The next journey was very smooth, and there was no twists and turns in addition to accidentally hitting a small-scale sandstorm.

Three people switched to the driving position. Although Jiang Chen did not have a car, but the driver's license was still taken, there is no problem with this pickup.

Because taking into account that Tikrit may have fallen into the hands of IS, Roberts decided to go around the arc in the arc, follow the lake of Sersal, and then take the road to the east after consulting with Nick and Jiangchen. Myra, then went to Baghdad.

In short, try to avoid all battle hotspots.

At night, the four people will still be in the car for one night.

The sound of the air fighter slid through was really a little scary, but the shells did not fall. Obviously, the fluorescent sign played a role.

Nick, the Russian big man, just found a reason and changed his position with Jiang Chen. Roberts glanced at Jiang Chen and lowered his voice to Jiang Chen’s ear.

"Reassure, we slept very badly. If you... oh, I won't see it." After that, Roberts glanced at Aisha, who was in the corner of the car seat, with some ridiculous expression.


Don't say that Jiang Chen didn't have that interest for a while, even if there is, there is no way to taste it.

For the refugees who escape, it is natural that there is no idle effort to consider cleanliness. Everything is given priority to life.

Aisha is also very clear that she must be stinky now, and the dirty face can not see any beauty, so she inferior to the corner of the car door, in the hope that it will not cause Jiang Chen's resentment.

In fact, although she has some taste, she has not reached the level that makes Jiang Chen feel resentful. In the stinking caravan, Jiang Chen can sleep without incident, and he naturally does not care about this taste.

What's more, this Roberts, who hasn't showered for a week, may be stinky more than her at the moment.

"I...the body may taste a bit. But I can guarantee that my body will satisfy you after taking a shower." Aisha bit her lip and said, for her, say this The sentence has almost used her courage.

There were two whistles in front, and it was obvious that Roberts and Nick didn't sleep.

These two animals... Jiang Chen snorted.

"Cough... No, I don't mind." Hey? I always feel that something is wrong with this.

Aisha's cheek lifted a blush, but it was not visible under the dirty stains.

"Is it true that an Islamic woman marries a han person? I heard that han people believe in Confucianism." Roberts's voice screamed suddenly.

She did not speak, but she looked at Jiang Chen.

"That's what you think, we also think that you are all Christians. You guys can put **** on their mouths more often than the gods. And your Chinese teacher didn't tell you, Confucianism is not Religion?" Jiang Chen smiled.

Of course this is controversial.

Roberts shrugged and smiled and said, "Don't look at me like this, I still have prayers, when necessary."

Jiang Chen looked at Aisha. After hesitating for a while, he said in a serious tone: "You also heard, I have no faith, and I don't plan to believe in any religion in the future. I heard that the woman of I-Slan is Can't marry a pagan, even if it doesn't matter?"

"It doesn't matter." Aisha shook her head. "You shun God for the devil who used his name to do evil. You are my hero... Besides, without you, I may have died in humiliation." Now that you saved me, then I belong to your private property."

Jiang Chen’s throat was slightly moved, watching the calmness in her eyes, and eventually said nothing.

To be honest, he is a bit tempted.

For the beauty, how many men will not be interested? Single for more than 20 years, the virgin is still lost in another world...

Of course, it is not excluded that there are good men who are clean and good. However, Jiang Chen is very frank and he is a laity. Before, he did not have the material foundation of that aspect. Naturally, he did not cultivate such an elegant sentiment.

Follow it, follow it, and there will be no less meat. He has money and can afford it.

Washing and washing is pretty pretty, after all, exotic. Beauty driver and bodyguard? I have learned from this aspect.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen felt a lot easier, and there was nothing wrong with it.

As for the two animals in front, it’s already buzzing at this time...



In the morning, the three simply licked a few compressed biscuits and then drank two drinks to deal with the breakfast.

From the GPS point of view, their location has been very close to Baghdad. About 20 kilometers northwest of downtown Baghdad, four people were stopped by patrolling American soldiers. After a simple inspection, these soldiers did not bother them.

Roberts skillfully presented the green card to the squad leader, and then borrowed the satellite phone that was placed on the squat. The guy was on the side and made several phone calls in succession before returning the call to the American soldier on duty.

Although these American soldiers can be said to be inferior in their local behavior, they still converge when they encounter their citizens. After all, no one wants to receive a subpoena from the national court. The Ohio guy standing next to Jiang Chen still chatted with him. He seemed to regard Jiang Chen as a CTV reporter and asked if Jiang Chen could give him a close-up shot.

As for Nick, who looked at the private bodyguards, he smoked on the side of the Hummer.

Aisha is in the car, even if it is as hot as a steamer. From her distrustful eyes, it can be seen how bad the judges of these American soldiers are in this area.

Soon, there was a dark shadow in the distance.

It was a bird helicopter. On the top, Jiang Chen also saw a familiar face.

The violent air from the propeller swept the sand off the ground, blowing the ash of everyone's face. When the bird stopped, the man sitting on the side untied the seat belt and jumped from above.

"Bruce, haha, my old buddy, let's meet again." Roberts smirked and cuddled up and hugged the mercenary in combat suit.

"shit, how stupid you are. It seems that you have been mixed up lately?" Bruce patted Roberts's back and immediately pushed him aside.

"Cough, I have been mixed a bit miserable recently, but it's all in the past." Roberts patted the dust on his body, revealing a white mouth full of mouth.

"I think things may not be solved so quickly, Mr. Roberts, I am very happy that we have met again."

A middle-aged man came down from the helicopter. The man had a hook-and-hook nose and glanced at Jiang Chen with a very sharp look. This made Jiang Chen feel a little discomfort, but he just frowned and did not say anything.

"Cough, Mr. Lawrence, I am very happy to meet you." Roberts smiled and reached out and greeted him.

"It seems that you have escaped." Lawrence shrugged and said casually.

Bruce walked to Jiang Chen and said hello to Jiang Chen.

"Roberts guy, I didn't expect you to help him." Bruce smiled, then took the smoke from Jiang Chen.

"Who is that person? Roberts seems to be afraid of him." Jiang Chen spit a cigarette circle and smiled.

"Lawrence Alden, FBI agent."

"Please don't divulge my personal information to unrelated foreigners, Mr. Bruce, otherwise I will have to question Blackwater International about the quality of your work." Lawrence heard the conversation between the two and threw Roberts aside. , coming to Jiang Chen in their direction.

Bruce turned his back to Jiang Chen and shrugged his shoulders. "In short, it's such a guy who doesn't get along very well."

Jiang Chen looked at Lawrence and walked up to him. He was stared at the uncomfortable look for a long time, and Lawrence slowly opened his mouth.

“Do you represent your country? Or an individual?”

"Roberts and I are just friends in business." Jiang Chen said faintly.

"Then I wish you a prosperous business, and I hope you don't have to worry about it." Lawrence did not shy away from Roberts's intentions. He gave him a glance and said directly to Jiang Chen.

"Cough, don't do this, man." Roberts rolled his eyes and spread his hands. "Maybe we can talk?"

"I am not interested in the contradiction between you, maybe you can discuss it privately?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Consultation?" Lawrence spread his hand and smiled at Roberts. "How are you going to discuss, 400 tons of crude oil from Iran? Do you want money to be crazy?"

"Is there no evidence yet?" Roberts smiled in disapproval, and then put a hand on Lawrence's shoulder. "Man, we can make a deal."

"Oh? You might as well talk about it." Lawrence snorted without a word, but did not open Roberts's hand.

"In order to prevent this special situation from happening in sensitive areas, the arms I sell will generally do a little bit of work. For example, the bullets at the bottom of a pressure box are empty and are loaded with GPS signals. Where the arms will be shipped, you can use your imagination." Roberts flashed a smack on his face.

Lawrence’s face changed.


"Here," Roberts smiled and slammed a smartphone into Lawrence's hand. "Congratulations, Mr. Lawrence, the future agent, this is a great achievement."

"Your little cleverness saved your life. I used to have nothing to do with the past." Lawrence gave Roberts a meaningful look, then inserted the phone in his purse and rushed to the bird helicopter. "Bruce, we Go, you have to hurry back to the carrier."

"Okay, boss." Bruce responded, then shrugged his shoulders to Jiang Chen and followed him up.

"And that Barton! I have to talk to him and talk." Roberts shouted at the bird that was taking off.

"up to you!"

The so-called witness protection plan is just a verbal commitment. If it is not honored, the full screen of Lawrence's sentence.

"Are you reaching an agreement?" Jiang Chen went to the side of Roberts and spoke.

"Yes. With the guidance of GPS, a Tomahawk missile can bring the gang of gangsters to the sky. Hey, I am afraid that the indigenous people are busy moving the arms into the arsenal. Shit, this is a great achievement." Roberts Happily smiled, and then backed up with Jiang Chen's shoulders. "No matter whether the hands are full of shackles, let's go to Baghdad for a drink, I treat you."

"Your nerves are really big enough." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

"This is the way it has been for a long time. Maybe I have come to the time of considering the industrial transformation." Roberts shook his head and smiled. "Iran's crude oil business can't be done. It has to go to Saudi Arabia. The company has to hurry up."

Three people returned to the pickup, and after bidding farewell to the several American soldiers on duty, Roberts sat in the driver's seat and started the car, driving in the direction of downtown Baghdad.

"Is there any clue?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"Slightly a little... Yes! Movie! Haha, Hollywood producer is a good identity. Next time you come to Los Angeles to find me, I will arrange a few Hollywood chicks for you to play." Roberts smiled. .

"Hollywood star, have you played?" Jiang Chen smiled and took a look at Roberts.

Roberts’s hand on the steering wheel, grinning and grinning. “Los Angeles is a place full of dreams. As long as you are a producer, those blond chicks who dream of becoming famous overnight will be squatting on you. This **** dream is really His mother is awesome..."

"It seems that the entertainment circle of any country is the same." Jiang Chen smiled and suddenly remembered Liu Yao.

There was a smile on his face.

If you don't have time, get the identity of a producer? Anyway, it is just a matter of saving money.

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