"The death of [King Gutav] has been detected!"

"Does the player [Chen Qi] choose to give up his current cards and choose to inherit the throne?"

"Yes or no!"

After Gutav died, a golden card appeared in front of Chen Qi.

Along with it came a long-lost system notification.

Apparently, even if Gutav, the creator, dies, Game of Kings will still run on its own.

"I choose no!"

Without hesitation, Chen Qi made a decision.

He worked hard to kill Gutav, not just to replace him.

Not to mention the issue of not offending the empire, Chen Qi simply could not accept the idea of ​​staying in the Blue Taro Kingdom forever.

The world is so big and he wants to go out and see it.

"The game will randomly select a new successor, please wait for the next round of the game to start."

"Happy gaming!"

As Chen Qi made his choice, the golden card turned into a golden light and disappeared.

However, just as it was about to disappear, a pair of slender jade hands appeared out of thin air and grabbed it.


I don't know if it was Chen Qi's illusion, but he felt that "Game of Kings" seemed to be stuck.

Well, this is indeed not an illusion.

Because Chen Qi suddenly found that his card fell into sleep, and then his super power disappeared.

And this phenomenon didn't just happen to Chen Qi. All the remaining players in "Game of Kings" lost their power.


"What, what's going on? What happened?"

"My superpower just disappeared."

"There's something wrong with the card. Damn it, I'm an ordinary person again."

"What's going on? Is the game out of service?"

"Could it be that the two apostles really killed the devil?"

"Have you cleared the game?"

The sudden change caused all gamers to panic.

On the one hand, this is the confusion about this sudden change, and on the other hand, it is the powerlessness after losing power.

At first, the players only thought that there was a problem with themselves. After some communication, they discovered that there was a problem with King Game.

This is horrifying to think about!

Thinking of what was going to happen today, although everyone couldn't believe it, it seemed like that was the only possibility.

King Gutav is dead.

Then wouldn't they be free?

But the connection between them and the cards still exists, so what's going on?


"Hahaha, what I felt today really came true."

"The devil was indeed killed."

"This fruit that was finally born finally fell into my hands."

"Seven of Hearts, or should I call you Chen Qi?"

"Very well, you did very well."

Murong Yan looked at the golden card in her hand with great excitement, as if there was some big secret hidden in it.

She has been detecting energy changes in space, and she sensed the changes in "King's Game" at the moment Gutav died.

But the game mechanism still excluded her entry, until Chen Qi refused to become the new king, and the game decided to randomly select a new owner.

At that moment, the game was completely undefended, and the result was that Murong Yan's magic weapon descended from the sky and grabbed the golden card.

"Are you the imperial emissary that Milton mentioned?"

"I think I've cleared the game now, right?"

Although the woman opposite who smelled of alcohol looked like an ordinary person.

But can ordinary people make the entire king game crash?

As long as Chen Qi used his brain a little, he could guess that the identity of the woman in front of him was definitely extraordinary.

The strength is even more terrifying.

The only one who can appear here instantly is the imperial envoy who has been squatting outside the game.


"Not bad, not bad, you can still keep calm after seeing me."

"As expected of a super new player who can kill demons and clear the game."

"I am the imperial messenger you call me!"

"Chen Qi, you have successfully completed the mission issued by the empire, and you will naturally receive the reward from the empire."

"Now you have a choice related to your future. I hope you can consider it carefully."

After the joy, Murong Yan looked at Chen Qi with great satisfaction.

This guy really didn't disappoint.

Originally, Murong Yan planned to give a reward directly to settle the matter, but now.

This kind of outstanding person is still worth wooing.

"Chen Qi, the "Game of Kings" empire must be recycled."

"But not everyone is qualified to enter the outer world and join the empire."

"So other players in the game will only be forcibly disconnected from the cards by me and completely lose their power."

"But you are different. After being awarded the title of Viscount of the Empire, you have the qualifications to enter the outer world and join the Empire!"

"So if you want to retain your current power, I don't have to cancel the connection between you and the card!"

"Although you may lose a little freedom, you may become the new divine general of the empire."

"This is an opportunity to reach the sky in one step, you must seize it."

Murong Yan stared at Chen Qi with burning eyes. She wanted to know what choice this man would make.


To be honest, after hearing that he could retain the power of the cards and enter the outer world, Chen Qi was moved.

But it was only a moment, and it was not enough to shake his reason.

[7 of Hearts] The power of this card is not enough for Chen Qi to choose to sacrifice his freedom.

Even if there is an Imperial God General as a development path, it is still not worth it.

His great life has just begun, so how could he choose to put shackles on himself again?

"I choose to give up the power of the cards."

"I am very interested in the new method. I plan to study it in the inner world first and not go to the outer world with you!"

Although Chen Qi had already made up his mind, he still gave his answer after a moment of consideration.

Imperial envoys also want to save face, so it’s better not to refuse too directly.

This is the true story Chen Qi got from his dealings with Milton, and it finally came in handy today.


"Okay, okay, you are indeed the person I like."

"If you are unwilling to give up that little bit of power, I will look down on you."

"You are indeed worthy of my high regard. Staying in the inner world is indeed your best choice."

"The outer world is relatively chaotic. With your current strength, even if you are awarded the title of Viscount, it will be difficult to survive unless you choose to become a divine general and gain direct protection from the empire."

"But with the talent you have shown, it would be a pity to choose this path."

"Forget it, thanks to you, I ended the mission decades in advance."

"After recovering the card, in addition to the original reward, I will personally give you another gift."

Contrary to Chen Qi's expectation, Murong Yan was not unhappy with his rejection, but was in a better mood.

Sure enough, when a person is pleasing to the eye, no matter what he does, he is worthy of appreciation.

Especially when the other party refuses the huge temptation and makes the most correct choice.

This is how Murong Yan looks at Chen Qi now.

If she was just trying to win over Chen Qi based on his talent before, now she is planning to make some investment.

A newly born Imperial Viscount was certainly not worthy of her doing this, but it would be different if this Viscount had unlimited potential.

What Chen Qi didn't know was that after killing the [Ancestral Demon], the demon slayer would be favored by the fate of his race.

If ordinary demons are worms hidden in human civilization, then the Ancestral Demon is the largest one, and it can continuously create new worms.

Of course there will be rewards for eradicating this huge scourge!

As the former N0·1, the Empire knew this secret very well.

This is why Murong Yan admires Chen Qi so much, especially when the other person's talent and intelligence are equally outstanding, it is even more worth looking forward to.


The golden light of the card in Murong Yan's hand shone brightly, and the sound of the chain breaking suddenly came from the void.

Then Chen Qi felt that he had completely lost contact with [7 of Hearts].

The next moment, the card flew out from the back of Chen Qi's left hand, spinning around the golden card in Murong Yan's hand.

This is just the beginning, as the chains continue to break.

Cards flew in one after another from afar, and the stars rotated around the golden cards like the moon.

17, 30, 40, 54, in the blink of an eye, all the game cards appeared in front of Chen Qi.

The feeling of sudden loss of power made Chen Qi quite uncomfortable.

But fortunately, I had been mentally prepared for it, so the gap was not too big.

But the other players in the game were different. They suddenly lost the power of the game and were instantly confused.


"My superpower just disappeared."

"It's over. My connection with the card is completely severed."

"The card flew away, am I an ordinary person now?"

"No, no, I don't want to be ordinary anymore."

"Hahaha, finally relieved."

Although all players are looking forward to completing the game, when this day actually arrives, many people are unable to accept it.

After finally gaining strength, who would be willing to lose it completely?

But from beginning to end, did they have a choice?

"The King's Game has actually been cleared?"

"Who is it? Who killed the demon and became the Imperial Viscount."

"Amanda, or the seven of hearts?"

The loss of player qualifications left no doubt in everyone's mind.

The Game of Kings has really been cleared and they are free!

But few cheered.

On the contrary, many people were extremely resentful and even envious of the person who passed the customs.

Because they have nothing now, which is very human.


"Chen Qi, this is the imperial viscount canonization document. After you refine it with your spirituality, it will be completely bound to you."

"Once bound, no one can take it away from you."

"Once you die, the canonization document will be completely shattered."

"As a price for offending the empire, after your death, the empire will send an investigation team into the inner world to find out the cause of your death and bring the murderer to justice."

"But since you are not a hereditary viscount, your title will be canceled after your death!"

Murong Yan waved his hand, and hundreds of treasures appeared in front of Chen Qi.

One of the golden documents slowly fell into his hands. This was the document of the Viscount's canonization.

Without hesitation, Chen Qi injected his own spirituality into it.

Suddenly, the golden document bloomed with light, and Chen Qi's name appeared in the document.

The moment he completed the refining, Chen Qi knew how to complete the complete canonization process.

He now only has the qualification of Viscount. Only by entering the outer world and completing a series of rituals in the Imperial House of Nobles can he enjoy the protection of the destiny of the empire.

Only in this way can he be considered a true Imperial Viscount.

Then you can choose your own territory, register and go to work.

Generally speaking, for newly canonized nobles, the empire will provide a batch of funds and material support.

As for whether he can control the situation and develop and grow in the future, he can only rely on the Viscount's own efforts.

The territory of newly born nobles is usually located on the edge of the empire. After all, the real prosperity has long been divided up by the predecessors.

As for the border, even if the empire has eliminated most of the hidden dangers, security cannot be completely guaranteed.

This is also the reason why Murong Yan does not recommend Chen Qi to go to the outer world immediately. It is actually because his current strength is too low.

Maybe one day you are unlucky and get killed by a rabbit that suddenly bursts out of the grass.

This is the Empire’s new joke!


"Can I choose any of these treasures?"

After refining the canonization document, Chen Qi stared at the hundreds of gleaming items in front of him.

Although this was provided by Murong Yan personally, Chen Qi had no intention of being humble at all.

After losing his superpower, he was still quite empty inside, so he could only choose a favorite treasure to barely comfort him.

"How should I choose this?"

Perhaps in order to prevent the treasure's aura from leaking out, Murong Yan sealed it quite thoroughly. Chen Qi could only see the light groups that kept wandering around, and occasionally he could see the shadow of the treasure in the light groups.

Perhaps because he was staring too intently, Chen Qi felt like there were double images in his eyes. Was this considered dazzling?

"I suggest you choose by luck."

Seeing that Chen Qi had not yet made a decision, Murong Yan said something meaningful.

The reason why she made the treasures into blind boxes was to test Chen Qi's current luck.

After all, legends are just legends, and this was the first time Murong Yan saw a human who killed the ancestor demon.

Is there really racial luck that favors people?

"I choose this one."

Since the imperial envoys suggested that the selection should be based on luck, it can only prove that "this link is designed in this way."

Chen Qi naturally followed the good advice and chose one at random.

"It's actually the Ancient Ring of Tirado?"

"Interesting, when you were spiritually awakening, did you choose Article 3 of the Spirit World Declaration?"

After Murong Yan casually opened the treasure Chen Qi selected, her face looked strange.

Then she asked Chen Qi an even weirder question.

"Article 3 of the Spirit World Declaration?"

"There is no additional space-time dimension in the NO.3 world."

"I have no choice."

Although he didn't know why Murong Yan asked this question, Chen Qi gave a truthful answer after thinking about it for a moment.

"Then you are destined to follow this ring, and it belongs to you!"

Murong Yan glanced between the ring and Chen Qi a few times in confusion, but still gave the ring to Chen Qi.

"The Ancient Ring of Tirado is a space ring."

"The only special thing is that extraordinary beings who have signed Article 3 of the Spirit Realm Declaration will not be able to use it."

"Many people speculate based on this that this ancient ring is related to different time and space, and is even made of space debris from different latitudes."

"It's a pity that it has changed hundreds of owners and studied it for more than two thousand years, but nothing has been discovered."

"So the ring became useless and ended up in my hands."

As if to explain why she asked about the "Spirit Realm Declaration" before, Murong Yan introduced the Ancient Ring of Tirado in detail.

After knowing that he had chosen a space ring, Chen Qi was quite happy.

This is a must-have when traveling, and it is just convenient for your next actions.

Although the ancient ring of Tirado may be a bit weird, Chen Qi doesn't care.

As long as it can be used, he won't bother to study blindly now.

Chen Qi didn't believe that he could easily figure out something that others couldn't study for more than 2,000 years.

Chen Qi felt that he was lucky today, and he picked a good thing that he could use right away.

Murong Yan was quite confused. Among the hundreds of treasures she took out, the Tirado Ancient Ring only ranked in the top 30 at most.

Chen Qi killed the ancestral demon, shouldn't he be blessed with good fortune?

Is there something wrong with my valuation?

That's all, it was just a boring test anyway, Murong Yan was too lazy to think about it any more.


"Chen Qi, this is the farewell. I hope the next time we meet will be within the empire!"

"Don't worry, I will keep your true identity a secret for you."

""Game of Kings" is over!"

The 54 cards were gathered together and turned into a playing card, which was held by Murong Yan in his hand.

But he didn't know if it was Chen Qi's illusion. In a daze, he felt that the entire legal world had folded.

After he came to his senses, Murong Yan had disappeared.

And he actually returned to the city of chaos.

Chen Qi looked up at the sky and suddenly felt that everything was different.

The sky seemed brighter and higher, and the huge beings that shrouded it disappeared without a trace.

The sky in Blue Taro Country is finally clear!

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