I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 475 Voice of the Heart

"Master, have you completed your [Original Nature] cultivation?"

"We still have one day's journey from Yuantian City!"

As soon as Chen Qi walked out of the laboratory, he saw Gelis who had been waiting here for a long time.

As a dependent, Gelis has the clearest perception of Chen Qi among all the people in the spaceship.

Just now, she felt a huge scorching sun appear in the spacecraft.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no nuclear radiation escaping, Gelis almost thought that a nuclear bomb had been detonated in the laboratory.

And now that the master has come out of seclusion, the conclusion is obvious.

"Has this long passed?"

"Fortunately, I made it in time!"

"This retreat has been a good harvest!"

Chen Qi also didn't expect that he would fight the Chaos Heart Ape for nine days and nine nights.

And this is still time on the real level. If converted into the void, it would be an extremely long era.

From the beginning to the end of that battle, Chen Qi did not take advantage of the situation, but went head-to-head with the Chaos Heart Ape.

Both sides are competing to see who has the stronger mind.

In the end, Chen Qi beat Chaos Heart Ape to death.

But Chen Qi didn't expect that so much time had passed, almost delaying the great drama of Yuan Tiancheng.

"The ship keeps moving forward!"

"When you arrive at Yuantian City, you don't need to take action. I will solve the matter myself!"

"There seem to be a lot of eyes staring at us, which is good!"

"The big show I have carefully prepared cannot be without the audience."

After Chen Qi gave the order, he lay down on his throne and began to close his eyes and rest.

Gelis waved her hand, and Katelin brought the rare fruits she had prepared in front of Chen Qi.

To be honest, Chen Qi really had an appetite now, so the plate of vitality fruit disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"The big boss is out of retirement!"

"Do you feel it? The big boss seems to be more powerful!"

Dickens and others were whispering, and they secretly glanced at Chen Qi from time to time.

However, what he saw was an extremely dazzling light.

Surrender, worship, dedication, sacrifice!

Obviously they only perceived the vast and infinite light, but the mighty voice of prayer rang in the ears of Dickens and others.

It was as if in that light, trillions of beings were praying to a great being.

Without any resistance, Dickens and others were assimilated by the light and joined in the prayer.

And when they came to their senses, the image of the big boss in their hearts was completely different.

Although the previous Chen Qi was extremely powerful and could even make them willing to die, he was still only human after all.

But now, the great boss has become a saint, becoming their master and a true god.

Dickens and others looked at Chen Qi with the enthusiasm of a fanatic.

"It's really troublesome. One of the dependents is enough now!"

Chen Qi, who closed his eyes and rested his mind, gave the "silence" command to his tens of trillions of cells.

You should be low-key as a person, there is no need to shout "my" greatness so loudly.

Just pray silently!

The light that Dickens and others saw was naturally the radiance of will emitted by the tens of trillions of cells in Chen Qi's body.

After surrendering his animal nature and turning it into his natural instinct, Chen Qi successfully completed the brainwashing of all cells in his body.

Then sincerely, these guys began to praise Chen Qi, the great master.

Its manifestation is that the will of tens of trillions of cells resonates.

The blooming light of will has the terrifying ability to interfere with other lives.

If ordinary people witness it, they cannot see the light of will, but the cells in their body can sense it.

Wherever Chen Qi went, there must have been everyone's instinctive fear and surrender.

And if extraordinary people witness it, their spirituality will be able to perceive the radiance of will.

The result is naturally that the magic sound enters the brain and is passively brainwashed.

If one is spiritually strong enough, he may be able to withstand it.

Those below the controller will definitely worship Chen Qi and join in singing praises.

Although Dickens and others are stronger, they are more special.

They were extremely surrendered to Chen Qi, and the blood eye, the foundation of their power, was part of Chen Qi.

The result is that after they are immersed in the light of will, they tend to transform into dependents.

For Chen Qi, it was just an accident that Gloria became a dependent, and he didn't want to add any more burdens.

Dickens and others want to be his dependents, but they are still far away.

That's why Chen Qi told the Cell Wills to shut up and interrupted the transformation of Dickens and others.

Even so, these guys have become Chen Qi's fanatical followers.

After cultivating his original nature, the changes in Chen Qi's body were of course more than just that.

Chen Qi not only brainwashed all the cells, he also set command shackles on the cells.

[Once separated from the body, it will immediately destroy itself]

The instructions given by Chen Qi are much higher than the level of the big light ball.

The self-destruction command of the big light ball is still completed through "brainwashing" and still needs to be executed by the cells themselves.

But this kind of instruction itself goes against the survival and reproduction instinct of cells.

Therefore, Chen Qi was able to gradually "awaken" the cells' sense of resistance and finally release the order.

But Chen Qi has surrendered his "animal nature" and mastered the underlying logic of the operation of the living body.

Chen Qi directly transformed the self-destruction command into instinctive nature and engraved it into the operating logic of the living body.

To some extent, this is a curse.

[I curse, all cells that leave my body will die immediately].

When he first learned meditation, Chen Qi was told that meditation has two major magical effects.

Great achievements in internal cultivation can curse oneself, and great achievements in external cultivation can bless all living beings.

Chen Qi has now scratched the surface of the curse.

Of course, Chen Qi's real changes are far more than just what his physical body showed at this time.

If Chen Qi releases his own life magnetic field, countless people will be shocked and doubtful about life.

Because Chen Qi's life index was soaring at an incredible speed.

This is why he ate an extra plate of vitality fruit. The growth rate was too fast and he had to replenish it.

In fact, if Chen Qi hadn't drank a bottle of life essence before leaving seclusion.

A mere plate of vitality fruit is not enough for Chen Qi to consume.

It's so pitiful that the original liquid of life has been born for so long, and Chen Qi finally took a taste.

After being able to [curse] himself, Chen Qi naturally does not need to worry about those extraordinary gene fragments turning into genetic insects again to cause chaos.

Chen Qi also didn't expect that this problem would cause him such a headache.

After the level is improved, a [curse] can be easily solved.

The so-called curse is essentially to adjust one's original life operation logic.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Chen Qi's body is regarded as a production line.

So Chen Qi has now obtained the permission to transform.

If you don't like any function, you can completely remove it.

If you feel that any function is missing, it can be completely added.

Even to exaggerate, the production line can be completely reworked and redesigned.

Of course, the risks involved are still very high. If you don’t understand anything, just mess around.

At worst, one's own life may be incomplete, but at worst, one may die.

In the spiritual fairyland, the immeasurable immortals are becoming more and more majestic.

Behind the immortal's head, there are circles of divine wheels surrounding him, and the sound of prayers is constantly coming out.

What it represents is the sacrifice and support of the mind by the will of tens of trillions of cells.

If the immovable mind was obtained before, Chen Qi's mind could gain strength from the external understanding of itself.

After mastering the original nature, Chen Qi's mind went one step further and could already directly exploit and oppress the will of cells.

Compared with the former, the latter is naturally safer and risk-free, and there is no need to worry about internal and external demons causing trouble.

Inside the spaceship, Chen Qi quietly polished himself and prepared for the next battle.

But the outside world has become noisy because of Chen Qi's "arrival".

"Holy crap, that one is actually being serious?"

"Our Lord Viscount of the Empire really wants to challenge the Original Blood Consortium alone?"

"Too inflated, too arrogant!"

Although the current inner world has become more and more lively because of [Disaster Star].

However, the "hot spots" of Chen Qi and the Original Blood Consortium are not so eye-catching for the time being, but they have never become less popular.

Whether they are just watching the excitement or hoping to take advantage of the fire, there are some people in the world who are always paying attention to Chen Qi's whereabouts.

Now that Chen Qi is only one day away from Yuan Tiancheng, the "hot spot" has finally ignited again.

Even this fire is getting stronger and stronger, and it has the tendency to attract the attention of all the other world again.

The reason for this is, of course, because it is "too topical."

"[The Imperial Viscount challenges the Original Blood Consortium alone. Is he confident, or is he lost and bloated?]"

"[A man who has only been practicing for a few years actually does such a crazy thing!]"

[Shocking explosion, bloody original Tiancheng, a generation of genius is about to fall! 】

It has to be said that the inner world is also constantly affected by the outer world. These eye-catching titles would have been despised by everyone hundreds of years ago.

But now, everyone is excited to see it!

And this in itself also shows that the integration of the inner world and the outer world has begun, and is even infinitely close to a certain critical point.

After reading the report, the melon-eaters naturally began to point out the situation and express their own opinions.

Except for some trolls, everyone's conclusion this time is quite unified.

That is, since someone entered the world of cultivation, he has gone too smoothly and has become a little inflated.

If Tianwu Conjuring Academy does not take action, Chen Qi will definitely capsize this time.

"Hahaha, the public is very discerning!"

"Look, everyone thinks that our Imperial Viscount is overestimating his abilities."

"This time, we are what people want."

Yuan Tiancheng, at the newly held pre-war meeting.

Hydes kept reading various analysis and comments, and he seemed more confident and confident of victory.

Gorkin and others on the side echoed, and they were also smiling, as if they had won the battle.

"Everyone, the enemy is about to arrive. We will not retreat this time, and we vow to live and die with Yuan Tiancheng!"

"It's time to stop those little tricks some people are doing secretly. Don't think I don't know."

"The situation is very good for us now. We must not mess up our position and create variables!"

After enjoying the rainbow fart, Hydes' demeanor changed and he began to knock certain people without naming names.

Mailander and Paddy on the side were extremely uneasy, because they knew very well that what Haidesi was referring to must be their connection with the Holy Infant Society.

But in the conscience of heaven and earth, they really don't want to leave a way out for themselves, but just want to attract the Holy Infant Society to join the party.

It's deplorable that the Holy Infant Society doesn't appreciate the promotion, doesn't cherish the opportunity to return to the Original Blood Consortium, and actually wants to turn against the guests.

Fortunately, Haiders only pointed out that when the war is coming, the most important thing is to unite people.

Seeing that they were let go, Mailande and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

The meeting continued, perhaps because people's hearts were unified, and various issues were carried out very smoothly.

In fact, it's nothing else, mainly various combat deployments and how to coordinate command.

Hydes has only one principle, and that is to do whatever it takes.

As long as you can win, you don't have to worry about face, just fight in a group together.

Naturally, everyone had no objections to this.

The Original Blood Consortium is full of confidence and is waiting for Chen Qi to arrive and have a bloody encounter.

As for Chen Qi, he received a lot of concern and greetings.

For the first time, Chen Qi discovered that he was so popular and received so much attention from so many people.

Well, except that Feng Zining doesn't care at all, senior Shen Yuying really cares.

The concern of Chen Qi's other friends is more or less a question mark.

Everyone has one purpose, which is to know why Chen Qi dares to fight to Yuantian City alone.

In this regard, Chen Qi can only tell the truth, that is, "for the sake of justice in my heart, I will keep moving forward".

It's a pity that everyone's awareness doesn't seem to be that high.

Sure enough, the previous friendship was mixed, and they were not like-minded people after all.

The only thing that made Chen Qi a little strange was that he didn't receive Wu Daoqi's "concern and greetings".

It shouldn't be. Did this guy overturn his car first?

But Chen Qi now has no time to pay attention to his former good friend.

Because as time passed, he finally saw Yuan Tiancheng.

The original Tiancheng, affiliated to the Taqi Business Alliance, is the largest city in the country.

The Taqi Business Alliance is only a small country, but because of the original Tiancheng, or the original blood consortium, its international reputation is no less than that of any medium power.

In the Taqi Business Alliance, Yuantian City is the place of pride and yearning for all citizens.

Every citizen of the Taqi Business Alliance has a lifelong dream to enter Yuantian City and own a house of their own there.

Unfortunately, this dream is too extravagant and most citizens will not be able to realize it in their lifetime.

"Sure enough, rabbits don't eat grass near their nests!"

"The reputation of this original blood consortium in the Taqi Business Alliance is as good as that of a living Bodhisattva!"

On the spaceship, Chen Qi quietly listened to the "public opinion" below.

After cultivating his original nature, Chen Qi gained more than just what was listed in the secrets of cultivation.

His bitter battle with the Chaos Heart Ape was not in vain.

"Whoa, whoa!"

In the fifth void world, a giant golden ape standing tall and tall stood quietly.

At its feet, tens of trillions of white monkey-headed soldiers are worshiping it.

If you look closely, you will find that the golden giant ape is composed of countless chains.

Or it can be said that the layers of chains have replaced the specific form of the golden giant ape, symbolizing that it has been completely surrendered.

Unlike the Monkey Soldiers, they are immortal here and can recover on their own.

The moment the Chaos Heart Ape was killed by Chen Qi, it turned into billions of fragments.

And these fragments are suspended quietly in the void, with no intention of reorganizing themselves.

Chen Qi thought about it and finally came up with a reasonable explanation.

That is the way the Chaos Heart Ape integrates into its own life system, which is grafting.

Unless Chen Qi allows it, it cannot extract Chen Qi's power for resurrection.

This discovery made Chen Qi extremely happy!

He seems to be able to completely subdue the Chaos Heart Ape, instead of only subduing one head like other monkey-headed soldiers.

And the reality really verified Chen Qi's conjecture, after he put the Chaos Heart Ape together and resurrected it again.

The latter immediately turned into glittering golden light, and those golden chains essentially revealed the life operation logic of the Chaos Heart Ape.

Chen Qi mastered them, and naturally completely mastered the abilities of the Chaos Heart Ape.

However, everything is not always perfect. Shortly after the Chaos Heart Ape was resurrected, some black spots appeared on its golden body.

Although the proportion is extremely small and invisible, what it represents is that the golden giant ape will still turn black again.

Chen Qi was not panicked by this, because he had completely controlled the Chaos Heart Ape and knew exactly what it was.

Those black spots are the Chaos Heart Ape's "re-increasing strength."

And its source is the extraordinary gene fragments continuously produced by the umbilical cord of life.

As long as the umbilical cord of life does not stop producing the Chaos Heart Ape's genes, the Chaos Heart Ape's power will continue to grow, and there will be more and more black spots on the golden giant ape's body.

Not to mention that Chen Qi couldn't prevent the umbilical cord of life from producing the Chaos Heart Ape's genes. Even if he could do it, he would not stop it, but would be happy to see it happen.

Because if the Chaos Heart Ape's power stops here and cannot grow on its own, then it will have limited value to Chen Qi and will soon be eliminated.

On the contrary, even if the Chaos Heart Ape rebels again due to its increased strength, Chen Qi can easily suppress it.

If you can defeat it once, you can defeat it countless times.

After completely surrendering the Chaos Heart Ape, Chen Qi's telepathy naturally improved significantly.

For example, as mentioned in "The Transformation of the Heart Ape", Chen Qi already possesses the ability of the Chaos Heart Ape to listen to his heart.

After truly mastering this ability, Chen Qi understood its hidden secret.

The Chaos Heart Ape's ability to listen to [voice of the heart] has a total of three stages.

Listen to the cellular will of the living body, listen to the subconscious mind of the living body, and listen to the subjective consciousness of the living body.

What Chen Qi has now is the first stage of ability.

For living beings, those who know themselves best, the wills of cells definitely rank first.

Life forms tend to ignore these insignificant little guys, not knowing that everything they do is seen by others.

What goes up and down, what attitude the living body holds towards the outside world can basically be seen from the will of the cells.

As for Chen Qi, he can hear the gossip between human cells.

For example, at this time, he could hear countless cells in the Taqi Business Alliance below praising the Original Blood Consortium.

What this represents is naturally the true will of the people.

And as long as the cultivator cannot do what Chen Qi did, he could completely brainwash the cells so that they would not gossip and only praise themselves.

Then they simply can't avoid Chen Qi's telepathy.

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