I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 498 Beast God Messenger

Boom boom boom!

The earth shook violently, and even though it was hundreds of kilometers away, Xuanguang City still felt the power of destroying the heaven and the earth.

All human beings are trembling, feeling this long-lost "power of civilization".

They are not worried about the beast tide now. Under such destruction, no matter how many beasts there are, it will not help.

And this is indeed the case.

As the little sun continued to bloom, even though Chen Qi's main targets were giant earthworms, other mutant beasts and ordinary beasts were also destroyed.

Under the terrifying light and heat radiation, endless life turned into coke.

"Hey, it's almost done!"

"With a few more bombs, the crust deep in the earth will break!"

"If a huge earthquake occurs, Xuanguang City will be completely destroyed!"

After the ninth sun bloomed, the big earthworm, which had been suffering from the scorching heat, finally turned into ashes.

The powerful level 12 mutant beast completely fell into the hands of Chen Qi.

Chen Qi was not surprised at all by this. After all, his current strength was less than 1/50 of his original body.

There is nothing you can do about wasting a little more time.

Boom boom!

After the big explosion subsided, the aftermath was still raging.

Looking at the huge mushroom cloud that had climbed to an altitude of 5,000 meters, Chen Qi couldn't help but worry about the weather in Xuanguang City in the next few days.

According to his calculations, the size of the mushroom cloud will expand more than ten times.

In the next few days, Xuanguang City will definitely suffer.

Fortunately, nuclear fusion is safe and pollution-free, so Chen Qi does not have to worry about causing trouble for thousands of years.

Compared with the "peace and tranquility" of human beings, the ecological environment around Xuanguang City will definitely undergo tremendous changes.

Although it does not reach the level of mass extinction of species, large-scale desertification is inevitable.

Fortunately, the mutant beasts and ordinary beasts are almost dead, so there is no need to worry that they will starve to death if they have nothing to eat.

"Done, call it a day!"

Chen Qi patted the dust on his body and flew towards Xuanguang City.

Along the way, Chen Qi saw densely packed beast corpses.

In all conscience, these ordinary beasts were really not killed by Chen Qi, at least not most of them.

If he had been affected by his attack, he would have turned into ashes long ago. How could there be a whole body left behind?

Most of these ordinary beasts were trampled to death.

Under such a devastating natural disaster, the only instinct for ordinary life is to run away.

The surroundings were already dense with life due to the tide of beasts, so it was very natural for a stampede to occur in the panic.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Kill, kill these beasts and defend our homeland!"

When passing by a satellite city near the wilderness, Chen Qi saw a scene of "massacre".

The panicked beasts rushed into the human city in a panic.

They naturally encountered human resistance.

Chen Qi only looked at it casually once and didn't pay attention.

The vast majority of people who break into the satellite city are ordinary beasts. Under the various gunpowder weapons of humans, they will only become prey.

Even if there are a few powerful mutant beasts occasionally, superheroes can take care of them.

After all, the Super Hero Association is not a freeloader. Even without Chen Qi's reminder, they know that a battle of that scale will inevitably trigger a wave of small beasts.

So they deployed superheroes to major satellite cities early.

As long as the level 12 mutated beasts don't appear, the beast tide is nothing to fear.

This is the confidence and confidence of the Superheroes Association.

And the reality is indeed like this. Wherever Chen Qi passed, wars were ignited everywhere.

But the situation is all one-sided massacre of human beings.

According to Chen Qi's calculations, if nothing unexpected happens, Xuanguang City will be able to sit back and relax within ten years after this wave of beasts passes.

In this way, Chen Qi can leave with peace of mind!

After all, this was the place where he first landed, and Chen Qi still hoped that it would be safe and sound.

Chen Qi returned directly to his laboratory.

The Super Hero Association is currently busy in "disaster relief operations" and it is really not a suitable time to "say goodbye".

Chen Qi has plenty of time and doesn't care if he delays for a few more days.

"Boss, have you killed that level 12 mutant beast?"

"Has the beast tide been resolved?"

The moment Chen Qi appeared in the laboratory, both Bius and Pyrrhus seemed to be looking at gods.

They, who had witnessed Chen Qi's extraordinary performance throughout the whole process, were more shocked than others.

"Within 10 years, Xuanguang City will be completely safe!"

"Then I'll go to the Superhero Club."

"This laboratory will be left to you!"

Chen Qi glanced at the laboratory without nostalgia. It was shabby, small, and shabby.

I really wronged myself before!

"Boss, are you leaving?"


Although he had known for a long time that Chen Qi had obtained permission to go to the Super Hero Association.

But the day came so quickly, it was like a bolt from the blue, which made Bius and Pirus a little heartbroken.

They originally expected to follow their boss and dominate Xuanguang City!

With their status as Bius and Pyrus, they are definitely not qualified to go to the center of human civilization.

And Chen Qi didn't plan to bring two oil bottles.

To be honest, the reason why these two guys were not beaten half to death was because Chen Qi had a "very good attitude and regarded himself as a guest."

The wild beast riot caused by the big explosion lasted for three days.

Three days later, under the auspices of the Superheroes Association, the humans in Xuanguang City held an unprecedented celebration party.

Even though Chen Qi wanted to keep a low profile, because he was too bored, he reluctantly came forward and delivered a victory speech.

With the level of Chen Qi's speech, even if he was absent-minded, it still moved tens of millions of people to tears and made them unable to contain their excitement.

The Flash instantly became the savior in the hearts of all humans in Xuanguang City.

A giant statue with a height of 300 meters was unveiled at the right time.

This is all what Dominic and Brownie want!

"Everyone, in order to save other fellow human beings who are in dire straits, in order to recover the lost civilization of mankind."

"I will go to the Superheroes Association and meet more challenges in life there."

"May mankind be great again!"

At the end of the celebration banquet, Chen Qi announced on the live broadcast that he was leaving Xuanguang City.

This is absolutely no less than dropping a giant nuclear bomb on the spiritual level of all humans in Xuanguang City.

"No, Flash, how could you abandon us?"

"You can stay in Xuanguang City and continue to create a better future."

"You selfish people, The Flash should belong to all mankind."

"You are selfish. You must be the trolls hired by the Super Hero Association."

As soon as Chen Qi announced the news of his departure, the live broadcast was covered by a swipe of the screen.

One can imagine the impact of this news.

Ordinary people in Xuanguang City certainly don't want The Flash to leave.

After all, according to actual combat tests, this person's strength is already at the pinnacle of mankind, enough to protect Xuanguang City for thousands of years.

This is authoritative data leaked from the Super Hero Association.

Even if the data is further compromised, as long as the Flash is still in Xuanguang City, they can spend their lives safely.

And if The Flash leaves, what will happen in 10 years?

"Okay, okay, I saw it right!"

"The Flash is indeed the savior of mankind!"

Unlike ordinary humans and middle- and low-level superheroes, Dominic and other high-level officials were rejoicing at this time.

After all, no one wants to have an extra emperor on their head.

Although they knew that The Flash would definitely leave, they didn't expect him to be so clean and tidy and announce the news right now.

This is really good news.

No matter how the public opinion in Xuanguang City tries to persuade them to stay, no matter how many internal quarrels there are.

All this has nothing to do with Chen Qi.

Because on the second day after the celebration banquet, he just patted his ass and left.

Originally, out of respect for the Flash, the Superhero Association planned to arrange a spaceship to take him to the headquarters.

But when Chen Qi learned that the spacecraft could only fly 100 kilometers in the wilderness every day, he declined directly.

With such a turtle crawling speed, it really can't reach the hinterland of human civilization in less than two or three months.

In particular, the spacecraft's combat effectiveness is worrisome, and it is easily targeted by mutant beasts in the sky.

Chen Qi decided to go slowly by himself!

"[Alarm, alarm, Xuanguang City encounters a large-scale beast tide, suspected to be a level 12 super mutant beast!]"

"[Humanity is in danger. Three level 12 mutant beasts have appeared in succession within half a year. Will the beast disaster be repeated?"

"[Incredible, good news, unprecedented victory.]"

"[Superhero Flash is born, single-handedly kills level 12 mutants, and the beast tide in Xuanguang City ends.]"

Shuguang City is a super giant city with a population of 50 million.

Around it, there are 10 other giant cities with a population of more than 10 million.

11 giant cities, thousands of satellite cities, and a population of as many as 300 million, living in a huge basin, form the center of human civilization today.

In today's era, although the mutant beasts are extremely powerful, they are all a group of brainless guys, unable to interfere with human radio communications.

Therefore, even if human civilization is divided into isolated islands, it still maintains connections with each other.

As the current center of human civilization, Dawn City can receive news from various isolated islands of civilization at all times.

Only here can we have an overall understanding of the situation of human civilization.

As an urban agglomeration with a population of tens of millions, Xuanguang City is definitely not dispensable in the current human civilization. On the contrary, it has attracted much attention.

Otherwise, the Super Hero Association would not have allowed Dominic to land there in order to enhance the strength of Xuanguang City.

Previously, news of the infestation of level 12 mutant beasts came from Xuanguang City, which made the entire Shuguang City worried.

This is not only worrying about Xuanguang City, but also worrying about the future situation of mankind.

150 years ago, a series of level 12 mutant beasts took the initiative to attack human civilization.

Humanity did not realize the seriousness of the problem at first, until 20 level 12 mutant beasts suddenly joined forces and destroyed Tianguang City, the center of human civilization at that time.

Everything happened too suddenly.

Humans have never thought that the natural disaster beasts, who pursue the law of the jungle and are not even of the same species, would actually join forces.

The consequences of the destruction of Tianguang City not only led to another downgrade of human technological level, but also the complete loss of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

More importantly, human civilization as a whole has been broken up and divided into isolated islands.

Since then, human civilization has fully entered the passive defense stage.

The scope of human survival began to be continuously compressed by mutant beasts.

The current situation of Xuanguang City and the surrounding giant cities is very similar to that of the past.

This has to worry the top management of Dawn City, fearing that the beast disaster of the year will happen again.

Unexpectedly, a Flash suddenly appeared in Xuanguang City.

He single-handedly ended the beast tide.

When the news first came, Shuguang City thought that Xuanguang City had been destroyed.

These unreliable messages are sent by monkeys typing on the keyboard with their hands.

But when Xuanguang City sent a detailed video of the battle, especially after seeing the explosion of the nine suns, Shuguang City immediately became a sensation.

They could tell at a glance that it was a hydrogen bomb explosion.

"False, the news must be false!"

"The so-called Flash doesn't exist at all!"

"Xuanguang City must have used some method to recreate the hydrogen bomb."

"Those guys must have deceived us in order to paralyze us and compete for human dominance."

After seeing the exact battle scene, Dawn City finally believed that Xuanguang City had survived this catastrophe.

But they don't believe that those nuclear bombs were made by the Flash.

How can this be?

All human superheroes are always registered.

Not to mention a level 12 superhero who has reached the pinnacle of evolution, even if a level 5 superhero suddenly appears, there is no way he will not know about it.

The reason why Shuguang City doubts Xuanguang City's intentions is of course because its status as the center of human civilization is simply an advantage, and its status is not strong.

If Xuanguang City really masters the hydrogen bomb manufacturing technology, then within 30 years, they may really replace the current Shuguang City.

Fortunately, Dominic is loyal to the General Assembly and extremely loyal.

In order to dispel the doubts of the General Assembly, he directly sent over all the information and videos of The Flash.

As a result, Shuguang City didn’t believe it even more!

It must be a staged shot!

Apart from making movies, how could someone leap from a mortal to a level 12 superhero in just one and a half months?

Do we think we are old and confused?

In order to expose Xuanguang City's tricks, Shuguang City mobilized various elites and worked for a full week.

The result is that they did not find any falsehood in the video at all, which is absolutely impossible.

Fortunately, soon, Dawn City will no longer have to worry about authenticity.

Because according to the news from Xuanguang City, the Flash is already on his way to the headquarters.

Whether it is true or false, people will know when they come and take a look.

"Is the news true?"

"The Flash who killed the level 12 mutant beast really exists and is already on his way to Dawn City?"

In Dawn City, in a dirty and dark underground space, a group of sneaky humans were whispering.

"High Priest, the news is absolutely true!"

"Our confidential department in Dawn City has developed hundreds of believers!"

"We have obtained all kinds of information and battle videos from Xuanguang City."

"That Flash is so terrifying, he will definitely become our Lord's biggest enemy!"

The human lying on the ground was extremely excited, but in front of him stood a human without a shadow.

This person is surprisingly Jaina, one of the thirteen priests of the anti-human organization [Heart of Nature] who is wanted by all mankind.

The underground space here is the secret stronghold of [Heart of Nature]. Although it is extremely dirty and messy, only rats like it here.

But for the [Natural Heart] who admire the way of nature, this place makes them feel more comfortable than the luxurious manor of humans.

"The beast tide in Xuanguang City has indeed been extinguished!"

"If The Flash really exists, this is good news for us."

"After all, one person's strength is not enough to change anything. But if Xuanguang City recovers its nuclear bomb manufacturing technology, the meaning will be different."

Jaina suppressed her nausea, controlled human electronic devices, and checked various information about the Flash.

Although it seems incredible, Jaina would rather believe that The Flash really exists.

After all, their natural stance is on the side of nature.

Human civilization is doomed.

"Okay, I know this!"

"The news will soon reach the Beast God envoys, and they will handle the matter on their own."

"What we need to do now is to hold an awakening ceremony for the new couple."

"Only through awakening can they realize the true meaning of nature."

As the high priest, Jaina's duty is to develop followers for the [Lord of Nature].

She didn't bother to worry about those fighting matters.

What's more, they are not the same as those so-called "envoys of the beast god".

"Profane wisdom and release your nature!"

"Understand nature and follow your instincts!"

"Break the shackles and return to your true self!"

In the extremely dirty underground space, a group of white, fat, pampered humans began to swim on the earth.

Well, squirming to be exact!

Such a filthy environment is unbearable for them to stand.

Now you have to wallow in the mud. This is the first level of becoming a believer in the Lord of Nature, "releasing your nature."

Jaina's chant has a powerful hypnotic power, combined with the dark and humid environment here.

Hundreds of human beings who "liberated their nature" were very resistant at first, but gradually became addicted to it.

It seems that an instinct has been awakened in their lives.

In a daze, they felt that they were insects living in an underground lair.

The illusion is becoming more and more real, and the new people who are completely addicted to it can no longer distinguish between the real and the fake.

"Yes, yes, the perception has changed!"

"As long as they go through a few more rituals and their cognition is completely transformed, the shackles that bind them will be opened again and again!"

"Haha, if you want to awaken and become an immortal, you don't need to take the blood of mutant beasts and experience a hundred deaths."

"You just need to change your perception and deny your human identity!"

"And this is the [truth] that those guys who claim to be human are desperately trying to hide!"

"We were never human!"

In the dark space, Jaina, who was infected by the surrounding atmosphere, had completely lost her human form and turned into a real insect.

It was a species that emitted a faint blue light and looked like a primitive worm.

But strangely, a human brain structure evolved in its head.

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