"so quiet!"

"According to time, the two sides should also meet!"

"You haven't started fighting yet?"

Within the space fortress, Jaina moved slowly.

Everything was just as King Centipede had guessed. The emergence of the space fortress was a trap from beginning to end.

The purpose is naturally to bring both parties together.

After this battle, it was their Eternal God Cult that took charge of the world.

"Gianna, how dare you show up?"

"What exactly gave you courage? Is it the pile of scrap metal around you?"

"Do you think we can't see the reality of the space fortress?"

As soon as Jaina appeared in the corridor of the main control room, she was greeted with angry looks.

After some discussion, Lime and others finally decided to wait and not act rashly.

We must not let those bugs like the Eternal God Sect take advantage.

If Lime and others don't take the initiative, the beast kings will certainly not seek death.

After this meeting, the beast kings discovered that Lime and others were different and seemed to become more powerful.

Especially Lyme, it actually makes them feel invisible.

This is why the beast kings become mild-tempered.

"Hahaha, everyone seems to have figured it out!"

"That's right, this space fortress is just a fake and has no practical use."

"But it's just right to catch you!"

"As for why I dare to appear in front of you, of course it's because I'm sure of victory!"

Even when faced with the oppression of 15 powerful life forms, Jaina still behaved extremely calmly.

Lem and the beast kings looked at each other, totally confused as to where Jaina's confidence came from.

"Jaina, you Eternal God Cult are tired of living, and you dare to lie to me!"

"When I return to the General Assembly, I will definitely uproot you from the entire human world!"

If there was anyone present who was the most angry after Jaina confessed her deception, it was definitely Lem.

It's a pity that Lime really took the pie painted by Gianna seriously.

"All merit and glory belong to myself."

Lime even made his own plan for this. Now that the dream is broken, you can imagine how green his face is.

"President Lime, stop talking nonsense. Do you think you can still leave here?"

"Oh, by the way, we are going to be a family soon!"

"Not just you Lime, but everyone here, we have to become a family."

When Jaina said this, she took a special look at the Flash.

But everyone present felt that she was talking nonsense. How could a mere insect without any extraordinary power be able to change the world?

"Hmph, you are trying to be mysterious and pretending to be a ghost!"

"Go to hell!"

Alston, who had a bad temper, had long been unhappy with Jaina. A ray of fire gathered in his hand, and Jaina would turn into ashes in the next moment.

However, what was extremely strange was that Alston suddenly froze on the spot and couldn't do anything to Gianna.

"What, what's going on?"

"What exactly did your Eternal God Religion do?"

Everyone immediately discovered Alston's strange behavior.

The atmosphere at the scene became tense instantly, and everyone was exploring whether there was something wrong with themselves.

However, no matter how they checked themselves, including Alston, they did not notice anything strange inside their bodies.

"Let's take action together!"

Lime's eyes flashed with cold light, and in the next moment, under his leadership, the other five members of the Super Hero Association took action.

However, the same situation occurred again, and the six Lem men also stopped uncontrollably the moment the attack was launched.

"Hahaha, interesting, it seems there is a problem on the human side!"

"As expected, the Eternal God Sect is more professional in dealing with humans."

From the beginning to the end, the beast kings were watching the fun.

Of course, the one who also turned into a small transparent one was The Flash.

Now that they saw Lime and the others caught in the act, the beast kings were naturally extremely gloating about their misfortune.

"Damn it, it's wisdom liquid."

"Jaina, is there something wrong with the wisdom fluid you traded for me?"

"But how is that possible? I checked dozens of times and there are no additives at all."

After being attacked inexplicably, Lime's face turned black with anger.

Although he still didn't realize the problem, he quickly reacted.

His transaction with the Eternal God Religion was only once.

The problem can only be with the wisdom fluid.

Lime looked at Alston and the others. These six guys were like deflated rubber balls.

Sure enough, they had also taken the wisdom liquid of the Eternal God Religion.

But why did it happen?

With the strength of their superhero association, they did not notice the problem in the wisdom fluid.

How did the Eternal God Religion do it?

"Hahaha, it turns out it was greed!"

"Since the problem lies with the wisdom liquid, we can rest assured!"

The beast kings looked at each other. Although they often conducted information transactions with the Eternal God Religion, they really didn't eat their food randomly.

In order to verify this, seven beast kings suddenly killed Jaina.


Seven huge attacks converged together, or more accurately, focused on Jaina.

Without any resistance, Jaina's body turned into ashes.

"He died like that?"

Seeing that their attack was successful, all seven beast kings were stunned.

Not only were they shocked, but the seven Lem people were also surprised.

What the hell is Jaina doing?

Is it just a joke?

"The truth is finally revealed!"

"But it only makes people feel despair and fear!"

Ever since Jaina appeared, The Flash, who had been staying away from the incident as if nothing had happened, suddenly spoke.

But what he said was not only incomprehensible to Lime and others, but also to the seven beast kings.

Where does this bastard stand?

Swish, brush, brush!

Where Jaina disappeared, a little golden light suddenly gathered.

Soon, a slightly dim golden figure appeared in front of everyone.

Without hesitation, the beast kings and superheroes joined forces to launch an attack.

However, what is incredible is that Lime and others still cannot take action.

However, the attacks of the seven beast kings passed directly through the golden figure without any effect on it.

It was as if the golden figure was just an illusion.

"Damn, what happened?"

"Why can't we take action against her?"

The seven people in Lime began to doubt their lives in fear. This situation before them was definitely not a good thing for them.

"How can it be?"

"The attack failed?"

"A hallucination?"

The beast kings were also surprised and uncertain, the current situation was really weird.

So they all stopped and planned to wait and see what happened.

"Hahaha, everyone, are you shocked and incredible?"

"The person I am now is the final result of human civilization in the previous era."

"Seven beast kings, to be honest, you have disappointed me a bit."

"You are also outsiders after all, with extraordinary inheritance far beyond this world."

"But they are just like the idiots like Lime, who can't see how wonderful I am now."

The golden figure spoke, but what she said was as earth-shattering as it shocked the spot.


"The beast kings are actually outsiders, with extraordinary heritage far beyond our world?"

"Could they come from the outer world?"

The seven Leme people were immediately shocked by Jaina's words and their eyes widened.

Superheroes have made various speculations and assumptions about the beast kings being too smart and too powerful.

But their imagination was obviously not enough, and they did not connect the Beast King with [Tianwaitian].

"Gianna, your Eternal God Church really knows our origins!"

"But what surprises me is that superheroes are always such a bunch of idiots and they don't seem to know."

"Could it be that your Eternal God Religion helped us cover up our origins?"

The Beastmasters were not surprised that Jaina knew her identity as an outsider.

Both sides have known it all along, but they just haven't revealed it.

But now, Gianna has shown her cards and seems to be planning to completely break up the relationship.

However, what puzzles the beast kings is why Jaina wants to break up with them?

They have always had no fundamental conflict of interest with the Eternal God Religion.

Otherwise, the two parties would not have cooperated in a tacit understanding for so many years.

But now Jaina's spearhead is obviously pointed at them.

This is unreasonable!

"It's actually true!"

"Are these beast kings really from another world?"

Seeing the beast kings, they did not deny it, and even directly admitted their origins.

The seven Lem people were shocked and angry.

The reason why they are angry is of course because their superheroes always don't know about this secret.

And if what the Beast King said was true, the reason why they had been kept secret for so many years was all because of the Eternal God Cult.

His heart can be killed!

If they couldn't do it now, the seven Leme people would definitely make Jaina look good.

"President Lime, calm down, calm down!"

"Look at the Flash, he doesn't have any shocked expression from the beginning to the end."

"As for why this is the case?"

"Of course it's because our Flash also comes from another world."

The golden figure looked at Chen Qi. As for Lime and others who needed to calm down, they were completely shocked and dumbfounded.

"How can it be?"

"The Flash actually comes from outside the universe!"

"But in this case, it makes sense that his strength will improve faster than riding a rocket."

Rhyme muttered to himself. He now felt like a fool and a clown.

Under his leadership, the Super Hero Association has simply become blind and completely manipulated.

Unlike Lem and others who are "unacceptable", the Beastmasters have already speculated on the origin of the Flash.

Although they also find it a bit unbelievable, in addition to being recognized by them as the savior, the second possibility is that the Flash is a time traveler.

But in their analysis, this possibility was only 20%.

Unexpectedly, the Eternal God Religion did not think so.


"This world has already created a microscopic door. Why can you still appear in the macroscopic world?"

"The particles that make up your body should originate from microscopic forms that are tinier than electrons."

"And it should be sealed by the second microscopic door!"

"The civilization of this world has declined to the point where it cannot even open the first microscopic door. How can it possibly release you and support your continued existence?"

Chen Qi neither admitted nor denied the golden figure's exposure of his identity as an outsider. Instead, he asked directly.

Mo Kan, Beast King, Lime and others were shocked by the appearance of the golden figure.

But these two sticks didn't understand anything, so no matter how shocked they were, their shock was limited.

But Chen Qi saw through some of the mysteries of the golden figure.

Because of this, the stormy waves in his heart were simply higher than all the mountains in this world.

In Chen Qi's eyes, the golden figure does not exist at all, or it only exists when observing.

However, the observation scale of everyone present is limited and there are differences.

Beastmaster, Lime and others only saw [Jaina].

And Chen Qi saw more.

If the golden figure is regarded as an image, then Lem and others only see the image itself and recognize that it is Jaina.

But Chen Qi saw the billions of pixels that make up the image.

What’s even more incredible is that the positions of those pixels are not fixed at all, but are changing every moment.

With Chen Qi's current observation scale, it is impossible to lock on those light points.

It would be damned if the attacks of the beast kings could work!

After opening the first microscopic door, Chen Qi's current observation scale has reached the electronic level.

And the existence that he couldn't lock on or observe accurately could only come from the second microscopic door.

But this is too incredible!

It’s no wonder that Chen Qi’s heart was filled with turmoil.

"Hahaha, Flash, you are indeed different!"

"As expected, it comes from real human civilization!"

"Do you know? We have been waiting for a truly intelligent life to come to this world!"

"I didn't expect you to show up!"

"God's will is like this, this must be the will of the great [Creator]!"

The golden figure didn't care at all that the Flash could see through something about him.

It can only be said that the real human civilization is indeed powerful, and it is worthy of being the civilization where the [Creator] lives.

The golden figure herself was very calm, but what she said stunned Lime and others again.

What is true human civilization?

The seven people in Lime felt that their brains were confused and even on fire.

However, this was not an illusion. What the seven Lem people did not notice was the "successive shocks" that accompanied them.

In their brains, golden light spots began to spread.

Even the light emitted by these golden light points is clearly visible to the outside world.

Both the Beast King and Chen Qi saw this scene, but remained silent.

What's even more weird is that the brain's glowing golden phenomenon can be observed by outsiders, but the seven Lem people have always been unable to detect it.

"I know you have many questions in your mind, that's all. Sooner or later, we will become a family!"

"In this case, I can tell you some things."

"Such as the real creation myth of this world, and my birth!"

The golden figure began to share his secrets with great generosity.

However, after seeing the tragic situation of the seven Lem people, the beast kings really didn't want to hear it at all.

However, their attacks had no effect on the golden figure, which made them extremely passive.

So the beast kings all looked at the Flash. The golden figure's real target was obviously this one.

Now it's up to The Flash to turn the tide.

However, what the Beastmasters didn't expect was that the Flash guy actually listened with gusto.

Does this bastard really think this is telling a story?

"In the glorious era, our human civilization has mastered endless energy and begun to march into the vacuum world."

"Although human civilization at that time was omnipotent, there were still two problems that troubled us."

"The first is lifespan. No matter how advanced our technology is, human lifespan is stuck at 100 years old."

"Not even for a second."

"What a terrible and hopeless thing!"

The golden figure suddenly showed great excitement. You can imagine how huge the impact of [short-lived life] was on human beings at that time.

"After countless generations of research, we finally discovered the mystery of the five genetic locks."

"The reason why humans can only live 100 years is because those five genetic locks completely lock the human lifespan."

"It can only live 100 years, not even one second longer. This is so inconsistent with natural evolution."

"So we came to the conclusion that our human lifespan is set by some kind of existence."

"So we began to trace the origins of mankind, and finally found the holy lake, and the creation myth was born."

"But it still doesn't keep us alive for one more second."

"So in order to break the short-lived curse, we decided to find the existence that set the shackles on us, the [Creator] at the source of the Holy Light."

"It's a pity that the vacuum world will expand with our exploration."

"So we know that if we can't catch up with the speed of light, then we will never be able to find the [Creator]."

"So our human civilization has a second problem, how to exceed the speed of light."

The golden light and shadow's narration made Chen Qi stunned.

After coming to this world, he really didn't pay attention to the life span of ordinary humans.

It was actually thanks to Tobius that he directly became an immortal and then transformed into a superhero.

But after all, Chen Qi also has the experience of being a mortal and has endured the pain of birth, old age and illness.

With the powerful technological level at the peak of the world, they can only live for 100 years, which is indeed a bit harsh and aggrieved for them.

After all, rich people who are slightly richer in the inner world can live for such a long time.

The heads of those large financial groups can even live to the life limit of 150 years.

It is not surprising that this world has begun to pursue immortality.

"After countless attempts, we found that the five genetic shackles cannot be opened at all. They completely surpass scientific common sense."

"So we turned to research on faster-than-light flight!"

"As you know now, we created the space fortress, but it failed."

"Because once the space-time bubble is formed, the terrifying energy that cannot be released will directly burn everything."

"But the failed experiment is not without value, because at the moment when the space-time bubble was born, we observed a magical particle, which we called [Holy Light Quantum]"

When he said this, the golden figure began to shine brightly.

In a daze, it seemed to permeate the entire world and cover everything.

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