I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 141: burden

Don't want to guess, David also knows that the "Wang Family" of the famous Yan nationality station must be related to Sunan. The gold master of his expedition must have Sunan behind him.

   And between Sunan and Wang's family, Sunan may still occupy a dominant position.

   It's just that David has been unable to guess Sunan's true intentions for doing this. Why does Sunan have to choose himself for this expedition?

  Although the Kunbao map was provided to Sunan by David on his own initiative, this does not mean that David can be 100% sure of the entire expedition plan

   Qin Luo seems to have no interest in Bao Kun at all, but is very concerned about whether David can provide the secret Kun Bao on the Kun Bao map.

   If Sunan did not act for Bao Kun, why did Sunan do it for?

   David picked his temples and felt a very headache. This Sunan is really the same person, and even the tasks he arranged are unpredictable.

   Since he couldn't figure it out, David simply stopped thinking about it.

   David Bi Jing's specialty is to find those Baoquens, to explore unknown places on earth. Use investor money to do what you want to do.

   Sunan is just the most mysterious and scariest among his many clients. Instead of bothering to speculate about your customers, it is better to do your own thing.

   After trying to understand this, David raised his head and looked far to the southwest of Yan Country, his inner fighting spirit was finally ignited.

   Sunan did not expect that the first acquaintance she met at the airport would be Ye Bo.

   After Sunan separated from David, he rushed to the imperial capital by plane. Because the purpose of this trip is mainly to meet the dean first, and then return to the Wang's house.

   So Sunan’s whereabouts were not told to others, and even Sunan from the Wang family did not deliberately inform.

   Otherwise, Sunan’s mother Wang Yueqin would definitely disregard Sunan’s persuasion and would take Sunan home first. So when he met Ye at the airport, Sunan was also shocked.

   Ye is still the same as when Sunan left, a black trench coat, slender and straight legs, standing out among the crowd.

   Sunan just came out of the exit, and saw Ye Jing waiting anxiously at the airport exit.

   Ye looked thinner than Sunan when he left. The whole person gave Sunan a haggard feeling of "two or five zero", which made her look lovely, and I felt pity.

   Ye had seen Sunan in the crowd a long time ago. Her eyes were hot and passionate, and her eyes were slightly moist, but she could feel that she was deliberately suppressing her tears.

  The crowd who picked up the plane had already noticed this lovely beauty, but they had been wondering who was waiting for such a lovely beauty.

   After a brief stunned Sunan, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, he walked towards Ruoye.

   Ye's body trembled slightly, as if she was deliberately controlling herself. But when she saw Sunan walking towards her, she finally couldn't restrain her emotions anymore.

   Ye ignored the eyes of everyone, rushed to the front of Sunan, and directly rushed into Sunan's arms. Tears couldn't help streaming down after all.

   During the time when Sunan was away, Ye endured too many complicated emotions, and finally was released at this moment.

   The time went back to half a month ago, when Sunan went up the mountain alone to look for the three interstellar predators.

   Ye Jing originally wanted to go up the mountain with Ruo Sunan, but Sunan stopped it. For Ye's safety, Sunan asked Ye to wait at the bottom of the mountain with those bacteria area bosses.

  Although Ye has always been very confident in Sunan's strength, he still has some worries in his heart.

   Ye Jing does not belong to the earth, her life on the earth is given by Sunan.

   After returning from Kun Nianxu, there was one less subjugated alien princess and one more little woman named Ye.

   Sunan didn't care about Ye Jing's past, and even when Ye was about to turn into a monster because of losing energy, she hugged her in her arms and gave her an affectionate kiss.

   Even after that incident, Sunan still faced Ye Jing with the same cold expression as before. But Ye Pu's heart has completely fallen.

   Kuncang’s kiss made Ye Jing see clearly that this cold-looking man was actually hot inside. These, Sunan has never revealed it.

   The energy that Sunan injected into the leaf body suppressed the monster gene in the leaf body, allowing her to continue to exist on this earth with the face of a human being.

   When Ye Jing was about to turn into a terrible monster, it was Sunan who hugged her and kissed her, and did not loathe her for her terrible face.

   Ye Jing has always had a thought in her heart, after she finds the antidote and thoroughly understands the monster genes in her body, she will give Sunan with her real face.

When Dean    arranged for her and Sunan to investigate the "Cropfield Circle", he had talked to her about this alone.

   Dean told Ye that the medicine for these monster genes that Ye father gave her and her people was probably developed by those who appeared in the "Crop Field".

   In other words, as long as he can solve the secret behind the "Cropfield Circle", Ye can get the antidote to the monster gene. She can also talk to Sunan

   However, the accident happened after all.

   Su Nan suddenly disappeared in the battle with those monsters, leaving only the bodies of three monsters.

   Originally, the Monster Academy was only for assistance, and the specific affairs were still dominated by the Southern Microbe. After learning the news of Sunan’s disappearance, the bacteria area immediately blocked all news.

   Especially the few family children who came from the north and knew the true identity of Sunan, did not dare to delay for a moment, and passed the news to the Wang family through the family leader in the first time.

   After Wang Yueqin learned the news, he immediately put pressure on the Yanguo bacteria area and asked to find Sunan at all costs.

  The mountains and rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings, and the entire upper strata of Yan Country is shaking. You must know that Wang Yueqin has just relied on the iron fist policy to rise to the top, and the power is in the sky.

   To bear the anger of Sunan’s mother, the big brothers in these bacteria areas also had to carefully measure their weight, and all the people present could not help but sweat.

   At this time, only Ye is really concerned about the safety of Sunan. She is the one who knows the whole thing and the one who missed Sunan the most. The sudden disappearance of Sunan also hit Ye Yan the most.

   After Ye finally calmed down, she immediately thought of the dean of the Monster Academy. At this time, I am afraid that only the dean knew the traces of Sunan.

   Speaking of the dean, it was with his help that Ye Pu escaped his father's control and stayed on the earth safely.

   Dean’s identity is very mysterious. Although on the surface it is very secular, Ye Jing, as a teacher who can directly contact him, can still feel something strange.

   Especially in matters of Sunan, the dean absolutely delegates power.

   In other words, the dean knew Sunan’s identity from the very beginning, knew Sunan’s weight in the matter of the new head of the Wang family, and even privately investigated Sunan’s past.

   The several missions that Sunan left in the Monster Academy were personally checked and arranged by the dean. It is very likely that the dean deliberately guided Sunan's direction.

   A woman’s intuition is indeed terrifying, and Ye knows that the dean is the key to the whole thing after he wants to understand this.

  Even, it is very likely that Sunan’s disappearance was part of the Dean’s plan to arrange these things. So for what purpose did the dean plan all this?

   Ye Jing can't manage that much, she only knows that she wants Sunan to come back, only to see the dean, and she can only go to the dean!

   Sure enough, in the dean’s office, Ye got what she wanted to know

   It’s just that this secret is so incredible that after Ye Zhu came out of the dean’s office, he was still immersed in tremendous shock.

   Until today, Ye Jing saw Sunan at the airport again, and Ye finally couldn't help it.

   Sunan took Ye in her arms, and gently stroked Ye Rougu's long hair with her right hand.

   The people at the airport looked sideways, thinking of them as lovers who shouldn’t meet again, and cast expressions of understanding. Some people also showed kind smiles.

   A few minutes later, Ye Jing's mood finally calmed down.

   The car drove towards Ruo Didu University

   Ye Jing drove, Sunan sat in the co-pilot seat and closed his eyes.

   Ye Jing has happiness on her face, and her eyes cast gentle gazes on Sunan's body from time to time.

  Did a lot of things happen during this period?"" Sunan asked.

   Sunan has long noticed that Ye Jing's mood is a bit wrong, although Ye has a deep love for Sunan, Sunan has no doubt about this.

   But in Ye Jing’s emotions when they met ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, apart from the joy of not reuniting, there was also a trace of sorrow, which could not escape Sunan’s eyes.

Ok. "Ye Jing replied softly.

   The dean told you that I came back today?" Sunan continued to ask.

   Sunan doesn't care about the answer to the question. The reason Sunan asks this is because Sunan knows that Ye Jing doesn't know how to tell herself about these things that happened during this time.

   So Sunan’s question-and-answer form can more or less relieve Ye’s psychological burden.

   "The dean told me, but. "Ye was still hesitating, she stretched out her right hand to close the broken hair on her forehead.

   It's just the flight information I asked the dean to get you back.

   A faint smile appeared on Sunan's face. For Ye's attitude of a little girl, Sunan still had a hint of warmth in his heart.

   After you left, I heard that a big family behind, in order to find your news, put pressure on the entire Yanguo country bacteria area, demanding that you must be found.

   Ye Jing understood that Sunan wanted to know what happened during the time he left, so she started talking.

This big family is very powerful. After you disappeared that day, all the big bacteria in the area were desperately looking for you on the mountain, but they all got nothing. Of course, Sunan knew that this big family naturally refers to the Wang family. With Wang Yueqin’s character, Find Sunan even at all costs! "I guess your disappearance is related to those alien beasts, so I reported on the situation to the dean."

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