Ukraine, located in Eastern Europe, is the country with the largest territory in Europe except Russia. In 1991 the Soviet Union (p) was independent when it was disintegrated.

Because of its fertile soil, Ukraine, as the world's third-largest grain exporter, has a reputation as a “European granary”. At the same time, the world's leading travel magazine "Visitors Digest" selected the world's top ten "beauty capitals", Ukraine's Kiev tops the list.

Food and beauty.

Overall, this is a beautiful place.

However, the smoke has cast a shadow over this beauty.

The root cause has been buried since the rush of change in 1991.

On January 9, 2014, a riot in the name of “people cooking” brought the country to turmoil.

On the evening of March 29, 2014, Crimea set a time of two hours and officially switched to Moscow time.

Like a banner, the eastern cities have followed suit, and Donetsk and Lugansk have declared independence, officially igniting the wolf smoke of the civil war.

"Strictly speaking, I am a Belarusian, but it was a childhood in Ukraine. My father was a Soviet soldier and met my mother in Kip." Nick smoked and held the steering wheel.

Early this morning, Jiang Chen left the Premier Palace Hotel and took a taxi to the place where he met with Nick. The pickup was bought from the local used car market, and at the moment the two are on the highway to Donetsk.

"That is, you used to be a government army?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Okay, it used to be." Nick snorted. "But the compilation has been defeated. It is not too much to say that it is a deserter."

"Is the government army's combat power weak?"

"Very weak." Nick vomited a ring of smoke, and his complex complex smashed the truck that passed by the window. It was filled with wounded soldiers pulled back from the front line.

"The soldiers have a lot of fighting power, and the top level has reached the bones. More importantly, no one is willing to fight for this country."

The western part of Ukraine was once the border between the Soviet Union (p) and Nato (nato). The arms warehouse houses millions of tons of artillery shells, mines, bullets and other arms left over from the three major military regions of the former Soviet Union. To this day, the Ukrainian army is still using these free ammunition depots. It is precisely because of this that the Ukrainian national arms industry has declined to a terrible level. The Ukrainian "Phoenix" homeland defense battalion even pulled the 122mm howitzer that had been fired over Kiev for decades to the battlefield. The bank's cash-carrying car was used as an armored vehicle.

At the same time, the shortage of military fees also made soldiers have no intention of fighting. The salary of a company commander is only equivalent to the monthly salary of a soldier in Kazakhstan in Central Asia. It is equivalent to more than 1,500 yuan in RMB, and it is not comparable to a waitress in a Chinese restaurant.

The wage level is difficult to live, and the level of training is low. Privately selling inventory weapons and equipment subsidies for households has become a trend. Very ironic, in the case of a large number of equipment on the front line damaged, no new equipment can be added, the ordinary people can buy an armored vehicle for $10,000.

This is the status quo of the Ukrainian army.

In contrast, the armed forces. Well equipped and high morale. Has a strong firepower and armor power. The war has been going on for nearly a year, and there has never been a shortage of civilian-armed ammunition, and the Ukrainian army, often struck by large-scale intensive cannons, has been smashed. It is said that 36,000 civilian armed forces contain 8,000 Russian military advanced heavy weapons. At the same time, according to the US satellite shooting, the artillery positions deployed on the Russian-Ukrainian border provide fire support to civilian armed forces.

"If everyone is fighting for this country. I won't be here." Jiang Chen shrugged and continued. "At the very least, let those guys who have the skills. Fight for the forces that deserve their allegiance." ”

If weapons and equipment can be bought, it is not difficult to believe that "buying people". Although in principle, a country's incumbent soldiers. How can you say that it is impossible to sell to others as a mercenary, but after all, is it not in principle? Even tanks can be sold. What else can't you sell?

By the way, the reason why Jiang Chen did not buy a tank to go back. On the one hand, because the tank is not burning in the future, it is a large fuel rod similar to the power armor, and a high-energy battery used in some magnetic suspension tanks.

On the other hand, the current armor is “too thin” and the material grade is not at all on a horizontal line. It is no exaggeration to say that in the assault infantry vehicle of the fish bone base, the armor strength can even be compared with the German leopard 2a6 main battle tank. Of course, the effect of armor dip on the deep penetration of the projectile is not discussed here.

"Allegiance? Hehe. Nothing deserves to be worth it. No one wants to fight. But the commission you give is really tempting. The ten-year work period is not too demanding. At least for your life, you can still hold money when you are discharged." Europe goes to pension.” Nick smiled.

One million dollars, enough for them to spend a lifetime.

The pickup truck is still safely driving on the highway, and the black smoke is faintly visible in the distance. It’s already close to the front line, but it’s safe.

But at this moment, the front car stopped.

"Car jam?"

Nick frowned and followed the car. Reaching out the cigarette **** and pressing it in the ashtray, he got off and walked to the car in front.

"What happened in front?"

"I don't know, the car in front of me stopped, I can only stop." The car in front of the car came down with a Slavic boy, and his face was equally helpless.

The back of the car vented like a horn, people who did not know the truth came down from the car, stretching their necks and looking forward.

"Well, guys, don't panic, please go back to the car and sit down. Our special forces are dealing with this little trouble, please keep calm." A soldier dressed in green camouflage came from the front and took a shot. Take the roof and signal people to stay calm.

"I want to know, what happened in front of it?" A slightly fat driver shouted out of his car and shouted out his head.

"A shell hit a pit in the middle of the road, but it was a dud. To make sure it didn't bloom when you passed by, our people are dismantling." The soldier shrugged. Reaching out and leaning against the roof.

Honestly, watching him look so relaxed. It’s really reassuring.

"He is lazy, and he doesn't go in a safe place after completing the report. I have done this a few times." Nick smiled. Looking at the young face, he always felt that he had seen himself.

Unexpectedly, I saw Nick, and Jiang Chen thought that he belonged to the kind of meticulous person.

Because it is not worth fighting for it?

Thinking about it, Jiang Chen is a second to understand.

“Is this dud bomb very common on the front line?” Jiang Chen looked at the soldier who was driving the gap and asked Nick at random.

"A lot." Nick re-sit back into the car and snorted, and sent a time to the scene. "There are squandering arms of the former Soviet Union on both sides, but these things have already passed the shelf life." With the "Dot-u" tactical missile with a guaranteed lifespan of only ten years, I left the launch vehicle. You don't know where it flies."

The soldier not far away was leaning against a car, laughing and chatting with the driver inside the car, and also took the smoke from the driver.

Jiang Chen bounced and jumped. He was very worried about the fighting power of the Ukrainian army. If it is such a slapstick, don’t give him away.

As if to see the concerns of Jiang Chen's heart, Nick smiled and said.

"It is estimated to be a recruit. Maybe he was just an electrician yesterday. Today he was sent a gun to the front line to stand guard. The identity conversion is normal. Here. Everything is possible."

"What about recruit training?" Jiang Chen asked strangely.

"There is no money, no one is willing to get it. We are looking for a man who is going to find a good person. I will not use this kind of stuff to fool you. The Ukrainian still has a good hand, just before me. Troops. Although six of the ten are new recruits, the remaining four are good guys. Especially the old ghost of the Cossacks, the guns are simply good.

Jiang Chen fell into a short silence. But I think of the problem on the other hand.

"In this case, the good hand in the army. Will he be willing to take it out?"

"Why not?" Nick shrugged. "The war is not about one or two veterans. Besides, you pay enough."

For that Makanov, the bribes given by Jiang Chen are also $1 million, paid in gold. What he needs to do is to pick a good person, sign a few more words, and open a few proofs of missing battles.

Just then, there was a deafening explosion in the distance.

The smoke rising and looking at the mess in the distance, many people issued a curse of anger. Some people also took out their mobile phones and started taking photos.

The soldier was obviously shocked by the explosion, and looked at the front of the highway.

For a long time, the soldier looked at the Ukrainian driver who had just chatted with him.

"Perhaps, probably our buddy succeeded in igniting the dumb bomb?"

The car in front moved slowly.

The danger has been lifted. In any case, a bomb cannot be blown twice.

Upon seeing it, Nick also followed the start of the car. Fortunately, there were not many vehicles on the road, and there was no large-scale congestion.

However, in the crater of the embarrassment, Jiang Chen faintly saw a widowed widow.

"It seems that the way the special forces lure the duds is quite special."

Wen Yan said that Nick was grinning and laughing. The language was slightly ironic. "Special forces? The only unit worthy of this title has already turned to Russia."

Just when the two had a time to talk about the time, a white van was hanging behind them.

Dark glass blocks the scenery inside the car. If Jiang Chen sees the person on the driver, he will definitely show a surprised expression.

This blond-looking beauty is the Ukrainian girl who talked to him yesterday afternoon. The only difference is that the seductive open-length dress has become a black canvas for easy combat.

"Here is the silver fox, the target has entered the state of Donetsk."

"Received, here is the vulture. Continue to implement the b program."


The bright red lips outline a faint smile. (To be continued...)

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