordinary straight stab, and the blade glow instantly disintegrated.

Muto Kamii let out a cold snort, his body was full of energy and blood, and he went straight to catch up, instead of running away because of this, he went directly to meet him, wanting to save Liu Shengjun.

He is not only the leader of Dongpu martial arts today, but also has kindness to him. He must not die under Chen Yuan's gun, otherwise, the blow to Dongpu will be too great.

The catastrophe is approaching, and there must be an existence that can control everything. Muto Kamii is a lonely swordsman, and he thinks he can't do it, so only those who can do it can survive.

"If you want to kill Senior Liu Sheng, kill me first!"

One after another blood shadows filled the air, covering the void, hundreds of thousands of blood shadows absorbed the vitality of the world, and when they reached their peak, the blood shadows merged into one.

The sword energy turned into a blood dragon and merged with him, and the strong rules enveloped the whole body, and roared towards Chen Yuan.

"court death!"

Chen Yuan's eyes turned cold, and he quickly turned around. The sword light made him feel the danger, and he turned around and stabbed with the God-killing Spear without hesitation.


When the gun light pierced the blood dragon, it shattered inch by inch, as if it was directly defeated, but at this critical moment, Muto Kamii, who was holding the blood god sword, jumped out, condensed the rules at one point, and made a surprise attack on Chen Yuan.

This is the stupidest way to play. After all, the six realms of Yuanshen are stronger than the rules, and the six realms of physical body are stronger than the physical body. As long as you get close, you will almost settle your fate.

But at this time, this is the best way to play.

Because their rules couldn't hurt Chen Yuan, they were directly crushed, so they could only forcibly gather the rules to one point, so as to hurt or even kill Chen Yuan.

The god-killing spear pierced Muto Kamii's left chest and passed through directly. The strong evil spirit and the power of rules destroyed his remaining vitality.

However, the Blood God Sword only pierced into Chen Yuan's flesh.

The two sides were deadlocked in place, and the corner of Chen Yuan's mouth curled into a smile:

"That's it?"

With the rules of the physical body protecting him, it was impossible for the Blood God Sword to seriously injure him, it could only cause him some flesh injuries, but what was such an injury to a warrior who had a sanctified body?

"Senior Yagyu, let's go!"

Muto Kamii's eyes were red, and he growled.

Liu Shengjun took a deep breath, turned around and wanted to escape, leaving a sentence:

"Muto Daoyou, Japan will remember you."

"You, none of you can leave!"

Chen Yuan grabbed the sword with his right hand and pulled it out bit by bit, but Muto Kamii smiled crazily and said:

"Chen Yuan, you are the strongest human immortal I have ever seen, it is indeed impossible to kill you, but this does not mean that I am a waste.

If you are strong, you are strong, but you are not immortal. Senior Liu Sheng wants to leave, but if you want to stop him, pass me first. "


Muto Kamii opened his mouth and roared, directly and forcibly blew up the blood god sword and the primordial spirit inside the altar, and the terrifying power of chaotic rules enveloped a radius of hundreds of feet in an instant.

Chen Yuan's gaze was fixed, and he stepped back directly.


The terrifying roar resounded through the heaven and earth, directly penetrating the void, and the human immortal self-destructed at close range. Although it was not as terrifying as the physical body, once the chaotic rules erupted, it was extremely troublesome.

Directly turning a radius of hundreds of feet into a Jedi, was strangled by the power of chaotic rules.

Liu Shengjun looked back at the rising regular divine light, his eyes were rather dim, on the one hand he felt sorry for Muto Kamii's fall.

He is afraid that he will never find other Dongying Immortals again, and the loss can be described as heavy.

On the other hand, it is the depression in my heart, I gambled everything, and I did not hesitate to call on Dongying to invade, but in the end, it was no match for Chen Yuan's shot.

But before he continued to escape, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, holding a god-killing gun, looking at him with a half-smile, it was Chen Yuan!

"This king said, none of you can leave!"

"You, how could you"

Liu Shengjun's pupils shrank deeply, in disbelief.

He knew that Muto Kamii would not hesitate to fall, and the Primordial Spirit rule that he had to activate would not be able to kill Chen Yuan, but at least he could delay it for a while, but now, the other party was unscathed, and directly spanned over ten miles away , walking in front of him, impossible, impossible! ! ! !

"This king's supernatural powers are so powerful that you can imagine?" Chen Yuan smiled lightly. It was indeed dangerous before. If he was entangled in chaotic rules, he would definitely be delayed.

But, he has supernatural powers!

Since stepping into the sixth realm, the primordial spirit's supernatural power of 'void stagnation' has far surpassed that before, he can directly confine the void, and he has already left the center in an instant before it exploded.

Therefore, apart from some flesh wounds just now, I did not receive any other trauma.

"The old man will withdraw from the Central Plains immediately, is King Yan willing to stop?"

Liu Shengjun took a deep breath and asked solemnly.

Chen Yuan shook his head:

"Speaking of which, you all have to die, so none of you can go back alive. You are for Dongpu, and this king is for Central Plains China."

"That's it, old man"

"Go to hell."

Chen Yuan's eyes were slightly cold, and the rules of heaven and earth in his body erupted in an instant. He was blessed with the God-killing Spear, and directly enveloped the surrounding world. The next moment, he didn't even have a chance to speak to the other party, and directly threw the God-killing Spear.


Liu Shengjun gritted his teeth fiercely, and immediately activated the magic knife in his hand, but in front of the God Killing Spear, his indestructible magic knife exploded instantly, and the fragments scattered everywhere.


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