I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 816: Valkyrie Chance!

Seeing such a scene, Liu Shengjun's complexion suddenly changed drastically, and he felt that he was locked in by a deep energy, unable to avoid it, unable to escape.


Without the slightest hesitation, Liu Shengjun immediately made a decision, and the power of rules around him instantly condensed, turning into a void barrier of rules in front of him.

It is hoped that with such means, Chen Yuan's offensive can be blocked.


Sometimes, the expectations are as great as the disappointments.

The God Killing Spear that pierced through the sky seemed to have directly transformed into a black dragon, swaying a way forward, and the turbulent flow of the void instantly collapsed and disappeared.

It was in front of me in an instant.

The God-killing Spear pierced the barrier of rules, and the void seemed to be completely frozen at this moment, but it was only for a short moment. At the next moment, the rules on the God-killing Spear exploded, directly melting away Liu Shengjun's defense.


The head of the God-killing Spear directly pierced Liu Shengjun's neck, blasting him away, and nailing him into the void, very similar to when Xiang Qianqiu fell.

The power of rules condensed by Chen Yuan instantly seemed like a huge net, directly enveloping Liu Shengjun in it, killing his vitality, no matter how hard he struggled, it would be of no avail.

"uh ho ho"

Liu Shengjun raised his hands, trying to pull out the god-killing spear stuck in Bo's neck, but he couldn't use any strength in his body. It was not only the body that was suppressed, but also the soul.

He is now not much stronger than a low-level warrior.

Chen Yuan came in the air, with a calm face, looking down at Liu Shengjun, as if he hadn't experienced a big battle just now, but just a trivial warm-up.

Chen Yuan is very satisfied with his current strength!

No wonder the physical sanctification meeting is so difficult, which caused countless warriors to fail sadly, forming a natural moat, blocking the footsteps of countless warriors in the past thousand years.

Because it is strong!

too strong!

Entering the sixth realm for the first time, relying on some rules of the primordial spirit, can form a qualitative change and crush the old-fashioned immortals. If such heaven-defying combat power is everywhere, wouldn't it be too simple?

Before, he only estimated his own strength, which was almost comparable to the existence of the peak human immortal, but now, he can be sure that most of the human immortals are not his opponents.

If you step into the Martial God, dual systems and six realms, you can be called invincible under the Earth Immortal, even the great powers of the Earth Immortal in the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm can also have the power to fight.

At the beginning, Chu Taizu, who claimed to be invincible in the world and a peerless martial god, even guessed that he might not have a dual system to reach the level of a fairy, otherwise, who can match?

Above the six realms?

"Chen Yuan."

Liu Shengjun raised his head, holding the god-killing gun tightly in both hands, and stared at Chen Yuan, his eyes were full of shock and frustration. He has been in the Six Realms for so many years.

He is the well-deserved No. 1 powerhouse in Dongpu, but he can't stop Chen Yuan's shot!

He underestimated Chen Yuan too much.

It led to today's disaster, but he thought he did nothing wrong. The catastrophe of Dongpu came. As the leader of Dongpu, how could he not think of a way out?

If you want to blame, you can only blame the Central Plains Shenzhou for being too terrifying, worthy of the essence of heaven and earth. Thousands of years ago, there was a Chu Taizu who swept the world, and Dongying couldn't hold its head back for hundreds of years.

Thousands of years later, another king of Yan, Chen Yuan, appeared again. It is foreseeable that the darkest moment of a thousand years will be repeated again.

I don't know what will happen to Japan after a thousand years.

"You are too weak."

Chen Yuan raised his hand and said casually, a power of rules condensed in his palm.

"Don't be so proud that the Central Plains is surrounded by enemies on all sides. The descendants will surely come back in the future."

Liu Shengjun issued his own curse with difficulty.

He is not Chen Yuan's opponent, but who can say what will happen in the future?

He didn't believe that Dongpu, the most dignified overseas country, would not be favored by heaven and earth, and would not be able to produce a talented descendant like Chen Yuan.

"Dongpu. There is no future."

Chen Yuan smiled lightly, and the power of rules in his hands fell directly on him.

Japan must be destroyed.

Regardless of the slogan he shouted before or the current hatred, it is impossible for him to let Dongpu continue to survive, not only Dongpu, but also the northern barbarians, the southern demons, and the Western Regions.

When the strength is reached, Chen Yuan will completely solve these places and no longer let them become hidden dangers.


Liu Shengjun still wanted to say something, but when the rules fell on him, he still couldn't say it after all. The light of the rules kept shining and gradually melted them.

Even the body of the primordial spirit was wiped out.

Sensing Liu Shengjun's gradually disappearing aura, Chen Yuan took a deep breath. Finally, in the shortest possible time, he solved the threat from the Eastern Line of Defense. I don't know what happened to Liangzhou.

As for the West, with Lu Chengfeng around, he wasn't too worried.

Before the time was pulled back, the battle at Jianmen Pass was about to come to an end, but the ending was completely opposite to the battle in the East China Sea. Liangzhou was defeated.

The first to be defeated was Northern Liang King Wei Jinfeng.

He had reached the limit, and the powerful strength he had obtained from the previous explosion finally ushered in a backlash, his flesh was cracked inch by inch, and cracks appeared in his hands.

It hurt like a bone scraping.


Wei Jinfeng roared angrily, full of unwillingness, he insisted until this point, but it was still not enough, not enough! ! !


Wufeng Manshen pointed out that the terrifying power of rules directly penetrated Wei Jinfeng, like a kite with a broken string, it directly hit the city wall of Jianmen Pass.


"My lord!"

"My lord!"

Several people exclaimed, and quickly stepped forward to help Wei Jinfeng, but at this time his breath was weak, his seven orifices were bleeding, and his eyes were a little blurred, and he murmured:

"Liangzhou. Immortal"

With bright red overflowing from his mouth, Wei Jinfeng's viscera were completely shattered, his heart stopped beating, and his raised right hand fell to the ground feebly.

The top five in the Tianbang, Northern Liang King Wei Jinfeng, fell here


The eldest son Wei Wuque burst into tears on the spot, his eyes full of hatred.

A desolate atmosphere quickly spread in Jianmen Pass, casting an invisible haze on everyone.

"Hmph, a mere Yang God is also worthy of resisting me?"

Wufeng Manshen laughed wildly, and stepped forward with one step. The endless power of rules poured directly into the defensive formation of Jianmen Pass to resist it, and said with a cold snort:

"After breaking the city, don't seal the knife!"




The northern barbarian army, which had been blinded by qi and blood, kept roaring, and their momentum rose again and again.

The void was distorted, and a fairy sword descended from the sky, like a beam of light, piercing through the sky and the earth. The old celestial master with long hair and pizza, with red eyes, slashed at Wufeng Manshen.

"If you want to enter the Central Plains, first step on Lao Tzu's body!"

"Hmph, old lunatic, you haven't beaten me yet."

In the distorted void, a vortex with the size of a thousand feet was condensed, and a void hand protruded from it, as if it came from another realm.

Shoot directly at the old master.


Just at the right time, a Buddha's name sounded between the heaven and the earth, and a golden body came through the air, directly blocking the giant palm, and the two collided together.

Moro is back too.

At the moment when Wei Jinfeng was defeated, the two of them already knew that there was no time for any other emotions, the most important thing was to come to support first.

Otherwise, once the formation at Jianmenguan is broken, the northern barbarian army will be transferred to deal with them again, and it would be an extravagant hope to leave.

It was definitely an unequal confrontation between two immortals and three barbarians, but they had no choice but to hold on until they couldn't hold on.

As soon as they left, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Northern Liang army in Jianmen Pass, as well as the tens of millions of people in Liangzhou, would all be reduced to blood and buried under the iron heels of alien races.

Counting from the beginning of this battle, a full day has passed, the setting sun is like blood, and the number of fallen soldiers in Jianmen pass has exceeded tens of thousands.

The eldest son Wei Wuque held a long halberd and dyed his battle robe blood red. He was exhausted to the extreme. Of course, the northern barbarian side was not without damage.

It's just that in comparison, the Beiliang Army suffered more casualties.

Not only are they not strong enough at the top, but they are far from enough even at the mid-to-high end. Half of the Wudang Seven Sons have fallen, and more than half of the martial artists in Liangzhou Jianghu have been killed or injured.

But maybe everyone has forgotten the fear of death, or was dazzled by the killing breath, in short, no one retreated.

"Moluo, why are you so desperate? If you continue to fight, both of you will die here." The barbarian gods of Gufengwangting laughed.

Want to force the two of them to retreat.

"I heard that you, a bald donkey, have the closest relationship with Chen Yuan. He robbed my family's treasure before, and he will use you to repay it. Let's see if Chen Yuan dares to take revenge."

Wufeng Barbarian's voice also sounded.

Mo Luo didn't say a word, his eyes were dignified, and he tried his best to resist the offensive of the barbarian god, but with two enemies and three, he was still unavoidably at a disadvantage. Both he and the old heavenly master had already suffered serious injuries at this moment.

"Fellow Daoist Moro, what should we do?"

The crazy old Tianshi felt a little bit of retreat under the heavy pressure in his heart at this time, not because he was afraid of death, but because he felt that it was really worthless to die here.

But if you want to give up, wouldn't those who fell in this battle die in vain?

"hold on"

Moro responded via voice transmission.

"Waiting for what?"


"Chen Yuan is here?"

The old Tianshi's eyes lit up, as if he had already seen hope. If Chen Yuan came, with his strength, he would be able to stop a barbarian no matter what.

In this way, things took a turn for the better.

"It's not Chen Yuan, it's another fellow Taoist."

"That Earth Immortal?"

The old master quickly thought of the existence behind Chen Yuan.

If it was him, he would win today.


"Okay, that poor man will go all out."

The old celestial master laughed, holding the real martial arts sword, as if he had revived his majesty, the regular sword energy turned into streamers, and rushed straight to the cloud court, breaking the barbarian offensive.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, one night passed. During this night, everyone did not stop, and there was no so-called war.

Several barbarian gods propped up their divine lights, illuminating dozens of miles around like daylight, and those northern barbarian soldiers attacked in batches, and now they are approaching Jianmen Pass.

He even launched several charges and boarded the city wall many times.

But they were all killed by the tough soldiers of the Beiliang Army who counter-charged again and again, and more than half of the casualties were lost. Fallen soldiers of the Beiliang Army can be seen everywhere.

Most of them are shriveled flesh that seems to have dried out.

And everyone has reached the limit of pressure, like a candle under the cold wind, which will be blown out by a gust of cold wind at any time.

"Fellow Daoist Moro, how long will it take for that one?"

The Taoist robe on the old Tianshi's body was already torn, and he couldn't even lift one hand up. It was a regular injury left by the ancient Jin Wang Tinggemu barbarian god.

He... can't stand it anymore.

The corner of Mo Luo's mouth was bleeding, his golden body was so dilapidated that it would shatter at any moment, and his aura was gradually weakening. At night, he had used the two forms of Buddha and demon several times, and the primordial spirit was already a bit overwhelmed.

"hold on"

"Wait until when?"

"I don't know."

Finally, when the first ray of dawn fell on the second day, the gate of the sword collapsed, and a huge hole was opened. At the same time, there was a gap in the formation.

As soon as the city gate was breached, it seemed as if everyone's defense line had been smashed in an instant, and the idea of ​​resistance fell unconsciously. Wei Wuque leaned on a halberd that had been broken in two, and half knelt on the ground, with a bone-deep hole on his left shoulder. The scar was left by a Northern Man alchemy master. He raised his head and looked at the corpses all over the place, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

The sword gate was broken, and they were also defeated.

The Wei family, which has been guarding the Central Plains for hundreds of years, will also come to an end. He thought of his father, and also thought of Chen Yuan, the king of Yan who once turned the tide, thinking in his heart.

If he was here, maybe the result would be different

"Hahaha, kill!"


Numerous soldiers of the northern barbarians swarmed, charged into Jianmen Pass, and began massacring.

"You guys, stay here too!" Gemu Manshen snorted coldly and charged at the two of them.

"Fellow Daoist Moro, where are the reinforcements?"

The old master coughed up two mouthfuls of old blood and looked at Mo Luo.

Moro smiled and said softly:



The old celestial master was stunned and didn't sense any aura.

But then, a terrifying momentum swept across the world from south to north, like a beast waking up, and the endless coercion made everyone look pale.

Wei Jinfeng raised his head, only the remaining Jianghu warriors raised their heads, and all the soldiers of the Beiliang Army also raised their heads.

Thunder rolls, resounding through the world.

"Central Plains China, how can you allow barbarians to invade! Wait. Stay!"

A mighty divine palm, lingering with invisible rules, suppressed the world, and countless northern barbarian soldiers exploded to death, turning into blood mist. Such power and power made the three barbarian gods all change their faces.

"Earth Immortal!"

"Earth Immortal!"


In just a short moment, all the vitality in Liu Shengjun's body quickly disappeared and scattered between the heaven and the earth. At the same time, a touch of blue energy turned into a dragon and poured into Chen Yuan's spiritual platform.

And Chen Yuan's eyes were fixed.

The last chance in the Realm of Valkyrie has finally come.

In the depths of consciousness, the silent altar of luck revived again and turned slowly.

When I was young,

A hint of new opportunity came to Chen Yuan's mind.


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