“Wow, I don’t think you need to be so vigilant.”

The young man surrounded by mages took a curious look at the magic weapon, analyzed the essence of magic in an instant, looked at the mages’ guarded looks, and smiled.

Seeing the look of the teenager, Strange suddenly crossed a name in his mind.

As soon as his face changed and he wanted to speak, a soft and gentle voice came from his ear: “Gentlemen, relax, the Cancer Golden Saint Seiya, one of the thirteen houses of the zodiac, is not our enemy.” ”


Hearing this, all the mages’ faces changed dramatically.

Qi Brush looked at the smiling teenager in front of him.

How come the mages hadn’t heard of Saint Seiya? It’s just that I don’t have much contact with the outside world, and I’ve only heard about it but haven’t really seen each other.

“It turns out that the legend is true, the Saint Seiya are just a group of young girls who are not very old.”

“Yeah, so young, but the Supreme Mage said that. A gold-level Saint Seiya can easily destroy a galaxy. ”

“Sigh, it’s horrible, only a teenager.”

“Emperor Weishan is on top, it’s incredible 530.”

Seeing the figure of the Supreme Mage appear, the rest of the mages also let out their vigilance, as if looking at the monster-like eyes of the teenager in front of them and talking a lot.

For these whispers, Godanwei had long been accustomed to it, and did not care, thoughtfully looked at Strange with some gray hair, and looked at the Supreme Master Gu Yi in a simple white costume and said, “Gu Yi Mage.” ”

“Mr. Godanwei does not have to be polite, I don’t know if he is interested in tasting the tea leaves of the ancient orient.”

Master Gu Yi also gave a ritual and gentle Dao.

“Of course.”

Look at the teenager who left with the ancient mage. Strange was that the teenager seemed to be very concerned about himself?

Immediately throw this idea away, he is just an ordinary little mage, how can he get the attention of a Saint Seiya with a golden sequence comparable to a god.

Let’s practice your magic honestly

Well, the magic of the magic book he found some time ago fascinated him.

The rest of the mages were caught up in an excited discussion.

In a room full of Jane (bcaf) classics, Godanway looked at a wave of curiosity and exclaimed: “There is really a pleasant feeling, this arrangement is really good.” ”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Gu Yi sat down at the table, smiled softly and boiled a pot of water, and the elegant cooking tea and drinking tea was like art, and a cup of tea was placed in front of the young man’s body.

The teenager pretended to be a normal bite and found that it was actually not bad. Unexpectedly: “It is beyond my imagination. It seems that Cancer Palace will have to get some tea bubbles in the future. ”

Usually, my favorite drink is happy fat house water. Yikes

Often drink fat house water but suddenly drink this light first bitter and sweet tea has a kind of surprise: Yan Feeling Qi.” If you want, I can send you some tea, the Oriental kind of such as Da Hong Pao is very good, but unfortunately the price is too expensive. ”

“Haha, yes, thank you Master Gu Yi.” Xing smiled and nodded, pausing slightly for the teenager and said, “That Strange seems to be an heir to the mage?” Although it is a question sentence, it is full of affirmation.

Gu Yi mage was not surprised why the teenager seemed to see through his own heir, she knew that the teenager’s current realm already wanted to see through a certain level is a very simple thing, smiled and nodded: “Yes, he is the most qualified mage he has ever seen, and his future achievements will also be above me.” ”

“Good character is also very good.”

Gu Yi knew very well that in the future, Strange was bound to intersect with the one in front of him.

The teenager nodded in disbelief.

Of course, he could hear the voice in Gu Yi’s words, and looking at the looming rune on Gu Zi’s forehead, he groaned for a moment, meaning to point out: “Your Highness seems to know that Master you… ”

“Yes, also please, Mr. Karen billion”

The teenager nodded.

He instantly understood that this mage was indeed preparing to die, and he was also going to test the future supreme mage through this big event and make him grow up as soon as possible, but he was afraid that something went wrong and needed the son gold to sit down.

Although the possibility of accidents is not high

“If I could, I would still like Mr. Godanway to try not to shoot except at critical moments.”

“I understand, just.”

The young man’s words were finished, and the ancient mage understood the words in them. Smile and nod: “Collapse our agreement is still there, I will not miss the appointment, after this matter is over, Agomoto Eye Strange will give it to you.” ”

“That’s fine.”

In just a few words, the outcome of a major event in the future has been decided

And Strange, who was working hard outside the training ground, did not know that his master and the legendary god had already made his future path clear.


Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

A group of islands in the Pacific Ocean, an earth-shattering tremor resounded throughout the world.

The huge force set off a mighty wave, and the rushing tide almost turned the sea upside down, constantly slapping the island.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a layer of terrifying lightning bolts of black pressure raged wildly, and the whole scene seemed to be apocalypse.

Endless torrential rains poured down and seemed to flood the entire island complex.

On one of the islands, Whitehall stood in the middle of the lush forest, completely oblivious to the rain hitting him.

Looking up at the sky like a demon god, the momentum was like a heavenly might, like the figure of the mighty shore of the abyss like a prison.

The momentum of the rolling was suppressed in his heart, and the bottom of his heart sank again and again.

The originally ambitious eyes were now terrified with a hint of reluctance.

“The Avengers, Saint Seiya… Damn it. One day, just how could Tiantian find me here. Whitehall gritted his teeth and looked at the familiar figures in the sky, and roared unwillingly.

Originally, he was confident that he could hide from the search of any force, even those Saint Seiya.

But just a day passed, just a day, and terrible disaster struck.

(The fourth is more asking the big guys to subscribe to ask for flowers.) Please collect, thank you big guys. )_

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