I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 508 Eternal Life

"[Holy Light Quantum]?"

Chen Qi looked at the shape of the golden figure thoughtfully.

It seems that the microscopic particles that make up this body are the [Holy Light Quantum].

In fact, not only Chen Qi, but also the beast kings who were forced to listen to the story saw the clues.

The only ones whose minds are confused are the seven Lem people. They really can't understand anything now.

"Actually, there have always been two plans on how to break through the speed of light."

"The first one is to use powerful energy to distort time and space. Unfortunately, we failed."

"As for the second type, it is consciousness that travels faster than light."

"It's a pity that it was rejected as soon as it was proposed."

"Because as early as when we were studying immortality, we had the idea of ​​detaching consciousness from the body and transmitting it to a supercomputer."

"But based on our experiments, that's simply not possible."

"Our consciousness cannot leave the physical body at all, or in other words, once it is separated from the physical body, the consciousness will be annihilated immediately."

"Because in this world, apart from our own physical body, no material can carry consciousness."

The golden figure became more and more talkative, truly treating everyone present as a family.

Chen Qi listened thoughtfully, while the beast kings trembled all over.

Because the Python King and the others began to realize the nature of the golden figure in front of them.

"It's normal for your consciousness transfer experiment to fail!"

"Because at that time, extraordinary power and extraordinary matter did not exist in this world."

"Mere matter cannot carry consciousness at all."

"And the reason why life itself can breed and carry consciousness is because it has spirituality."

Chen Qi casually mentioned the root cause of human failure in this world, which is common sense in the extraordinary world.

However, for scientific and technological civilization, this is the ultimate problem that has troubled them for tens of thousands of years.

"Hahaha, isn't it ridiculous and sad!"

"It's such a simple answer, but it has troubled us for tens of thousands of years."

"It wasn't until the end that we learned the answer from outsiders like you."

"But you are wrong about one thing. There is extraordinary power and extraordinary matter in this world!"

"As an intelligent human being, you should be able to guess the answer, right?"

The golden figure twists and changes, it is either slightly invisible, or it covers the sky and the earth.

It seems that this is the only way to show its emotional excitement.

After all, when a civilization has been searching for thousands of years but cannot find a solution, it suddenly discovers that what bothers them is actually common sense to another civilization.

This kind of impact is much greater than a meteorite impact.

"Indeed, essentially, there is extraordinary power in this world!"

"It is the [Holy Light] in the creation myth."

Chen Qi sighed. Holy light is the law of creation for this world.

The Holy Light makes the entire world retreat, but it itself is a more powerful supernatural force.

This may sound funny, but it's the truth.

Normally, humans in this world will never have the opportunity to come into contact with extraordinary powers.

But wisdom is so wonderful. After the development of science and technology reached its peak, human beings actually jumped directly to countless extraordinary levels and discovered the "law of creation."

The so-called extraordinary substance is [Holy Light Quantum].

The reason why holy light is called light is because this extraordinary power uses light as a carrier to spread.

That's why the human civilization in this world is trapped within the light cone.

"Flash, you really know the answer!"

"Yes, there is extraordinary power and extraordinary matter in this world, and that is holy light and [Holy Light Quantum]."

"In fact, we had an idea as early as when we were studying consciousness transfer."

"If you transfer your consciousness to light, wouldn't it be easy to reach the speed of light?"

"It's a pity that ordinary light in the material world cannot carry consciousness at all, until we discovered [Holy Light Quantum]."

"Because it can actually carry our consciousness."

When the golden figure said this, the golden light shone even brighter, and he was obviously very proud of himself.

However, Chen Qi knew that this was the last glory of human civilization.

What happens next is the key.

"After discovering the characteristics of [Holy Light Quantum], we were extremely happy."

"Because this not only means that we will reach the speed of light, but it also means that we can finally get rid of the constraints of the physical body and gain a longer lifespan."

"So we restarted the consciousness transfer experiment. Of course, the capture of [Holy Light Quantum] was carried out simultaneously."

"The subsequent space fortress experiments were all designed to capture the holy light quanta."

"After the third space fortress was burned down, we finally succeeded in transferring human consciousness into [Holy Light Quantum]."

"Although human consciousness can only exist for a short second in [Holy Light Quantum]."

"But we saw the [Creator]."

At this point, the tone of the golden figure suddenly became a little gloomy, even full of resentment.

What followed was so important that the beast kings, who had been trying their best to block all kinds of perceptions but "had to listen", completely gave up their struggle and also pricked up their ears.

"do you know?"

"How excited we were when we discovered that the Creator was in the same form as us!"

"The Creator is not angry at our sudden appearance."

"Do you know how excited we are about this?"

"This means that the Great Creator has given us permission to make contact."

"We frantically communicated with the Creator, but we never got a response."

"We are not surprised by this, because compared to those existences, we are just a group of ants."

"But in the end, the Creator responded to us and gave us two choices."

When it came to the two choices, the frantic form of the golden figure collapsed again.

What it represents seems to be an unforgettable memory.

"Our human civilization has always wanted two things. One is eternal life, and the other is to break through the limitations of the world and explore a wider world."

"The choice given to us by the Creator is to choose one of the two."

"Which one do you think we chose?"

The golden figure's eyes were fixed on Chen Qi, while Chen Qi remained silent.

Because the answer is so obvious that even a fool like Lem can know it.

If the human civilization at that time had chosen to "break through the limits of the world", there would have been no disaster of immortality later.

"Hahaha, yes, we chose eternal life."

"Although [Holy Light Quantum] can carry consciousness, we found that after the consciousness leaves the physical body, it is like sourceless water and can only live for one second."

"This is also a dead end road to eternal life."

"And as long as we have eternal life and break through the limitations of this world, is it still a problem for us?"

"Of course we will choose eternal life!"

"What's wrong with this?"

The golden figure began to become arrogant, just like human civilization at that time.

If he didn't know what happened next, Chen Qi also felt that choosing eternal life was very reasonable.

Eternal life means countless opportunities.

The civilization of this world has reached that level in tens of thousands of years. It is simply unimaginable in 100,000 years, millions of years, or tens of millions of years.

"After we made our choice, the Creator only said one sentence, 'Sure enough,' and then disappeared."

“Until then, we didn’t know that the so-called [Holy Light] was actually just the Creator’s gaze looking at us and this world.”

"We have been living under the watchful eye of the Creator."

"We are like ants in a petri dish, being silently observed by the Creator."

"But the Creator has now withdrawn his gaze and no longer cares about us."

"We are free at last!"

When he said this, the golden figure showed various complicated expressions.

Fear, ecstasy, loss, and regret, from her expressions, you can fully understand the state of human civilization at that time.

"We humans, and even our world, are actually just an observation experiment by the Creator."

"How can we not be frightened when we learn this truth."

"But the Creator actually left after we made our choice. We don't have to worry about completely erasing us just because of the Creator's thought. We are naturally overjoyed."

"But we soon realized that this was equivalent to the Creator completely abandoning us."

"He is like Father God to us. How could we not feel lost at such a decisive abandonment?"

The expression of the golden figure changes, constantly describing the various mental reactions of human civilization at that time.

However, what Chen Qi wanted to know more was why he regretted it?

What is wrong with the choice of eternal life?

And what do those two choices mean?

"After the Creator withdrew his gaze, except for the [Holy Light Quantum] we had in our hands, all the [Holy Light Quantum] that originally permeated the entire world disappeared."

"It was a huge shock to us, but we were also relieved because it meant that the Creator was really gone."

"Immediately afterwards, we discovered that the five genetic shackles that were originally unbreakable could actually be opened."

"This is something we are absolutely ecstatic about."

“The Creator has indeed fulfilled his promise and given us eternal life.”

"Then we opened all the chains!"

When the golden figure said this, he suddenly paused.

However, whether it was Chen Qi, Beast King, or even Lime and others whose brains had been completely transformed into golden light, they also knew what happened next.

The bug did not use any extraordinary power. After opening the five shackles, human beings did become immortals, but they also turned into a bug.

Chen Qi even knew the reason for this better than anyone else.

Because if extraordinary means are not used to open the genetic shackles, it means that the [type diagram] has not been contaminated in any way, and can naturally copy itself infinitely without losing any information structure.

Immortality is real, but it comes at the cost of losing your human identity and regaining your original form.

"A bug, our noble human civilization is actually a bug!"

"Even a primitive insect without any thinking ability, only instinct."

"It turns out that from the beginning, we were eternal beings."

"And when we choose eternal life, we give up everything."

"Although those five genetic shackles have locked up our lifespan, they have brought us wisdom."

"And now we're back to where we started, a bunch of ignorant bugs."

"How is this possible?"

What the golden figure tells next is the history of human self-rescue.

After realizing that they had caused a catastrophe, the first thing humans did was to re-inject a human consciousness into [Holy Light Quantum] in an attempt to find the Creator again.

Unfortunately it was all in vain.

What's even more frightening is that this experiment also allowed them to discover an extremely horrifying phenomenon.

In the underlying structure of the material world, an inexplicable power was born.

The movement patterns of various microscopic particles are all disturbed.

And of course human civilization knows exactly what this means.

If this disturbance continues, the edifice of scientific and technological civilization built on material foundations will completely collapse.

Human civilization will regress directly to the age of gunpowder.

In order to save human civilization, humans at that time chose to conduct space fortress experiments again.

They observed that the vacuum world was collapsing, and without the interference of the Holy Light, perhaps the Space Fortress could break through the vacuum world and reach another world.

At that time, humans thought that as long as they could leave this world, they could avoid the decline of civilization.

The result was, of course, another failure.

As for the reason for the failure, of course it was because as the world changed, the space fortress itself also had problems.

But through those failures, humans also verified the fact that although the Holy Light disappeared, its influence still existed.

Humans at the time were completely unaware of how important this was to them.

The magic box of immortality has been opened. Even if it turns into a bug, it still cannot stop mankind from exploring this field.

In the end, humans extracted wisdom liquid from the holy lake.

And as long as you take the wisdom liquid before opening the fifth shackles, you can re-develop a human brain structure even if you turn into a bug.

In this way, the true immortal was born.

But it was at this time that humans suddenly discovered that there was something wrong with their own intelligence.

Not only living humans, but even newborns.

This sign seriously interferes with mankind's "self-rescue plan."

After the failure of the space fortress experiment, since it is no longer possible to escape, humans have only one choice left.

That is to restart the stove and re-establish a civilization system that adapts to the current changes in the world.

What this requires, of course, is the wisdom of countless scientists.

But now, their intelligence is also showing signs of decline, and their research has made no progress.

There is only one way to prevent or even delay this kind of mental decline, and that is to take wisdom liquid.

One is to save human civilization, and the other is to achieve one's own immortality.

Around the wisdom liquid, human civilization began to split.

Eventually, the first generation of immortals was completely wiped out.

"However, even with a sufficient supply of wisdom fluid, we still failed to establish a new civilization, and instead continued to decline."

"But we didn't give up because we found another path."

"After the birth of the Immortal, we discovered the secret of the natal gene."

"All of our own life information can be copied infinitely."

"So we improved the consciousness compression method and successfully uploaded the consciousness to [Holy Light Quantum] to increase the survival time to one minute."

"But this is still not enough!"

When the golden figure said this, Chen Qi instantly realized that the real point was coming.

What is involved next must be the mystery of the birth of this golden figure.

"A conscious body can only live within [Holy Light Quantum] for one minute. This is the limit of what we can achieve."

"So we came up with a bold idea. Since one consciousness can only survive for one minute, what if there are 10,000, millions, or tens of millions of consciousnesses linked together!"

"Just like in life, cells die every moment, but the overall structure can survive for a long time."

"If we compress the consciousness of countless people into a whole, can we create a powerful consciousness that can exist for a long time!"

"The weird thing is, we just tried it randomly and it actually worked."

"And what exactly this means is self-evident."

"All of us humans today evolved from the same bug tens of thousands of years ago."

"This is really a despairing truth!"

The golden figure’s words were absolutely shocking.

Of course, this is only for the trembling beast kings.

Now, the beast kings finally know why their attacks are ineffective.

Because the essence of the golden figure in front of him is just a [Holy Light Quantum] from beginning to end.

It was moving at the speed of light and collapsing at ultra-high frequency, which resulted in the birth of the golden figure.

This form of existence is completely beyond their cognition, and it would be strange to be able to attack it.

"We made it and I was born!"

"But soon, I realized something was wrong!"

"Because in the microscopic world, a layer of shackles was born to completely lock me at the microscopic level."

"In this case, I will no longer exist in the real world. What is the difference between this and death?"

"In order to break through those shackles, I need to continue to strengthen myself."

"The method is naturally to transform more humans into immortals with brains. Then compress their consciousness and upload it to [Holy Light Quantum] to merge with me."

"So the Eternal God Religion was born. At that time, we were not just shouting for revenge, but we were serving as a backup route to continue civilization."

When the golden figure talked about the Eternal God Religion, he was quite proud and complacent.

Chen Qi also didn't expect that the current villain would also play the role of a savior back then.

What a fickle fate!

"According to my calculations, the decline of human civilization is simply unstoppable."

"Because the moment we choose eternal life, we lose our wisdom forever."

"And without wisdom, civilization will inevitably perish."

"So eventually the entire human race will be integrated with me."

"But the sad thing is that even after the demise of civilization, we can survive in the form of [Holy Light Quantum] for thousands of years."

"But I will eventually be imprisoned in the microscopic world, because without the supplement of fresh consciousness, my power will only continue to weaken."

"It is precisely because of this factor that after the mutant beasts appeared, those idiots thought they could develop a new extraordinary civilization, so they used super soldiers to destroy the Eternal God Cult and knocked me down to the microscopic level."

When talking about this, the golden figure became particularly ferocious and twisted.

Life in the microscopic world is not easy at all.

There is only deathly silence, without any life, it is simply the most desperate exile.

Fortunately, the "Beast Kings" appeared!

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