I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 428: Shock

  Uncle An took a sigh of relief. Not only did he not blame Starry Night for hiding from him, he was a little guilty, and Yuxingyeye usually did things he didn't notice for such a long time.

   Look, that boy is the Night of Jade Star? It seems that he is less than eighteen years old.

  How can such a state be possible at such a young age? It's hard to believe that this will happen, but even so, his opponent is still a god, he can't win this game.

   Watching Yu Xing walk off the stage at night, the audience on the court was boiling. The young people next to him were actually four phantom mirrors.

   Cheng had already stepped onto the stage and looked at a surprised voice on the court. There was also a hint of surprise on his face, but thinking of his own power, he had to regret the fate of the night sky.

These two are also celestial bodies, one is advanced celestial bodies, and the other is martial arts celestial bodies, but I am not optimistic about this advanced celestial body on the night of stars. Although his boundary-filling is unbelievable, his power cannot be compared with life Success is on par.

   Yu Xing came to Biwutai Center at night, and the crowd on the court was talking about it again. They want to see how they can play.

Is it you, the night of Jade Star? "Life looks at Jade Star Night contemptuously, but my heart is still shaken by the speed of the starry night stage. On Xiayu Star Night, please ask Brother Cheng for advice. "Watching so many games Later, at the beginning of every game, we respected each other. Yu Xingye naturally learned this and also learned to bow respectfully.

The name "Jade Star Night" seems to have never been heard before, it must be the name of my life, you have heard it. It is also arched, destiny will not lose etiquette in front of people, but in his expression. Endless confidence and pride

  From their eyes and conversation, you can know that they are afraid of you, so, this war, I will do my best... "From the moment he stepped off the stage, everything Yu Xingye heard was about fate. Every step he took, Yu Xingye's mood became more solemn. During the speech, he took it out of the storage room. Ring the dragon blood gun, and skillfully turned the ring dragon blood gun in his hand, that is, he held it tightly in his hand. It seems that you have lost consciousness. In this case, I am dead, I can and You fought seriously." The right hand also turned the sword skillfully, the sword passed through the chest, and the life of the right index finger slowly moved from the end of the sword to the end of the sword.

   Seeing this, Yu Xingye didn't answer fate's words, but bowed down solemnly and began to defend herself. Although he was passive from the beginning, he rashly attacked without knowing the true power of his life. Moreover, he has no combat experience at all.

   "You are smarter than coming here directly, but." As soon as he finished speaking, there was almost a second of silence. Suddenly, his life form suddenly rushed to the night of Jade Star, who had already made a good defense. In front of him, countless ray of yellow spirit poured out of Cheng's body. Then the sword in his hand drew an arc toward the night of Jade Star.

   Seeing destiny's attack unscrupulously rowing towards him, Yu Xingye saw the destiny's offensive line, also an exhausted body, wielding a dragon blood spear, fighting hard for the sword of life.

   Due to the collision between the weapons, the dragon blood spear and the sword made a clear singing sound. During the game, Yu Xingzhiye was forced to breathe, and even his body was bent down. no no.

   What a powerful force this is. If you fight hard, I’m afraid you don’t even have the power to hold weapons

   Right on a facade, (Made Zhao) Yu Xingye felt the strong pressure from fate. He could feel the party, as if the power in his body had gradually disappeared. No matter how he wanted to run, he could not escape.

   Seeing that Yu Xingzhiye was completely controlled by himself, Cheng smiled at the corner of his mouth, then he turned around at a very fast speed and kicked his right foot vigorously until Yu Xingzhiye.

   Destiny turned around. Yu Xingye was unprepared and could only take a hard blow. This blow made Yu Xingye fly back, fly back, and vomit a mouthful of blood. Cough~cough!

Falling to the ground in pain, Yu Xingye felt the sweet throat again, and vomited out a mouthful of blood. Yu Xingye never thought that the attack of life should be so powerful, but it almost killed him with one blow, if it hits the sword of destiny , Does not necessarily die.

   Oh! You can stand my whirlwind gills, you are good at it. Seeing if Yu Xingzhiye stood up slowly, Cheng Sheng was curious about Xingzhiye and opposed his opponents of the same level or stepping down. He tried repeatedly with the whirlwind leg. Few people can raise the whirlwind leg immediately after receiving the whirlwind leg.

The Night of Jade Star was completely suppressed. This result is already strange to some people. Although there is no doubt about the power of success, the 017 Death can still stand up immediately after being kicked by the whirlwind leg. This is the first time.

   And the current success has not yet used real abilities, so people now think that this battle is not fun. As if the result is doomed, Yuxing Night. There is no doubt that we will lose.

   "I admit that you are very strong, but. I also have a reason not to lose." Picking up the Dragon Blood Gun, Yu Xingye said firmly

   Reason? It’s ridiculous that there is only one possibility to decide whether to win or lose~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that is strength. In the face of absolute strength, even if you are

   Strong and weak, what can you do now,...? I will prove it to you.

   Yan looked at the night of Xing, Cheng Fate held the sword in his hand, and his spiritual power would be attached to the sword until the night of Jade Star.

   And the night of Jade Star is not slow, a flash, it is to take a step back, and go straight to life around the dragon blood gun.

too weak.

   Yu Xingye also learned to stab himself, smiled coldly, lightly squinted, flashed over the gun body, and then very quickly held the gun body with his left hand, and put the sword in his right hand straight on Xingye's chest.

   The spear is too long to compare with the speed of the sword. Yu Xingye's thorn often does not have the freedom of a thorn in his life.

   Just when the fate was about to hit the night of Jade Star, the night of Jade Star suddenly felt that the opponent's speed suddenly slowed down several times, and he could clearly see every movement of the sword.

   Besides being unable to escape quickly, the sword of fate pierced Yu Xingye's heart. People quickly closed their eyes for fear of seeing the **** scene, but they also knew that this kind of duel was not allowed to imitate their lives. Even if his door was really pierced, the opponent would have power, let alone in With the maintenance of the mental stage, the hardness of the body will not be pierced so easily.

   Although Uncle Ann hopes the Night of Jade Star can win, because Yu Xingye’s opponent is successful, Uncle Ann can only close his eyes, sigh, and wipe away cold sweat for Night of Jade Star.

   At this time, there was unparalleled silence in the field, with closed eyes, not knowing what was happening on the stage, and open eyes, but what they saw surprised them.


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