Shengxian Island, the second ring.

On a beautiful mountain peak, a large ship ran aground here.

To be more precise, the bow of the ship plunged directly into the mountain.

Only the extraordinary battleship of the Tianwu Conjuring Academy can smash the mountain into pieces while only slightly damaging itself.

In fact, if all the candidates hadn't been on the deck at that time, they wouldn't have scattered all over Shengxian Island like falling flowers.


The moment the Haiyuan crashed, the three of them woke up first.

Unfortunately, the environment in Shengxian Island was too special. The Haiyuan was already out of control, and they could only barely avoid the most violent impact.

After the Haiyuan crashed, there were only 15 people left on the ship, none of whom were candidates.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise the concentration of spiritual energy in this place would be as high as 62 times.

The vast majority of candidates have to go crazy.

After Caroline and others fell, the first thing they addressed was their own safety.

After all, the noise of their fall was too great, attracting many orcs and powerful life forms.

Fortunately, they were from the Tianwu Conjuration Academy after all, so they managed to win this battle with their strength.

It's not that they don't want to start the Haiyuan, but that the power system of the Haiyuan has been running in a low spiritual energy environment. They were a little uncomfortable when they first came to Shengxian Island, so they stayed down for the time being.

After a bloody battle, although they paid a small price, the three of them were able to figure out the true situation here.

Then they realized instantly that something was wrong.

Unlike other people who don't know anything about it, Shengxian Island is famous among the top ten super spell academies.

After all, in the ten-school joint examination 50 years ago, the top ten super spell schools suffered heavy losses.

Although Caroline and others could not experience it personally, they still heard some inside stories from some old seniors.

Shengxian Island has turned into a desperate place, with no way in or out, whoever leaves will die.

More importantly, the top ten super spell academies have lost their lock on the Immortal Island.

There is no way to get in.

But now, the Haiyuan has broken into Shengxian Island. This is really not an opportunity, but a "disaster"!


After stabilizing the situation, Caroline and the three wanted to contact the missing candidates through the communication equipment on the ship.

After all, they are the examiners and they still have certain obligations to protect the safety of the candidates.

Of course, this assessment must have been messed up by them.

But that was after leaving Shengxian Island alive.

The most important thing now is to gather all the strength and survive first.

However, it may be due to the impact of the impact, or the special psychic environment here.

There was something wrong with the communication equipment on the Haiyuan.

There was no way, Caroline and the three could only split into two groups.

Some manpower remained on the Haiyuan to repair communication equipment.

Another group of people began to explore Shengxian Island, searching for surviving candidates.

Since this was the first time the Haiyuan had experienced this failure, and the environment they were in was so special, the repair process had been slow.

Even if the exploration team hadn't brought back some professional equipment from some abandoned laboratories, whether the Haiyuan could be repaired would still be a question.

Compared with the slow progress of repairs, the progress of the exploration team is much more gratifying.

Although Shengxian Island was very dangerous, they mainly searched outwards and did not suffer much losses.

Until Wei Qingran led a team into a certain biochemical laboratory.

In that battle, three of the five-man team led by Wei Qingran were killed directly.

You must know that they are all the masters of three spiritual sublimations, and Wei Qingran has achieved it four times.

Even so, they still suffered a big loss in the laboratory of Biochemical Path.


Fortunately, hard work always pays off, and it's also in that laboratory.

Wei Qingran obtained a panoramic view of Shengxian Island.

Not only is the topography and spiritual energy concentration of Shengxian Island marked in detail, but the major laboratories are also marked.

After that battle, due to too many personnel losses, the exploration laboratory operation was stopped, and more energy was focused on searching for candidates.

Then Wei Qingran and others found the first surviving candidate, and even found the Box of Knowledge.

After the news came back to the Haiyuan, everyone was stunned.

"System restart" and "candidate renumbering", who did this?


Unlike the candidates who didn't know what the system was, Caroline and others immediately thought of the fallen Yunshan.

The fall of the small floating city Yunshan caused a sensation in the top ten super spell academies.

The only person who can connect to the Box of Knowledge is the mastermind of the Yunshan.

But who found the fallen floating city and restarted it?

"Sister Feng", it seems that only Feng Zining, who is the true seed, can possibly do such a thing.

But it's only possible.

After all, Caroline and others are of low status and have limited knowledge of the authority they have over the true seeds.

Although Senior Sister Feng Zining had been missing during the assessment, the three of them knew that Senior Sister Feng Zining was always near them.

Especially when they went to sea, they saw their senior sister on a passenger ship they were following.

What puzzled them was that there were three more little girls beside the senior sister.

Is that the important thing that senior sister has been busy with recently?

Although the three of them didn't know why they ended up on Shengxian Island, they must have something to do with the A+ grade life form based on the situation at that time.

With its terrifying power, the surrounding sea area thousands of miles away will definitely be affected.

Therefore, it is very likely that Senior Sister Feng Zining also came to Shengxian Island.


As time goes by, more and more knowledge boxes and candidates are discovered.

Not only did Caroline and others not feel at ease, but they felt deeper fear and despair.

Boxes of knowledge are scattered throughout Shengxian Island. Doesn't that mean that the 500 candidates who took the joint examination of the ten schools before are very likely to be wiped out.

You must know that they are all the elites among the elites, and any one of them will defeat the three of Caroline.

But so many elite students disappeared without a trace. How could this not make the weaker Caroline and others despair and fear.

Especially after the "system restart", there has been no movement.

This chilled the hearts of Caroline and others even more.

There was such a major accident in this assessment. As the leader of the team, it was impossible for the senior sister not to contact them.

If the senior sister is really in control of the Yunshan, she must have a way to contact the three of them.

Since no news has come yet, there is only one possibility.

The person who restarted and took control of the Yunshan was not Senior Feng Zining at all.

As for who is that person?

Caroline and others didn't even dare to guess, because that would only make them more desperate and fearful.

After all, it is precisely because they know too much that they suffer more than the ignorant candidates.


This had already made everyone despair, but they didn't expect that the [System], which had been inactive for so long, would actually issue a mission after the Blood Moon appeared.

The moment she saw the three main missions, Caroline's eyes went dark.

Their suspicions were confirmed. The person in charge of the Yunshan was indeed not Senior Sister Feng Zining.

Then the beast tide appeared, catching them off guard.

The impact the Haiyuan suffered was much greater than that of the human camp.

Fortunately, the repair of the Haiyuan was basically completed at this time. Under the power of the extraordinary battleship, even though this was not the sea, they still managed to survive.

It seems that everything is going well and things will turn around.

Just when the blood moon appeared, the communication equipment on the Haiyuan was finally repaired.

Immediately, Caroline and others began to contact Senior Sister Feng Zining.

This person is now the "support" in the hearts of all of them. The reason why they still have hope for the future is because of the "strength" of the true seeds.

The senior sister who has already touched the power of authority will definitely be able to lead them out of Shengxian Island.

It seemed that fate finally began to favor Caroline and others. They successfully contacted Senior Sister Feng Zining, and then they received a blow.

The senior sister did come to Shengxian Island, but she was trapped in a place called Longevity Village.

It seems that there can be infinite restarts, and only when they restart can they contact Senior Sister Feng Zining.

This is really a combination of sadness and joy.

The hope that had just been ignited in the hearts of Caroline and others was half extinguished in an instant.

The reason why the other half is still burning is because the senior sister is still alive.

As long as they can help the senior sister out of trouble, the situation can be completely reversed.


There is strength in numbers. Regardless of their considerations, after the communication equipment was repaired, Caroline and others still sent out a broadcast to all candidates.

Of course they know that there is a secret method of spiritual sublimation in certain knowledge boxes.

And what they want to call are also these candidates who will be promoted to controllers.

After all, after successive losses, only 35 of the 50 juniors led by Caroline and the others were left.

It is really difficult to rescue Senior Sister Feng Zining and complete the task assigned by Senior Sister with the current manpower.

It's always good to have a few more helpers.

Caroline believed that those who could be promoted to controller at this time would be among the top candidates regardless of strength or luck.

These smart people must know what to do.

And things turned out just as Caroline expected. Chen Qi, a group of smart people, finally appeared on the Haiyuan.


"Everyone, this is what happened before!"

"Because the Haiyuan has encountered some twists and turns, I have only contacted you now. I'm really sorry."

"Fortunately, the result is good. Congratulations in advance to all of you who have been promoted to controllers."

"Although you have not officially joined the academy, since you have completed your promotion with the academy's secret method of spiritual sublimation, you are destined to be students of the top ten super spell academies."

"My fellow students, you have made a wise choice."

On the Haiyuan, there were 45 candidates standing in front of Caroline.

Their strength has suddenly reached the level of controllers.

Caroline was a little surprised that so many candidates were promoted to controllers.

What happened back then? So many secrets sealed in the 200 boxes of knowledge were handed down.

Fortunately, that is a thing of the past. So many candidates have been promoted to controllers, which is a good thing for them now.

At least there are enough people.

Caroline believes that there must be more than just the candidates who have been promoted.

But if those "slippery guys" think they can take advantage of the top ten super spell academies, they are simply dreaming too much.


"Everyone, I know you are taking risks by coming here."

"But since you care about the academy so much, I can also make a guarantee."

"As long as everyone here can leave Immortal Island alive, you can join the corresponding spell academy."

"Even if you complete your promotion using the secret methods of other spell schools, we can guarantee that you will join that school."

"This is a promise from Senior Sister Feng Zining. She is the true seed of the academy. She is only one step away from being promoted to Silver Apostle."

"As for those candidates who did not show up after completing their promotion, it depends on their subsequent performance."

"The college will never let down any student who has the courage to give."

After Caroline made this promise, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, they obtained the secret method of spiritual advancement privately, which was against the rules.

Don't worry, they are now promoted to controllers, but they are all "black households".

As long as the legitimacy of their identity cannot be resolved, everything they have obtained now will be destined to be just a dream.

The top ten super spell academies can deprive them of the power they have obtained at any time, and this is within the rules.

Now with the guarantee from the true disciples, everyone at least has hope in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the three examiners, there was also a true disciple traveling with the ship.

It seems that that is the fourth examiner who has not shown up for a long time.


"It seems I made the right bet."

Among the crowd, the big stone in Chen Qi's heart also quietly fell to the ground.

He has a heavier burden than everyone present. After all, he secretly learned two kinds of spiritual sublimation secretaries, which is really adding insult to injury.

As long as he performs well now, he hopes that the Tianwu Curse Academy can also help him solve the legality problem of another secret method of spiritual sublimation.

After entering the second ring, Chen Qi was cautious all the way.

Then he discovered that there were many candidates who were as sneaky as himself.

Chen Qi has also discovered that after practicing the secret method of spiritual sublimation from Tianwu Cursing Academy, his perception has become sharper and more accurate.

At least along the way, he discovered 12 candidates one after another, but the other party never discovered him.

Chen Qi used these candidates to ask for directions, and finally confirmed that there was no problem with the Haiyuan before entering here.

Chen Qi also didn't expect that there would be so many candidates who completed the promotion.

And he knew very well that now that wasn't all.

Because he did not see Yu Haonan, Selina and others among the candidates around him.

And Yu Haonan has long mastered the secret method of spiritual sublimation, and he will definitely be able to succeed in promotion.

Did this guy die in the camp last night?

That would be a pity!


"We are born as members of the academy, and when we die, we are the ghosts of the academy."

"Our ideal in life is to join the top ten super spell academies. We will never embarrass the academy."

Since Caroline has declared that "the college will never let down anyone who has the courage to give," naturally the candidates present need to show their loyalty even more.

To a certain extent, everyone is actually telling the truth.

After all, if they had not wanted to join the top ten super spell academies, they would not have ended up here.

Not even taking the risk of arriving at the Haiyuan at this time.


"good very good."

"Since everyone is so enthusiastic, I will introduce the next plan to you."

"If we want to gain a foothold on Shengxian Island, or even leave here, the first thing we need to do is to help Senior Feng Zining escape from Longevity Village."

"Only senior sister's strength can protect us."

"Only the senior's true identity can enter the Yunshan."

"Only by mastering the Yunshan number can we possibly communicate with the outside world."

"Once it establishes contact with the outside world, the academy can complete its positioning of Shengxian Island and rescue us."

"It has been so many days since the shipwreck occurred. The news must have been sent back to the Tianwu Conjuration Academy."

"The academy will never give up on us. They must be working hard to search for our traces. But we can't slack off and must save ourselves."

"This Shengxian Island is too weird. The sooner we leave, the better."

Caroline and others have already made their next plan, and now they just need to inform Chen Qi and others.

Regardless of their strength or status, Chen Qi and others can only obey orders.

Fortunately, Caroline is quite kind in her dealings with others.

She did not use Chen Qi and others as cannon fodder, but gave them a lot of autonomy.


"If you want to help senior sister get out of trouble, you must first locate the longevity village."

"The areas within the second and first rings are naturally the responsibility of us seniors."

"Although according to what my senior said, the concentration of psychic energy in Changshou Village is not high."

"But that kind of weird restart must consume a huge amount of energy, and the greatest possibility is still in the second and first rings."

"But we can't let go of the outermost area, so you need to be responsible for the search."

"Besides that, the best way to locate the Longevity Village and even understand its secrets is to search from the abandoned laboratories on the island."

"Those evil sects have been here for so many years, there is no way they don't know about the existence of Changshou Village."

"So you'd better form a team and explore and sweep the outermost laboratory together. This can also be regarded as completing the side mission."

"Due to the rules of the academy, I cannot teach you the knowledge of the controller stage."

"If you want to improve your strength, that side mission is indeed the best choice."

"But the main mission is not something we can get involved in. Before rescuing the senior sister, we must not create extraneous matters."

"In addition, Senior Sister also gave us a task."

"We must protect the safety of these three little girls. They should be located in a human settlement. Once you find their traces, report to me as soon as possible."

Caroline projected a picture, and in the picture were three identical little girls.

When Chen Qi saw the three little girls, his heart skipped a beat.

I had read it right before, there was definitely something wrong with those three little guys.

However, Chen Qi never thought that they would involve Feng Zining, the true seed of the Tianwu Conjuration Academy.

If Chen Qi guessed correctly, Senior Sister Feng might have been staying on the passenger ship not far from the Haiyuan.

This is a bit strange.

Is it to keep his whereabouts secret, or is it something else?

What kind of existence are those three little girls?

To be so attracted to a true seed, could it be that he is the descendant of a big shot in the academy?

Not only Chen Qi guessed this, but other candidates also thought so.

Even Caroline and others think so.

But since the gossipy senior sister didn't say much, they naturally didn't dare to ask any more questions.


After handing over the tasks, Chen Qi and others started class.

It is true that Caroline cannot impart the knowledge of the academy to Chen Qi and others.

But with the knowledge that Chen Qi and the others obtained through the lottery, she could be responsible for answering questions.

We can't just let these candidates come here after all the hard work and just throw them away casually, right?

That would be a little too hurtful for everyone.

At this critical moment, it is still very necessary to improve the strength of these candidates.

People have to be flexible, and Caroline and the others really cannot provide the knowledge of the academy.

But cram schools can be opened.

So Chen Qi, who had been self-taught, finally enjoyed a formal education.

45 candidates jointly drew a lottery and exchanged their knowledge. They could always "draw out" the basic knowledge of the controller stage.

At this stage, unless some very special memories are drawn in the lottery, everyone is still willing to exchange knowledge and knowledge.

After all, living is the most important thing.

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