"Let me go, you bad guys!"

"My friend Xiaohua will definitely come to save me."

In Yang Jichang's hands, Xinyue struggled with the doll in her arms.

However, before Yang Jichang could speak to comfort him, Xianyue, who was waving a scepter in his hand, spoke.

"Stupid stupid stupid, his name is not Xiaohua, he is obviously Xiaohei!"

"You bad guys, let me go quickly. My loyal servant Xiao Hei will definitely come to save me."

The scepter in Xianyue's hand kept flying, but unfortunately no one took her words seriously.

Among the three of them, only Shuo Yue was very calm, as if he was not being caught in someone's hands, but was taking a ride.

"We are students from the Tianwu Conjuration Academy. We were sent to find you by Senior Sister Feng Zining."

"We are not bad people and will not hurt you."

Since these three might be the descendants of some big shot, Yang Jichang didn't want to leave a bad impression on them.

But it would be impossible to let the three of them stop running at this time.

So he could only reveal his identity and move out senior Feng Zining.

However, what he didn't expect was to hear that they were sent by Feng Zining.

The reaction of the three little girls was even greater.

"How dare you say you are not bad people?"

"You are obviously with that bad woman."

"Sister, please think of a way, otherwise we will fall into the hands of that bad woman again!"

The struggle between the crescent moon and the crescent moon became more intense. Even Shuo Yue, who had always remained calm, frowned after hearing Feng Zining's name.

Seeing that his comfort had the opposite effect, Yang Jichang couldn't help but feel a little confused.

What is the relationship between these three little girls and Senior Sister Feng?

That’s all, it’s better not to think too much about it.

They were holding Senior Feng's thighs, and of course they were following Senior Sister's instructions.

It's still important to escape now!

"Lao Yang, we must be faster."

"The warning spells I set on the road were triggered one after another, and the Skull and Bones guy is getting closer and closer to us."

"That guy transformed himself into an energy body. Although the energy is turbid, it moves much faster than us."

"If we continue like this, we will be caught up sooner or later."

"How about the previous request for help? Did anyone reply?"

"If it doesn't work, let's run separately!"

An examinee carrying a crescent moon in his hand had a look of fear and anxiety on his face.

His judgment on the situation at hand was not as optimistic as Yang Jichang's.

Once caught up, they will surely die.

On the contrary, if they run away separately, even if they can only bring back a little girl, it will be a great achievement.

"Wait a little longer and hold on a little longer!"

"Don't forget, the person behind us is not just the one chasing us, the other two Skull and Bones members and the reformer will soon catch up."

"Once we separate and cannot escape, I'm afraid we will be killed if we meet each other."

"If you wait a little longer, there will definitely be a turn for the better!"

"Wu Xingwu, one of the three examiners, has come to the outer ring area in the past few days. He will definitely come to rescue us."

"My escape direction was not chosen randomly."

Yang Jichang has never been a reckless person. As long as they speed up a little more and other candidates help delay, they will definitely have time to meet the examiner.

At that time, he will be able to leap to the top and become the most outstanding person among this batch of candidates.

Joining the Tianwu Conjuration Academy as an ordinary candidate could no longer satisfy his ambition.

Competition is everywhere, and he must win at the starting line before entering the academy.

However, it seemed that Yang Jichang and the others had run out of luck. During the following period, no candidates joined them.

Yang Jichang couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart. Was it because he was unlucky, or was it because others chose to protect themselves wisely and turned a blind eye to the easy-to-get credit?

You must know that as long as the three little girls can be brought back to the human camp, the participating candidates will be able to share some of the credit.

Are those guys just greedy and want to be fishermen?

Thinking of this possibility, Yang Jichang's steps to escape became even heavier.

But he didn't show it at all on his face. Instead, he told his companions that reinforcements were coming soon and that they should hold on a little longer.

Every minute and every second that followed, Yang Jichang felt that his life was passing by.

Maybe this time, he is really going to fail. His failure lies in being too clever and underestimating human nature.

In the final analysis, we are still dazzled by the achievements that are easily available and are greedy!

If there is a next time, he will definitely not take such a risk!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Yang Jichang seems to have lost the bet!"

"Are people so unkind now? There are clearly five or six candidates gathered around, but they have no intention of coming forward to respond. Instead, they follow silently."

"How can a human being be like this?"

"That's all, let me correct these evil tendencies!"

"Yang Jichang, you are lucky to have met such a good person like me today."

"Spell·Life Control!"

The light in Chen Qi's hand flickered, and in the next moment, more than a dozen green rays of light disappeared into the surrounding trees.

Extremely weird, the big tree began to tremble, and then transformed into Chen Qi's appearance.

Whether it is the life magnetic field or the spiritual fluctuations, Chen Qi looks like the same person.

This is the spell obtained by Chen Qi's second spiritual sublimation. It was composed of six spells when it was born, and its grade reached the intermediate level.

Chen Qi's spiritual sublimation this time only gave birth to the life control spell.

But this does not mean that Chen Qi's gains this time are very small.

On the contrary, he gained and understood too much, so he was able to integrate all the spells into one.

As long as he wants, he can use life control to evolve other spells.

The reason why Chen Qi is able to achieve this is of course because he is so familiar with the ability of the card 7 of Hearts, it is simply deeply rooted in his bones.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Qi can almost 100% restore the power of the 7 of Hearts using spells.

But what he can do now is far more than that. After all, he used cards to control psychic powers in the first place, which is a layer behind him.

But now all the spiritual energy has been transformed into his hands and feet, which can be controlled by him to paint between heaven and earth.

"Everyone, there is an unlucky guy who is going to pass by next, please treat him well."

"I was treated well by these bastards back then!"

Following Chen Qi's instructions, a dozen clones disappeared into the jungle, quietly waiting for their prey to pass by.

As for Chen Qi himself, of course he has to stay far away and watch the show slowly!


"A bunch of damn little bastards, they run pretty fast!"

"Do you really think that you can do whatever you want just by wearing the tiger skin of the Academy of Magic and Magic?"

"Since we lived on the desert island, we have done our duty and have not been bullied by ordinary people. Today, we were stepped on by a group of brats."

"I really thought we had changed our ways. When we catch those five guys, we must tear them apart."

In the dense forest, Amira hurried forward, getting closer and closer to Yang Jichang and the other five people.

They spent several days and finally formulated a perfect kidnapping plan.

And everything went smoothly, and the clown-like monster was about to be lured away and trapped in a trap.

But I never expected that five candidates from the Tianwu Conjuration Academy suddenly jumped out and cut off the person!

This moment made Amira and the three of them furious. Can they bear this?

So Dudley and Anas held the clown tightly, giving Amira a chance to escape.

Steal our things and want to run away?

It's not that easy!

For so many years, it has been their Skeleton Society who have done all kinds of evil and robbery.

We are the experts in this area.

"Hahahaha, run, keep running!"

"There is not much time left for you. It only takes three seconds at most, and I can make you experience the deepest despair and pain."

Amira is an energy body. Although his body is made up of underground turbid spiritual energy, at least he is freed from the shackles of the physical body.

For example, when walking in the jungle, he can pass through the trees in a straight line.

This is also the reason why he can quickly catch up with Yang Jichang and others.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was less than 1 kilometer, which was a blink of an eye for Amira.

"It's over, that guy is chasing me!"

"It's rumored that the guys from the Skull and Bones Society like to eat people. I don't want to be eaten!"

"Yang Jichang, where are the reinforcements you mentioned?"

After all, the 5-man team is just a temporary combination. It is usually fine, but this time of life and death, it is not so harmonious after all.

"Here we are, reinforcements have arrived, don't stop!"

"That guy from the Skull and Bones Society is deliberately interfering with us. He can't catch up."

At this time, Yang Jichang didn't know if there were reinforcements around and whether they would take action.

But Yang Jichang knew that he must not stop now, the longer the delay, the better.

The only thing he can do now is to pray to fate, hoping to favor him again.

Incredibly, Yang Jichang's prayer seemed to have an effect.


A terrifying big explosion suddenly sounded from behind, and the terrifying shock wave directly blew Yang Jichang and others in front away.

"There are actually reinforcements!"

"Yang Jichang, do we want to stop and fight back?"

The examinee who was protecting Xinyue just got up and looked at Yang Jichang eagerly.

However, what was extremely strange was that he did not see the ecstasy of escaping death on Yang Jichang's face, but a solemn look on his face!

"Run, keep running!"

"The person who took action just now cannot be any candidate!"

"And the examiner Wu Xingwu is still a few 10 kilometers away!"

"We can't tell whether the person coming is an enemy or a friend. Run, we can only keep running!"

Without hesitation, Yang Jichang made a decision!

The other four candidates agreed with his idea without even thinking about it.

After all, they didn't want to stay and fight.

And what Yang Jichang said was very reasonable. The reinforcements were so powerful that they were frightened.

Shengxian Island was so weird that they had to think more.

At this time, it was not just Yang Jichang and the other five who escaped. Several candidates who had been secretly following them also began to flee for their lives in a hurry.

The moment the big bang appeared, they knew that their idea of ​​becoming a fisherman was simply overthinking.

With just one attack, they were able to identify the one who made the attack, and it was so powerful that they trembled.

That kind of intensity of psychic attack is definitely for the top controller.

And it is absolutely impossible for the other party to be the three examiners.

If a gentleman doesn't stand behind a dangerous wall, God knows who will kill them casually.

This is not impossible at all. After all, how could such a powerful person not discover them?

"No way? When I took action, I was afraid of blowing Yang Jichang to death, so I still had some strength left!"

"Did I scare away these loyal classmates?"

"so awkward!"

On top of a giant tree, Chen Qi, who had just prepared Baicao Pills and was about to eat and watch a show, looked at Yang Jichang and others who were escaping in a hurry rather speechlessly.

Although he did not intend to show up, nor did he intend to reveal his identity.

But in this scene now, why do you feel like you've been let down?

Anyway, you should stop, clap your hands, applaud, and cheer for me!

Without the extras to add to the atmosphere, who would I show off to in the upcoming battle?

The level of trust on Shengxian Island is so low. I'm clearly acting like a friendly army, so why am I trying to take advantage of others?

Really, Chen Qi dared to swear on Xiao Hong's life that he really never thought about taking credit from Yang Jichang and others.

On the contrary, he wished he could hide away from those three weird little girls.

As early as when he was outside, Chen Qi discovered the weirdness and specialness of those three little girls.

Now that his strength has recovered to such an extent, he still can't see any difference between the three of them.

In Chen Qi's perception, the three of them are still exactly the same living beings.

This is very scary!

If that was the case, with the strength of ordinary people displayed by these three little girls, Chen Qi could barely convince himself that there was nothing to be afraid of, and they would still be picked up by ordinary candidates.

But at the moment of the big explosion, Chen Qi suddenly discovered a terrible truth.

This truth was so terrifying that Chen Qi almost turned around and ran away.

I xxxx, is this world so crazy?

The doll held in the little girl's hand turned out to be a living silver life form.

This time Chen Qi dared to risk his own life to guarantee that he was definitely not wrong.

With his current understanding of life, even if he gives up his spiritual vision technique, he still can't make mistakes.

Fortunately, the broken doll only woke up for a moment when the big explosion was born, and then turned into a doll again.

If Chen Qi hadn't been staring at the three little girls, he really wouldn't have noticed this difference.

"Damn, I can probably guess why those three guys from the Skull and Bones Society arrested these three little girls!"

"Isn't that unfortunate guy who turned into a doll the explosive demon Akita who has been missing all this time?"

"Who are the identities of the three little girls?"

The moment he guessed Akita's identity, Chen Qi didn't dare to think any further.

Because that conjecture is too explosive and completely impossible.

How could Senior Sister Feng Zining bring such a big trouble? Are you really not afraid that everyone on the Haiyuan will die?

Well, Senior Sister Feng must be afraid, otherwise she wouldn't quietly take the ferry alone.

It's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as God's calculations, and in the end everyone fell into Shengxian Island.

After guessing the secret, Chen Qi no longer planned to take credit.

The relationship here is too complicated. If you accidentally steal a big enemy, it will become a joke.

What's more, there is an explosive pestle in the middle, and Chen Qi is not so careless as to circle around the big bomb.

It's better to let Yang Jichang be this kind of life-threatening warrior.

If they unfortunately disappear into ashes, they can still have a good friend like themselves to help collect their ashes!

Above the battlefield, the mushroom cloud dissipated, and a large crater with a diameter of 150 meters appeared in the jungle.

As for the surrounding flowers and plants that were destroyed, the scope was even wider.

It can be said that Chen Qi's casual operation is comparable to that of a fully automatic weeding machine that has been working for half a year.

That is to say, the plants on Shengxian Island have strong vitality and are resistant to damage. Otherwise, Chen Qi would really be able to explode an alopecia areata in the outer ring.

"do you died?"

"The guys from the Skull and Bones Society are all rubbish. They are too weak!"

Chen Qi's figure calmly walked to the center of the explosion. After checking it, he confirmed that his opponent had been wiped out in ashes, and he immediately looked disdainful.

"Ignorant human brat, how dare you sneak attack your Grandpa Amira!"

"Let me teach you a lesson today, don't be too arrogant."

"Before you get too proud, let's make sure the other person is dead."

"You can't even confirm the enemy's life or death, and a rookie like you dares to mock our Skull and Bones Society."

"go to hell!"

Quietly, Amira's figure appeared behind Chen Qi.

He looked a little embarrassed, and one of his arms was missing from his energized body, which showed that he had not completely escaped the big explosion just now.

Without hesitation, Amira's remaining arm penetrated Chen Qi's body.

However, what awaited him was another big explosion.

A terrifying big explosion sounded again, and Yang Jichang and others ran faster.

The battle is still going on. Is that guy from the Skull and Bones Society so strong?

As expected, he had been reckless before and completely miscalculated the opponent's strength.

But the one who takes action is even more terrifying. Who is he?

Could it be a master lurking among the survivors, or a strong man on Shengxian Island.

But no matter what, just keep running.

If you run too slowly, you might get killed.

The huge mushroom cloud rises again, and the surrounding flowers and plants are really unlucky today.

"Hey, the damn old Skull and Bones man dared to attack your grandfather and me."

"Let me teach you a lesson today. Even if you are not a human being, you should not be too arrogant!"

"Before you get too proud, let's confirm whether the opponent is the real person!"

"You can't even distinguish between real and fake enemies. How dare you, an old and dim-witted person like you, be enemies of us humans!"

Chen Qi's figure appeared again leisurely, and before he could finish his strange words, Amira, who lost an arm again, was furious.

Unceremoniously, Amira spit out a gray wave of light from her mouth.

The moment the light wave hit Chen Qi, Amira was stunned for a moment because there was no big explosion.

Unfortunately, this is also not the real body. After the gray light wave passed, only a section of burnt charcoal appeared in place.

"Damn it, what kind of spell is this? I can't tell whether it's true or false at all!"

"Who is it? When did the humans of Shengxian Island have such a master again!"

Realizing that something was wrong, Amira instantly decided to run away.

However, more than a dozen Chen Qi surrounded him in the center with smiles.

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