I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 234 Jomon Empire

"It turns out that this is the development of spells. I didn't expect that those 15 ancient characters still hide such secrets."

In the blink of an eye, Chen Qi has been attending cram school for four days.

According to the timetable set by Caroline and others, Chen Qi and the others could only stay on the Haiyuan for five days, and then they had to go to the outer ring to perform tasks.

Over the past four days, more than 30 senior students have taken turns to provide one-on-one tutoring by answering all questions.

Of course, the most important part is the explanation given by the three examiners including Caroline.

This includes the most important spell development in the controller stage.


The spells that Chen Qi and others learned in the past were basically ready-made.

It can be said that we know how it is, but we don’t know why it is so.

But at the controller stage, because there are so many types of psychic powers, the special psychic powers that everyone smelts are also different.

Using universal spells is simply not enough to bring out the true strength of the controller.

If the controller wants to truly maximize their own strength, they must adjust the spell according to their own understanding so that it fits their own spiritual energy.

This can only be regarded as a magical transformation.

Those who are truly gifted rely on their own spiritual knowledge to create spells tailored for themselves.

This is spell development.

The key to this is an in-depth understanding and study of 15 ancient characters.


[Jomon], [divine script], [Doumulu script].

[Cloud Script], [Flame Script], [Clay Script], [Bronze Script], [Sleep Script], [Inscription], [Erosion Script], [Hide Script], [Zhuowu Script], [Xuwen], [Xiang Script] ], [scale text].

These are the 15 ancient characters recorded in the "Encyclopedia of Basic Knowledge of Ancient Civilizations".

Chen Qi has always been curious about the tens of thousands of ancient civilizations discovered by humans.

Why are these 15 ancient texts used as teaching materials for the transcendent stage?

Why these 15 ancient characters have special power and can construct spells.

All of the above questions were answered in the tutoring class.

According to Caroline, or the Tianwu Conjuration Academy's explanation, the reason why these 15 ancient characters are so special is that they can enjoy special treatment.

Because they are the "aftermath of civilization", carrying and recording 15 disappearing human civilizations.

Remember, it just [disappears], not perishes.


When humans first discovered these ancient texts, they were mostly engraved in the ruins of civilization.

What carries them may be a stone tablet or a clay tablet.

In short, when they were first discovered by humans.

They are just ordinary scratches, nothing special about them.

But as humans have completed their interpretation of them, especially after knowing the civilization that created these words.

These words gradually became special and had various magical effects.

Regarding this extremely miraculous phenomenon, the explanation of major sects in the world is that the civilization that created these words has not died out.

After humans recognized these words, they became connected with them, and those disappeared civilizations once again projected their power into the world.

The more widely humans use these words and the more they understand the history recorded behind them, the more powerful these ancient words will be.

One day, those ancient civilizations that disappeared will come back again with the help of this connection.

The major sects in the world have even agreed on an exclusive name for this type of civilization, [Civilization of Gods], or [Dimension Ascension Civilization].

It was an extremely special form of civilization, its power comparable to that of gods.

In the ancient Xiu era, there were many sects who worshiped this type of civilization.

They vigorously promote the use of ancient texts with special power and spread the civilization behind them.

Those things that originally recorded these ancient texts were called "sacrificial vessels" or "sacred vessels" by them, and they were used to offer sacrifices and worship.

And these sacrificial vessels or artifacts are also regarded by them as coordinates to welcome the coming of [God].

In other words, it is used to find the existence of God in the endless void.

For example, the Life Sect's [Mother of All Things] is such a sacrificial weapon.


According to historical records, the Life Sect’s [Mother of All Things] was originally a small conch discovered by a fisherman in the sea, and then accidentally fell into the hands of a certain scholar.

After the scholar completed the interpretation of the words on the conch, the [Life Sect] was born.

The legend of the artifact [Mother of All Things] only appeared at that time.

And with the continuous expansion of the Life Sect, the Mother Snail of All Things has become more magical and powerful.

Even in the otherworld at that time, all sects believed that the Life Sect was most likely to be the first to find God.

It's a pity that "the success fell short"!


"Before the birth of the World Government, there were not only 15 kinds of ancient characters with special effects circulating in the world."

"On the contrary, there are hundreds of ancient texts of this kind."

"The reason why those ancient writings have disappeared now, at least no longer appear in the inner ring world, is because the world government has determined that the civilization that created those ancient writings does not belong to human civilization."

"Only the 15 ancient characters we use now and the civilization behind them are recognized by the world government as human civilization."

"So if you encounter other special ancient characters in the future, be sure not to learn them or use them."

"Those sects that wantonly spread other ancient texts are [cults] defined by the world government. You must not be merciful when you encounter them."

"Since you want to join the top ten super spell academies, you must always stand on the side of human civilization and support the world government."

This was Caroline's "sincere teaching" after a certain lecture, and Chen Qi was really impressed.

He finally knew No. 5 of the spirit world’s declaration, [Never betray human civilization].

And NO.7, [Agree with the world government’s definition and division of human beings], why does it exist?

This really means that you are, you are, and you are not!

If you say no, it means no, and if you say yes, it means no.

If you don't accept it, fight V5 first.

According to Caroline, there are only 14 [orthodox religions] recognized by the world government.

Corresponding to the 14 sects that control the "source of ancient writing" sacrificial vessels.

The reason why there are only 14 is because the sacrificial vessel recording Jomon fell into the hands of the second largest power, the [Jomon Empire].

People don't bother to lower themselves and be confused with the sect.

Except for these 14 Orthodox churches, other sects are only legal.

As for those who possess other ancient writing sacrificial vessels, they are naturally full-fledged cults.

The kind that everyone calls for beating.

It can be said that after Caroline's "teachings", Chen Qi finally saw the power of the World Government. "Only my truth is the truth."

Fortunately, those cults were all hanging out in the outer world, and Chen Qi and the others had no way of contacting them.

As for those weird ancient characters, Chen Qi had completely given up on studying them.

He is a good citizen.

And the 15 ancient characters in front of him were enough for him to think about.

Especially [Jomon], it is the core of the construction of curses. It can even be said that almost all curses in the future will be unable to get rid of it.

Even Chen Qi, who calls himself a genius, would have a hard time learning the energy knowledge involved after the expansion of this text.

Of course, this is also because the time is too short.

In just a few days, Chen Qi tried to catch up with the progress that others had made in more than ten years. How could it be possible without exhausting his brain cells?


Fortunately, there are still skills in spell construction, and there are even ready-made templates and formulas.

It has been three thousand years since the new law was born, and it still has this accumulation and foundation.

Chen Qi and the others were directly indoctrinated.

Caroline didn't expect them to be able to construct spells now. She just hoped that these candidates could adjust the general spells to enhance their combat effectiveness.

Five days passed in a hurry, and Chen Qi and others left the Haiyuan with great reluctance.

There was nothing they could do if they didn't leave, they had all used up their points.

There is no lottery, no way to gain new knowledge, and they can only stare blankly here.

It's better to raid and kill the orcs and accumulate points again.

Speaking of draws, Chen Qi’s 5,000 points successfully won 50 consecutive draws.

As for the results, I can only say that they were unsatisfactory.

Excluding the shared knowledge, only three memories were kept privately by Chen Qi.


The first memory is the unique spell of a controller who has been spiritually sublimated for 4 times.

The spell is called [Separating the Silk and Peeling the Cocoon], and it is a very strange spell.

The effect of this spell is to extract the [Thread of Life] from the living body.

Once the threads in the living body are exhausted, the living body will quickly age and die.

The first time Chen Qi saw this spell, he felt that it was destined for him.

Isn’t this just stealing life force!

It's a pity that the person who created this spell is a little less accomplished. This spell can only extract the thread of life from ordinary life, and the opponent cannot resist.

It cannot be used in actual combat at all.

If this spell falls into the hands of other candidates, the best they can do is kill laboratory rats.

But Chen Qi had other ideas.

He still admired some of the spell creator's ideas.

The effect that the other party cannot achieve may not be impossible for him.


The second memory Chen Qi kept privately was the reading memory of a book called "Tongyoulu".

This You refers to the Youwen among the 15 ancient texts.

Tongyoulu is a book that introduces Youwen in detail.

It is different from the often used ancient characters such as Yunwen and Yanwen.

Among the 15 ancient characters ranked at the bottom, Chen Qi has never seen any spells used until now.

This is really a very strange thing.

It's as if they are incompatible with other words and form a separate system.

But since the World Government also defines those ancient texts as human civilization, they must be usable. It should be that Chen Qi has too little knowledge of spells.

The greatest characteristic of Youwen is that it can lower the spiritual frequency of life.

Tongyoulu records that humans can even lower their spiritual frequency infinitely through Youwen and then come into contact with another world.

Unfortunately, there is no specific secret method in Tongyoulu, it is just a cursory introduction and popular science.

Otherwise, Chen Qi really wants to see a world with negative spiritual frequency.

To be more precise, it is a world where beings with negative spiritual frequencies live.

That should be an extremely incredible level.


As for Chen Qi’s third private memory, it’s not that it’s so precious, but that it’s too unsuitable for sharing.

That seemed to be a scene of a certain man studying the art of physical training.

Under the heavy rain, the one who caught the thunder and lightning resisted with his body, and then half of his body turned into coke.

The only lesson Chen Qi learned from this scene was not to fly a kite on rainy days.

The memory fragments obtained by Chen Qi and others through the lottery are actually stored in the box of knowledge.

As long as they think about it, they can project it through the jade talisman.

It's no different from a movie scene, it's not immersive at all.

The reason why Chen Qi didn't share this scene was because the deceased was the most important person, and he couldn't publicize the embarrassing incident after someone's death.

Another important reason is that this man had some "special ancient characters" imprinted on his body when he was exercising.

This was a bit taboo, and Chen Qi didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

It seems that even though the World Government has explicitly banned it, there are still many people who secretly learn other ancient texts.


"Brother Chen, are you really not going to act with us?"

"It will be safer for the five of us to form a team together to explore and search the abandoned laboratory."

Outside the Haiyuan, Chen Qi was saying goodbye to several friends.

During the 5 days of study, Chen Qi made several friends because of his willingness to share knowledge.

At this time, they returned to the outer ring to perform their mission, and Yang Jichang and others who had met before planned to invite Chen Qi to form a team.

After all, although the outer ring has a higher safety factor, that only refers to the situation where they are not seeking death.

They now want to search the abandoned laboratory to find clues to the longevity village.

This risk is unpredictable.

Perhaps many laboratories are empty and harmless.

But who knows what kind of experiments those crooked people have done here, as long as there are some weird things left in the laboratory, it is enough for them to be unlucky.

Didn’t you see that the examiner Wei Qingran also suffered a big loss in the laboratory.

Chen Qi could only refuse the kindness of Yang Jichang and others.

He has his own plan, and it will be more convenient to act alone next time.

The most important thing is that with outsiders around, it is really not convenient for Chen Qi to "do his best".

Compared to other candidates, his current strength is a bit too incredible.

For example, the few people in front of me together are not enough for Chen Qi to move in one move.

If he encounters trouble while exploring, he can't just ignore it.

But Chen Qi would not allow it to expose his true strength.

If you are one foot ahead of others, you are a genius, but if you are one foot ahead of others, you are a monster.

Chen Qi felt that it was better not to undermine other people's self-confidence.


Yang Jichang and others did not care about Chen Qi's refusal.

Everyone had met each other by chance, and now they were just hugging each other to keep warm.

Since they have other plans, they will naturally not be ignorant.

To be honest, there are quite a few people like Chen Qi who choose to act alone.

After all, although Shengxian Island is dangerous, it is also full of opportunities.

The candidates who can come here are all full of confidence in their talents and luck.

Those who act in groups are cowards and weaklings.

How long have we known each other before we can confide in each other's hearts and minds, trusting each other about life and death?

If the treasure is present, who can guarantee that no one will stab you behind?

Of course, there are many people who plan to be "lazy" and plan to take a walk around major human settlements.

Anyway, they were completing their mission to help the senior sister search for the three little girls.

To be honest, Caroline didn't expect them to find clues to the longevity village.

On the contrary, the task assigned by the senior sister requires the efforts of these candidates even more.


After separating from everyone, Chen Qi sneaked all the way and returned to the outer ring.

After staying under 62 times the concentration of psychic energy for a long time, Chen Qi felt a little uncomfortable when he returned to the outer ring.

No wonder these monsters on the island are very comfortable. If the blood moon hadn't appeared, it would have been quite safe to stay at the beach.

"I wonder what happened to Coleman's camp?"

"It's better to confirm it!"

Although Yu Haonan and Selena did not appear on the Haiyuan, Chen Qi had already concluded that something must have happened at the camp.

But after all, on-site investigation is still needed.

Otherwise, next time the prophecy in the wind appears again, will he believe it or not?


After Chen Qi deliberately avoided some laboratories, he reached the seaside smoothly.

Now, in the hands of all candidates, each one has a distribution map of all the laboratories in the outer ring.

There are more than 70 abandoned laboratories in the entire outer ring.

Most of them originate from the biochemical path and the animal path, and some come from other unknown forces.

It can be said that with this map in hand, if they really want to be lazy, the survival coefficient of these candidates in the outer ring is still quite high.

But people must pursue progress after all, just like Chen Qi.

He must show off a little, otherwise how will the debt of Youquan Conjuring Academy be settled?


"Hey, is it really destroyed?"

Before arriving at the camp, Chen Qi made a judgment.

After all, the entire coast was quiet, not even a single person could be seen.

Before this, this was absolutely impossible.

After all, the size of Coleman's camp has reached thousands of people. Just for searching for food, the entire beach is full of people.

Now, the whole coast is absolutely silent.



"There are clearly signs of a battle here, but where are the corpses of the orcs?"

"Did he be taken away by the sand crab?"

Chen Qi approached the camp cautiously. He found many traces of orcs around him.

Obviously, on the night when the blood moon appeared, this camp must have also ushered in a tide of beasts.

But if the orcs really won, this place shouldn't be so clean!

Orcs are not in the habit of cleaning up the battlefield.


"This is?"

"A human skin?"

The camp had been reduced to ruins. As soon as Chen Qi stepped in, he saw a piece of withered human skin on the ground.

Chen Qi originally thought that this was the fault of a certain beast, but as he gradually went deeper, things went wrong.

The camp was covered with dried human skins everywhere. The amount of them made Chen Qi's scalp numb.

Not only humans, Chen Qi also saw many orc skins.

It was obvious that both sides of the war had been fed by something.

What kind of existence could do such a crazy thing?

Does that prophecy of destruction not refer to the beast tide, but describe the scene before us?

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