I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 212 The Path of Bliss

"Brother Chen, I do know some inside information about the big explosion in Mara Port."

"Those gossips spread on the Internet may not be groundless."

"The most mysterious seventh crown prince of the Kingdom of Dikara completely disappeared after the big explosion."

"According to legend, that one happened to be in Port Mara that day."

"There are too many legends about this crown prince."

"It is rumored that he is the bloodline of the old king who lives among the people. He was brought back to the palace because of his outstanding cultivation talent."

"As a result, in just three years since he returned to the palace, only one of the king's 26 children died!"

"Do you think this is scary?"

Collins deliberately lowered his voice when talking about this gossip.

Even the last few words were not spoken at all, just opened the mouth.

To be honest, Chen Qi was really shocked by this gossip.

Is the battle for the throne of the Kingdom of Dikara so brutal?

But this is too cruel!

His Majesty the King is just watching helplessly. Isn't he really afraid that he will cut off his descendants?

"Brother Chen, I doubt it. This is just speculation."

"The nuclear bomb in Port Mara was probably carried out by His Highness the Third Prince who is still alive!"

"Seriously, if you think about it from your perspective, if I had such a cruel brother, I would also want to drop a nuclear bomb!"

"I guess Reeves was also frightened by the horror of the battle for the throne, so he held this banquet and couldn't wait to recruit troops."

Collins pouted at Reeves, who was still talking non-stop on the stage. This guy was completely deceiving and was reluctant to give away any benefits.

Chen Qi half believed Collins's speculation.

If the big explosion was really caused by the Third Highness, even though the blame now falls on the Skull and Bones Society, the kingdom's senior officials must be aware of it.

"Large-scale massacre of human beings", there is such a "handle", even if the seventh prince dies, that one will not be able to ascend the throne.

Once the scandal breaks out one day and the third prince ascends to the throne, the Kingdom of Dikara will definitely become the target of public criticism and be beaten hard.

The kingdom’s top officials can’t be so unwise!

Therefore, if the third prince still wants to ascend the throne, he will never dare to do so.

Unless he's crazy!


Almost at the same time, inside the most tightly guarded prison in the Kingdom of Dikara.

Eris, who had been imprisoned here for seven days, finally waited for the messenger sent by the king.

"Your Highness, do you have anything else to defend?"

"You dare to do such a thing by colluding with the Skull and Bones Society to murder the royal family. I really underestimated you before."

As the king's most trusted confidant, Xinkeba showed no mercy to Eris, a prisoner.

It was really because the impact of the Marathon explosion was too bad. If the royal family had not suppressed it, the third prince would have been torn apart by the angry nobles of the kingdom.

You must know that there were many children of their family who accompanied His Highness the Seventh Prince on his trip.

As a result, they all died in the big explosion.

"Royal blood? Hahaha!"

"You said that monster is of royal blood? Are you crazy, or am I crazy?"

"That guy is not human at all, he has no humanity."

"Xinkeba, you must know the origin of that guy very well."

"What kind of bullshit is the bloodline of the people? He is clearly a monster brought back by the kingdom from the outer world."

"Although I don't know what you are planning, but what you do will only lead the Kingdom of Dikara to destruction."

"You can do this, why shouldn't I dare to collude with the Skull and Bones Society?"

"I just want to live, I'm just saving myself, I just want to save the Kingdom of Dikara."

When he talked about that monster, Eris trembled all over. From beginning to end, he did not dare to mention that guy's name.

Even though the other party is likely to be wiped out now, he still doesn't dare.


"Hey, Eris, you really can't see the truth clearly either."

"Do you know why 25 of your brothers and sisters died tragically, but His Majesty the King did nothing?"

"Because it was not His Highness Seventh Prince who killed them, but themselves."

"You think His Highness Seventh is despicable, that he has evil intentions, that he is extremely evil, and that he wants to kill you."

"Everything is given by you!"

"His Highness just gave you the response you expected."

"You are one of the few people who initially had good intentions towards His Highness. This is why you have been able to survive."

"But in the end, you changed too!"

Looking at Eris who was completely crazy, Xinkeba sighed.

I wonder if His Majesty regrets bringing His Highness 7 back from the outer world.

Probably not.

After all, His Majesty knows best the disputes within the royal family.

How could his children treat an illegitimate son of unknown origin with kindness and might even compete with them for the throne?

So everything was doomed a long time ago. Even Eris, the kindest person in the royal family, has turned into such an ugly appearance.

Maybe this is the price for the kingdom to go further!


"Hahaha, did we choose to kill ourselves?"

"Xinkeba, you don't know anything at all. You don't feel that fear at all."

"That's right, your emotions have long been taken away by that old immortal!"

"I didn't believe that the monster could kill people at first. After all, he was so innocent and kind."

"But I saw it with my own eyes later. That monster killed the thirteenth brother with his own hands in front of me."

"And when I ran to my father's palace, he was actually playing chess with my father."

"He even greeted me happily, as if nothing had happened."

"How could I not be afraid? How could I not be afraid?"

"Then I discovered the truth. Only when I was afraid of him could I see his true face."

"It's not a human being at all, he's a devil, the legendary devil who plays with people's hearts!"

"You actually brought this forbidden life back to the inner world."

"Everything I do is to save the kingdom!"

"Now he is finally dead, hahaha, I succeeded!"

Eris fell completely into hysteria, and his current face was even more ferocious and twisted than the legendary devil.

At this moment, he doesn't look like a prince at all.



Xinkeba sighed again.

"Eris, as I said just now, His Highness will only respond in accordance with your expectations."

"You should know very well that there is no devil in this world."

"World Government Convention No. 79, [The devil does not exist, and all legends about the devil are aliens spreading fear]."

"There will never be a devil in our human world. This is an iron law!"

"You know better than me what kind of organization Skull and Bones is. Why did Akita agree to take action? Is it just because of your empty promise?"

"Because His Highness Seventh Prince is a human, a human with unique talents, that's why the Skull and Bones Society wants to kill him."

"Eris, you have disappointed His Majesty so much!"

"The reason why you are still alive now is not because you are the only remaining bloodline of His Majesty the King."

"Your Majesty just wants to leave you to His Majesty Seventh Prince."

"Eris, just wait here slowly. His Highness will come to see you one day."

After saying these words, Xinkeba turned around and left.

The next moment, Eris's endless terrified screams came from the deep cell!

"Impossible, there is absolutely no way that monster is still alive."

"Akita is the Silver Apostle, how could it not kill that monster!"

"You can't lie to me. I know that guy has disappeared."

"Hahaha, the kingdom will be mine in the end!"

"I'll wait for that day."

The door to the heavenly prison was closed again, and the world was completely plunged into darkness.


Brent City, the party is still going on.

Chen Qi made a bunch of new friends under the introduction of Collins.

Everyone was enjoying themselves while drinking and mingling.

Inadvertently, Chen Qi slowly shook the wine glass in his hand.

In the scarlet wine glass, little ripples rippled, symbolizing Chen Qi's mood at the moment.

Just now, he actually felt a sense of peeping.

Although the other party's methods are very secretive, Chen Qi's induction cannot be escaped.

But there was nothing unusual about anyone around him, and no one, including Collins, seemed to notice.

Chen Qi didn't show it.

It just so happened that Reeves finally started to talk about the essentials, and everyone's attention was instantly focused there.

"I know a lot of people came to my reception to get more details about the exam."

"After all, the last round of enrollment for Tianwu Conjuration Academy was 30 years ago, and none of you here were even born at that time."

"There is no way, who allows the top ten super spell academies to recruit students every 30 years, and only recruit high-level extraordinary people under the age of 30."

Reeves's words finally made him the focus of everyone in the audience.

Hey, recruiting a group of people is really not easy.

These guys really didn't take me seriously.

But it doesn't matter, these guys haven't been hit yet.

After they fail, it will be much easier for me to win over them based on the good relationship I have established now.

You are really ignorant and fearless. How can it be so easy to pass the exam in the top ten super spell schools?

Reeves continued to speak while thinking to himself.

"Everyone, there are several members of our New Calen Kingdom, especially the royal family, who have been admitted to the Tianwu Conjuration Academy, so I know a little more than you do."

"According to the information I received, Tianwu Conjuration Academy has set up a total of 100 admissions points for this recruitment."

"The final number of applicants is probably between 3 million and 5 million. Basically, every time the top ten super spell academies recruit students, this is the size of the application, which is not surprising."

"The top ten super spell academies each have their own admissions rules. The assessment method of Tianwu Conjuration Academy is very simple. There are only two rounds of written examination and practical competition."

"Regarding the written test, the rules of Tianwu Conjuration Academy are a bit unique."

"They will give 3,000 exam questions involving magic knowledge, and only by answering them all correctly and getting full marks can you pass the test!"

"Even if you answer one question incorrectly, you will be eliminated and will not have the opportunity to enter the actual combat assessment."

"From the perspective of Tianwu Conjuration Academy, there is no difference between an exam and a life-and-death duel. If you get one wrong, it means you made an oversight during the battle."

"People who are destined to die are not qualified to join the academy."

After Reeves finished speaking, the audience fell silent for a moment.

Many people's faces were full of surprise, because this was the first time they knew that this was the case in the written examination.

Admissions are not ranked based on scores?

There are 3,000 questions, and if you make one mistake, you will be eliminated. This is really difficult.

Of all the people here, how many can be confident that they have answered all the questions correctly?


"You don't have to despair. The scope of the questions asked by the Tianwu Conjuring Academy will not exceed the "Encyclopedia of Basic Knowledge of Conjuring".

“But there is a difference between being able to understand and being able to learn, use and innovate as you wish!”

"Although there is not much time left before the exam, everyone can still study more."

"As for the actual combat, that will happen after leaving the Kingdom of Dikara."

"Generally, five test centers converge and the test is conducted uniformly."

"I suggest everyone..."

Reeves on the stage was still talking non-stop, but Chen Qi in the audience started to desert.

Just now, he felt that kind of prying eyes again.

This time the location was clear, and it seemed to be within the building opposite.

Chen Qi was now extremely sure that he was being targeted.

But who could it be?

He believed that he had not caused any trouble, and he had behaved honestly after leaving Blue Taro Country. Why did he have enemies again?

Fortunately, Chen Qi soon discovered that he was not the only one who was targeted.

To be precise, their classmates and friends, including Reeves who was speaking on the stage, were all targeted.

It's just that the voyeurs were too sophisticated and these guys didn't notice.

"It seems to be related to the big explosion."

What Chen Qi has in common with them is that they were classmates.

The answer is clear!

I just don’t know who is targeting them, the official secret department of Dikara, or other forces?

But these people are just a bunch of unlucky people, so there is nothing worth worrying about.


"Were these 17 guys who experienced that big explosion?"

"Although there is a high probability that they just suffered a disaster, but now that Master Akita is missing, we can only trace it from them!"

"It's strange. This is not the first time that Master Akita has self-destructed. He has never had any problems before. Why is he missing this time?"

"I hope it is possessed by these 17 unlucky people. In this case, I only need to wake up the adults."

"If not, it would be troublesome!"

In the building opposite Chen Qi, a shadow was hiding behind the curtains and peering cautiously.

It is a low-level member of the Skull and Bones Society, and is a direct subordinate of Akita.

They followed Akita on a mission this time. Everything went smoothly, but they didn't expect that Akita-sama disappeared after the big explosion.

Now that the Kingdom of Dikara is under full martial law, several powerful captains have all hid deep in the earth, leaving only a few of them disguised as extraordinary beings to investigate.

Unfortunately, they searched Mara Port from top to bottom and could not find any trace of Lord Akita.

If the news of Akita-sama's death hadn't been heard in the meeting, they would have really thought that Akita-sama really blew himself up.

With no choice, they could only speculate that Master Akita must have had an accident when he blew himself up.

The 17 extraordinary beings who had been affected by the explosion were most likely to become Lord Akita's parasitic targets.

They need to find Master Akita as soon as possible to confirm his situation.

It just so happened that these guys gathered together, which made it easier for them to move.


The banquet lasted for another half an hour and finally ended.

Overall, everyone was happy and felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Since Brent will take the written examination in a month, Chen Qi also moved his family here from Kashiwahara City.

And this is the choice of almost all candidates.

As for skyrocketing housing prices?

Do they need to consider it?

When parting with Collins, Chen Qi, out of goodwill, gave a subtle reminder to the guy to be careful lately.

After all, the source of intelligence that was finally found must be of more value.

Unfortunately, Collins was completely wrong. He thought Chen Qi was worried that he would be killed by other candidates.

Okay, this can be considered a mistake.

But at this stage, the opposition among the candidates is not that serious.

After all, the written examination of Tianwu Conjuration Academy is so special that there is no competition at all.

So Collins didn't take Chen Qi's reminder to heart and took a group of people to drink again.

As expected, this guy doesn't care about "exams". Those who are really interested are busy cramming.


Chen Qi's current address is located in the second most luxurious hotel in Brent. There is nothing he can do. He arrived too late and the good place has been robbed long ago.

If he had come a few days later, maybe his current residence would be gone.

It seems that Chen Qi is too poor, and the truly arrogant extraordinary people directly buy luxury houses in Brent to prepare for the exam.

Poor Chen Qi, who has been doing justice all the way, and worked so hard just to get a down payment.

Of course, this refers to credit points. If it is a competition for psychic abilities or treasures, Chen Qi really doesn't bother to show off.

low profile!


The first thing Chen Qi did when he returned to the room was to check the birdcage.

Very good, Xiaobai was indeed loyal to his duty and did not let Xiaohong go out to cause trouble.

And Xiao Hong seems to have eaten too much recently and is a little indigestible, so she is fast asleep!

Chen Qi took out the two seeds and took a look at them. Would you like to eat one and try it?

But considering the origin of these two seeds, Chen Qi gave up this idea instantly.

How could a greedy guy like Xiao Hong be willing to share food with Chen Qi.

The reason why the two seeds were brought back by it was simply because it couldn't bite or open them.

After all, it is a seed with a life index of 10 points, so it always has to be a little special.

Chen Qi has done experiments and found that these two seeds are not afraid of fire, and their shells are so tough that even a chainsaw cannot cut them open.

Chen Qi had a way to peel it off, but wouldn't that be providing rations to Xiao Hong.

Chen Qi also plans to sow a seed and reap a bunch of surprises!

After sealing the two seeds and putting them away again, Chen Qi began the pre-examination assault.

Although Chen Qi was very confident in the written examination, the examination rules of Tianwu Conjuration Academy were a bit "harsh", so Chen Qi could only work harder.

And just when one person and one bird were working hard, they were on the sea 100 kilometers away from the Kingdom of Dikara.

Inside a seemingly ordinary cargo ship, a group of men in black robes were quietly ambush, waiting for their prey to arrive.

And the bait they used was a jar of black seeds.

Obviously, this is the "sufferer"'s plan to trick the bird.

It's a pity that they waited for a full week, but the damn food thief didn't show up yet.

But this group of people obviously had enough patience this time, and they must wait until the hateful thief appears.

A full 172 members were burned to ashes, and 3,000 sunflower seeds were eaten.

When have they [Bliss Path] ever suffered such a loss?

Once the news spread, how could they still be involved in the Yakuza organization?

Where should they put their reputation as the fourth largest transnational criminal group in the world?

Please take a leave. From today on, I can only update once a day.

I'm going on a long trip on May Day, and the author can't save any manuscripts, so I can only use them to update them.

If everything goes well, normal updates will resume on May 2nd. I will try my best to write more chapters in these days to ensure 5,000 updates per day.

Happy May Day to everyone in advance.

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