"Seven of Hearts, you can actually control the shadow of the soul?"

"How is this possible? Your superpowers can't do it at all."

"No, this is not from the power of the card."

"It must be the golden bloodline that has the ability to curse."

"I should have guessed it a long time ago. It turns out that the thief is you!"

Behind Gutav, four black iron rings swayed awkwardly. Should this transformation continue?

He is a demon, and demons have no soul at all.

How to learn this?

It has to be said that Chen Qi's carefully designed ability completely hit Gutafu's "weakness".

The soul is also an integral part of life.

As the shadow of the soul projected in the three-dimensional world, the shadow of the soul can naturally be perfectly integrated with the other four rings.

The perfect ability in Chen Qi's imagination is the five rings.

Gutav, on the other hand, can only do four rings.

But it was impossible for Gutav to give up. He had been playing games for decades, how could he be tricked by a little kid?

Compared with his 119-year-old age, Chen Qi can really only be regarded as a little baby.


"Gutav, no need to waste your efforts."

"It's impossible for your demonic aura to replace the shadow of your soul!"

"No way, who told you to be a devil?"

"All extraordinary bloodlines traced back to their source are the crystallization of intelligent life. How could they allow demons to taint their power?"

"No need to struggle. In fact, you know everything very well."

"You just relied on the power of the game and your status as [King] to use your superpowers."

"In past games, the apostles have already figured out your details."

"Your demon ability and card ability are incompatible, and the two cannot be integrated at all."

"This is your biggest weakness in the game. It's a pity that you had game permissions in the past and were too powerful, so this was covered up."

Chen Qi looked at Gutafu with great sarcasm. He really thought he couldn't see that the reason why the four black iron rings were shaking was to repel the devil's breath?

He planned all this carefully, how could he leave Guta a chance to make a comeback.

"Okay, okay, I, Gutafu, admit defeat this time!"

"But I didn't lose to you, I lost to all my previous opponents."

"If they hadn't forced out all my trump cards, how could I have been plotted by a little brat like you?"

"But are you really going to kill me?"

"What benefits will you gain by killing me?"

"You don't really think that the Empire will fulfill its promise, do you?"

"They're just going to take away the king's game and take away your cards and leave you with nothing."

After hundreds of failures, Gutafu finally stopped his fusion angrily.

Everything was just as Chen Qi said, his demonic power was incompatible with his extraordinary bloodline and could not be fused at all.

Before today, he never thought this was a problem.

After all, even if they cannot be fused, just using them separately is enough for him to kill all his opponents.

But today, Chen Qi taught him a lesson.

1+1 means greater than 1.

But Gutav obviously refused to accept his fate. Since he could not defeat his opponent with force, he would use the method that the devil was best at.

Sometimes words are more powerful than fists.


"Haha, Gutav, are you begging for mercy?"

"I do not believe!"

"If I don't kill you, is there a second way I can take?"

"Are you planning to give up the throne to me and then run away on your own?"

"You don't really think I'm that stupid, do you?"

Chen Qi shook his head. The devil was indeed a devil, and he was best at tempting humans.

If it were other apostle players, they might really worry about losing all their power after the cards are taken away.

But Chen Qi is now only one step away from becoming the controller. He has an infinitely bright future, how can he trap himself in a muddy pond.

Gutav still seems to have not recognized the reality that he, Chen Qi, is different from all the previous players.

As for whether the empire will break its promise, that is impossible.

The bounty announcement has spread throughout the world, and that was the Tongtian Empire, which was once ranked No. 1 among the great powers.

How could he become the laughing stock of all mankind for the sake of a mere viscount?

In the final analysis, Gu Tafu has stayed in the mud for too long, unaware of the vastness of the outside world, and just saves others by himself.

This demon really has little knowledge, which makes his words less convincing.

The essence of the confrontation between words is the attack and coverage of information.

How could Chen Qi be defeated by an illiterate person?

Gutafu didn't even know ancient characters. He couldn't read the "Inner World General Knowledge" when it was thrown in front of him.


"Seven of Hearts, I have a big secret."

"I can trade it and it will completely change your future."

Intimidation fails and temptation is not enough, the devil's tricks are so skillful.

In fact, Chen Qi knew very well that Gutafu said so much just to shake his will.

If he is even a little bit greedy, it will become a vulnerability that the devil can attack, and he may capsize in the gutter.

It's a pity that Gutav doesn't understand "I" at all!

As long as Gutafu promises to bring out several top inheritances, Chen Qi might be tempted.

It's a pity that Gutafu, who is still a wild devil, is still very poor.


"Gutav, the secret you mentioned is the treasure that can grant three wishes for free."

"Sorry, I don't believe in pie in the sky."

"I think a person should be down-to-earth. How can we place our hopes on illusory wishes?"

"Look at you, you were supposed to have a better life, but now you have turned into a monster that everyone calls for beatings."

"This is the price of believing that pie will fall from the sky!"

Chen Qi rejected Gutafu's temptation with great righteousness and his attitude was extremely firm.

Can this kind of upright attitude directly defeat the devil Gutav?

How can it be?

How could anyone remain unconcerned with this secret?

But he really didn't find any flaws in the Seven of Hearts, which meant that the guy on the other side really wasn't greedy.

There are such honest people in this world. I must be so unlucky.


"Gutav, seeing how skilled you are in your tactics, you must have used these words to deal with other apostles before."

"Are they the two who are more powerful than me?"

"To be honest, I am indifferent to fame and wealth. I have no interest in power or power. I just yearn for the outside world."

"The reason why I killed you was really just to leave the Blue Taro Country."

"The time is almost up. It seems that you really have no other means, so please get on your way."

"After you leave, the people of Blue Taro Country will miss you!"

"Gutav, let me bring an end to your legendary life."

Confirming that the demon was at its wits end, Chen Qi controlled the spirit weapon and launched an attack.

From the beginning to the end, he had no intention of using his spirit body in front of the devil.

But Gutav is different. Now he has no choice, and his true body directly lives in the spirit weapon.

The next moment, time and space froze, and two lights and shadows, one black and one white, began to fight.

At first, the black light and shadow could barely resist.

But as time went by, the white light and shadow seemed to have predicted everything about the black light and shadow, and the latter immediately fell into an absolute disadvantage.

At a certain moment, the two crossed each other.

The next moment, time and space flowed again, and Chen Qi and Gu Tafu were still confronting each other in reality, as if nothing had happened.

But Chen Qi's spiritual body weapon had three more black iron rings in his hands.


"This black iron ring represents your consciousness."

"The second black iron ring represents your spirituality."

"This third black iron ring is a bit unexpected. It actually represents your demonic aura."

"That means your demonic aura is actually related to your soul."

Among the spirit weapons, three black iron rings were shaking continuously, and Chen Qi identified them one by one with great interest.

In order to kill all the demons, he was ruthless this time.

Obviously, Chen Qi won the spirit-body confrontation just now!

"I actually lost?"

Compared to before, Gutav was particularly calm now.

It seems that at the critical moment of life and death, he is calm!

"Gutav, I have said it before, 5:4, the advantage is mine."

"Although my spirit body is not equipped with spirit body weapons, the ability added by the shadow of the soul is [Endless Computing Power]."

"To be honest, both of us are laymen when it comes to spiritual bodies. What's the difference between the so-called confrontation between spiritual bodies and punching and kicking?"

"I have practiced Kestrel Fist, and I am a great martial arts master."

"My spiritual body weapon also has super computing power, why should I lose to you who only know how to punch?"

"If your demonic form hadn't made me so afraid, the battle would have ended the moment it started."

"I didn't expect that your current demon form is just a special spirit. To be honest, I'm a little disappointed."

As the winner, Chen Qi also behaved very calmly, as if his victory was already destined, without any surprise or joy.

Before the battle, Chen Qi made various guesses about the form of the ancestor demon, but he did not expect that it was still just a spirit body.

At least that's the case for Gutav now.


"Haha, if it is as you said, I should indeed lose."

"But I didn't lose to you, I just lost to myself."

"Today's situation was doomed the moment I chose to sacrifice my soul."

"Seven of Hearts, if you want to know anything, just ask. I have nothing to hide."

Gutafu smiled mockingly to himself, but he was curious as to why Chen Qi didn't kill it directly.

He doesn't expect any comeback now, after all, life and death are already in the hands of others.

"Gutav, correct me!"

"You didn't lose to yourself, but the devil lost to humans!"

"The reason why I haven't killed you yet is because I just want to know one question. How was you, the ancestral demon, born?"

Chen Qi's spiritual body weapon exerted force, and the three iron rings shattered instantly.

Regardless of whether Gutav answers this question or not, he will die.


"Crack, click!"

As the three iron rings shattered, Gutav's demonic body also began to gradually disintegrate.

Gutafu's so-called devil's true form was nothing more than a twisted and wriggling black figure. No wonder Chen Qi was a little disappointed.

He thought it would be something even weirder!

However, Gutav's disintegration speed was much slower than Amanda's.

This also allowed him to savor his own destruction in more detail.

"Is this what death feels like?"

"Being able to witness it with my own eyes makes my life complete."

"Young man, the reason why I turned into the Ancestral Demon was because I was greedy and sacrificed my soul to the legendary dice of the Demon of Destiny!"

"I see that you are not willing to be ordinary. If you are in trouble in life, you can try to find this dice. Maybe there will be unexpected surprises."

"As a reward for killing me, I'll tell you a secret!"


In the last moments of his life, Gutav seemed to want to say something, but could not say it at all.

Or maybe he said it, but Chen Qi didn't hear it at all.

But it doesn't matter anymore, because Chen Qi already knows the secret.

At the moment Gutav died, the bronze dice that had been suspended in front of Chen Qi suddenly started spinning around.

The next moment, the die face [14] appeared in Chen Qi's eyes.

Miraculously, Chen Qi actually understood the mysterious text on the die.

【Only humans can make wishes·Mi】

What's even more weird is that there is a +1 sign on the bronze dice.

Chen Qi knew instinctively that his previous wish of 8 o'clock had now become 9 o'clock.

This is really a big surprise!


What Gutafu will never know is that from the moment Chen Qi appears in front of him.

The bronze dice that once changed his life kept spinning in front of Chen Qi.

However, the extremely sad thing is that he can't feel it at all, even if he once owned this dice.

I have to say that Chen Qi was very bold and actually summoned the bronze dice directly in front of Gu Tafu.

But this was not recklessness, but a decision made after careful consideration.

Even though Chen Qi had planned everything, the name of the Ancestral Demon was too loud, and Chen Qi could not be 100% sure that he could kill Gutafu.

If he wanted to kill this demon without fail, Chen Qi could only add a layer of absolute insurance for himself.

He has done experiments before, and no living being except himself can perceive the existence of the bronze dice, as if it does not exist in the world at all.

But Chen Qi was not sure that Gutafu could not see it. After all, this person was probably the one who made the wish.

But it doesn't matter.

If Gutafu could see the bronze dice, Chen Qi would immediately use his spirituality to make a wish and directly cooperate with the spiritual body to kill Gutafu.

And if Gutav couldn't see it at all, the bronze dice would only exist as insurance, turning everything around at the critical moment.

As a result, Gutafu couldn't sense the existence of the bronze dice.

And this is completely in line with Chen Qi's judgment.

If Gutafu could really sense the bronze dice, Chen Qi had summoned them countless times before, and Gutafu should have noticed it long ago.

Now verifying it face to face only proves this point even more.

But what Chen Qi didn't expect was that killing Gutafu would bring him such huge gains.

An extra 1 wishing point is added, which is of course a big surprise.

But what made Chen Qi more concerned was the message on the die [14].

【Only humans can make wishes】

The existence of this codename [Mi] is the words left on the die.

When Chen Qi knew the true meaning of this passage, he instinctively understood another mechanism of the bronze dice.

That is, as long as the number of points thrown is greater than or equal to 14 points, you can set a rule for it by making a wish and leaving a message on the bronze dice.

Likewise, you can erase the rules on the bronze dice with the same or higher points.

For example, according to the rule set by [Mi], if Chen Qi's next throw is greater than or equal to 14 points, he can use a wish to erase it.

But it just erases it and cannot leave a message.

If you want to leave a message, you still need to spend a wish.

The moment Chen Qi learned about the establishment mechanism of this rule, he realized that the secret hidden in the bronze dice was greater than he imagined.

Just this rule set by [Mi] makes people think deeply and fearfully.

Chen Qi did not forget that there was also a rule set on the dice faces [15], [17], [19], and [20].

What are they?

And the blank [16] and [18], are they really just blank?

It must have been erased by other wish-makers using their wishes.

The things involved in this are terrifying to think about.

But Chen Qi had no time to think about it, because with the death of [King] Gutav, a big change in "Game of Kings" finally arrived.

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