I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 474 Yuantian arrives

"Are there golden flowers everywhere in the city?"

"Do you think Yuan Tiancheng is full of blind people and fools?"

"The price of Jinlai flowers is now higher than that of gold, but you told me that there is gold everywhere in Yuantian City, but no one picks it up?"

"You have disappointed me so much. You are so weak-minded. How can you follow me and pursue eternal life?"

Tu Bajia looked at his two confidants with hateful eyes. Not only were these two guys dazzled, unable to distinguish between illusion and reality, their brains were also damaged.

But it’s better this way, it’s easier to fool, and it’s more reliable to use.

Tu Bajia was originally just an ordinary billionaire.

Overall, his life was quite satisfactory, except for the fact that he was terminally ill and was about to die soon.

Fortunately, money can make the world go round, and Tu Bajia finally came into contact with the other world and barely managed to hang his own life.

But the price is endless pain and a huge loss of wealth.

If there was no miracle, Tu Bajia would have lost all his money first, and then died in endless suffering.

This is also a routine operation for exploiting the inner world and the outer world.

To extend a person’s life, of course we should use the cheapest option with the most consequences.

Otherwise, where can I eat human blood steamed buns?

A little fat pig like Tu Bajia is enough for a transcendent to have a good harvest.

But fate is often "unsatisfactory", and miracles actually happen.

"By chance", Tu Bajia met the Skull and Bones Society and was recruited as a "reserve" member.

According to Tu Bajia, the leader, Tu Bajia has the destiny to be transformed into a [Purgatory Messenger], which is a good material that has been rare in hundreds of years.

At first, after seeing the true face of the Purgatory Messenger, Tu Bajia was conflicted.

After all, the so-called Messenger of Purgatory is just a blazing humanoid skeleton.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you are enjoying happiness.

But after learning that the Purgatory Messenger was not afraid of any pain and had a long lifespan, Tu Bajia immediately succumbed.

It's a pity that Tu Bajia can't become the Messenger of Purgatory just because he wants to.

If you want to transform into a messenger of purgatory, you must launch a great sacrifice.

The condition is to detonate a nuclear bomb in the downtown area and everyone will rise to the sky, but Tu Bajia can gain eternal life in the flames.

The more powerful the nuclear bomb is, the stronger the transformed Purgatory Messenger will be and the longer its lifespan will be.

According to the plan given by the Skull and Bones Society, detonating a small nuclear bomb is enough to transform Tu Bajia into the Baron of Purgatory, with strength comparable to that of a true transcendent.

But if he detonates a medium-sized nuclear bomb, he can become the Viscount of Purgatory, with strength comparable to that of a controller.

What really tempted Tu Bajia was to sacrifice a large nuclear bomb.

In this way, not only would his strength be comparable to that of the Silver Apostle, but he would also be able to live for a thousand years.

Unfortunately, all large nuclear bombs are in the hands of the top middle powers. Not to mention Tu Bajia, it is difficult for the Skull and Bones Society to get their hands on them.

Tu Bajia originally planned to use the Skull and Bones Society's channels to purchase a small nuclear bomb on credit.

But he never expected that fate would favor him again.

The Skull and Bones actually obtained a high-yield nuclear bomb and were willing to provide it to him.

The condition is to detonate it "on time" in Yuantian City.

Such a big pie hit him on the head, so of course Tu Bajia accepted it.

"Boss, we really saw it!"

"Here, here, it's all there, but for some reason I just can't catch it!"

"Really, we can see it more and more clearly now!"

The two confidants took a sip of the Jinlai flower powder that Tu Bajia had brought newly, and as a result, the Jinlai flowers around them became more lifelike.

They even smelled the unique aroma of the goldenrod flower.

However, it is known that goldenrod flowers do not emit any fragrance.

"You can see it, but you can't touch it. Isn't this an illusion?"

"Forget it, it's up to you, as long as you don't eat nuclear bombs!"

"Stay here honestly, the Original Blood Consortium has been acting like a mad dog recently, we can't be caught by them!"

"Otherwise, let's not talk about immortality, for fear that life would be worse than death!"

Tu Bajia felt relieved after seeing that his two confidants had just "brain" problems, but after their emotions calmed down.

The previous big raid by the Original Blood Consortium scared him to death.

Fortunately, his identity as an ordinary person is the greatest cover.

"Boss, you are right, we must be hallucinating!"

"The Original Blood Consortium is so powerful. If the city is covered with golden flowers, there's no way they wouldn't know about it."

"But do we really want to detonate a nuclear bomb in Hara Tiancheng?"

"I'm afraid this will completely offend the Original Blood Consortium."

Hearing the name of [Original Blood Consortium], the two close men immediately trembled with fear, and their IQs quickly went online.

If they had no choice, they really wouldn't want to do such an unscrupulous thing with Tu Bajia.

If the original blood consortium discovered it, it would not be as simple as killing the whole family.

"Don't worry, the Original Blood Consortium has always regarded ordinary people as lambs and will not notice us at all!"

"And the current Original Blood Consortium cannot protect itself. In a few days, someone will come knocking on its door."

"And that's when we achieve immortality."

"When the time comes, I will become the Earl of Purgatory, and you will be canonized by me as the Knights of Purgatory, and you will share the glory and wealth."

The more Tu Bajia talked about it, the more excited he became, and he couldn't wait for that day to come soon.

In fact, if possible, Tu Bajia would really like to detonate a nuclear bomb right now.

But the Skull and Bones Society doesn't allow it.

What the Skull and Bones want is to detonate it when the original blood consortium and the Sky Witch Conjuration Academy go to war.

It will be easy to splash dirty water then!

As for how the senior leaders in the meeting operate, Tu Bajia doesn't know.

Anyway, he only needs to be responsible for detonating and completing the transformation.

Under the deception of Tu Bajia, the two confidants began to guard the nuclear bomb conscientiously again.

Time passed day by day, and even ordinary people in the original Tiancheng noticed the inexplicable tense atmosphere in the city.

But this is just a feeling and does not cause any interference in their real life.

So the original Tiancheng was still singing and dancing, and people were flowing in like a weave.

In the original Tiancheng DC area, in a huge long-abandoned manor, two figures suddenly appeared.

This manor was an experimental base of the Holy Infant Society more than ten years ago, but it was eventually abandoned.

Unexpectedly, today, its former owner returned.

"Aubrey, how was the deal with that guy?"

"Is there any chance we can get our stuff back?"

Bernard looked at his partners. They had a mission to return to their old place this time.

Bernard and Aubrey are members of the Holy Child Society.

When the Holy Infant Society was kicked out of the Original Blood Consortium, although it was not considered a clean break, the most critical and core things were indeed not taken away.

This time the Original Blood Consortium suffered a disaster, the Holy Infant Society did not want to take advantage of the situation, but just wanted to get back their own things.

So Bernard and Aubrey were sent to negotiate. In order to avoid misunderstanding, their strength was below Silver.

"Bernard, don't have any illusions, we will definitely not be able to complete our mission this time!"

"Those guys are clearly about to die, but they don't know it. They still think they can survive this disaster."

"They still don't realize the seriousness of the problem, and they don't think that the Tianwu Conjuring Academy will take action against them."

Aubrey looked depressed. After the Original Blood Consortium parted ways with their Holy Infant Society, they were still so arrogant and completely unreasonable.

Those idiots from Mailander still think that the Blood God Palace is reliable.

Little did they know that it was precisely because of the relationship between the Blood God Palace and the Kingdom of Iblis that the Original Blood Consortium was even more dangerous.

The Kingdom of Iblis stands on the opposite side of the top ten super spell academies. Although the former Blood God Palace did all kinds of evil, it was at least evil neutral.

Now I am covered in ashes, but I have chosen to take sides. If you don’t die, who will die?

As the White Gloves of the Blood God Palace, the Original Blood Consortium will definitely be the first to be eliminated.

The Holy Infant Society believes that Chen Qi's targeting of the Original Blood Consortium this time is just a "pave the way" for the subsequent Tianwu Conjuration Academy to take action.

No matter how hard the Original Blood Consortium tries, it cannot escape the end of destruction.

In this case, it is better to turn from light to darkness and join their Holy Infant Society.

It's a pity that Mylander and others only thought that the Holy Infant was "crazy" and kept looking at Aubrey like a lunatic.

"Humph, I knew it would be like this!"

"Then we will implement the second plan and lurk here quietly."

"When the Original Blood Consortium is destroyed, we will take action to take away the things."

"Presumably by then, no one will be harsh-spoken anymore."

A trace of resentment flashed across Bernard's face. Their relationship with the current Original Blood Consortium was very delicate.

Since the split, the two sides have been at war with each other, almost fighting to the death.

But after the disaster of the Original Blood Consortium, the fact that they were able to enter Yuantian City explained everything.

It's a pity that those few still didn't shed tears when they saw the coffin.

"Hey, that's all it can do!"

“We can’t leave empty-handed this time!”

Aubrey agreed with Bernard's decision.

This mission is quite important to them.

If you get things done, you might have a chance to be promoted to Silver.

This is why they are willing to take huge risks and come to Yuantian City.

What if Mailande and the others had their brains twitched and chopped them off, there would be no place to complain about their grievances.

"Bernard, did you hear that rumor?"

"Those ordinary people who smoke Jinlai flowers always claim to see Yuantian City covered with Jinlai flowers."

"I always feel like something is wrong about this!"

After chatting with Bernard, Aubrey talked about this strange thing in the city.

After the Original Blood Consortium released the reserved Jinlai Flower, the emotions of those who took it were indeed stabilized, but the hallucinations became more serious.

They can no longer distinguish between illusion and reality, and they always try to prove that they really saw Jin Laihua.

Naturally, it turned out to be a laughing stock!

In the eyes of others, this anecdote may be just a joke.

But the Holy Infant Society started by studying Jin Laihua, so naturally they care about it very much.

According to hundreds of years of research by the Society of the Holy Infant, ordinary people will indeed see all kinds of weird and bizarre illusions after taking excessive amounts of Golden Flower, but they are basically distortions of the real world.

In reality, it is forbidden to grow Jinlai flowers in Yuan Tiancheng.

Is it true that all drug addicts became hysterical at the same time?

This new situation naturally aroused Bernard and Aubrey's desire to research.

They had nothing to do in the city recently, so they planned to study the matter.

After another night, more than a dozen mentally ill patients who were heavily addicted to Jin Laihua were caught in the manor by Aubrey and his wife.

"Two adults, we really didn't lie. The city is indeed covered with golden flowers!"

"There are quite a few of you around!"

"Really, really, I saw it too!"

A dozen newly captured experimental subjects were trembling. If they had known this, they would not have talked nonsense.

But I really can’t help feeling that everyone is drunk and I’m awake alone!

"Bernard, is it really just a pure illusion?"

"We have tested it using various means, and there are no golden flowers growing in the places they pointed out."

Aubrey glared impatiently at the messy experimental subjects, who immediately became silent and did not dare to speak again.

"It must be an illusion. No wonder Gorkin and others don't care!"

"But for our Holy Infant Society, even illusions have research value."

"Let's follow the original plan and use the synaesthesia ritual to see what the world looks like in the eyes of these guys!"

Bernard was arranging the ritual while communicating with Aubrey.

The synaesthesia ritual arranged by Bernard is an improved version of the Holy Child Society, and the effect is better.

Even though it's a little complicated, it was done in a few minutes.

"Don't say anything more, don't ask anything more!"

"Cooperate with us honestly and complete the experiment, and then we will let you go."

"If you perform well, there will be Jinlai flower powder as a reward."

"But if you don't obey, you've seen what happened to those guys before!"

After completing the ritual, Bernard "beat" the experimental subjects with a fierce look on his face.

The latter was as frightened as a chicken pecking at rice, and his face turned green.

Soon, a total of 15 experimenters joined hands and formed a circle, and Aubrey and Bernard were in the middle of the circle.

Bloody lines were drawn on all the palms of the experimenter's hands.

But these bloody lines are made of the blood of Bernard and Aubrey, which is the key to synesthesia.

"What I see is what you see!"

"What my ears hear, you hear!"

"My sense of taste, touch, and smell are all willing to be shared with you!"

The 15 experimenters stuttered and recited the incantation and started the ritual.

Incomparably weird, the world in their eyes was quickly shrouded in darkness.

The sudden loss of vision made them extremely panicked.

But under the threat of death, these experimenters still held each other's hands tightly and did not dare to let go.

The adult has already said that this is a borrowing, and it is only temporary.

After vision disappears, the next thing to disappear is hearing.

The loss of hearing caused some confusion in the incantations chanted by the experimenters.

But they still didn't dare to stop. Even if they couldn't hear the sound they made, they continued to chant.

As the ritual continues, the senses of touch, taste, and smell disappear one after another.

And at the moment when the five senses were completely lost, all the experimenters felt that they were falling into endless darkness.

Perhaps after a moment, or perhaps after an extremely long time, the experimenters' five senses recovered again.


"Where are you two adults?"

The 15 experimenters looked at each other in confusion. Bernard and Aubrey, who were originally in the circle, had disappeared without a trace.

After forcibly enduring for several minutes, the 15 experimenters began to look around, trying to find the two big shots who had captured them here.

Unfortunately, the whole manor was completely silent, not even a mouse could be seen.

"Two adults, are you still there?"

"Is the experiment over?"

After enduring for a few more minutes, a bold experimenter finally spoke.

The moment he spoke, everyone's hearts were in their throats, fearing that they would mess up the matter and implicate themselves.

But what is quite strange is that the manor is still quiet and no one responds.

"Is the experiment over and the two adults have left?"

After a long silence, the calm was finally broken.

I don’t know who was the first to let go of his hand, but soon, the 15 experimenters completely left the ritual.

They were cautious at first, but after finding no one to stop them, they became bolder and bolder.

Eventually, the experimenters determined that the two adults must have left.

That means they are free!

In this case, of course, leave here as soon as possible.

Run, run quickly!

If those two guys regretted it, wouldn't they be killed and silenced?

It's so terrible. As expected, disaster comes from the mouth. I will never dare to talk nonsense again.

The 15 experimenters have decided that tonight's events must be rotten in their stomachs.

And I won’t talk nonsense about Jin Laihua in the future.

After the experimenters left, the manor fell into complete silence.

At a certain moment, the dark clouds moved away, and a beam of moonlight projected down.

Under the moonlight, within the original circle, half of the body suddenly emerged from the air.

Judging from his appearance, it was clearly the Bernard who had disappeared before.

But at this time, Bernard's face was full of horror.

"[Original Heaven Comes]!"

"It turns out that Yuan Tian is coming!"

Bernard struggled hard, trying to bring his body into the real world.

But a huge tentacle appeared out of thin air and pulled him back directly.

It's a pity that Bernard was too weak and completely disappeared from the real world.

As for his last words, no one in the manor could hear them.

The moon sets and the sun rises, a new day arrives.

Yuan Tiancheng was still so calm, as if nothing had happened.

And that was indeed the case. No one cared about the disappearance of Aubrey and Bernard.

Even the security department, which was originally responsible for monitoring the whereabouts of the two men, did not pursue the two men after they disappeared.

It's really because the enemy is approaching and they no longer have the time to pay attention to these small characters.

How could they, with just two controllers, overturn the original Tiancheng?

Those two guys disappeared because they were hiding and wanted to take advantage of the situation to rob them!

But this is pure fantasy. Their original blood consortium must win this battle, so they will not let others take advantage.

Choo Choo Choo!

In the sky, after a long flight of two months, the Kestrel King was still full of energy.

At this time, the spacecraft was only one day away from Yuantian City.

And Chen Qi, who had been silently retreating, finally came out.

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