I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 168: Silhouette

   After the script of the sky was finally demonstrated in the air, they had completed their mission.

   These heavenly books originate from all things in the world, and are formed by the energy of all things and all things. They are printed on the stele, and the stele becomes a holy stele.

   is like the first "boom" when Pangu opened the heavens and the earth, these ancient words began in the heavens and the earth, and the energy was extremely powerful.

  Qiangqi Tianshu can only interpret these books, but cannot digest the energy of the books

   Therefore, under the roar of Qiongqi Tianshu, he wanted to forcibly inhale this energy, but his figure skyrocketed. These energy particles swim in its body, but cannot be absorbed.

   Until Sunan touched the forehead of Qiongqi Heavenly Book, the power of these Heavenly Book finally found a suitable host.

   So they kept pouring into Sunan's body. Sunan's figure did not skyrocket like Qiongqi Tianshu, because he was fully capable of absorbing this power.

   Don’t forget, Sunan is now a third-tier, a primary **** with a godhead. A small universe has formed in his body, and the energy of the heavenly book is completely beyond question.

  Moreover, Sunan’s evolution point has reached the second-order requirement of being promoted. In other words, his body can evolve at any time after Sunan has absorbed the energy of the heavenly book.

   The energy of this celestial book was completely integrated into Sunan's body and was perfectly absorbed by Sunan.

   At this moment, Sunan's body also began to gradually change. The black wings were completely open in the air, and the wingspan of more than ten meters was daunting.

   Sunan's hands and arms are crossed and placed on his chest again, his chin is lowered, his feet are closed together, and his toes point down.

   Zhou Zhou's golden energy enveloped his body surface, flying and spinning.

   Sunan's body became transparent under the flickering of golden light, and primitive hieroglyphs appeared on the surface of Sunan's muscles, and these characters floated on the surface of Sunan's body either brightly or darkly.

   His vision returned to Yi Qiuling's body.

   She was the only person who followed Sunan into the cave, and she was also the one who witnessed all miracles.

  Yi Qiuling saw that Sunan’s body appeared one after another from the heavenly scriptures. This kind of appearance was completely different from the previous Qiongqi heavenly script attached to the exterior.

   The scriptures written on Sunan's body are in Sunan's body.

   These words gradually appeared, wrapping Sunan's body entirely.

   In Yi Qiuling’s eyes, Sunan’s body is densely packed with words.

  These words are all from the holy stele!

  Yi Qiuling was a little confused. Is it the first celestial script, or the first holy stele?

   It is the appearance of the scriptures that made the sacred monument a sacred object of the Bhutanese, a treasure that the entire Himalayas need to protect?

   Or did the holy stele contain these powerful scriptures, or even produced these scriptures?

  Yi Qiuling doesn't know the answer, of course she doesn't need this answer now.

   Because Sunan has completely absorbed the power of the heavenly book, his body has been completely integrated with the heavenly book.

   Now, these celestial books appeared on the surface of his body, in fact they were transforming his body. To put it more imaginatively, this is called Xijingfa Sui.

   Sunan Bijing is a primary **** with a godhead, and has reached the third-tier strength under the promotion of the system. This is already the limit of his body.

   For the next promotion, the first thing to do is to transform the existing body of Sunan, otherwise there will be nowhere to put the powerful energy.

  As the saying goes, bing must first sharpen his tools if he wants to be good. Under the tempering of the book of heaven, Sunan's body is undergoing rapid changes. That kind of energetic feeling made Sunan couldn't help but want to shout out.


   Sunan’s voice came from the cave. The old man who was leaning on the fire in the camp of the Bhutanese opened his eyes when he was relieved!

   A hundred miles away in the Bhutanese camp, the shriveled, thin, hump-backed old man opened his eyes and stood up.

   Not far from him, is the half-broken holy monument. The half of the sacred stele stood there quietly, silently, just like the hunched old man staring at it.

   The old man glanced at the holy monument, then cast his gaze in the direction of the previous voice.

   I don't know if it was the old man muttering to himself, or because the worms around him cried one after another (after the heavenly book was stripped from the holy stele, the holy mountain was not as quiet and silent as before), making a rustle.

   The humpbacked old man who only said one word from beginning to end put his hand on the half of the monument and stood there

   Those rustling sounds came from the old man’s palms rubbing against the surface of the half of the monument.

   If someone sees this scene accidentally, it will definitely feel weird, because the surface of the monument is extremely smooth, as smooth as silk.

   But the palm of this hump-backed old man was able to sharpen the surface of the sacred monument like a grinding wheel. Under the moonlight, he could vaguely see small powder falling from his palm.

   That is the lime on the surface of the holy monument.

   The palms of the humpbacked old man's palms were like dry old bark, old and as weak as his body-.

  His palm was covered with calluses. These calluses increased the friction between it and the holy stele, and even hardly rubbed off the surface of the half of the holy stele.

   Under the moonlight, the smooth holy stele could no longer emit the brilliance of the moon because under the friction of the old man with a hump back, it had begun to reveal its true colors.

   Behind the illusion of smooth appearance, the holy stele finally revealed its true face. It was an ugly big rock with pits, and after the smoothness of the exterior was rubbed off, it began to peel off automatically.

   After the outer layer was completely peeled off, the inside revealed a piece of black meteorite.

   This meteorite iron is very large. Before it descends on the earth, its volume should be larger. It only becomes such a small piece after the atmosphere is constantly rubbed and burned.

   However, this small piece is a rare piece of fine art.

   Sunan will certainly be surprised to see this scene. He didn't feel the peculiarities of this sacred stele at the beginning, especially after the heavenly book peeled off, the holy stele was just an ordinary big stone in Sunan's eyes.

   Of course, Sunan’s judgment is not wrong. Because meteorite itself does not contain any energy. Therefore, it is completely normal that Sunan cannot perceive it.

   Moreover, only those who know how to use this kind of thing. For example, this slender old man with a hump back.

   saw the old man's palms open, his five fingers like claws, tightly grasping the exposed meteorite. These five fingers dug deeply into the inside of the meteorite iron and lifted it up.

   That's right, this unremarkable and silent old man with a hunchback suddenly lifted this meteorite iron.

   The entire camp was silent at this time, and most of the members of the Presbyterian Church were already asleep. The jing jiao in foreign countries is far away, and they will not notice this change in the middle of the camp.

   An even more amazing scene appeared after this.

   The hunched old man's body shape began to change, and his body swelled up like an air. The muscles on his body began to tighten, his waist straightened, and the bones all over his body crackled and began to adapt to the changes in his body.

  Where is the figure of the old camel man who was shriveled and thin before turning around? Standing in the field is a middle-aged man who is at least two meters tall and has a strong physique.

   The big man was full of mouth and beard, and his eyes were full of vigor. The meteorite that he held tightly in his hand was also undergoing tremendous changes at this moment. A black gas appeared around the meteorite, enveloping it.

   In the black gas, the shape of the meteorite began to change quietly. The original huge stone began to condense, shrink, and become a black giant sword

   The hilt of this giant sword fell into the hands of the big man, and the blade pierced the sky. But this sword is not perfect, it has a huge flaw!

   This turned out to be just a broken sword. The blade was broken in the middle, leaving only half. The top half is missing.

   The big man didn't seem to be surprised by this. It seemed that he knew what was going on. He just held the sword in one hand, and the other hand carefully rubbed it like the sword, his eyes full of doting.

   Soon, the big man took his mind and rose into the air. Fly in the direction Ruo heard the sound.

   In the silent camp, the sound of insects resounded again, as if this had never happened before.

   Wow!" The zipper of one of the tents was opened and the figure walked away

When he arrived at the original site of the monument, he squatted down, grabbed a handful of mud next to him and knead it in his palm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this small group of mud soldiers, there were flakes on the surface of the monument, and some The residue falling from the meteorite iron.

   The figure who came out of the tent stood up, with a cold smile on his mouth.

   Catch the cicada, the oriole is behind. The figure that emerged from the tent flew in the direction where the big man disappeared.

   in the cave

   After Sunan's shout just now, she immediately lifted her spirits.

  The golden light of the whole body was absorbed into the body, and the power of the heavenly book was completely absorbed.

   The golden light on Sunan's body dissipated, and the looming inscriptions on the skin also disappeared.

   In the empty cave, Qiongqi Tianshu lay at the feet of Sunan, bowing his head respectfully. Sunan's eyes slowly opened, and the energy in his body surged wantonly.

   Sunan needs a little time to adapt to his modified body. Every inch of skin and every inch of bone has been changed.

   He became colder than before, and he became more hungry for money than ever.

   The transformed body is enough to hold a million times stronger energy than before. Whether it is the power of aquamarine, the power of the gods, or even the power of the heavenly book that has just been absorbed, it cannot satisfy the current Sunan.

   His hunger is a thirst for energy. To satisfy this, the best way is promotion.

   Sunan knew that he had reached the evolution point required to be promoted to Tier 2, and could upgrade at any time. Only by upgrading can you get a huge energy boost to satisfy your body after being transformed.

  Yi Qiuling stood there blankly. The sound of Sunan just now almost shattered her mind. At this moment, Yi Qiuling's body was full of blood, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

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