I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 536: Peacock's scheming


The kookaburras raised their heads and laughed wildly, and the white fluff on their chests also shook!

While laughing wildly, they also looked at each other.


Hahahaha it's so funny! Can't stop at all!

Yes, yes, I have never heard such a funny thing!

The one next to him turned his head and stared blankly at the others. He didn't seem to get a smile, and he looked a little embarrassed.

He opened his mouth and smiled politely, but soon closed his mouth again.

What's so funny, is there something I don't understand?

He looked at the others obediently, as if to wait for them to explain!

But these kookaburras patronized and laughed wildly.

Such an interesting scene was also taken by Yingying's dad while laughing.

Nearby tourists could not help laughing when they heard the magical laughter of the kookaburra!

It's so contagious.

These birds don't know why, and they are always having fun all day.

Yingying looked at the various birds on the treetops nearby or on the railings, and thought of a nest of turtledoves on the balcony at home.

I can't help but think about it. If I wake up every day, I can see parrots and kookaburras all kinds of birds on the balcony, twittering, how wonderful it would be.

These little birds are so cute.

Liu Xueqing also thought, when the little turtledove grows up, will the turtledove family use her home as a resting place?

After I have birds at home, I feel that the closeness and trust of wild animals to human beings are really precious.

Go forward and see two macaws kissing me on the armrest!

The bird's beak touched the bird's beak and said something.

Approaching, I heard a parrot affectionately, looked at the other parrot and said, "Have you gained weight recently?"

"No, why do you say that?"

"Then why is your weight in my heart getting heavier and heavier?"

Needless to say, of course, Jin Zhi and Jing Wen are a pair of living treasures.

The two parrots are not necessarily the most loving model couples in the zoo, but they must be the ones who like to show their affection and feed tourists dog food!

The love words they say, I actually don't know what they mean, it's just a joke.

Some tourists looked at it for fun and specially taught them some!

Parrots, which can speak earthy love words, are now famous among tourists, and many couples even come to visit them to check in.

Some people also invited girls to come to the zoo to play, and in Jin Zhi they witnessed their confession.

It feels a little bit like the old age of the zoo.

Fang Ye joked that if he wanted to find a flower shop nearby to sell flowers, the business must be booming.

Liu Xueqing: "Pfft, it's this parrot again! I feel that the macaw is very smart."

In fact, it's just that these few in the Linhai Zoo are very smart. Even if the macaw has a good language talent, it is difficult to learn to speak so much in a short period of time.

Yingying's dad smiled and waved: "Hello!"

Jin Zhibin is polite: "Hello!"

Yingying asked, "Can you sing?"

Jin Zhi thought for a while, then raised his head and sang: "If you feel happy, clap your hands~"

Although the tone is a bit weird, it does have a melody!

Jingwen next to him made a "tsk, tsk" sound, imitating clapping!

Yingying applauded happily!

Seeing these lovely parrots will make you happy all day.

Some tourists came here for the first time, and when they saw this scene, they were so shocked that their eyes were about to fall out.

"Wow, that's amazing!"

Someone proudly introduced: "This is a parrot head, very smart!"


Coming to the middle of the bird house, there is a relatively open area under the huge four-digit tree.

The latter area used to be open, but now it is closed for the green peacocks, so breeders can enter, and tourists can only stay outside and watch from a distance.

These few months are the breeding and mating period for green peacocks, and it is necessary to provide them with an undisturbed environment as much as possible.

Of course, it can only be said that it is relatively undisturbed. After all, no one interferes, and there are usually many birds watching the lively in the birdhouse.

There are volunteers to maintain the order, and the tourists are also very conscious. They all keep quiet and look inside carefully with wide eyes.

Liu Xueqing hugged Yingying and said softly, "Yingying, look! Green peacock!"

As far as the tourists can see, there are two green peacocks drinking water on the edge of the pool!

Lower your head and suck the water in with your beak, then lift your head up and swallow the water.

When he looked up, he could clearly see the beautiful scales on his neck that were green with gold.

After drinking the water, the male peacock cried out loudly, "Ah~ah~"!

This season is the mating season of peacocks, and you can often see the scene of peacocks opening their screens, and tourists can also have a feast for the eyes.

I saw the male peacock opened his tail screen, propped up his long gorgeous skirt, his body trembled rapidly, and the feathers of the screen fan trembled so loudly, like the sound of raindrops hitting the dry leaves.

The emerald green tail screen is constantly shaking, and the blue eyes are shining!

There is no direct sunlight in this place, and the feeling of gold and green is not visible, but it is still gorgeous.

Although the male peacock tried to display his beautiful tail screen, the female peacock was very cold.

Bowing his head, he just buried his head in the ground and pecking, keeping his back to the male peacock.

The head changed direction, and the male peacock also quickly followed two steps, the tail screen trembled slightly.

However, the female peacock remained indifferent.

The tourists couldn't help but sigh: "Look at it, how tired it is to hold it all the time!"

"I turn a blind eye to the one who should cooperate with your performance!"

"It's also just a peacock, just eating!"

The breeder explained with a smile on the side: "The female peacock may not be really looking for food, but only symbolically pecking, that is, to show a little coldness, so that the male peacock can show more vigorously.

If the male peacock can display continuously, it means that it has good physical strength and excellent genes! You can win the heart of the female peacock. This courtship dance can even last for dozens of minutes.

When the male peacock opens its screen, it also leaves time for the female peacock to make physiological preparations for breeding. "

Tourists were shocked!

It turned out to be deliberately pretending not to see it, this peacock is quite scheming.

The breeder added: "The female green peacock will not let the male get too close until she is sure of her intentions, and will keep a short distance to move. Recently, these two often stay together, it is estimated that the relationship is in place!"

The screen-opening display lasted for more than ten minutes, and just as Liu Xueqing and the others were about to leave, the female peacock fell to the ground.

Seems to be satisfied with the male peacock and finally accepts it!

The male peacock looked extremely excited, ran to the back in a flash, jumped on the back of the female peacock, and moved his body, the big tail screen did not go down, and swayed along with it.

It came down in about 5 seconds, flapping its wings excitedly.

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