I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 240 Stairway to the Sun

"Aconite, thousand-cup flower, white-leaf grass, a total of 756 kinds of materials, finally collected."

"The next step is to process it. Fortunately, all kinds of professional equipment are available. Those abandoned laboratories lack everything except pharmaceutical equipment."

"The Biochemical Path is actually able to develop such a targeted medicine and perfume. It seems that their understanding of the sacred tree and the grass-returning elixir is extraordinary."

On the Haiyuan, Caroline and the three of them gathered together and were making the final blend of perfume.

This is a rather tedious task, and since it is unsafe to leave it to others, the three of them can only do it together.

The three of them were chatting while processing the materials.

Chen Qi was mentioned during the conversation, and Caroline was full of praise and very optimistic about him.

Wu Xingwu mentioned another person. Although that person did not have time to attend the training class, this time he also provided very valuable information.

The three of them couldn't help but sigh. It was indeed the right step to improve the strength of the candidates and let them join the mission.

This Shengxian Island is full of dangers, and luck is also very important compared to strength.

Otherwise, the two candidates would not have discovered the clue first.

It takes about a week to prepare the perfume, and you need to choose a full moon night to trap the grass and return the elixir.

Although it took a long time, this was almost the only way.

Fortunately, Senior Sister Feng was strong and able to protect herself, so she did not push them too hard.

Compared with the search for the longevity village, the whereabouts of the three little girls explained by the senior sister are a bit worrying!

The candidates looked through the outer ring almost all over, but still could not find any trace of the three little girls.

If the senior sister hadn't revealed some secrets to them, it was very certain that the three little girls were not dead, and Caroline and others planned to suspend this mission.

Now only the laboratory is left in the outer ring area and has not been thoroughly searched. If the three little girls are not dead, they are most likely hiding in a certain laboratory.

As a result, it will be even more troublesome for candidates to find them.

The top priority now is to rescue Senior Sister Feng, and Caroline and others can't do anything.

I still hope that a few more outstanding figures like Chen Qi will emerge among the candidates!

Caroline and others on the Haiyuan were distressed that they could not find the three little girls.

In the underground palace of the Lord of Libra, Amira and the others were worried because they discovered the three little girls.

They tracked Master Akita all the way, and ended up tracking three little girls.

Unbelievably, they double-checked it a dozen times and finally confirmed that they had indeed made a mistake.

Master Akita actually fell into the hands of those three little girls.

To be more precise, he was made into a broken doll by a little girl and held in her arms all day long.

This, this is really a bit too scary!

Lord Akita is a Silver Apostle. Even if there is a period of weakness after self-destruction, he will not be treated as a doll by others!

If this gets out, well, it definitely can't get out.

If there are any rumors outside, Master Akita will definitely roast them and eat them.

Without Lord Akita's protection, it would have been impossible for the three of them to survive.

Amira and the others planned to pretend they didn't see it and not go to the Savior.

"Amira, what do you think we should do now?"

"Those three little girls are now staying with that clown-like deformed monster. How should we start?"

"Do we need to kill those three little girls directly?"

Dudley looked at Amira, the smartest among the three. This guy was always the most admired by Lord Akita for his work.

Now in this embarrassing situation, it's better to let him come forward.

Even if he really messes up and makes Akita-sama angry, it will be him who is unlucky first.

"Of course we can't kill those three little girls directly. What if after they die, Master Akita also dies?"

"Even if Akita-sama is not dead, who can guarantee that after the three little girls die, you can get rid of the doll state?"

"In my opinion, we still have to capture him alive first, and try to find out the specific situation of Master Akita before making a decision."

"That clown is indeed a bit troublesome, but with the strength of the three of us, if we just kidnap three little girls, it will be no problem."

Amira is very satisfied with Dudley's attitude at this moment. As expected, I still have to rely on me at the critical moment, and I should be the one taking the lead among the three.

After expressing her high opinion, Amira looked at Ainas, are you convinced now?

"I think Amira is right, we really can't act recklessly."

"We have explored it more than a dozen times before, and the three little girls look like ordinary humans. Of course, we all know this is impossible."

"But they really didn't show any great power themselves."

"So the kidnapping plan is completely feasible. As for what to do next, let's leave it to Master Akita."

A lesson from heaven and earth, Ainas really didn't feel that he was giving in to Amira, he was just discussing the matter.

He has always dealt with things rather than people. The reason why his relationship with Amira is so tense is because this guy's mind is often not online.

Now this guy has finally become smarter, which is really gratifying.

"I also think Amira is right."

"In that case, let's discuss the kidnapping plan."

Dudley made a concluding speech and immediately finalized the matter.

The three of them looked at each other and felt very satisfied.

As long as they work together, they will be able to rescue Akita-sama.

From beginning to end, Gong Yuntian, who was hanging on the Tree of Libra, remained silent and watched the play quietly.

These three idiots seem to have overlooked one problem, that is, they have now become the burial objects of the Lord of Scales.

Once their leader is taken to the underground palace, his fate will be the same.

Although he also thinks it would be nice to have a lively place here, it would be boring if they were all idiots.

These guys from the Skull and Bones Society really have something missing in their minds.

Of course, Gong Yuntian had no intention of reminding them. Every more sacrifice here would make his life easier, so why bother!

If Gong Yuntian's thoughts were known to Amira and the others, they would think that the guy hanging in the tree was indeed mentally stiff.

How can the three of them get out of trouble if they don't get Lord Akita here?

Are we going to be hung on a tree for the rest of our lives like these two fools in front of us?

The kidnapping plan of Amira and others is being perfected. The candidates who are busy searching the outer ring have also stepped up their efforts to attack the laboratory after adapting to the improvement in strength.

But there were too many laboratories, and there were even more messy things inside. They spent another week searching, but they only finished searching 10 of them.

But they believe that as long as the search continues, something will be found.

Even if the three little girls were not found in the end, the knowledge gained in the laboratory was enough to satisfy them.

Although most of what exists here are very taboo things, it makes this knowledge even more precious.

This knowledge should be put back into their minds so that it can no longer cause harm to the world.

It has been 20 days since Chen Qi fell into hibernation.

Today, the sun is shining brightly, and the scorching sun shines on the bare gravel ground.

Strangely, at a certain moment, the light on the gravel ground began to twist and condense, and eventually turned into a huge sun-facing flower.

This is a flower that looks like a sunflower, but its entire body is made of intertwined light.

When the wind blew, it actually swayed a few times, which was really strange.

This is just the beginning.

The next moment, the sun shines on the ground and turns into sun-facing flowers.

In the blink of an eye, the originally desolate gravel land turned into a sea of ​​light flowers.

The sea of ​​light lasted for half an hour, but unfortunately this place was too desolate, with not even a blade of grass.

It is a pity that there is no life to witness such a grand scene.

"It feels like a lifetime ago, and life is like a dream. I feel like I slept a little too long."

"Do I have to sleep for another two or three months for the next channeling?"

The sea of ​​light flowers dissipated, and Chen Qi's figure appeared on the gravel beach.

At this time, behind his head, two huge spiritual light wheels slowly rotated, and the spiritual energy in the space trembled unconsciously.

This is because Chen Qi has condensed too much spiritual energy. His existence itself can already interfere with the spiritual energy in the surrounding space.

This phenomenon generally only occurs in top controllers who have access to the power of authority.

Chen Qi slowly restrained his spiritual power, not because he meant to show off.

Instead, he suddenly wakes up and his spirituality increases sharply again. It always takes two or three seconds to adapt.

At this time, Chen Qi's spiritual frequency has reached 135. If he works harder and reaches 150, he will be able to undergo the third spiritual sublimation.

Even Chen Qi himself felt that this speed was fast, but there was nothing he could do about it. He was so strong that he couldn't suppress it!

“Although this promotion took a little longer, it’s still a success!”

"If we say the only twists and turns are the earthquakes."

"What's wrong with this Shengxian Island? It doesn't allow people to sleep well!"

Since the second spiritual sublimation was obviously more difficult than the first, Chen Qi had long been prepared for unexpected events.

But Chen Qi really didn't expect that he had no problem communicating with the sunflower seeds, but that he would be in deep trouble deep in the earth.

If he had known this, he would not have gone so deep.

Those earthquakes almost interrupted Chen Qi's state. He was really careless.

If not for this, Chen Qi's second spiritual sublimation would not have taken so long.

If Chen Qi found the culprit that caused the earthquake, he would definitely chop him in the head a few more times.

"I really didn't expect that the sunflower actually has a great origin. At least my ancestors are very good."

After the channeling was completed, Chen Qi had completely mastered everything about Sunflower.

This thing is not a life bred by nature, but artificial synthesis and genetic modification.

About 2,000 years ago, I don’t know which force edited a special gene into the body of the sunflower, and thus the sunflower was born.

The reason why Chen Qi knows that Sunflower was first born 2000 years ago is because he fully experienced the birth process of Sunflower through channeling.

All the information about the sunflower has been burned into its genes, and the secret method of spiritual sublimation from the Tianwu Conjuration Academy can actually interpret the information inside through channeling.

According to the information Chen Qi obtained, that special gene came from a unique life called Sun Ladder.

The pollen of the Sun Staircase has a magical power that can set all life on fire. Whenever its stamens bloom, tens of thousands of kilometers around it will turn into a sea of ​​fire.

That is the burning fire of the origin of life, and the Sun Staircase continues to grow by absorbing these flames.

Of course, Sunflower did not inherit such a terrifying ability, but its level of weirdness was no worse than that of his ancestors.

After this thing was modified, it only bloomed once in its life.

Once the stamens bloom and the pollen floats away, the vitality of the surrounding organisms will also be ignited after sucking the pollen.

But unlike its ancestor, the Sun Staircase, it can swallow the source of life and continue to evolve.

After the sunflower blooms, it ends its life.

But within the bodies of those beings that were burned to ashes, the seeds of the sunflower were born.

It can be said that with the birth of every sunflower seed, an innocent life ignites itself.

The stronger the life form that was burned to death, the higher the life index of the seeds that were born.

After generations of selection and cultivation, Sunflower has become stronger and stronger.

Although the original reproduction of sunflowers was a little cruel, it was just like nature and there was nothing wrong with it.

Unfortunately, with the development of the Path of Bliss, Sunflower has completely gone astray.

In order for the sunflower seeds to have a huge stimulating effect on spirituality, these guys chose humans as the breeding species.

Such a crazy and evil transnational criminal organization is still getting better and better. It is really blind to the sky.

"Strange, is it my imagination?"

"Why do I feel like there are sunflowers growing in that direction?"

After slowly adapting to the current situation, Chen Qi's spirituality suddenly had a strange feeling.

He actually sensed the existence of tens of thousands of sunflowers on Shengxian Island.

Chen Qi carefully confirmed that it couldn't be an illusion.

He really sensed the existence of other sunflowers, and the number was a bit too much.

"This kind of sensing distance should be within the first ring!"

"I saw people from the Bliss Path wandering here before. When he was in the outside world, King Kestrel also sensed the presence of a large number of sunflower seeds."

"So, the ship of the Paradise Path should have crashed in the first ring, and the sunflower seeds carried on the ship have sprouted and grown?"

"With the terrifying spiritual energy concentration in the first ring, it is indeed very suitable for the growth of sunflowers."

"Did there be a leak, or did those bastards from the Bliss Gang start to play farming mode?"

Although Chen Qi also wanted to conduct an on-the-spot investigation, he had only achieved spiritual sublimation for the second time. Although his combat power was extremely strong, his spirituality was still a little weaker after all.

If he enters the first ring now, he will definitely be more likely to go crazy than anyone else.

Chen Qi's spirituality is now at full capacity. He has refined so many special spiritual powers, how could it have no impact?

Although those sunflowers were of great use to Chen Qi, if he was asked to risk his life, Chen Qi would not do it.

"It's been so long, I don't know if Senior Sister Caroline has captured the grass-returning pill."

"Oh, it seems not, there are still two days until the full moon!"

"It seems that I underestimated the difficulty of collecting raw materials, and the seniors missed the last full moon night."

"Have you not found the three little girls yet?"

"It seems like I'm hiding in a certain laboratory. The other students are really hardworking."

Chen Qi flipped through the past information in the jade talisman and roughly understood the progress of the recent mission.

I can only say that everything is going well, but we are still a little short of achieving our goals.

"Hey, is it such a coincidence?"

At this moment, Chen Qi actually received a distress message from Yang Jichang.

They actually found the three little girls, brought them out, and were rushing to the gathering place for humans.

But when they found the three little girls, two groups of monsters were fighting for them.

To be more precise, three members of the Skull and Bones Society are fighting with a reformed man.

They took advantage of their unpreparedness and benefited from it.

However, it seemed that the Skull and Bones Society had the upper hand on the battlefield, and soon a member of the Skull and Bones Society was chasing them.

Yang Jichang's message was a group message asking for help, hoping that nearby candidates could help.

According to their observations, the members of the Skull and Bones Society are at least equivalent to the controllers of three spiritual sublimations, and they can only win by relying on numbers.

"Skull and Bones?"

"The ghost is really lingering!"

"Is this an opportunity for revenge?"

As soon as Chen Qi saw the words Skull and Bones, he wanted to step on them.

Just thinking about how he had just stepped onto the port of the Kingdom of Dikara with his left foot, he was blown away.

Chen Qi was very angry.

For no reason, when had he ever suffered such a loss?

He didn't have the strength to retaliate at first, but now that he has the strength, if he doesn't blow it back, wouldn't his development of the psychic bomb be in vain?

Okay, okay, I met you today.

Even if it wasn't for revenge, just out of classmate friendship, Chen Qi planned to help Yang Jichang and the others.

Who makes him a good and loyal person?

Well, the most important thing is that Chen Qi's spiritual eye technique has captured the whereabouts of Yang Jichang and others.

The distance is too close, so he can't just ignore it. After all, he has the strength now.

Yang Jichang is really lucky.

"Quick, quick, speed up."

"We must not let that Skull and Bones guy catch up, otherwise we won't be able to hold on for long with our strength."

"It will be easier to handle when we get to a gathering place with humans."

"If that guy dares to catch up alone, it will be his death."

In the dense forest, Yang Jichang and five other people were walking at high speed with three little girls in their hands.

They were really lucky this time, and they actually picked up the mission target given by Senior Sister Feng.

At first, they just sensed the fluctuations of the battle.

Out of curiosity, the five people cautiously went to check it out.

If other candidates are in trouble, they can also help.

Unexpectedly, the two sides in the battle turned out to be the Skull and Bones Society and the Cyborgs, and the targets they were fighting for were the three little girls they couldn't find.

Since neither side seemed to want to affect the three little guys, the battlefield became farther and farther away.

Yang Jichang and others, who saw the opportunity, immediately came to a fisherman's profit.

Unfortunately, the other party also reacted quickly, and the Skull and Bones Society immediately sent a member to chase him.

If they hadn't run fast enough and put some distance between them, they would have been overtaken by now.

Now I just hope that there are other mission teams around, and as long as they stay in a group, they can still fight and retreat at the same time.

If you are lucky enough and combine the strength of more than a dozen candidates, you will definitely survive.

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