Let Ye gently lift the jade hand, and see a golden light appear above the white hand.

With the golden light of the shining holiness imprinted on everyone’s eyes.

Just seeing this small golden coin engraved on this golden crab, the depiction is exquisite, and the original vicious crab makes people see a taste of indescribable holiness at this moment.

And the moment this Cancer coin appeared, everyone seemed to be able to think of a figure that could not be seen clearly, a young man dressed in a gorgeous and beautiful golden holy robe stood in the sky, and the cold and ruthless eyes under the shadow face looked down on themselves.

It feels like surrender.

The one in the Cancer Temple~~

People have a name in their minds in a flash, a name that shocks the universe, an epoch-making strongman.

A being that has caused countless forces to fall.

The Avengers looked at each other, a little confused, unclear in their minds.

Let Ye hold this gold coin to the Tony several people: “This is a gold coin that can only be made above the gold level, and this gold coin contains the meaning of the engraved and printed, if you encounter a life and death crisis, it can automatically set off.” ”

“After departure, it will automatically hit Lord Godanway’s lightspeed fist, and each punch of the gold-level lightspeed fist can destroy a planet.”

As soon as these words came out, basically everyone couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air in their hearts.

Looking at the Cancer gold coin, there was something wrong with the eyes, with longing and greed.

This gold coin-like treasure universe is not absent, and some powerful people will also store some of their own powers or mysteries in an object through special means.

It can burst out at a certain moment of crisis and hit the enemy unprepared.

But this stuff is basically passed on by some powerful people to their own descendants or valued subordinates.

It is rarely circulated in the universe.

But the value of this thing is quite high, especially if you know that this can be a gold-level Saint Seiya carved out.

Especially let Ye say what he said.

It is infused with the lightspeed fist of a golden sequence strongman, what is this concept?

Don’t you see the battle in the galaxy that year, let the universe really see how terrible the speed of light fist is?

The lightspeed fist played by a group of bronze and silver-level Saint Seiya almost caused hundreds of millions of battleships united by dozens of forces to directly lose millions of medium and large warships.

And the lightspeed fist of the golden sequence directly destroyed all the warships.

Each punch of the Golden Sequence contains the power to directly destroy a planet.

And this kind of punch can make hundreds of millions of punches in one second.

What a terrible power, this destructive power, people in the universe have long analyzed that even if the Heavenly Father-level hegemonic level strong person eats this move head-on, even the strong person who is known for his physical defense will have to fall directly on the spot.

And the meaning of this gold coin is that this group of seemingly weak guys has a golden sequence that follows them at all times.

Who in the universe dares to provoke?

To dare to provoke is to find death.

It also means that behind them is a golden sequence, no matter who provokes these guys, known to the Cancer Temple, the consequences may be so tragic that no one wants to take this risk.

Tony and a few people are naturally not fools, of course, they can understand the meaning of it.

Before Tony could be moved, Jean Ye spoke again: “This is not a release of goodwill, but just a deal.” ”


A golden beam of light fell into the foreheads of several Tonys.

A huge stream of information and data crossed the minds of several people.

After a closer look, Tony and the others understood why the gold suddenly had to release his kindness.

It turned out to be a real transaction.

The vast amount of data transmitted in the mind is some of the precious resources in the universe and its scarcity, scarce metals, treasures left over from ancient times, and so on.

They need to look for it when they travel, and when the number reaches a level, they can exchange some relatively good resources.

For example, this gold sequence of gold coins.

Of course, this kind of existence belongs to the top level of trading resources, and Tony who wants to trade the resources needed to get gold series gold coins is also scalp numb.

However, there are also bronze and silver level coins.

The resources required have been significantly reduced.

Don’t look at those scarce resources are very good, but if you really want Tony and others, it is definitely these coins, preferably gold series gold coins.

Don’t look at these things as consumables, but they are definitely very valuable.

If some high-level people in country M know that this thing can be traded, it is estimated that even if they exchange the resources of the whole country for them, they are willing to do it, and this thing is quite similar to a golden sequence of strong people.

When not in use, it is a deterrent.

Who dares to do it easily when others know they have this gold coin?

Before you start, you have to think about whether you can afford the cost of the gold sequence shot.

“We knew, I didn’t think you’d need these things too.” Tony smiled bitterly.

But he did not refuse this transaction, because he knew that this time the transaction of his own side was definitely profitable, and any scarce resources, treasures, etc. were not worth as much as these gold coins, not to mention, there were other things in those transactions that made him hungry.

The beautiful girl turned her head and walked toward the outside of the black market, and waved her hand without turning her head: “Be careful, this universe is darker than you think, and look forward to our next goodbye.” ”

Ignored everyone else.

Everyone just watched the girl’s figure slowly disappear in the darkness.

When the girl’s figure completely disappeared, everyone was immediately relieved, and the originally tense and quiet atmosphere began to ease a lot.

However, when he saw the gold coin in front of Tony that was suspended in mid-air, it still emitted a little golden fluorescence.

There was a hint of greed in everyone’s heart, and they tried to get it.

This gold coin can almost completely be said to be a very scarce treasure in the universe.

Even the top powers are eager to get it.

But in greed, there is also a trace of sanity in their hearts, and they dare not take this thing by force.

You know, there is still a silver-level Saint Seiya on this planet.

(Ask for the collection of monthly passes for flowers, thank you guys, thank you.) )

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