Several young people showed their abilities in front of a group of superheroes.

Tony and the others were full of surprise.

Mind power, self-healing ability aside, the rest of the people surprised Skye’s ability.

The ability to initiate vibrational waves, when the ability to develop to a certain level, can even shatter the entire planet, this force is full of destruction.

Even the arrogant Tony looked sideways at the girl with infinite potential.

But Dr. Banner frowned, “Skye, is your ability flawed?” ”

“Oh, yes, the ability will act on my body, and the more frequent, the higher the damage to the bones.”

Skye’s affirmation made Banner shake his head.

Others were somewhat surprised but expected, everyone was not a fool, and the ability to oscillate or oscillate was definitely one of the strongest abilities, and its destructive power was even far more than ninety percent of the superpower.

But the more powerful the ability, the absolute flaw.

God does not favor a person so much, and if he does, then that person must be a hero.

The power of concussion is full of destruction and its fury.

The use of such a force by the human body is bound to suffer a reaction, and Skye’s statement is not surprising to everyone.

“It’s a shame that if such a powerful force can be used freely, in two or three years you may become the most powerful superhero in the history of the earth./ball.” Jessica in the Defenders looked at Skye with regret and said regretfully.

It is a pity to have such an ability but not to use it freely.

Matt shook his head, “I think that’s good, Skye isn’t a warrior yet, and once the others know that she has such a terrible and perfect ability, she is bound to be under the eyes of some forces.” ”

After saying that, his head unconsciously tilted slightly toward the silent Fury.

Seems to mean something.

Fury was acutely aware of this but did not refute it, and he knew what Matt was saying.

“Fury, I know these kids are powerful, but they still need to grow.”

Rogers spoke.

He was a little against it, and these kids did have a lot of potential, especially Skye, but as a soldier, he was instinctively opposed to just taking risks with children.

The children were apparently not recruited by Fury to be agents.

But as another superhero group, if you want to become a superhero, you can take risks that ordinary people can bear.

That’s a crisis of life.

Not having enough experience to grow up is likely to let these children fall on the road of growth.

It’s too cruel.

Fury didn’t speak, but Coulson, who had been silent all along, spoke, still mild: “Captain, everyone needs to grow, and Skye is even more so, when they stand in front of you, they have consciousness.” ”

“And we’ve made a deal with the members of the Defenders that will bring them to Skye to grow up during this time.”

“We will also give the greatest help.”

“It’s really you… Tony took a sip of wine, first at Matt and the others, who seemed a little curious as to why the Avengers were leaving, at Skye, who were looking forward to it, and finally said, “Well, I’m a little curious about when your ship will arrive.” ”


Day 3.

The weather was windy and sunny, and the terrible storm of a few days earlier seemed to be still dissipating.

The people of Antonia are still living their own lives.

On the highest cliff on the island, you can see the endless ocean.

Above the ocean are various merchant ships and so on.

Everything is so vibrant.

Tony was wearing a black suit and sunglasses, looking at the picture in front of him, and he didn’t admit that the changes in the past few years were really big, and more than a decade ago, the Antuo family also had a stake in Sterk Industries, and that was when he also came to the island.

At that time, Antonia Island was very well run.

But there is no such thing as the grandeur it looks like now.

The construction of so many buildings that are regarded as classics, and even the relocation of mountains and reclamation to the sea generally transplanted many uninhabited desert islands nearby to expand the Antonia Islands.

The inhabitants of the island have directly exceeded 5 million, increasing towards the level of tens of millions of people.

Business, technology, and more are almost at the top of the world.

This is the world’s first island, the world’s largest power, Antonia.

“When did you become so emotional?” It’s not like the Tony Stark I know. ”

Karen put her hands behind her back and laughed.

Looking at Tony’s serious look, he didn’t know why he was happy, maybe the unorthodox Tony had become a label, deeply imprinted in his heart.

“NONONO, Iron Man also feels./sex, he just buries it deep sometimes.”

“Really? That cover woman./lang is also a sense./sex? ”

“Oh, how young have that been, and I’ve changed since I had Pepper?”

“Wow, the prodigal son turned back, great, I have to applaud Tony for you.”

“It always feels like you’re being sarcastic with me.” Tony complained.

Karen didn’t answer, and pointed his right index finger at Tony.

In the latter’s puzzled gaze, he saw a golden glow blooming above Karen’s index finger, and a golden beam of light fell into Tony’s head when he didn’t react at all.


A huge stream of data information was passed through Tony’s mind.

This rude/violent move made Tony’s brow frown unconsciously, and there was some pain.

But when he digested this information, Tony’s eyes shrank suddenly.

“These star maps allow you to avoid some big forces, and even some dangerous forbidden areas, but the universe is more dangerous than you think of the old Fury, and there are terrible dangers all the time, and maybe if you are not careful, you will be destroyed at some point by some ill-intentioned guy.” 」

“Are you willing to abandon Pepper and take this risk?”

“Some things are not whether I want to or not, but whether I should do it, you know, Karen, what I admire most about you is not establishing the Holy Land or reviving the House of York, but that you are constantly absorbing those children who have lost their families, lost their loved ones, and changed the fate of these children who should have suffered for a lifetime.” 」

“I have the strength and vision that people can’t wait for a lifetime.”

(Ask for a monthly flower pass ~~)

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