“It was her.”

The girl’s beautiful face with a smile is intoxicating, and if it is changed to other places else, Tony can’t figure out that LSP’s heart is going to attack again.

But now he was relieved.


With a flick of a finger, the originally static world began to move again, and everyone’s body returned to the control of their own minds.

But the atmosphere of the original slaughter became somewhat silent.

The leader of the Black Market Guards did not dare to provoke this Saint Seiya who was staring at the universe.

In particular, he knew that this guy named Jean Ye was a silver-level Saint Seiya, who could easily destroy the existence of the planet with his own strength.

If she wanted to, it would only be a matter of time before she destroyed the galaxy.


A spaceship in the sky landed in an open place on the streets of the black market, and with the footsteps, a two-meter-long, muscle-skinned, dark-skinned guard leader of unknown race walked over with a group of guards.

Carefully facing Jean Ye Dao:

“Dear Lord Jean, are they your people?”

Originally, he could have been strong against any powerful guy, but in front of this seemingly thin girl, what was strength?

That’s the silly batch.

Being strong in front of a silver-level Saint Seiya, isn’t that looking for death? It angered people to destroy the planet in minutes.

Not to mention that behind every Saint Seiya is a behemoth.

The Twelve Temples of the Zodiac that shook the universe should now be the Thirteen Temples, as well as the mysterious and unknown Sacred Realm, and the gods who sat in the Sacred Domain.

What’s more, he still knew that the other party had brought a dozen small dots.

Obviously, it is to bring these small points to practice, and generally any race attaches great importance to these juniors or cubs or something.

He believes that if there is any threat to these guys here, the other side will not be merciful.

So he’s not going to be stupid anyway.

Pretending also depends on who to pretend with, and pretending to be with a being who can’t even afford to provoke the forces behind it is to find death.

Jean Ye glanced at the guy lightly and didn’t answer.

Instead, he smiled at Tony and the others and said, “Coincidentally, I actually met here.” ”

“Hey, this meeting is really messy.”

Tony smiled bitterly.

“How did you get here?” With your personality, you should not be in such a place, right? Rogers glanced at the head of the guard, and got no answer from the girl, and the guy was completely unangry, still cautious.

He was somewhat curious, this kind of black market place, chaotic, full of filth, filth, dealing, and so on.

And in his image, the Saint Seiya these young girls symbolize light, holiness, nobility, and antiquity.

Just as angels descended on the most filthy places in the world, and their contradictions.

He and Natasha and the others nodded and said hello, and at a glance saw Rogers’ thoughts, causing Ye to shake his head and smile lightly: “The black market does not mean what you think, and we are not so delicate.” ”

“We’re on a mission with some little guys, so come here to see what’s going on.”

“The black market you are in is indeed chaotic and filthy, but on the other side of the planet it is very luxurious, and as long as you have money there, you can get the most extreme enjoyment.”

By letting Ye’s explanation, Rogers also suddenly realized.

“Hey, big guy ~~” Seems to be quite interested in the thick Hulk Hulk, so Ye walked to the behemoth monster of more than two meters, looked up and smiled.

Saint Seiya himself loves peace and is close to nature, and his own affinity is extremely high.

In addition, in recent years, Banner and Hulk have been communicating after entering the guidance of Lyra’s Silver Orphe, which also allows Hulk to listen to some words and know that the guys who are friendly to him cannot be angry.

In addition to this, this makes Ye Ke a strong person without compromise, and it is not much worse than Ofi.

At that time, Hulk could always remember the horror of Orphie, and he still remembered the breath of the other party.

As a Saint Seiya, the breath of Jean Ye certainly reminded Hulk of that gentle but terrifying squint.


With a wave of his big palm, Hulk’s thick urn sounded in the airway.


Remembering His Highness’s evaluation of this big guy, Ye Ke didn’t expect that the potential of this big guy was so great?

Even growing up will surpass the Heavenly Father.

Looking at the Hulk, I found that the other party was like a child, only instinctive anger, anger all the time, in fact, it is quite simple, and likes cute little animals and the like.

In the memories of this big guy, the magic weapon of Banner’s communication with Hulk is to raise a lot of cute little animals, small milk dogs and the like in the Avengers base.

That’s why the communication between Banner and Hulk went so smoothly.

“It’s really fun”

Without snooping too much into each other’s memories, he turned his head to look at the cosmic pirate captain who was trembling with regret.

Looking at the moment of the guy, Ye Meng’s eyes flashed a little difference, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, muttering to himself: “I really didn’t expect to actually let me bump into it, those guys hid deep enough, do you want to tell the little guys?” ”

“Or forget it, let them find it on their own, my task is to look at these little guys and let them go find the incense?” You can also rest by yourself. ”

“At the moment, we don’t have such good conditions for doing the task, so it is okay for them to suffer.”

It seemed to think of something, which made Ye schadenfreude a smile.

Tony and the others watching were also confused.

The girl seemed to realize something, her face became serious, and her pretty face looked at the black market guardian leader with a cold face: “I don’t care what happened before, but they are friends of my Sacred Domain, do you understand?” ”

“Understood! Understand! We apologize to these gentlemen and ladies for their previous offenses, and we apologize. ”

The leader wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and hurriedly said respectfully.

Jean Ye nodded, and then said to Tony, “We still have a task and will not accompany you.” ”

“Well, by the way, Lord Godanway said how we are the Saints of the Universe who carry out missions in the universe will give you something if they touch you~~”


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