I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 149 Information Attack

The timeline was pulled back to a minute ago, when Triris was still using rainwater to recycle power.

Inside the metal castle, Chen Qi was also preparing for the next attack.

Although the battle has been going on for such a long time, even half of the mining area has been destroyed.

But from beginning to end, Chen Qi never left the metal castle.


"The quantity is almost there!"

"It's time to end this."

Following Chen Qi's sigh, countless colorful butterflies fluttered their wings and flew out of the metal castle.

There are so many of them that they form a huge rainbow in the sky.

The rainbow crossed the metal square where the apprentices were and flew towards the battlefield.

"What kind of creature is this? It's so beautiful!"

"Their direction seems to be flying towards the battlefield. Is this also a means of attack?"

"Why does it look so familiar to me? Isn't this my communication skill?"

The apprentices, who thought the battle was over, were once again alarmed by the vision.

Tens of thousands of colorful butterflies flying in the sky, how can this not attract attention.

Most of the apprentices didn't know what it was, but Sun Lecheng looked shocked and obsessed.

This looks like the communication technique he mastered, but can this spell also be used in combat?


It’s not just Sun Lecheng who has this question.

When Cuilis was preparing her own attack methods, she was also guessing what kind of attack Chen Qi would launch.

The first thing she ruled out was messaging.

Because she uses the same trick, I will never eat it a second time.

The 7 of Hearts also knows this very well. He should not be stupid enough to think that he can defeat himself with a little advantage of spirituality.

The difference in spirituality is only three points, which is not enough to take risks.

Of course, it would be great if the 7 of Hearts were really that stupid!

Cuilisi wished that Chen Qi would fight hard, and then she could send him away in one fell swoop.

Of course, Chen Qi knew that just the communication technique could not destroy Cuilisi's spiritual defense.

This is determined by the spiritual gap between the two, and cannot be achieved simply by adding the number of butterflies.

But since Chen Qi has done this now, it means that he has found a solution.


Soon, colorful butterflies flew over the battlefield.

During this flight, the wings of the colorful butterfly continued to flap, continuously releasing "attacks"!

But its attack target is not any specific life, but some special existence in space.

To say it is an attack, it is better to say that the colorful butterfly is pushing something by flapping its wings.

There are a total of 36,000 colorful butterflies in the sky, which is the limit created by Chen Qi who exhausted all Xiaobai's spiritual energy reserves.

No matter Xiaobai is on the battlefield, as long as he is within the Fadil mining area, it is Chen Qi's wireless power bank and can replenish Chen Qi's psychic energy at any time.

This is the reason why Chen Qi can release unlimited communication skills even though he is in the castle.

In fact, if you look closely, you will find that there is a purple barb imprinted in the core of each colorful butterfly.

Chen Qi relied on these ability imprints to achieve precise control of all colorful butterflies.

Under his operation, 36,000 colorful butterflies were arranged as precisely as fish scales, and even the frequency of their wings flapping had a unique rhythm.

Suddenly, it seemed that what was flying in the sky was not a rainbow, but a surging river of light.

Wherever the river of light passes, something seems to be trapped in it, promoting some strange changes.


"My plan really works!"

"Thanks to the little sheep for providing the learning materials, otherwise I wouldn't know that the information in the void is so interesting."

Chen Qi obtained a very interesting record from the deep memory of a certain apprentice.

This is probably a partial overview of some kind of inheritance, but unfortunately there is no specific application method.

[Due to the existence of entropy increase, everything in the world will eventually go to destruction. 】

[During this decay process, they will not only radiate energy outwards, but also face the loss of their own information structure. 】

[Generally speaking, information emitted by inanimate objects cannot exist independently due to the loss of its carrier, and will be annihilated in an instant]

【But due to spiritual existence,...】


This record only contains a few hundred words, but it took Chen Qi three days to fully understand it.

Just to understand the concept of entropy increase, Chen Qi had to read through his enlightenment textbook.

No way, the education he received in Blue Taro Country never included this.

On the contrary, [Deep Space Order] is the "professional counterpart" and has studied this very deeply.

Although there are only a few sentences mentioned in the enlightenment textbook, it is enough for Chen Qi.

According to Chen Qi's understanding, this "record" is just to tell the inheritor that there is an ocean of information in space.

Of course, it can also be regarded as the information dimension.

This information ocean is composed of two parts. One is the bubble that comes and goes, which occupies 99% of the entire information dimension.

These bubbles are information structures emitted by inanimate objects. Due to the loss of their carrier, they will be completely annihilated the moment they appear.

If their magnitude were not too huge, they would represent the entire material world.

It can even be said that the entire information dimension is created by their birth and death.

They can be dismissed as non-existent.

Before the birth of life, this dimension had no meaning at all.

But after the birth of life, they began to understand the world.

So naturally, those information structures that were supposed to come and go were affected by spirituality, and their status became "stagnant."

This "stagnation" allows this dimension to become a real existence.

Because in the ocean of information, information structures that can exist for a long time have emerged.


Take the Fadil mining area where Chen Qi is located as an example. If there is no life, it will always be just a bubble that comes and goes in the ocean of information.

But after the birth of life, even an ant has its own understanding of the environment around it.

The essence of this kind of cognition is that the spirituality of life comes into contact with the information structure of matter.

At the moment of contact, life gains knowledge, and accordingly, spirituality will instinctively distort the information structure according to its own understanding.

Therefore, under the influence of spirituality, these bubbles are given "meaning" by the cognition of life, freeing them from the state of being born and dying.

They are like isolated islands in an ocean of information, occupying the remaining one percent of the entire dimension.

Generally speaking, the more spiritually powerful a being is, the longer the island it creates will last.

The same grain of rice, the island formed by the ant's recognition, may only exist for a few nanoseconds.

But in humans, it might exist for a few microseconds.

But since both parties recognize the same grain of rice, if the number of ants is expanded hundreds of millions of times, the number of humans is expanded a million times.

Under the influence of a certain homology, hundreds of millions of isolated islands will collide and merge, becoming a "concept body" that will last longer.


That's "all there is" to that inheritance, and it's obviously not complete.

Because apart from the lack of specific secret methods, it does not involve the entropy increase of living beings.

And that part of the content should be the most valuable.

This makes Chen Qi very sorry!

It's very magical. After understanding this content, Chen Qi's spirituality perceived the sea of ​​information in the space.

It is a vast ocean that fills the sky and the earth. It is everywhere and spreads across all dimensions of space.

At that moment, Chen Qi felt like he was in the endless deep sea, and everything around him was bubbles, including himself.

Those bubbles that come and go are naturally information structures that dissipate due to the increase in entropy.

Seeing with his own eyes that everything in the world was heading for destruction, this feeling was too depressing and too nihilistic. Chen Qi had to adjust his perception.

With the change in cognition, everything in the world returned to normal, and no more bubbles appeared.

But in Chen Qi's field of vision, there were billions of floating clouds.

These large and small clouds are naturally information structures that can exist for a long time after being changed by spirituality.

They are everywhere, filling the sky and the earth equally.

At this time, Chen Qi seemed to be in a sea of ​​clouds.

Although he no longer felt the oppression of the destruction of all things, the dazzling sea of ​​clouds made Chen Qi feel lost.

Chen Qi had to adjust his cognition again and completely push it into another dimension.

As Chen Qi's cognition changed, the sky in his eyes was no longer the sky, but turned into a vast sea of ​​information.

It was a blue sea filled with endless foam, with islands dotted throughout it.

The sea of ​​information hung upside down above Chen Qi's head, already transformed into another dimension.

All this happened in a blink of an eye, but Chen Qi felt as if he had finally escaped after three lifetimes.

To be honest, Chen Qi didn't know if any extraordinary person would be able to access the sea of ​​information after reading this record.

But he did it naturally.

Chen Qi, who thought it was an "adventure", began to excitedly use purple barbs to "capture" the islands in the sea of ​​information.

Then he got depressed!

Because after the interpretation is completed, what is recorded in the information structure is everything in the Fadil mining area, or soil metal, or a unique rock, or a certain mine pit.

Moreover, the information structure itself is very fragmented. If Chen Qi had not had experience in organizing the memory of the mountain god cells, he might not have been able to piece together the kaleidoscope-like information.

But they are worthless to Chen Qi!

Because what created them was just some ordinary lives living in the Fadil mining area, at most plus former absentees or current apprentices.

Could their knowledge of Fadil Mining Area be better than that of Chen Qi?

For Chen Qi, this is some junk information that should be thrown into the recycling bin.

But a flash of inspiration made Chen Qi think of the purpose of these spam messages!


In the sky, a river of light composed of 36,000 butterflies flows slowly.

Reflected in the ocean of information, a huge colorful butterfly appeared, covering the sky and the sun.

It flapped its wings, and a terrifying storm arose in the sea of ​​information.

Those bubbles that come and go naturally will not be affected in any way.

Only the islands, driven by the storm, collided with each other, continued to gather, and moved in a certain direction.

Everything seems very simple.

But if the principle is restored, the knowledge involved, especially the amount of calculations, would probably exhaust a supercomputer.

The huge colorful butterfly in the sea of ​​information is composed of 36,000 pieces of information. They seem to easily set off a storm, but in fact they use a domino effect.

Even the initial choice of island, and which island to collide with next, requires careful calculation.

The butterfly composed of the communication technique flapped its wings, and when it was transmitted to the sea of ​​information, it set off a terrifying storm.

Driven by the storm, the islands moved against each other, eventually forming an information ocean current like a meteorite belt.

How could this be possible by coincidence?

It must have gone through numerous checks!

However, Chen Qi did all this without any calculation.

Because his "Tianji Sensing" talent directly told him the answer, he instinctively completed a series of operations.

So naturally, driven by the colorful butterflies, millions of islands turned into meteorites and bombarded Trilis' brain.

In reality, the vibrations of 36,000 colorful butterflies tore the clouds apart, projecting the colorful light refracted by themselves onto Cuilis.

The moment she was shrouded in colorful light, Cuilisi's spirituality issued a defensive warning, as if a huge threat was coming.

The next moment, millions of meteorites collided at high speed, directly impacting Trilis' spiritual defense circle.

This is different from the previous small-scale messaging attacks. In terms of information level, any meteorite contains more information than the messaging technology, not to mention the number has reached millions.

In just a moment, Trilis' spirituality came into contact with information that exceeded the carrying limit.

On the offensive and defensive level, hundreds of thousands of meteorites were directly absorbed by Trilis' spiritual crushing.

But the remaining meteorites hit the spiritual defense circle hard, causing waves.

After the attack reaches a certain limit, a loophole finally appears in the spiritual defense.

Then all the junk information rushed into Trilis' brain, and Trilis' brain immediately shut down.


In the real world, Cuilis, shrouded in rainbow light, rolled her eyes, lost consciousness, and fell directly into the water.

When she woke up again, she found herself thrown into the corner of an old metal castle.

The same treatment as her was the Dog of Death, which was lame with two legs.

At this time, the guy was moaning in pain, indescribably miserable.

This is because Chen Qinian was merciful because of their acquaintance.

Otherwise, when Xiaohong wakes up, this guy's head will not be saved.



The moment Trilis woke up, she felt a gaze on her.

She instinctively wanted to use her superpowers, but found that her body was out of control, and even the operation of her superpowers was suppressed.

The moment her super power was activated, Cuillis felt a tearing pain in her head, and almost fainted again.

Unfortunately, her LV4 level superpower only condensed a puddle of water on the ground.

With the help of the reflection on the water, Trilis discovered that there was a purple barb mark on her forehead.

This is the brand of ability that Chen Qi put on her.

Of course Chen Qi couldn't do it when Cuilis was awake, but after she was in a coma, she was not much better than ordinary people in Chen Qi's eyes.

This ability brand can not only suppress Triris's superpowers, but is also connected to her brain. Once she attempts to use her superpowers in vain, she will be punished.

Trilis only tasted that kind of pain once, and then she began to tremble all over.

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