I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 429: expect

   Those who have not opened their eyes yet, and the contradictory fear, will miss the beautiful scene, but when they really opened their eyes, what surprised them was the Night of Jade Star. I really don't want to believe I was not stabbed. At this time in life, a vicious face is staring at the crooked Yuxing Night, because Yuxing Night is in a dangerous situation and cannot be avoided.

   The attack of life, he used the left button to clamp the sword of life, but it was still imitated by the blade.

   "Have you had enough?

   Cheng Sheng was very angry and thought he had to get a punch, but he didn’t expect to be accidentally broken by Night of Jade Star, and this way of fighting made Cheng’s life very unpleasant. There was always a feeling like Yu Xingye was with him.

   With such an opportunity, Yu Xingzhiye would no longer give people a chance to attack. After suffering from the severe pain of the Zao Ye, his right hand condensed if the mental strength to slam the gun body. boom

   There is another clear song, the dragon blood gun was trembling violently by the jade star in the night. This shock directly hit Cheng's left hand, began to numb, and immediately released his hand.

   Seeing this, Yu Xingye turned sharply, aimed at the place where the dragon blood gun had fallen, and kicked it over again.

   If you kick directly, Cheng Jiang will definitely take over the kick 100%, but Yu Xingye’s kick is a dragon's blood spear pressed together. There is no other way, only with the long sword to resist it, only the long sword can withstand the double blow of the long spear and the long legs. Therefore, success is not good~. Although Chengzhi protected his sword from the long spear, plus Yu Xingzhiye's endurance kicking the Dragon Blood Spear, Cheng Sheng was kicked back as he thought. Once again, standing still, there was a kind of hatred when looking at Yu Xing's eyes, although it was only a blow that didn't make him imitated-but it turned out to be ashamed. Missing, the destiny of Love Face, is absolutely forbidden. It has always been an idol in people's eyes and has always been admired by people. Now, he will miss an unfamiliar youthful hand. How does this breath make him swallow.

   I can’t believe I missed my life. Yu Xing had a wonderful night.

  Who is this starry night? Not only is the speed of improvement very fast, but also the power cannot be underestimated. What kind of person is he?

   This counterattack was probably angered by fate. This starry night will be doom.

   You mean, do you want to take advantage of his fame? At this point, there is a good show to watch.

  The admirer of fate looks at Yu Xingzhiye angrily, hoping that his idol can knock down Yuxingyeye, and the jealous people suddenly look up to the night of the stars. They hope that Jade Star Night will be jealous of them.

   You have just been hit by a successful move, and you, I am not proud of it.

   Looking at the night of Yuxing with cold eyes, Cheng Sheng closed his eyes lightly, and before Yu Xingzhi's answer, the sword turned slightly, and then a ray of spiritual power was poured into the sword, and then continued: "Next, let you despair.

   Oh, my goodness! This is a unique technique for success. Although I can see that the boy Xingye has some power, it is almost impossible to take this step.

  Uncle An’s repeated actions on Yu Xingzhiye are a bit of a rabbit epidemic. Although he continues to watch "Jade Star Night", after experiencing everything before, he has to put on a cold sweat for "Jade Star Night".

   You know, success is a goal that many people want to surpass, even Uncle Ann himself admires success, especially.

   Seeing that destiny is about to use their skills, everyone present is looking forward to if the next one is Starry Night taking over the unique successful skills, or unique successful skills to solve this battle.

   Yu Xing swallowed his saliva in the night, because he saw the triumphant expression of fate, and accompanied by the solemn expressions of the audience, he felt that he would gradually approach defeat, the power of fate, and even desperate thoughts.

   The lonely practice day and night, the endless practice day and night, the night of the jade star is not what you want.

   There must be a way

Gritting his teeth, Yu Xingye did not dare to accept the move without knowing that his unique skill was an offense. Therefore, he quickly backed up a few steps. In his opinion, only by staying away from fate can he see the movement of fate. See the movement.

   "Yeah! Stupid behavior

   Seeing Yu Xingye starting to leave him, Cheng Sheng sneered, talking while walking and smelling like a swallow, there were not many tricks in sprinting to the night of Jade Star.

   "Is this a close-range attack? No matter how far you are from him, it is futile and monkful.

   The cold sweat on his forehead, although he did not see the reputation of success with his own eyes, he was still intimidated by the halo of success and no longer cared about it. Yu Xingzhi held the dragon's blood gun tightly and threw his life directly in front of his eyes.

   Seeing the spear flying around, Cheng Sheng snorted coldly, and lightly dropped his right foot on the ground, crossing the sky, it was easy to avoid the spear's attack

   At this time, Yu Xing nodded in the dark. His throw did not consider the success of the attack. The purpose was to disrupt the posture of successful attack and minimize the power of fame.

   "Go to them" The Yuxing Night without weapons is not a threat to fate. It can also be said that his reputation is more like a tiger without weapons on the other side.

   Just as he felt proud of his life, a spear flew back behind him. boom!

   Accompanied by Ruo's crisp sound, the deceased's back was hit hard by the spear, and a person was lying on the ground staggeringly without standing still.

   What does Ren Chengzhi think~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can't think of what Yu Xingye did during this period.

   Your excessive pride is your fatal weakness. "

  In the night of Jade Star, there is an invisible silver thread between the right hand, pull it back hard, the dragon blood gun is like a hand that is flying back to the night of Jade Star.

Seeing such a scene, Fate suddenly realized that the dragon blood gun in Jade Star Night’s hand was wrapped in a thin silver wire, which could not be seen clearly with the naked eye. If he had not seen Yu Xing’s Night Stopping, he didn't even know that the spear was flying back.

   It turns out that you have been thinking about it for a long time, do your best to let some kids play with me.

   Noting the silence at the court, Cheng Sheng seemed to know that he was fooling himself this time, and immediately looked at Jade Star Night, his hatred became even stronger.

  Unbearable, he suddenly jumped up with a roar. The sword in his hand was like an elf snake, but 3.5 seemed to have three sword shadows. These three sword shadows seemed to be eager to blood, tremble, and the three sword shadows attacked Yu Xingzhiye in different directions.

The strong air of life radiated again, and the famous skill One Sword Three Kills appeared in front of everyone again. Only seeing such an attack from a distance, the public couldn't help swallowing their saliva. If such an attack is attacking themselves, I am afraid I will be scared. My legs are soft, so I can't stand up anymore?

They know very well that if they do this forcibly, they will immediately be stabbed to imitate the blood in their mouths, because the speed of the sword is fast, which is notoriously fast in Xiaoyao City. They look forward to Ruoyu Star Night at this time. Hit the fall, but we are also curiously expecting that there will be more exciting scenes? For people on the court, they prefer miracles and like expectations that are different from what they think.


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