I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 150 King’s Trial

"How on earth did you do that?"

"What kind of attack is that last colorful light?"

After all, she was an old player who was used to seeing the storm. After the initial panic, Cuillis quickly calmed down.

Since the Seven of Hearts did not kill him, it means that there is still room for discussion.

But is Cuili the most concerned about it, or why did she lose?

Everything happened too fast, and the spirit just reacted instinctively.

Triris' brain shut down before she realized what the problem was.

She just feels dizzy now and doesn't remember what happened at all.

That kind of attack must be aimed at spirituality and consciousness.

But it was hard for Cuillis to believe that it was just a "messaging technique". Even if the number of butterflies added up to tens of thousands, it would still be impossible.


"It seems you are very unconvinced by the loss."

"Forget it, I'll tell you the answer then."

"But in exchange, you also need to answer the questions I'm going to ask you without reservation!"

"I wonder what you think?"

As a winner, Chen Qi rarely showed his grace.

Regarding the conditions proposed by Chen Qi, Cuilisi agreed after thinking for a while.

Unless she wanted to die, Cuillis actually had no choice. Chen Qi just gave her a step up.

Seeing Cuilisi agree, Chen Qi told her the answer.

"Actually, my last attack was very simple. It just triggered the information existing in the surrounding world!"

"Under the impact of massive information, your spirituality is completely overwhelmed, and then the information impacts your brain."

"Actually, after a while, after your brain has digested the information that was forced into it, you can figure it out yourself."

Chen Qi was extremely candid. Cuilisi would discover the truth about the "information attack" sooner or later.

Even while Chen Qi was speaking, Cuilisi's brain had already interpreted some information.

Then she was quite surprised to find that the 7 of Hearts really didn't lie.

Some information about the mining area did appear in her brain out of thin air.

But how is this possible?

How could the Seven of Hearts do that?


"Impossible. You are just a low-level transcendent. How can you mobilize the massive information between heaven and earth?"

"Is it because of your superpowers?"

"No, it should be more than that. The information stuffed into my mind is all related to the Fadil Mining Area."

"It's the source mine. You should have used the power of the source mine at the same time."

Triris questioned while thinking about it on her own.

It's not that she's schizophrenic.

But facts speak louder than words, Chen Qi did it, and she lost because of it.

If she still couldn't figure out the opponent's attack method afterwards, wouldn't it prove that she was indeed inferior to the 7 of Hearts?

Only by thoroughly understanding the 7 of Hearts' methods can she regain her psychological confidence and shatter the shadow of defeat in her heart.


"Awesome, you are worthy of being a veteran player of LV4. You guessed everything."

Facing Cuilisi's nonsense, Chen Qi could only clap his hands and applaud.

Chen Qi never liked lying, and Cuillis helped him solve this problem perfectly.

Anyway, this is what Triris wants to understand by herself and has nothing to do with him.

In fact, the reason why Chen Qi told Cuilisi the answer was to test whether she knew about the existence of the information sea.

Judging from Cuilisi's reaction, she at least knows that there is a huge amount of information in the world.

But it seems that Chen Qi cannot directly peek into the sea of ​​information.

Chen Qi was thoughtful, could it be that his talent of "divine sensing" was really at work when he could directly peer into the sea of ​​information?

Fortunately, Chen Qi only did a little testing and didn't pay too much attention to this issue.

What he wants to ask next is the key point!


"Triris, I have solved your doubts for you!"

"Now it's your turn to answer my questions!"

"What I want to know is simple."

"How many apostle players are there in the game now? Who are they?"

"What will happen on [Judgment Day]? What are the powers that the king has?"

"How does the Nuris Federation plan to clear the game?"

Cuilisi is the fish and Chen Qi is the knife.

Facing the prisoners under his command, Chen Qi naturally had no scruples and asked him what he wanted to know most.

As an old player who has experienced several rounds of games, Trilis' greatest value lies in this.

As for the extraordinary knowledge she possesses?

Chen Qi planned to purchase goods directly from the Nuris Federation without going through the translation of her second-tier dealer.


"Seven of Hearts, your strength makes it hard for me to believe that you are just a new player!"

"Since you want to know more about the inside story about the game, I'll tell you."

"There are only 4 LV6 players left in the game."

"Yu Wenyong, the president of the Demon Slayer Society, was also an apostle. Unfortunately, he died not long ago."

"As for the identities of these four apostles, I can only tell you what I know."

"They are [Sun King] Akinode, 10 of Hearts [Zhou Zongquan], King of Clubs, and Lord Amanda of our federation."

Triris is very aware of her situation, and what she has to do now is to try to satisfy the 7 of Hearts.

As for whether she can survive in the end, it depends on whether the 7 of Hearts and the Federation can reach an agreement.

She probably already guessed what the 7 of Hearts was going to do.

The other party's question now is just to squeeze out all the value from him.

But if you don't cooperate, even if you won't be killed immediately, you will inevitably suffer.

Are there any kind people among the players?

Triris really didn't want to experience the splitting headache again!


"There are only 4 apostles?"

"Isn't it Yu-Gi-Oh?"

Chen Qi looked at Cuilis in confusion. The number of LV6 players was even less than he expected.

Especially there was no Yu-Gi-Oh among them, which was a bit beyond Chen Qi's expectation.

As for Lord Amanda, Chen Qi didn't care.

Players at that level may now be completely targeted by the king.

How can I have the leisure to play house with myself at LV3?


"Do you think it's easy to become an apostle? These four apostles were accumulated through several rounds of games."

"Don't look at the fact that the Federation only has one apostle now, but at its peak, we had five."

"It was just washed away by His Majesty the King!"

"As for Yu-Gi-Oh, this guy is very mysterious, but he definitely can't be an apostle."

"According to what Lord Amanda said, it may not be human."

In Cuilisi's view, this guy 7 of Hearts is ignorant and fearless, and has no idea how difficult it is to become an apostle.

This is in line with his status as a new player.

Only after he has experienced a round of the game will he understand how incredible it is to become an apostle.

It's a pity that the situation in the King's Game has changed suddenly, and he may not have a chance to survive to the next round.


"Yu-Gi-Oh is not human?"


"You should continue to tell me about Judgment Day."

"I'm curious how you survived?"

Chen Qi just listened to Cuilisi's boast about the Federation's glory in the game.

But he confirmed one thing from this, that is, the Nulis Federation has very few people available in the game.

In this way, he can wait for the price and extort more knowledge in the transaction.

Cuillis guessed correctly. Chen Qi did intend to use her to make deals with the Federation. She just hoped that the Nulis Federation would not be too stingy.

As for the fact that Yu-Gi-Oh is not a human being, Chen Qi silently kept it in mind.

You must be extremely careful when encountering this guy in the future.


"Seven of Hearts, I actually don't know much about Judgment Day, or His Majesty the King's abilities."

"On Judgment Day, as long as you are a player, you will not be able to resist His Majesty the King's summons."

"Once you refuse, he can deprive you of the card. Even the apostle cannot avoid it."

"Because the King's Judgment is the only and most fundamental rule of the game."

Perhaps the experience of Judgment Day was too profound, and Triris unconsciously fell into memories.

But she did not stop talking and continued to tell her story.

"On Judgment Day, all players except the apostles will gather in the real palace."

"Then His Majesty the King will make a request to each player."

"The difficulty of the request is determined by His Majesty the King, but every request is possible."

"If the player fails to complete the request made by His Majesty the King, the card will be taken away."

"And if the player refuses His Majesty the King's request, he will be directly swallowed by the card."

"Based on the summary of past players, the king's requirements can be divided into seven levels of difficulty."

“The simplest request might just be for you to sing a song.”

"The highest difficulty is to make you commit suicide directly!"

"When the trial begins, His Majesty the King will randomly select 7 players and ask them to complete the

1-7 difficulty requirements. "

"After this round is over, His Majesty the King will re-pick 7 players from the remaining players and start again."

"There is too much room for maneuver. The lawful ones will naturally receive preferential treatment, while the traitors will be made things difficult for them."

"My survival is partly due to luck, and partly because I didn't do anything extraordinary. There are too many people who need to die first than me."

When she said this, Trilis looked quite complicated.

Many of her colleagues in the Federation died because of the devil's troubles.

“As for the Day of Judgment, where exactly will the apostles be?”

"I don't know this anymore."

"There is nothing worth hiding about how the Federation plans to clear customs."

"During this round of the game, Lord Milton will choose some people with potential and strength to invest in and quickly increase their power."

"Lord Milton believes that the probability of passing this round of the game is the highest."

"If we still can't pass the level, what happens next will have nothing to do with us, because we will most likely be dead."

"So if you plan to use me as a bargaining chip to blackmail the Federation, then things will be very troublesome."

"But if I report your strength to the Federation, it will be very easy for you to gain Lord Milton's appreciation and support."

Cuillis naturally had her own little thoughts in her last words. If this matter could be resolved tactfully, why would everyone make it more unpleasant?

If Lord Milton is angered by the 7 of Hearts' extortion, she will be the first to be unlucky.


"Haha, I don't need you to teach me what to do."

"But I didn't expect that the [King's Trial] would be conducted like this. This is indeed in line with Gutav's style!"

Cuilisi's story about [The King's Trial] was a bit beyond Chen Qi's expectations.

He had imagined many ways, and even thought that His Majesty the King would let everyone kill each other, but he did not expect that it would be such a weird pattern.

But after thinking about it carefully, I think it makes sense.

Because the basic game rules of [King's Judgment] originated from the original version. At that time, the power of the blue-headed demon dragon was still dominant, and order was emphasized.

At that time, Gutafu was pursuing immortality and power. This trial mode was much smarter than going to trial in person and killing everyone one by one.

If you are unable to complete the requirements, you will be deprived of the card.

This seems to be freedom for the player, but only if you can survive after losing the cards.

With the current level of games that are almost out of their minds, it’s strange that no one is adding insult to injury.

Moreover, the cards are too closely bound to the players. Is it really that simple to deprive the cards?

The consequences of refusing the request will be even more tragic, and you will be swallowed directly by the card.

It can be said that the king's trial demonstrates the king's power. Naturally, people can do whatever they want within the scope of their power and make things difficult for you.

But is that all a king can do?

What happened to those apostle players who disappeared?

Chen Qi believed that there must be some inside story, but it was a pity that Cuilisi could no longer squeeze out any value.

That being the case, it’s time to take the next step!


"Triris, please contact the person behind you!"

"The Vice President of the Nuris Federation, Lord Milton, who is responsible for the internal affairs of the game throughout the entire process, is really famous!"

When Cuillis was unconscious, Chen Qi naturally checked Milton's information.

Unexpectedly, a high-level transcendent turned into the vice president. This is really interesting.

But it was precisely because of Milton's status as "Vice President" that it strengthened Chen Qi's confidence in blackmailing him.

Because as long as there is a profit, politicians are the ones who are easiest to compromise.

Judging from the "clearance plan" that Milton is going to implement, this guy is definitely a smart man.

Chen Qi likes to deal with smart people the most!

Faced with Chen Qi's request, Cuilisi did not dare to refuse even though she was very reluctant.

She couldn't even imagine how Lord Milton would react when he found out that he had become a "captive".

But she, Cuilisi, was bound to become the "laughing stock of the public" because a LV4 was actually captured by LV3.

This, this can make all LV4 players laugh out loud.


The communication was quickly connected, but before Cuilis could speak, Chen Qi snatched her communicator away.

Then Cuilisi saw "Seven of Hearts" exchanging a few words with the other end of the phone, and then the conversation became lively.

As for what they talked about, Cuillis didn't know.

Because Chen Qi directly used superpowers to suppress her perception of the outside world.

At this time, Cuilisi seemed to be in a dream, looking at the absurd scene in front of her in a daze.

Isn't Lord Milton angry?

It doesn't look like it does.

The 7 of Hearts guy almost laughed out loud, and his expression didn't look like he was at war.

It's strange that the 7 of Hearts is still pointing at him. Is this to prove to Lord Milton that he is still alive?

Is he really using himself to blackmail Lord Milton?

Judging from the proud look on this guy's face, could it be that the blackmail was successful?

Impossible, the dignity of the Nuris Federation cannot be tarnished, and Lord Milton will definitely reject him.

They will soon fall out, but why is this guy with the 7 of Hearts getting happier and happier?

Could it be that he was chosen by Lord Milton?

Impossible, I must be dreaming!

That's right, I must have been tricked by the 7 of Hearts again!

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