I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 169: Tempted

   Just then, heavy footsteps came from outside the cave.

   Who is it?" Yi Qiuling asked Jingtily.

   Immediately after Yi Qiuling, despite the fact that the blood in his body was not stable, he forced the energy in his body to block the middle of the cave passage, trying to block the uninvited guests from outside the cave.

  Jie Qiuling's reaction was so huge because she thought that Sunan was undergoing physical transformation and was still in the process of recovery.

   This time is probably when Sunan’s body is the most vulnerable. If Sunan is attacked by someone at this time, it might be life-threatening.

   Therefore, Yi Qiuling stood in the middle of the cave without hesitation, and wanted to use his body to give Sunan more time to recover.

   I don't know when it started, Yi Qiuling has already begun to consciously protect Sunan from the bottom of my heart. I am afraid that even she herself hadn't noticed this change.

   Sunan is no longer a man who needs to seduce her by his own beauty in order to complete the mission to save the family in "four four three".

   Sunan is also not the cold stranger with a cold expression on his face, who is indifferent to himself.

   He is the man who never took off the veil from Yi Qiulin's face with his own hands, but made her heart beat; he was the man who caught her and made her blush and heartbeat.

   Jie Qiuling knows whether Sunan feels about him or not. Today, she wanted to block the uninvited guests coming in outside the cave for him.

   This is what Yi Qiuling is thinking at the moment, but it doesn't mean that she really has this strength.

   Sunan is preparing for the critical moment of promotion, and indeed cannot get out to deal with this strange man who suddenly entered.

   The strength of Qiongqi Tianshu is still too weak, Bi Jing is not an attacking monster. Moreover, the Qiongqi Tianshu still has to continue to interpret the contents of the Tianshu, and now he cannot participate in the battle.

   And Sunan himself is very weak due to the transformation of the body by the heavenly book, and the combat effectiveness may not even reach one ten thousandth of the normal.

   Some people may find it strange that Sunan’s body has become stronger through the tempering of the scriptures? How can it be weak? How can its combat effectiveness drop so much?

   To make an analogy here, Tai Xiu's body before is like a cup filled with water, and this water is the energy in Sunan.

   From the third to the second order, although there is only a first-order improvement, the further the energy span is, the greater the energy span. Therefore, Tianshu helped Sunan's body reform so that he could adapt to stronger energy.

   That is to say, now Tai Xiu's body has become a big water tank, you pour the water in the cup into the big water tank, and only cover the shallow layer at the bottom of the tank.

   With such a small amount of energy, it would be difficult to maintain such a powerful body, let alone fight.

   This uninvited guest who came in may have already been outside the cave. The reason why he didn't come in right away, I'm afraid that is the time to wait.

   It seems that this person not only knows the role of the heavenly book, but also understands the promotion path of Sunan, so he chose such a critical moment to come in to deal with Sunan.

   It's just that it's time. People are killed by knives, I am fish.

   Sunan has no better way to solve it. Everything can only insist on waiting until the promotion is over.

   Sunan's new body consumes energy very quickly. If Sunan is not promoted, I am afraid he will miss the opportunity.

   But seeing the thin sound and shadow of Yi Qiuling, only shadow blocking the entrance of the cave, Sunan felt a touch in his heart, and said a word in his heart with the last silk strength.

   Then the system prompt sounded coldly.


   The system detects that the host's energy is about to be exhausted. Will it be promoted?

  Promotion!" After Su Nan answered, his whole body began to sink into nothingness.

   Sunan's body was covered by that piece of nothingness, and the whole person lost consciousness and was stripped from the body, into a wilderness.

  The man who came in from outside finally came slowly to the center of the cave

   At the end of the passage, Yi Qiuling was pale, but still staring at the incoming person, ready to attack at any time.

  Four sacred beasts stood behind Yi Qiuling. They are the third-tier [primary White Tiger God of War], the fourth-tier [Evil Suzaku Beast], [God Holding Blue Dragon Beast] and [Glacier Basalt Beast].

   These four giant beasts guard the east, south, west, and north sides of Sunan, and they guard Sunan firmly in the middle.

  Qiang Qi Tian Shu flew to Yi Qiuling's side and brought her to the middle position. Sunan’s body is still hanging in the air, only a faint golden light flickering

   It turned out that Sunan used the last trace of strength to summon the four great beasts he raised before he chose to be promoted and lost consciousness.

  At this critical moment, only these four sacred beasts can let Sunan safely hand over his body and the safety of Yi Qiuling to them.

   At this time, Sunan's consciousness is still undergoing a long journey of promotion in the predicament.

   At the end of the passage, the standing man finally appeared. It was the middle-aged man who changed his figure in front of the half-sacred monument on the holy mountain. The middle-aged man’s face was covered with eyes and beard, and he was very tall

   Standing in front of Yi Qiuling, he put a lot of pressure on Yi Qiuling.

   The location facing the cave passage is the west, where the junior white tiger war **** guards it.

   The primary war **** Baihu arched down, leaning down as if he was making a jing ring posture. The other three sacred beasts also faced this side and made a defensive posture.

   I saw that the middle-aged man did not launch an attack, but looked around the cave.

   His eyes noticed the half of the monument in the middle of the cave, and the words on it had disappeared. Looking at Sunan, whose body was floating in the air and had lost consciousness, a smile appeared on the face of the big man.

   saw his right hand stretched out, pointing to the half of the monument.

  The half-remnant sword in the right hand was in the hand, and the sword was shaking violently in the air. The half of the sacred stele in the middle of the cave trembles violently and finally rises from the ground, flying towards Ruo's residual sword.

   The remnant sword in the hand of the big man waved, and the stone chips on the surface of the holy stele peeled off the meteorite to show its original appearance.

   The meteorite iron was led by the remnant sword blade, like molten iron flowing in the air, changing its shape at will. Then merge with Can Jian, flying in the air to make people dizzy.

   The big man's wrist, the sword in his hand cut through the void, and a fierce sword aura flew towards the body of the primary white tiger war god.

   The sword finally stopped, and the black, intact giant sword appeared in the hands of the big man.

   That sword aura was flashed by the elementary White Tiger God of War, and a huge sword mark was newly created on the rock wall of the cave.

   Sovereign, don't be unharmed!" The big man said with a smile.

you. Yi Qiuling only felt that this voice was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

   But a closer look revealed that she had never seen this giant man who was more than two meters high and looked like a black tower. Why would the other party call her Sect Master?

   "It seems that you don't recognize me anymore. Sect Master. Hahahaha." "The middle-aged man let out a deafening laugh, which echoed in the cave, especially loud.

   just smiled, the big man's eyes had a fierce look, the black giant sword in his hand was raised high, at the highest point, the blade turned, the tip of the sword fell and turned down.

  The big man held the black giant sword and thrust it into the ground fiercely. The entire body of the black giant sword fell into the ground, leaving only one hilt on it.

   A powerful force radiated from the blade of the black giant sword, and it was continuously transmitted to the ground along the cracks in the ground.

   This black power is like an excited neural network going deep into the ground, spreading along the Himalayas. Earth-shaking changes are taking place on the ground, while the ground is still silent.

   The big man put his hands on the hilt of the sword, raised his head, looking at Ruo Yi Qiuling and asked again:

   Now, are you ringing? My lord.

  Yi Qiuling saw his eyes, and suddenly panicked, and he took a step back. This huge shock caused her to relapse again from the heart that had been traumatized by Sunan.

  It's you! ""Yi Qiuling's body trembled a little, and her voice was trembling.

   Why did you come out? Jin let you out? "There are countless question marks in Yi Qiuling's mind, and she wants to know all the answers.

   Lord Sovereign, you have too many questions. I don't know which one to answer you first. Why don't you take a look at this thing first~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After that, the big man threw an object in his hand.

   The object just fell at the feet of Yi Qiuling, a string of beeswax beads from a certain age.

When   Yi Qiuling saw this string of beeswax, his heart felt like a heartbreak. Because she saw the blood on the beeswax, and this beeswax is the owner's personal object, this bloodstain can only show one thing.

The owner of    beeswax has been killed.

   And Yi Qiuling obviously knew who the owner of the beeswax was and how powerful the owner of the beeswax was. This middle-aged man was able to kill him, indicating that his strength was already above that person.

   Yes, this beeswax bracelet is the most respected person in Bhutan: the teacher of the suzerain, the elder of the first picture of the presbytery, because he dare not mention his name, everyone calls him ""that person".

   It was under the guidance of "that person" that Yi Qiuling found Sunan.

   Although she did not regard Sunan as important at the beginning, she did not think that Sunan was the hope of saving the Bhutanese and the Himalayas, and she also disdained this kind of animal behavior.

   just out of respect for "that person", she came here to find Sunan, and planned to exchange her body for Sunan's blessing to the Bhutanese.

   She didn't think that she would fall in love with this man named Sunan as predicted by "that person", nor did she think that Sunan was a man with supernatural power to save the world.

   But, until now. She became more and more aware of how accurate the predictions of "that man" were.

   Especially after seeing Sunan’s powerful strength and the ability to command these powerful monsters, she is even more convinced. More importantly, she was moved by Sunan.

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