"...In the United States, I have a company, a big one. I am very optimistic about your ability. If you like, you can drive for me. Don't worry about the green card. Members and I are very familiar..." Roberts spoke on the co-pilot, and the driver wearing a red cloth headband sipped his cigarette at the corner of his mouth, and he was very happy to chat with Roberts.

Being able to immigrate to the United States is a dream for those born in hell.


The general crack of the spider web spreads to the edge of the window, and the glass generally flies into the car.


Roberts immediately rolled under the seat, reached out and grabbed the steering wheel, biting his teeth and holding back the scars on his head that had been cut by the glass, and stopped the car.

The driver with a smile on his face, at the moment, his head and chest are all **** holes.



The car suddenly swayed and the unsuspecting refugees were on the ground. Jiang Chen grabbed the steel bar behind him and the other hand fell to the doorstep Aysha with horror. .

The truck swayed on the sand and continued for a while. Fortunately, there was no rollover and it stopped.

There was chaos in the carriage.

The women held their heads, trembling, and whispered. The man who stood firm from the panic was also full of horror, and he carried the scattered luggage on his chest and stayed where he was.

There is no doubt that it is the person of IS.

Then you can basically sentence you to death.

"What happened, damn... are you okay?" Jiang Chen bit his teeth and gasped, pulling Aisha up.

Aisha looked at Jiang Chen and shook her head very flatly. There was a trace of blood in her mouth, which might have broken her mouth when she fell. However, it is a blessing that I have not been taken out.

"IS's slave team, they are active in the desert, and occasionally visit the village. Women will be pulled by them as sex, slaves, men will be killed or forced to pull into their team... Can you give me a bullet? If you leave your chastity, I can go to heaven."

"No." Jiang Chen grinned.

That smile made Aisha slightly stunned.

"Then I will pray for you." The girl lowered her eyes, and the oily black hair blocked her eyes.

"Be prepared to fight." Nick is worthy of an experienced warrior. He has already copied the M27 in his hand. He pulled the bolt and put it on the door of the truck.

I don't know how Roberts's goods are... Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel awkward, and found out his 11-style tactical pistol, which was quickly attached to the other side of the door under the direction of Nick's gesture.

The refugees in the carriage looked at the two men in horror, and they shrank back and hugged their heads, praying not to be hurt by the stray bullets. The two men prayed for victory.

There were awkward machine guns in the distance, but the bullets didn't hit the car, but they were empty.

The Toyota pickup truck carrying the machine gun stopped at the side of the truck, and several masked soldiers jumped from the car with a rifle.

"I surrender!" Roberts skillfully held his head in both hands and climbed out of the co-pilot position. He is very clear about his combat effectiveness, and he is already stubborn without dragging his hind legs.

The IS soldier looked at the white man, and his face was ecstatic. He turned back and shouted at the eunuch, and then screamed at Roberts' face as a shot and pulled him to the ground.

"Search behind, fast!" The sergeant yelled at AK and walked up to Roberts's face, then grinned and smirked, revealing his mouth full of white teeth.

Roberts looked up and smiled with a crying cry, and the result was a direct face-to-face.

"Pull on the car and change the ransom!" The sergeant greeted the younger brother beside him and racked up Roberts and dragged it to the Toyota pickup truck.

Upon hearing this sentence, Roberts sighed with relief. This group of people did not seem to be chasing from the town of Hardis. If you let these demons know that they are the hostages to escape, they may have been cut off their limbs and video.

As long as you are not dead, there is still a chance.

Two soldiers carrying AK walked behind the carriage, and the expression on their faces was very relaxed. They talked with a smile and opened the curtain behind the carriage.

This is a fat deficiency, although the arrested slaves are not their property. However, even if they pick up "enjoyment" in advance, who will punish them?

Two shots were placed outside the door, and I was very pleased to hear the almost hoarse screams coming from inside the compartment. The two demons smiled. Then the man on the right held the AK to the left hand and climbed up the stairs to climb the truck.

There is a pair of fearful eyes in the truck, and nothing can provoke tyrannical emotions more than fear.

The horrible horror--the molecular face showed a cruel sneer.

A large hand stretched out of the darkness, and the general power of the polar bear twisted the fragile neck directly. Jiang Chen was more direct. He waved his arm to the hammer and put the head of the person in front of him on the ground and broke his breath.

After all, it is twice the power of ordinary people.

"I wandered from the side of the truck to the front of the truck to save Roberts. You caught their attention at the rear of the car and watched the machine gun." After that, Nick quickly jumped out of the car.

Jiang Chen shook his right hand, and he had intended to smash the man's skull with a pistol grip, but he did not expect the arm to reach the back of the man's head.

But the effect is the same.

It seems that I still have to learn the skills of fighting. It has been a little bit reluctant to rely on brute force. Jiang Chen sighed, then took the AK on the ground and jumped out of the car.

Jiang Chen, who jumped out of the car, turned to the rear of the car with an AK. It was a chaotic confrontation on the pickup truck. At that time, the terrorists were caught off guard. At this point, Roberts had not been dragged onto the truck. The gunshots that he remembered scared his terrorists and threw him aside. Then he grabbed the rifle at his waist and began to fight back.

The muzzle of the machine gun was turned, and the machine gunner pulled the trigger unambiguously to pour out the firepower to Jiang Chen. The violent nitrogen blows out from Jiang Chen’s right arm and blocks those bullets.

"What is that thing!" The chief who was behind the car climbed up and slammed his head out of the bunker and looked at Jiang Chen’s position, his face showing a horrified expression.

"I don't know! Bullets can't be worn!" The machine gunman held the machine gun and tried to shred Jiang Chen by fire. However, it was in vain.


The bullet was empty.

The deputies on both sides rushed out of the AK to shoot at Jiang Chen, and fought for the machine gunners to change the bombs. However, at this time, the bullets shot from the side were accurately killed.

Nick took the M27 and started the attack.

Jiang Chen's nitrogen armor is also approaching the limit. With Nick's unexpected firepower, lifting the AK is a random shot. If you can't beat someone, you don't need to worry about it. As for the recoil, it is almost negligible for his 25 muscle strength.

"Damn! Bring the white man to the hostage and get up!" The chief was lifted by the firepower of the two men and shouted to the people around him.

The soldier who was leaning against the sand **** was also panicked. Seeing that he couldn’t beat Nick, who was hiding behind the engine of the car, he was killed by two of his companions, and he reached out and grabbed Roberts. However, what he saw back was the muzzle of the black hole.

"fu-ck-U" Roberts slammed the trigger. At the moment, in his hand, he was holding a pistol from the body that Nick knocked down.

The chief saw Roberts's change and hurriedly pointed AK to Roberts. However, the impact from the side was that he shot 10 meters away from the shells. The impact of the momentary explosion almost shattered every inch of his ribs.

Jiang Chen put away the nitrogen armor that was about to overheat in his right hand, and then looked at the gunman at the back of the carriage and licked his abdomen. He raised his hand and made a shot.

"Boss, it's okay." Nick stepped forward and stretched out Roberts, who was lying on the floor.

"Shit, Mannyma's pain is killing me." Roberts stared at his bruised face and stood up, then asked his head and asked Jiang Chen, "Is that guy dead?"

"It is estimated that the sternum is broken, and death is not the same." Jiang Chen shrugged.

"Good job." Roberts raised his hand and added two shots to the officer's foot. The man who was kneeling on the ground was unable to open and close his mouth, and he did not even have the strength to scream.

"What now?" Nick went up and checked the Toyota pickup. "Gasoline is about 200 kilometers away. We can go to Tikrit on our own."

"Just do it." Roberts limped to the side of the truck and took off the spare fuel tank and water tank hanging on the side, which was in their original car.

"Those refugees?" Jiang Chen looked at the rear of the truck and asked casually.

Both Roberts and Nick looked at Jiang Chen with a strange look.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Man," Roberts took their supplies to the car, and then patted Jiang Chen's shoulder. "Since the IS patrol has arrived at this position, it proves that Tikrit is afraid that he has already changed hands. Humanity. The matter of doctrine is left to the United Nations to have a headache. We don’t belong here. There is no need to feel a headache for them. With enough oil, we can go directly to Baghdad and remind them that the danger ahead is enough. If they go together, they The goal is really too big."

"My advice is the same as the boss." Nick took a black pen from his pocket, boarded the hood, and painted a strange symbol on the roof.

"Well," Jiang Chen shrugged. Although he sympathized with the refugees, he had already understood that the extra sympathy was equivalent to the fatal truth. "So, let me inform you... What is it?"

"USA mark, so that the drone will blow us up." Nick wiped the sweat on his forehead, very plain.

Black is endothermic. Even the thermal imaging equipment can see the USA symbol written on the roof to prevent accidental bombing by air raids.

Then again, this car is also IS.



Jiang Chen opened the cloth behind the hood, and a pair of eyes full of fear looked at him.

"...Tikrit is dangerous, IS may have already occupied it, Baghdad is safe...so." Jiang Chen said that he did not adapt to the atmosphere here, and took a deep breath and said.

He believes that some people here can understand English. Sure enough, there were rumors of whispers in those refugees. I can see that they are very panicked about this news.

As for whether they are willing to listen, it has nothing to do with him.

Sighed, Jiang Chen turned and prepared to leave, but one hand gently covered his clothes.


Jiang Chen turned around and saw the girl with a dirty face and squatted.

Under the dry, oily black hair, there is a pair of pleading and firm eyes. She said a series of words in Islam, but Jiang Chen couldn't understand it completely, but she smiled and shook her head. It seems that this passage is very troublesome, and the girl does not know how to express it in English.

May be hungry?

Thinking for a while, Jiang Chen took out a packet of cookies and handed it to her.

However, the girl shook her head and hesitated for a moment before she opened her mouth with a hoarse voice.

"Please take me away."

Jiang Chen stunned, smiled, just wanted to refuse, but he was on the pair of eyes with pleading.

"... accept humanitarian assistance and see if there is any Saudi or Turkish man who is willing to buy me home..."

Somehow, Jiang Chen suddenly remembered the words of the girl’s mouth yesterday.

That paragraph stinged his heart a little.

Slightly opened his mouth, Jiang Chen looked at the girl's dirty face, and there was no opening for a long time.


Compassion has flooded again...

"Come on." Jiang Chen sighed and turned and jumped out of the car.

The stiff face of the girl, a rare excitement, she prayed piously, and then left the caravan with Jiang Chen.



"I finally came back, hurry on the road," Roberts suddenly noticed the girl behind Jiang Chen, looking at Jiang Chen's eyes instantly smashed and whistled.

Nick, the polar bear who usually has no expression, also looked at Jiang Chen with a look.

"Not what you think." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

"How are you going to deal with her? Or if you simply come to the United States to mix with me, Utah supports polygamy." Jiang Chen sat in the co-pilot position, and Roberts patted him on the shoulder and smiled.

"Following you to be wanted by the FBI?" Jiang Chen gave him a look.

"Cough, not in the future, since I have escaped alive, many things have become less of the same." Roberts started the car. From the young face, Jiang Chen saw a pair of sophisticated and embarrassing that was far from his age.

Jiang Chen leaned on the co-pilot and stopped saying anything.

"I said really, my brother. Who is not in the doldrums? What's more, people who do our dangerous business. If you can't get along there, even come to me." Roberts said it was dull, but Jiang Chen heard the sincerity of that touch.

"I am a serious businessman now." Jiang Chen laughed, but Roberts still remembered silently.

"Crap it, haha." Roberts held the steering wheel and smiled.

Nick and Aisha are sitting in the back row, and the two stuffed gourds are naturally not in a single sentence. Nick with sunglasses is estimated to be closing his eyes, Aisha is watching the head of Jiang Chen for a long time, his mouth is slightly open, but nothing is said.

"Roberts will speak Islam." Nick, leaning against the chair, suddenly spoke up, and it was full of slaps of the mouth, evoking an interesting arc.

Aisha groaned and her face was grateful. After a while, she still had the courage to say the words again.

Roberts, who was chatting with Jiang Chen, suddenly squatted and then glanced at Jiang Chen.

"What did she say?" Jiang Chen noticed Roberts's eyes and asked with a smile.

"...I pray to God, if you can punish those who use his kindness to do evil, and return with victory. Even if you believe in paganism, I will be a gift of the desert and become your wife. I will be like a camel. Be docile, serve you and your other wives, just ask you to give me a place... 嘶 肉 肉 肉 肉 肉 肉 肉 肉 肉 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 ""

Roberts used a quick smile to look like an internal injury, and stared at Jiang Chen.

"...The trough" Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, and only squeezed such a sentence for a long time.

"U.S. Utah can be polygamous and need a green card?" Roberts snorted.

"...you keep it for yourself." Jiang Chen said.

For the time being, he has no plans to go abroad for development.

"Also, the marriage certificate is only a book. The Hong Kong people I know who are surnamed Chen have raised ten wives, although none of them have received the certificate." Roberts said.

"I still have a wife." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

Roberts accidentally glanced at Jiang Chen and smiled. "Impossible. You still have a woman without money? Hey... Don’t wait to go back to Los Angeles with me, I invite you to play on those screens. Chick."

"Change the day, I have to work hard for a while after dealing with gold." Jiang Chen looked out the window and ordered a cigarette.

"Hey, you really don't say that the beauty of the whole Middle East is concentrated in Lebanon and Syria. The little girl who is fascinated by you is a little smaller, but it is estimated that you are a big beauty when you raise a big point. Hey, I will not come to this ghost place in the Middle East for a while. Before I left, I had to go to the Turkish border and buy a Syrian beauty to go back and play.” Roberts squinted at the endless sea of ​​sand.

Jiang Chen took a look at this animal and did not continue to deal with him.

As for how to place Aisha, Jiang Chen did not think about it for a while.

Sighing, he licked some sour temples.

In short, bring her back to the country first. Visa 咋 solve it... It should be able to do a good job.

Anyway, if you have money, doing good things can be regarded as accumulating morality.

Do you have any other thoughts about her?

Looking at the dry, shiny hair and the dirty face, he really didn't.



(Aisha is very useful, no one I wrote is a vase XD. 3000+5000 big chapter, conscience for ticket 0.0)

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