Entering the suburbs of Donetsk, the road suddenly became rugged. On the sides of the street, a scene of debris and debris, Jiang Chen even had such a moment, the illusion of being in the last days.

Under the ruins, the traces of the living are faintly visible. The people who have nowhere to go have set up a shack in the ruined homeland, watching the patrolling Ukrainian soldiers with hostile eyes.

Moving on, the road is getting worse.

Nick had to park his car next to a house and then called Makanov.

Soon, a soldier with a rifle found them.

"Boris, Lieutenant." The short-haired guy saw Jiang Chen later and made a courtesy. "I was sent by General Macanov to welcome you."

"Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen simply reported his name, smiled and reached out and shook him.

The palms are all over the old man, and at first glance it is a veteran of war.

Withdrew his hand and Boris nodded.

"Please come with me."

Taking out a black suitcase from the car, Jiang Chen and Nick followed his footsteps.

What they didn't know, however, was lying next to a small road about 400 meters from their parking spot.

The military uniforms and equipment have been stripped, and the pupils are magnified, and there is a **** hole on the forehead.

The wreckage of armored vehicles and tanks, here is the crossfire area.

A quiet girl walked through the inaccessible streets.

Her whole body was covered in black, only the thin lips under the shadow of the cloak. Behind him is a guitar box, like a musician walking under the rubble.

Pick up the sleeves of your right hand. A wrist-shaped computer flashed a faint glow.

That is exactly what ep is.

On the screen is a map of this area. It is one of ep's anti-day functions to map tactical maps with radio signals.

Yesterday. She has already gone through this area. The small blue dot on the map is the coordinates of the transmitter carried from Jiang Chen.

"Here?" Aisha muttered to himself. Silently walked to the side of the building that was half-destroyed.

"It was very dangerous. It was hit by shells a few days ago and it could collapse at any time." The refugees who were curled up on the side tried to remind the girl, but the girl just looked at him and then pulled out the pistol.

The refugee raised his hands in horror and stepped back.

"go away."

Perhaps I could understand Aisha's English. The man tried to step back and took two steps. Seeing her intent to shoot, she turned and ran.

Seeing that the unrelated person has left. She put away her pistol and turned her back to the floor with her guitar case.

Deftly climbed the truncated stairs, Aisha came to the top floor very easily.

It is the same as that learned in the virtual reality training system.

Open the guitar case, remove the parts of the sniper rifle, and connect the barrel with skill.

With a little debugging, Aisha took out a city camouflage cloak and put it on his body, so he squatted on the dusty ground, and then set up the sci-fi ghost sniper rifle.

"Aisha is already in place." Self-talking, Aisha squatting on the ground muttered

"Yeah. Keep on standby."

Jiang Chen reached out and gently held his ear and put his wrist on the lip.

Boris walked in front to lead the way. Nick walked aside and looked around silently. On the other hand, Jiang Chen is very relaxed, as if there is no conscious at the front.

A muddy road. A row of two-meter-high planks was placed on the side of the road to form a simple wall. On the front line, this stuff is usually used to interfere with sniper detection or black guns.

“How long is it?” Jiang Chen aimed at the tank that was anchored by the road. Shouted to Boris, who walked in front of him.

"Quick, just in front." Boris gave a very vague answer.

"Right. Can you ask a personal question?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile as he walked to his side.

"Of course. If it does not involve sensitive information."

"What is your position in the 92nd step?" From the point of view of the old man, the guy's skill should not be small.

"Currently serving as the guardian of General Makanov." Boris's English is very fluent, and he can understand Jiang Chen that is only slightly above the sixth level of Chinese English for the first time.

"Oh? Then your shot should be good." Jiang Chen looked at him unexpectedly.

"Alright." Boris did not seem to want to continue this topic, but paused, added a sentence, "I am his nephew."

The three continued on for a while, but at this moment, Nick, looking at the roadside, frowned and stopped.

He has been silent for a moment, suddenly interjected and asked, "Is the 92nd Machine Brigade advanced to such a front?"

"Of course not." Boris shrugged and said something that made the two unclear.

Nick reacted the fastest, and his hand touched his waist. But Boris, who had been prepared, was obviously a step faster, and the rifle in his hand was already aimed at him.

"I advise you not to move, even if you open my hand, there is a finger pointing at you a few hundred meters away." Boris snorted and said softly, his eyes were looking at Jiang Chen. "I am very sorry, Mr. Jiang, someone wants to talk to you."

"Who?" Jiang Chen smiled and asked in the same tone.

Obviously, this Boris is fake. Macanov should have sent someone, was intercepted on the road, and then replaced this Boris?

Although it was expected that there would be any troubles, Jiang Chen did not think that the trouble was not from Macanov, but from a force that he had never seen before.

The radio communication should have been intercepted, and the strength of the other party is obviously not weak. But even if I knew this, Jiang Chen’s face still had no waves, and looked at Boris with a smile.

Boris did not answer Jiang Chen’s question and looked at him with a slight surprise. “Isn’t Mr. Jiang not worried about his safety?”

"Safety? Why worry?" Jiang Chen pretended to be a stranger and spread his hand. "If you want to kidnap me, don't you guarantee my safety?"

It seems that it was amused by Jiang Chen’s logic. Boris snorted and raised his left hand and made a gesture.

Several people came out from the shadows of the side, from the skillful action and professional gun posture, these guys should belong to a special force.

Looking at the face of the all-colored hair, I thought that Ukraine had no "special forces" before Ukraine, and Jiang Chen also faintly guessed the identity of these people.

Nick was simply tied up, but they were not polite to Jiang Chen. Perhaps it is because from the appearance, Jiang Chen does not look like a "dangerous person".

"KGB?" Exploratoryly asked, Jiang Chen stared at Boris's eyes.

It is a professional agent, there is no wave in the pupil. Boris just smiled and didn't answer anything.

"It doesn't matter who we are, the little guy from the East."

With a little scornful tone, some of the sounds that made Jiang Chen familiar were coming from behind.

That is slightly slang of Mandarin. (To be continued...)

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