“You are indeed great, and without you, perhaps the earth does not know how many times it has been destroyed.”

“It’s because you’re too great, and we have to improve, otherwise it’s too stressful.”

Tony smiled bitterly.

“Broadening your horizons is indeed what you need to do, and your new armor is doing a good job.”

“It looks really good to get your compliment.”


Two months later.

In an unknown galaxy, countless planets are densely packed with beautiful stars that dot the dim void.


Suddenly, strange ripples broke the original calm.

The void seemed to be distorted as if a mirror was twisting.

As the light exploded, a spaceship with a diameter of about five hundred meters broke through the void.

The spaceship made of special metal renders an incomparable darkness, as if it came from hell.

But the dark shell also has some dense gun muzzles of different sizes.

On top of that, the ship’s shell also has a very ostentatious pattern.

The inside of the spacecraft.


The holographic projection appears in the center of the lounge, densely populated with stars suspended and some names written on it.

Tony wore a special combat suit with one stroke of his hands, and the hologram was separated.

“We have arrived in the Wrangler Galaxy, which, according to the information Karen sent me, is extremely chaotic, belongs to one of the chaotic galaxies in the universe, this galaxy is located in a remote location, but it also has its own unique resources, for which all the major forces of the universe have their own garrisons here.”

“Over the years, it has become one of the famous black markets in the universe.”

“Our first stop was here, and although Karen gave us a cosmic star map and marked the more dangerous forbidden areas of the universe, there was no information we wanted to know.”

“To that end, we also traded with Asgard to get some resource deals to get the universal currency of the universe.”

Sitting next to them were the rest of the Avengers, also in uniform, Team Rogers, Black Widow Natasha, Hawkeye Barton, Dr. Banner.

“Unfortunately Thor didn’t come, he seems to have had some fights with his sister Hela, who is called the goddess of death, and Asgard has not been peaceful lately, and seems to have started a civil war.”

“We are not good at mixing things in Asgard, didn’t Thor explicitly reject us?”

“We really can’t mix Thor’s family affairs, and judging by his words, he should be very jealous of this Hela, and the civil war should not be very smooth.”

“The goddess of death, what a big name.”


Everyone was chatting, and everyone was looking forward to this cosmic journey, even Dr. Banner, who liked to be comfortable.

Everyone had cups in their hands.

Team Rogers, Tony loves red wine, Dr. Banner has green tea in his glass, and the two ace agents have coffee.

Chat about the sky and plan your way forward.

I don’t know how long it has been, but there is no difference between day and night in the universe.

Just when the crowd was a little sleepy.

Suddenly, the color of the entire interior of the spaceship turned dark red, and a gentle voice passed in everyone’s ears: “Gentlemen, find that there are spatial fluctuations ahead, and according to calculations there is an unknown in front of you to open the Great Rush Bridge.” ”

Drop ~ drop ~ drop ~ Tony and the others were shocked, and the sleepiness dissipated, and everyone came to the cockpit.

Everyone sat in the driver’s seat and watched warily ahead.

All the weapons systems on board have been quietly turned on, and as soon as they find something wrong, they will immediately attack.

Although the Avengers have not roamed the universe, Karen once said to Tony, and Tony has relayed that in the universe, don’t trust anyone easily, and don’t trust any forces easily.

The universe is a dark forest.

There is only one law that exists here, called the law of the jungle.

In this dark forest, there is only coldness, cruelty, and fighting.


Maybe the two sides don’t know each other, and the fight will begin at the moment of encounter.

Any encounter might be the beginning of a fight, and when Tony said that, the rest of the Avengers had it in mind.

As for leaving, it was clearly too late now, and even if they were ready to open the wormhole now, it would take time.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the sound, a dense battleship slammed out of the void, and the visual contradiction of high-speed rotation and instantaneous cessation was a bit disgusting to Tony and the others.

But then his face changed dramatically.

The number of battleships was so dense that it was not only thousands, they did not care, but what they saw was the logo on the thousands of flagships.

“Fark, it’s a cosmic pirate.”

“Friday, quick, leave immediately.”

“Leave open wormhole, charge time, ten seconds, ten seconds, nine, eight, seven… Five.. ”

“Sir, the opposing main battleship releases an unknown frequency, and the wormhole is distorted.”

The AI Friday sound seems to be starting to get a little urgent.

It’s like a thunderbolt on a sunny day that makes Tony and the others look very different.


Tony scolded, and then glanced at the co-pilot’s eagle eye, Tony said solemnly: “Friday, engine preparation, hybrid armor preparation, defense system on, all weapon systems open ready to launch.” ”

“All systems are ready, sir.”

“Guys, it seems that our party is very grand, the other side is very gracious, we are afraid to attend.” Tony didn’t turn his head back to the opening.

“Oh, I don’t think the other party is very gracious!!”

Natasha smiled bitterly.

If she could, she wouldn’t want to go to the party at all, but now it seems that she can’t do it without it.

Sure enough, it was “welcoming”.

The opposing warships are all medium and large warships, and their Avenger spaceship is obviously only a small warship in the universe, and it cannot even be called a battleship, but only a spaceship.

Not a rank at all.

If not, in the end, I am afraid that I have to rely on Tony’s achievements in the past two months, I hope it is best not to use it, after all, that thing looks unreliable.

(Ask for a monthly pass of flowers Thank you guys.) )

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