I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 213 The Tongyou Tree

Within the Inner Ring World, there are 10 extremely large-scale transnational criminal groups.

The Path of Bliss is one of them, and it is also ranked fourth.

The main business of Bliss Road is the manufacture and sale of various illegal drugs. They strive to bring happiness to the world, make them feel ecstasy, and relieve all kinds of troubles.

Their customers are not just ordinary humans, but also include apprentices and extraordinary beings in the other world.

Sunflower seeds are the main raw material for making "Bliss Powder".

Bliss San is the most popular product among customers in the world.

They have low side effects, but can bring pleasure to extraordinary people, and can even slightly stimulate the growth of mental power.

Although long-term use may lead to addiction, there are many extraordinary people who regard it as a health supplement.

The vast majority of extraordinary people will never be able to cross the threshold of being a controller. In this case, why not enjoy yourself in time!

This is already the case for extraordinary beings, and apprentices are even more unable to resist the temptation of Bliss Powder.

3000 sunflower seeds, once made into bliss powder, can be exchanged for at least 300 points of spiritual energy.

This is such a huge amount of wealth, converted into credits issued by the world government, it is worth 300 million.

Of course, no one is stupid enough to do that.

In this world, psychic energy is the hard currency, and credits are just a piece of waste paper at critical moments.

Such a huge amount of wealth was actually hacked, twice in a row.

Even though it is as huge as the Paradise Path, it still feels quite painful.

The most important thing is that someone dares to touch the tiger’s butt. This is so boring!


Initially, when something happened to the first transport ship, it took three days for the transportation department of Paradise Road to react.

Don't blame them for being so lazy, it's really because they haven't encountered such a thing as a lost ship for a long time.

Wait until the investigation team they sent finds the missing freighter.

This cargo ship has been regarded as a "ghost ship" and has encountered many tourists.

These tourists not only took pictures, but also took away many things.

But where is the advantage of Paradise Road that is so easy to take advantage of?

In particular, their goods are all highly valuable contraband, worth a full billion.

It only took a week for Bliss Road to recover all the goods.

Then they discovered that the sunflower seeds were missing.

No matter how tortured they were, all the tourists said they had not seen it at all.

In this case, the sunflower seeds could only have been taken away by the perpetrators.

But what is extremely strange is that Bliss Road has exhausted all methods and has not been able to find out the identity of the perpetrator.

Especially the perpetrator's purpose really puzzled them.

Without the formula of Bliss Powder, the seeds of sunflower are extremely poisonous.

Moreover, this kind of plant can only live in places with abundant spiritual energy. There are very few places in the inner world suitable for planting. What's the use of stealing it?

If you say it's a crime, but they only took away the seeds of the sunflower, the remaining goods are obviously more valuable, but they are completely dismissive.

This is so weird.


Since no monitoring equipment was installed on the freighter, Ji Le Dao finally had no choice but to let it go and consider itself unlucky.

This is a smuggling ship, and even the use of electronic equipment is strictly prohibited. How dare they install surveillance equipment.

It is not that it has not been attacked by hostile organizations before, but at least there are traces of battle left on the ship.

No matter how secretive the opponent's actions are, with these battle traces, Paradise Road will eventually be able to find out the opponent.

But this time the perpetrator was too strange and cruel.

All the crew members on the ship were burned to ashes, but there was no trace of the battle left, not even any footprints.

With the security force equipped on the ship, even a team of controllers would be difficult to do so cleanly.

It can't be those top controllers who have touched the power of authority, right?

It’s just 1,500 sunflower seeds, which is too cheap.


Because the other party did it so cleanly and neatly, Ji Le Dao only lost a jar of sunflower seeds, so he stopped making a fuss and endured it.

However, more than a month later, another of their transport ships disappeared again.

This time, Paradise Road responded very quickly, and it only took half a day to lock the lost ship.

Then the members of the Paradise Path who boarded the ship immediately were frightened by the strangeness on the ship.

There were burnt traces of human figures everywhere on the freighter.

It can be seen that the deceased met a miserable end, being burned to death bit by bit.

No matter what methods they use, they can't seem to extinguish the flames on them.

What’s even more strange is that the flames did not cause any damage to the hull or cargo.

After some inspection, as expected, all the goods were intact, except that a jar of sunflower seeds was missing.

This time maybe it was because it came in time, or maybe the perpetrator was too arrogant.

They finally made an unexpected discovery.

A paw print of a bird creature appeared on the jar containing sunflower seeds.

The seeds of sunflowers contain huge vitality. In order to facilitate smuggling, the jar used by Paradise Road is naturally an extraordinary item.

But now this canister that can hold a bomb has a bird's paw print on it.

No matter how unbelievable it is, the identity of the perpetrator is still evident.

Their Paradise Road was actually robbed by a bird with extraordinary bloodline.

No wonder the perpetrator was not interested in other goods, because the other party was not a human being at all.

This is really XXX.

After the news came back to the headquarters, the senior officials were absolutely furious.

They originally thought they were being targeted by an enemy again, but they didn't expect it to be a false alarm.

A mere extraordinary bird dared to rob them of their Paradise, and they had to be caught, roasted and eaten.

Well, actually the instructions from above are to capture them alive.

After eating so many poisonous sunflower seeds, this bird is still alive and kicking. It's incredible to think about it.

Especially the bloodline power it possesses makes the higher-ups of Paradise Road even more curious.

Able to kill 172 of their members silently, this power deserves careful study.

Even if they can't research anything, they can still sell the bird to the [Animal Path].

These guys specialize in studying biological evolution, selling various rare species, and they like weird and weird creatures the most.


[The Way of Heaven and Humanity], [The Way of Reincarnation], and [The Way of Hell], these are the top three transnational criminal organizations in the inner ring world.

Even their business scope is not limited to the inner ring world, but is also famous in the outer ring world.

Under them are the [Path of Ultimate Bliss], [Path of Unexpected Death], [Asura Path], [Animal Path], [Path of Life and Transformation], [Pink Path] and [Gaming Path].

Among them, Wushidao is mainly responsible for the killer business and is considered the largest killer group in the inner ring world.

Shura Dao operates various underground arenas, where fists are punched to the flesh and brains are splashed.

As for the Biochemical Path, they can be pharmaceutical companies that save lives and heal the wounded, or they can be biological research institutes that spread various viruses.

Pink Road is engaged in the skin and meat business, and occasionally involves human trafficking.

The last gambling road naturally refers to the largest gambling group in the inner ring world.

In fact, in addition to [The Way of Heaven and Humanity], [The Way of Reincarnation] and [The Way of Hell], the remaining seven companies occasionally have overlapping businesses and want to enter other fields.

This is the source of their fight.

The Bliss Path and the Biochemical Path have been having quite an unpleasant quarrel recently. They originally thought that this gang of gangsters was the work of those insidious guys.

After all, the black light virus developed by the Biochemical Path can also quietly turn extraordinary people into black charcoal.


Another 10 days passed, and the members of Paradise Road were already waiting so hard that their minds were fuming, but the thief never showed up.

"Captain, we can't wait like this anymore, we are just wasting our time."

"In my opinion, either the bird is not in the waters around here."

"Either it's because it's full and has been unable to digest it recently."

"Three thousand sunflower seeds might poison it to death."

After waiting foolishly for a long time, the members of the ambush Paradise Path finally couldn't bear it any longer.

They are used to enjoying themselves, so how can they endure the hardships at sea?

"I also know that as time goes by, our chances of catching it will become smaller and smaller."

"But the group recently sent a very important shipment, which contained sunflower seeds."

"It would be a bit troublesome if we don't know the specific strength of that bird!"

"If it is hacked again, or even taken away by someone with malicious intentions, the loss will be huge."

As the captain of this operation, Zhou Yankun didn't want to wait around.

But they had absolutely no other choice.

In fact, their action this time was quite dangerous. After all, the strength of the strange bird was unknown.

It is very likely that they will turn into fly ash when they meet each other.

But this is a task issued by the headquarters, and they can only obey it.

Fortunately, as long as the bird's strength can be confirmed, there is no need to go all out.

As long as we have detailed information, there are many ways to deal with it, just a bird.

But now that the other party doesn't show up, they are a little bit blind.

It would be fine if the other party was poisoned to death, but it would be fine if the group's important cargo was robbed again after it went to sea.

Their team will definitely be angered and become a scapegoat.

"Captain, the people from Tianwu Conjuration Academy are coming soon."

"We are here in plain sight. Once we are discovered by them, it will be difficult to survive."

"Those students from the Conjuration Academy like to use us to gain credits."

The men were still trying to persuade him, and this was the main reason why they wanted to run away quickly.

Zhou Yankun couldn't help but frown after hearing this. After thinking for a while, he finally made a decision.

"That's all, just report the truth directly!"

"At worst, we'll invite one of the top ten generals to take charge of the next cargo transportation."

"A mere bird is insignificant to the top controller who has already touched the power!"

It seems that they are quite afraid of the Tianwu Conjuration Academy, or they don't want to cause trouble.

After Zhou Yankun's application was sent out, the top management of Jile Dao quickly agreed to their evacuation plan.

They are not the Skull and Bones Society, and they dare to destroy the premises of the Academy of Curses and Magic.

These Yakuza organizations have always stayed away from the top ten super spell academies.

Especially during the admissions assessment, we stayed far away for fear of getting angry.

Compared with the top ten super spell academies, even though they are famous, their strength is still far behind.


The reason why the Kestrel King could not wait for the Paradise of Bliss was of course because it was imprisoned by Chen Qi.

After realizing that he was being targeted by malicious forces, Chen Qi was even more afraid to let Xiao Hong go out for a walk.

There is no way, his current strength is a little bit low, just in case, he can only ask Xiaohong to be his bodyguard.

Don't look at Xiaohong as helpless when facing sea monsters, but he is a professional counterpart when dealing with bad guys.

After the party, Chen Qi studied hard for 10 days.

What was quite strange was that the guy who was staring at him didn't come to his door.

But this does not mean that nothing happened. Four of my classmates and friends have died, and they are all the most powerful ones.

Even among those who remained, some claimed to have nightmares and fevers and colds.

They are extraordinary beings who are immune to all diseases, supermen who can control their dreams at will.

When such strange things happened, it was obvious that they were plotted.

All the weak ones survived, but the four strong ones died.

This can only mean that those four people must have discovered the other party's methods, rose up to resist, and were killed and silenced.

Then Chen Qi was worried. If someone came to his door, should he turn a blind eye?

Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future.

Can't bear it?


"Heisha, you have been making a lot of noise recently."

"Now the exam is getting closer, but as a result, candidates are dying one after another."

"If we attract the attention of Tianwu Conjuring Academy, we will all be wiped out."

Deep in the earth, a dark and shriveled ancient tree lives here strangely.

It does not see the sun or drink spring water, but survives tenaciously by relying on the chaotic energy extracted from the depths of the earth.

There are more than a dozen strange spirits hanging on its bare branches, which look very much like the hanged ghosts in folklore.

These are the members of Akita's direct team.

And these are still the lowest members. The three captains headed by them are still hiding deeper in the earth.

"Hui Sha, I'm just following Lord Amira's orders!"

"That third prince is a waste. Not only did he cause Master Akita to disappear, but he also caused the three captains to be seriously injured and had to hide under the earth to recuperate."

"With this secluded tree here, what are you afraid of?"

"As long as it's not the Silver Apostle, no one can find us!"

"The Kingdom of Dikara is just a place for written examinations. The Academy of Curses will at most send out one top controller."

"They have 100 application places. Even if there are many Silver Apostles in the top ten magic academies, they all stay in the outer world."

Heisha is the one who spied on Chen Qi and others in the building before.

The task it is responsible for is to confirm whether Lord Akita is parasitic on the 17 high-level extraordinary beings.

The result was very unsatisfactory. It had checked 13 locations and still could not find Master Akita.

In fact, it knew very well in its heart that Master Akita probably did not choose those 17 high-level transcendent beings for parasitism.

Perhaps Master Akita really had an accident and was even seriously injured and dying.

It was in this panic that it acted violently, directly killing four extraordinary people who had seen through his whereabouts.

"Hmph, anyway, just take it easy and don't bother us if you want to die."

"We discovered the whereabouts of a top controller from Tianwu Conjuration Academy in Mara Port."

"She should have come to inspect the applicants in advance. After all, this is their usual method."

"There is no way, we can only withdraw first."

"Although I'm not 100% sure, Master Akita should still be near Mara Port."

"Heisha, you can give up on your mission there. There is no need to add any more complications."

Hui Sha spoke again, and several other strange spirits also agreed.

Heisha kills the candidates, which is a slap in the face of Tianwu Conjuration Academy.

Heisha didn't know how terrifying the Heavenly Witch Cursing Academy was, but they had experienced it firsthand.

That day in Mara Port, the person from Tianwu Conjuration Academy accidentally leaked a little bit of his breath.

They were several kilometers apart and were almost frightened to pieces.

Heisha, this stupid young man, wants to die without dragging us into the water.

The only thing that makes them feel strange is that the people who can enter the Tianwu Cursing Academy are all geniuses. How could they not be able to contain their auras?

Why did that person suddenly lose control of his breath?

Did she suddenly discover something?

If the news of Akita-sama's death hadn't come yet, they would have thought that Akita-sama had been discovered.

"Hmph, you cowards just know how to run away."

"I'm different. As long as the tasks assigned by a few adults, I will work hard to complete."

"I will definitely check all of those 17 guys."

"If you are still lazy here after I come back, see how I file a complaint."

Perhaps because he knew about the arrival of the Tianwu Cursing Academy, Heisha was still afraid of death no matter how stupid and bold he was.

Then I saw a certain spirit body hanging on the tree of Tongyou split into two parts. This was actually a sub-body of Hei Sha. The main body was still hanging on the tree.

Although this is not Heisha's unique ability, it is the best at it among a dozen companions.

That's why it acts unscrupulously.

As long as it doesn't encounter ruthless characters, even if its offspring dies, its main body will not be implicated.

And with the help of the Tongyou Tree, it can also transfer the power of the main body to the sub-body, so there is no need to worry about insufficient combat power.

This is one of the reasons why their skulls are so powerful.

What these little minions are using now is only a small branch of the ninth-generation offspring that was split from the real Tongyou Tree, which is only suitable for weak scum like them.

The three captains who were recuperating under the earth used more advanced Tongyou trees, which were the 8th generation offspring.

"Tch, aren't you still afraid of death?"

Seeing Hei Sha's tough-tongued but cowardly look, a dozen spirits on the Tongyou tree laughed with disdain.

They are not lazy, but cautious.

After all, there is now a top controller who has touched the power of authority in Mara Port, and anyone can kill them with just a breath.

Damn Heisha, you still want to make a snitch. It's better to die outside.

However, a few hours later, their wish came true.

It was not only the child body of Heisha that died, but its body also burned with black flames.

At first, Hui Sha and the others were gloating about his misfortune, but soon they stopped laughing.

Because the strange black flames burned more and more fiercely, not only burning the black evil spirit to death, but also igniting the Tongyou tree.

And they have long been bound to the branches of this tree. As the tree burns more and more, they become more and more desperate.

"No, I don't want to die!"

"Damn Heisha, what kind of existence did you provoke to burn this place!"

"It's over, this flame can't be extinguished at all!"

"Captain Amira, save me!"

"Captain Ainas, I don't want to die!"

Unfortunately, no matter how the Gray Fiends and the others called for help, the three captains hiding deeper in the earth seemed not to hear them.

However this is simply impossible.

With the sensing between the trees, how could they not detect it.

In the end, all the weird spirits disappeared completely in the black fire along with the Tongyou tree.

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