I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 142: anxiety

At this point, Sunan also knew that if Ye Jing hadn't passed the news to the dean in time, this matter might not have ended so easily.

  "The dean arranged for Zhang Meng, Du Zijian, and Liu Fuxin to take the research team and bring the three monsters you killed back to the Monster Academy, and then asked me to find out the details of the matter.

   It turned out that the monster’s household body was transported back to the Monster Academy. It seems that the dean was the clue that he found from here. Sunan thought to himself, and then asked jokingly.

   Where are those three guys now? Have you listened to you?

  . "Ye again answered Sunan's question with one vague word as before.

  Because during the time when Sunan was missing, Ye never concealed his feelings for Sunan anymore. Ye Qiangruo handled all the news about Sunan.

   For the affairs of Sunan, Ye summed up news from all over the country. He often did not think about tea and food, and forgot to sleep and eat. Everyone understood Ye Jing’s heart for Sunan.

   Especially Zhang Meng, Du Zijian and Liu Fusheng. Because they belong to the monster team, and Sunan is the captain. They are the people who care about Sunan news most.

   The three have privately regarded Ye Jing as Sunan’s girlfriends. When Sunan returned this time, the three of them refrained from coming over with Ruo, but left the opportunity to get along with them alone.

   So, when Sunan asked the news of these three people, Ye Jing's face turned red again.

   The news of my return, the three of them should also know? Why didn’t they come with you?

   Sunan is also true, which pot is not opened and which pot is mentioned. Ye finally felt that he had to avoid this topic, and Sunan had to bring it up again.

   They said they were waiting for you at school. "Ye answered in a low voice.

   So, are you their representative?" Sunan looked at Ye's eyes, and continued to ask with a smile. "Or, what other purpose does your representative have?"

   The car drove into the campus of Imperial Capital University and stopped slowly in a secret grove.

   A port in the south of Yan Country.

  David, do we really want to take on this task?" An assistant who had been with David for many years asked entangledly.

   After Sunan left, David immediately gathered all the members of the expedition and held a short informal meeting to solicit everyone's opinions.

  Because of Sunan's presence before, most of the expedition team was afraid of Sunan's terribleness and did not dare to object openly. But now that Sunan has left, some people's minds have begun to come alive.

   David, I will not participate in this task. I am in poor health and I am going to retire early. "This is also an old employee of the expedition.

   Retirement is definitely an excuse, but it is true that I do not want to participate. Even though David had said beforehand that Zhao was paid very well, many people still retreated in their hearts.

   Especially after seeing the strength of Sunan, these people worry that Sunan will attract even more terrible opponents, and take a wait-and-see attitude towards expedition.

   David also took this into consideration, so オ decided to hold a meeting to screen out the people who really want to stay. If the others want to leave, they just leave them on the spot.

  Because David himself knows, this action is probably not good enough.

   However, Sunan brought him too much shock. David is very much looking forward to how many surprises Sunan can bring to him after this.

   In the end, the expedition only left seven people. David saw if these seven people simply arranged it.

   then dialed the phone number Sunan left him

   Ye Ku drove the car to the grove, Sunan looked at him with a weird smile on his face.

  Okay, if you don't want to treat me with your true colors, then you can do it yourself. "Sunan said lightly

   On the way back from the airport, Ye turned on the air conditioner in the car, and it gradually became available, so Ye Jing had already put her windbreaker on the back seat.

   Ye Jing didn't expect that Sunan had discovered her secret. She thought that she could hide from the sky by relying on this mask, but she didn't expect Sunan to see it through.

   Ye Jing was still very surprised when he heard Sunan's bold request. Sunan is not such an active man.

   Sunan’s face is always so cold, and he has never actively expressed his intention to Ye Ku. Even so, Ye Jing still cherishes Sunan as deeply as if possessed.

   Now, Sunan took the initiative to make a request, and he said it so directly.

   Sunan obviously understood Ye Jing's thoughts at the moment, with a faint smile on her face, and began to tell her own inference process.

   It turned out that after getting off the plane, Sunan found that the smile on Ye's face was a little unnatural.

   Sunan found that Ye Jing's face was a little stiff, originally thought that Ye was overworked during this period of time, and her whole person was a lot haggard. But looking closely, I still found some clues.

   Normal people's skin will have obvious elasticity and luster, but Ye Jing's appearance at the moment presents an unnatural dark yellow, which is obviously not the color of the skin itself.

   Sunan and Ye Qiang have been with Ye Qiang for a long time. He actually knew that Ye Jing’s skin belonged to it.

   Therefore, on Ye’s current face, there is a clear layering between the face and the neck. This is definitely not a difference caused by a normal skin tone.

   In other words, Ye is probably smearing something else on his face.

   While at the Kunlun altar, Sunan once learned that Ye's current face was only changing to adapt to life on earth, not her original face.

   But at the beginning, Ye was forced by her father to take a medicine containing monster genes, and this medicine would turn the user into a monster and lose the original appearance.

   In Kunlun Ruins, Ye Jing almost turned into a monster because her father sent the energy away from her. It was Sunan's appearance that made her return to normal.

   But this kind of normality is relatively speaking, it can only restore Artemisia sylvestris to the way it was before becoming a monster.

   In other words, even if Ye is recovered, she will return to her appearance on Earth.

   After all, Sunan didn't know what the monster gene that Ye's father gave her was made up of. There was no way to prescribe the right medicine, and there was no way to eradicate its effects.

   And now, Ye Jing suddenly put a mask on her face, as if she was hiding something on purpose.

   But Sunan guessed that it was possible that Ye had found a way to restore his true appearance during the time he was away.

   The reason why she still used her original face to meet Sunan is probably because she is worried that Sunan will not adapt to her new face.

   Thinking about this, Sunan felt relieved. Ye was thinking about himself everywhere.

   Ye Jing finally mustered up the courage, watching Sunan's eyes slowly telling her own passage during this period of time.

   It turned out that the dean detected the same monster genes as the leaves in the bodies of the three alien monsters brought back by the monster team.

   These monster genes are actually special potions developed by interstellar predators to control and strengthen monsters. They were used by Ye's father to become a means to maintain the survival of the race.

   This monster gene can turn a creature into a powerful monster after purification and has the ability to continuously absorb energy.

After    Ye's clansmen were injected with monster genes, they turned into powerful monsters to escape the deserted planet and survive in the universe.

   After absorbing a lot of energy, it can survive in the form of this planet.

  In Kunlun Ruins, Sunan injected very powerful energy into Ye's physical stamina, so Ye was able to escape the control of monster genes and live on earth with Ye's human face.

   But Sunan couldn’t get rid of the monster genes in Ye’s body. Only after the removal, could Ye Zhu become her original appearance.

   During the period when Sunan was missing, Ye, apart from searching for any news related to Sunan, was devoted to the laboratory.

   At the beginning of those energy-type alien beasts, Ye Jing could not extract these monster genes, and could not do experiments (no money).

   Now, in the three monsters that Sunan killed, the same monster genes as those in Ye Jing's body were found, so that she could find a way to clear these genes.

  The hard work finally paid off. Ye finally found a way to clear the monster's genes and restored his face to its original true state.

   But at this time, she got the news from the dean that Sunan was about to return to the imperial capital.

   Yejiu’s love for Sunan no longer needs to be questioned. For the sake of Sunan, Ye is willing to let himself come to see Sunan with the original face of a human on earth.

   Although Gang オ had a big misunderstanding between the two, fortunately, the misunderstanding has been resolved now, and the two can finally

   Ye slowly took off the human skin mask on his face.

   Maybe because she was worried that Sunan didn't like her new face, Ye Jing's head was lowered, and her heart was as uneasy as a deer crashing.

   Even though Ye lowered his head, Sunan could not see clearly whether Ye Jing's complete face was white~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The long neck still made Sunan feel a little strange.

   Ye Jing naturally didn't dare to look at Sunan's eyes. Although Ye Jing's appearance was not very different from that of people on earth, Ye Jing was always very concerned about how she looked in Sunan's mind.

   Because when I met Sunan, Ye Zhu wore black-rimmed glasses, a round face, and dressed as a teacher.

   Now suddenly meeting Sunan with his true colors, Ye Jing couldn't determine whether Sunan would mind the difference between the two.

   Ye Jing even made a plan. If Sunan still likes her original face, she is willing to keep it for Sunan, as long as Sunan likes it.

   Kunnan Valley

  The seven-person expedition team is walking along the wet Kunnan Valley.

   They rarely communicate in words along the way, and they just keep their heads down. Surrounded by large leaf-fixing shrubs, you need to wield a machete from time to time to clear obstacles in front.

   Obviously no one has walked this road before, this group of people are pioneers.

   The people of Zhou Dynasty are here, and this group of seven people shuttles through the forest without any intention of stopping.

   These seven people are like a long snake, leaving an artificial trace in the muddy valley.

   At this moment, walking in a joint of the three, holding David in his hand, wait a moment. We may need to re-plan the route

  The person walking in the second position stopped and turned his head to look at the fat man, who quickly handed the computer in his hand to him.

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