On March 8, 17650, a week had passed since the explosion in Mara Port.

Today, it's sunny and the bright sunshine shines on Chen Qi's face. He is finally released from prison!

Ah, bah, it’s the lifting of centralized quarantine review.

The moment the big explosion occurred, Chen Qi instinctively launched the barrier technique.

The next moment, he was blown back into the sea by the shock wave.

By the time Chen Qi climbed ashore from the sea again, the huge mushroom cloud had already risen to an altitude of 3,000 meters.

Because he was far away from the center of the explosion and protected by barrier magic, Chen Qi was not seriously injured except for being in a sorry state.

But the surrounding passengers were not so lucky. They ranged from head injuries to bloody injuries, to missing arms and legs.

The most unlucky ones are those who fell into the sea and couldn't swim, so they fell unconscious.

Out of humanitarian considerations, Chen Qi began to work with the surrounding survivors to save lives and heal the wounded.

It's a pity that he is no longer a miracle doctor who can deal with life and death, and can only help salvage those unlucky people who fell into the sea.

About 10 minutes later, accompanied by the roar of the mecha.

More than 300 C4 vigilante mechas descended from the sky, surrounding Mara Port like steel giants.

The vigilante mechas are 150 meters high. The moment they appear, Mara Port seems to have suddenly built a high steel wall.


For the first time, Chen Qi saw how terrifying it was to have more than 300 large-scale biological radars at full power.

At that moment, the entire Mara Port completely weaved a web of life.

Even if Chen Qi used his spirituality to cover up his life fluctuations, he still could not escape the lock.

Just as unlucky as Chen Qi, there are a dozen other high-level extraordinary beings.

Fortunately, it seems that the first target of these mechas is not them, but they are constantly looking for something at the center of the explosion.

But Chen Qi and the others did not dare to make any move. After all, the Kingdom of Dikara was a medium power ranked 17th.

Not to mention that they were just high-level transcendent beings, not even the Silver Apostles dared to act recklessly here.

After searching for half an hour, nothing seemed to be found.

At this time, the security forces of the Kingdom of Dikara finally arrived. Chen Qi and other extraordinary beings were too "eye-catching", so they naturally received special care.

Fortunately, they are all candidates, and many of them have just arrived in Mara Port today.

It can only be said that the time and place where they appeared was very sensitive, but if they were responsible for the big explosion, the officials of the Kingdom of Dikara were not stupid.

But even if the suspicion was small, considering the "dangerousness" of Chen Qi and others, they were still isolated and examined.

It was said to be a quarantine review, but no one came to ask them any questions from the beginning to the end.

Obviously, the officials of the Kingdom of Dikara are very busy now and are too lazy to waste energy on them.


Perhaps because they were classmates together, Chen Qi and a dozen other extraordinary people quickly became familiar with each other.

Everyone was discussing the "Big Explosion in Mara Port" extremely enthusiastically, and they didn't care at all that they were now being quarantined and censored.

They are not ordinary people without background. If this matter is not serious, no one wants to be blamed for something.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Dikara is very strong, so they will not suffer this injustice.

They are just a group of ordinary people, and they don't even have a few controllers. How can you watch them?

This shows that the Kingdom of Dikara really has no intention of doing anything to them, it is just going through a procedure.


"Brother Chen, let's have a drink together to celebrate?"

"We are so unlucky that we need to get rid of our bad luck."

The blond Collins invited Chen Qi enthusiastically, perhaps because they are both from small countries, and the two of them have become relatively familiar with each other recently.

"next time!"

"As soon as my left foot stepped onto Mara Port, my back foot was blown directly into the sea."

"I have to find a place to live first. There is still one and a half months until the exam, so we have plenty of time."

Although Chen Qi also wants to change his luck, he doesn't even have a place to stay now.

Collins said nothing more when he saw this, and the group parted ways completely.

Considering the strange situation in the Kingdom of Dikara, Chen Qi did not intend to go deep into the interior of the Kingdom, so he settled in a small city not far from Mara Port.

It is said to be a small city, but it has a population of five million!

As the 17th-ranked medium power, the land area of ​​the Kingdom of Dikara has reached 170 million square kilometers. Even among all medium powers, this land area can be ranked in the top 30.

As for the population of the Kingdom of Dikara, it has reached 1.5 billion, far exceeding the limit of a medium-sized country.

If it were not for its own insufficient strength and lack of technological capabilities to achieve nuclear fusion, the Kingdom of Dikara would have been qualified to enter the ranks of great powers.

Once successful, they can also transfer their energy to develop the outer ring world like the current [Dark Star Empire].

Once it successfully establishes a foothold in the Outer Rim World, the Kingdom of Decara can relocate the country's essence to the Outer Rim World.

As for the part of the world that remains in the inner ring, it will usually be completely cut off and redivided into a number of small countries by the world government.

It is said to be "completely cut", but it has the same origin, how could it be cut so cleanly?

Therefore, many small countries and even medium-powerful countries in the inner ring world have support behind them.


"Viewers, regarding the latest rescue progress of the Mara Port explosion..."

In the most upscale hotel in Kashiwahara City, Chen Qi, after washing up, turned on the TV and watched the local news about the Kingdom of Dikara.

During the isolation and review period, their communication was completely cut off, at least that was the case with Chen Qi's "elderly machine".

So the first thing Chen Qi did after coming out was to find out what happened that day?

"Is it really a terrorist attack?"

"Is it really a nuclear bomb?"

The TV in the hotel uses virtual projection technology, and various three-dimensional pictures make people feel quite immersive.

Of course, this is for ordinary people, and extraordinary people can no longer feel this kind of sensory enjoyment.

Chen Qi changed more than a dozen channels in a row, and all the news was conclusively talking about the same thing.

That is the public enemy of the human world, the evil Skull and Bones Society, who planned this big explosion.

The kingdom even found out the exact identity of the perpetrator.

【Explosion Demon】Akita.

Chen Qi was a little confused when he looked at Akita's wanted portrait on the TV screen.

Is this guy human?

[Skull and Bones] Chen Qi had only heard from Hammond, the unlucky [scholar], that it was an anti-human organization composed of aliens.

As for whether anti-human humans will be allowed to join, I don't know.

If the big explosion was really planned by the Skull and Bones Society, it would make sense.

It is estimated that only these guys who hate humans can be so heartless.

According to current statistics alone, the number of people directly killed by the explosion has reached 50,000, and the number of injured has reached hundreds of thousands.

A huge crater with a diameter of 1 kilometer and a depth of hundreds of meters appeared in the center of Port Mara. You can imagine how terrifying this big explosion was.


Although the experts on TV said with certainty that the Skull and Bones used nuclear bombs, they even calculated the specific yield.

But Chen Qi is deeply skeptical of this conclusion.

"If I sense correctly, the big explosion was not caused by nuclear bombs at all, but by the power of authority!"

"That means there were Silver Apostles fighting at that time?"

"The water in the Kingdom of Dikara is a bit deep, so I have to be careful."

As an apostle player who once controlled the fragments of life authority, Chen Qi still knows the power of the silver level even though he has lost his cards.

The moment the big explosion occurred, he clearly felt the fluctuations in authority.

At that moment, Chen Qi thought he had mistakenly entered the battlefield of the big guys.

At that time, Chen Qi was considering whether to prepare his last words.

After all, with his current strength and speed, there is no way he can escape from the Silver Apostle's combat range.

Fortunately, the power of authority only appeared for a moment and disappeared after the big explosion.

What made Chen Qi feel even more strange was that he did not perceive the second kind of authority.

What is going on?

The explosion in Mara Port was definitely not as simple as what was said on TV.


"Choo Choo Choo!"

A strong wind blew in through the open window, bringing with it a red parrot.

The moment the big explosion happened, Chen Qi let Xiao Hong run away.

This little guy really lived up to his high expectations. He ran extremely fast and only flew back now.

Look at this chubby posture, it seems that I have been eating quite well recently!


A black seed fell out of Xiaohong's claws, and Chen Qi's face turned dark.

Why does this thing look so familiar?

Which family's unlucky guy provoked the Kestrel King again?

Well, this seed is exactly the same as the one Chen Qi got last time.

No need to think about it, Xiaohong must be addicted to eating, and once again do justice to heaven.

What can Chen Qi do?

He had no choice but to accept the seed and confine Xiaohong again.


A mechanical watch worn on Chen Qi's wrist continued to grow and grow, turning into an exquisite birdcage in the blink of an eye.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Xiaohong's protest was ineffective and Chen Qi forced her into the cage.

It's a sensitive period recently, so it's better to keep a low profile.


Seven days have passed in a flash, and the aftermath of the Mara Port explosion is still brewing.

If the Kingdom of Dikara had not been a monarchy, there might have been more famous scenes.

After Chen Qi ate in silence for a week, he confirmed that he was no longer being noticed, so he was invited to attend the second gathering of the "inmates".

Although everyone comes from all over the world, they all have one goal, which is to apply for the Tianwu Conjuration Academy.

Although they may be competitors in the future, it does not prevent them from making more friends now.

After all, in this world, although it is hard to have big fists, you can also take advantage of having a wide face.

Many extraordinary people even come here to join in the fun just to expand their social circle.

Those who pass are naturally geniuses, but those who fail are not necessarily wastes.

The Tianwu Conjuration Academy looks down on it, but some small organizations are eager for talents.

It can be said that every application site for the top ten super spell academies also takes into account the functions of talent recruitment and trade exchanges.

The registration period for this exam is from March 15th to 20th, and the first round of written exams will start on April 15th.

The registration location is Brent, the third largest city in the Kingdom of Dikara.

Today happened to be the first day of registration. After Chen Qi registered, he followed Collins to the meeting place.


"Collins, this party is a bit big!"

"I remember there were only 17 people quarantined together at that time. Now the number is almost over 300!"

"Is that guy Reeves so proud?"

Before entering the banquet hall, Chen Qi sensed the dense crowds of high-level transcendent beings inside.

Even though everyone tried their best to contain their spirituality and life fluctuations, in Chen Qi's perception, they were still candles in the dark night.

"I didn't expect Brother Chen's spiritual perception to be so keen. He must have experienced many battles."

"I can only vaguely detect 187 people, which is far worse than you!"

"For us high-level transcendent beings, one of the most important criteria for judging the strength of our strength is whether we can sense each other."

"For example, in my perception, Brother Chen, you are just an ordinary person, but this is impossible."

"This only shows that your strength is far superior to mine!"

Collins looked at Chen Qi with admiration. His previous judgment was indeed correct.

The strength of the one in front of me is definitely the best among the high-level extraordinary beings.

Even before entering the banquet hall, you can sense the presence of all extraordinary beings.

That can only mean one thing, this one is more powerful than everyone inside!

As expected, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this world. This trip to the Kingdom of Dikara is really worthwhile and I have learned a lot.


Chen Qi also didn't expect that his casual words would almost expose his identity as a country bumpkin.

It turns out that this is how extraordinary people distinguish their strength!

This is really not to blame for Chen Qi's ignorance. It's actually because he has never fought against extraordinary beings before.

After all, even a high-level transcendent couldn't withstand his casual attack. How could Chen Qi care about such a trivial matter.

Regarding Collins' praise, although Chen Qi felt that he was right and the content in it was indeed rubbish, he still had to show humility on his face.

After all, he is no longer an apostle player who can kill all extraordinary beings with one strike.

You still have to keep a low profile!

"Everyone, thank you for giving me this face,..."

When Chen Qi and Collins entered the banquet hall, Reeves was chatting there.

The two of them randomly found a corner and chatted casually while drinking.

"Reeves is the third prince of the Kingdom of New Kallen. Although the Kingdom of New Kallen is very average among middle powers, this status is still very valuable among extraordinary people."

"This guy was also a factor in why we were able to come out so quickly last time!"

"With his strength, he will never be able to get into the Celestial Witch Conjuration Academy!"

"The reason why he came here is purely to recruit people. After all, this man aspires to be the king."

Collins is truly a communicator, and he knows the origins of several influential figures at the banquet.

Chen Qi heard a lot of gossip from him.

"Collins, I heard that a crown prince of the Kingdom of Dikara also died in the big explosion."

"How much do you know about this matter?"

Probably because Collins mentioned the fight for the throne, Chen Qi couldn't help but think of some of the gossipy news he had seen online recently.

The Kingdom of Dikara is also a monarchy, and the battle for the throne has already started.

Although Chen Qi was not interested in these nonsense things, the big explosion did make him a little concerned.

Next, I have to stay in their territory for a month. It would be good to know more about them so as not to violate any taboos.

As for whether Collins will know the answer?

Haha, this guy is a professional intelligence officer from the Blackwater Conjuration Academy, how could he not be well-informed?


What Collins didn't know was that his identity had long been revealed.

Otherwise, how could Chen Qi become friends with him.

The reason why Chen Qi was able to see through Collins' identity was of course because he was familiar with the Blackwater Conjuring Academy.

When he was "Sunuo", he was also a member of the academy.

He was in the same class as Collins!

Chen Qi recognized Collins the first time he met him.

As a result, he also made up a fake identity, not mentioning that he was from the Blackwater School of Conjuration.

After several tests, Chen Qi determined that this guy was a spy and was here to collect application information for the college.


Tianwu Conjuring Academy, one of the top ten super conjuring academies, is recruiting students. It would be strange if the other conjuring academies are not interested!

After all, many of the applicants are elites they have trained themselves.

But there is nothing that can be done about it, because they are not at the same level as the top ten super spell academies.

Many spell academies are even proud that their students can enter the top ten and use this to promote their enrollment.

It can be said that half of the strength of the top ten super spell academies is based on the blood drawing of the other 2990 spell academies.

All the schools of magic dream that one day they can take over the top ten positions, but this is destined to be just a dream.

Ranking in the top 100 has been a goal that many spell schools have been striving for for three thousand years.

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