I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 537 Parrot Choir

Yingying asked, "Are they going to give birth to little peacocks?"

Liu Xueqing said: "It should be."

Yingying said expectantly, "I want to see the little peacock!"

Saying goodbye to the green peacock, I saw seven or eight white cockatoo parrots, chattering and making noise on the treetops.

The back of the round head is pale yellow-green, and the slightly curved crown feathers look like garlic sprouting, silly and fun.

When they are angry, the crown feathers will stand up in a fan shape, which is said to be like a blooming sunflower, but Fang Ye always thinks that the garlic-headed parrot is more vivid.

A sunflower parrot stood on the top of the tree, bent down and lowered its head, pecking at something.

Liu Xueqing and the others approached and found that this thing was a killed pine tower.

Between the gaps of the pine cone scales, there were peanuts and melon seeds inserted, which looked like a blooming flower.

He picked up a melon seed, moved his mouth, and nibbled off the skin of the melon seed. After eating the kernel of the melon seeds, he moved fluently and skillfully.

These parrots nibble melon seeds with their beaks alone, which is not inferior to the dexterity of human hands.

Yingying's dad praised: "This enrichment is quite interesting!"

After visiting the zoo so many times, I am no stranger to enrichment.

Not only the pine cone feeder, but also a variety of enrichment props hanging on the tree!

There are feeders made of bamboo, which are placed horizontally and vertically. There are small tomatoes and apple grapes in them, which have been eaten by the parrots.

Bamboo is naturally hollow, which can hold water and food. It can be used in bamboo forests, and it is very convenient to make. It is used in various exhibition halls in zoos.

After eating, it can also be used as a swing. There is a parrot stepping on it, flapping its wings and swinging, and it is a lot of fun.

Some inarticulately greeted people on the road: "Hello! Hello!"

There are also small square boxes that appear to be made of popsicle sticks, from which parrots eat the seeds.

It is not the sorbet sticks left by tourists who eat sorbet, but the ones that breeders usually eat and collect and recycle.

Seeing how the parrots are having fun and active, the abundance in the birdhouse is indeed very rich.

Liu Xueqing saw a piece of white flakes, plus a mass of straw-stringed enrichment props, and asked the breeder curiously, "What is the purpose of that meat skewer over there?"

The breeder glanced at it and said with a smile: "Oh, that one is made of straw and cuttlefish bone! Cuttlefish bone can grind the parrot's teeth and supplement calcium by the way."

Although parrots are very popular with tourists, they are also very destructive.

The sunflower parrot looks stupid and cute, but in fact, the destructive power is one of the best among parrots.

Various enrichment props, in addition to improving the living welfare of parrots, can also reduce the speed of plant loss in the exhibition area.

Near the mountain wall in front, tourists seem to be watching something.

Liu Xueqing's family went over and found that the parrots seemed to be singing.

That's right, the parrots are sing-along, led by Kim Martin and Crystal Dance!

Kim Martin stood on a large raised rock in front of him, his head held high and his wings vigorously flapping.

Other parrots were scattered on the top of the mountain, most parrots were playing tunes, and some grey parrots and Amazon parrots with better language skills sang lyrics.

Upon hearing it, Liu Xueqing almost sprayed!

"This is the last fight, unite till tomorrow

Interna Schoner will definitely make it happen~~”

These parrots are actually singing "The Internationale"!

Kim Martin loves music, and the breeder occasionally plays it for him.

Once I heard "The Internationale", I fell in love with this high-spirited melody, and asked the breeder to play it for myself many times. Later, I also listened to the Internationale every time I played music.

After it learned it, it even directed the younger brothers to sing along with it.

The melody of "The Internationale" is slow, the lyrics are also very simple, and many sentences are repeated, especially "Interna Schoner must be realized", not to mention it is quite suitable for parrots to learn.

Jin Zhi is now busy with falling in love every day, and the parrot brothers follow Jin Martin, and the style of painting suddenly becomes strange.

Parrot's musical talent is not covered!

These parrots humming and dubbing are very good in pitch and rhythm.

A large number of parrots hummed together, no need to put bgm, they are speakers, and they also have three-dimensional surrounds.

After singing "Interna Schoner must be realized", most of the parrots stopped, and joined the humming melody group, shaking their heads up and down.

Kim Martin stomped his paws, flapped his wings, and sang with passion and passion!

"There has never been a savior, nor an immortal emperor.

To create human happiness, it is all up to us

We want to recapture the fruits of our labor and let our minds break through the cage~~”

Singing "The Internationale" with a hoarse voice is more down-to-earth.

When the tourists watched this scene, they seemed to see a rock and roll youth in a trance, shaking his head while holding the microphone!

Jing Wu hummed a melody on the side, flapped her wings, swayed her body from side to side, and danced in harmony.

The tourists all widened their eyes: "Fuck, you are awesome!"

"You're too conscious, let's join a party for your child!"

"My blood boils a little when I hear it. Long live Internatron! Long live the people!"

"Don't say the tune is quite accurate! I can't even blow it so accurately!"

"Is this what the breeder taught them? How did you learn it? It's amazing."

"I'm afraid my family has raised a fake parrot, and I can't even learn how to say hello... Why is there such a big gap? I really want to send it over for training."

The tourists were talking, but the noise was very low!

Afraid that the loud noise will make them sing, this scene is too rare to see.

Liu Xueqing was stunned: "The parrot is really good!"

Every time I come to see these parrots, they can bring her new surprises.

Yingying's father was a little shocked at first, but he quickly calmed down. After all, the parrots in Linhai Zoo are smart and have not seen them once or twice.

Take a video with the camera.

Yingying listened to the tune and couldn't help but sang along with her milky voice: "Interna Schonelle, it must be realized~"

When the parrots finished singing, the tourists applauded enthusiastically!

Jin Martin turned around, with his wings folded behind him, raised his head, shyly looked at his red belly, looked sideways at the tourists, with a smug (stupid) look!

He waved his wings: "Thank you, thank you!"

Jin Martin has a goal in mind, so that the younger brothers can perform flying performances in conjunction with the songs in addition to singing.

This is the inspiration for Shining Girl's MV before.

While singing, there are parrots flying around, the scene is so lively and fun.

But let's take the younger brothers to sing the "Internationale" well.

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