Top floor of the building.

The magnificent and huge room became a mess, the room ravaged by the majestic air waves and the fierce wind was disorganized, the sofa that fell to the side, the broken glass slag, and so on.

If it had been in the past, Topaz would have torn the guy who dared to offend the Sect Master to pieces.

But now she didn’t dare to do it at all, not even the slightest bold idea.

Under this violent shock, Topaz knelt on the ground and could only barely maintain her shape, because if she was not careful, she might be thrown directly into the air, and if she fell at such a high height, she would also die.

Such a big movement even the master could not let it go.

Ignoring this terrible shock, he turned to look at this beautiful woman, her red hair curled upside down in the sky, and her beautiful eyes emitted a terrible cold light, and he knew that if there was anything wrong with him, he would be greeted with the most terrible attack.

A golden sequence of attacks.

The Cancer Golden Projection had already told him the horror of the Golden Sequence’s combat power.

Although he did release water in that battle, he still used most of his strength, and the other side was only a simple projection, and even the famous universe of mysteries did not play a few times.

It can be seen that the combat power of the golden sequence itself is obviously strong and terrifying.

At least the guru himself had no faith at all.

“If I can, I don’t want to be a pawn in your game~~”

The master shrugged his shoulders and smiled a little bitterly.

As soon as these words came out, Li Yingnadai’s eyebrows were slightly picked, and Topaz, who was struggling to support herself, looked at the confessed master with wide eyes in disbelief.

Is the other party really that powerful?

Just after meeting, the master directly and without hesitation conceded defeat?

This was completely inconsistent with her acquaintance with the obedient Grandmaster.

But then he realized that the Grandmaster didn’t want to be a pawn, he didn’t want to be a victim between the two forces, the Grandmaster was indeed powerful, but a Golden Saint Fighter could rival the Grandmaster, and the entire Sacred Realm was completely beyond the Grandmaster’s offense.

Once the other party is really angry, he really has to ask the sin master, and the master may not even be able to run.

Huang Yu could guess, and Li Yingna could certainly think of it.

Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and took a deep look at this old guy, really worthy of the old fox who had lived for an unknown number of years.

Huanghuang Tianwei retreated slightly, but it still did not dissipate.

“Who’s behind you?”

The soft voice is full of indisputable.

Looking at the pride engraved under the beautiful countenance of this golden sequence, that irrevocable will told the master that if he did not say or tried to lie, the consequences would not be very good.

But when I thought of the figure of the man, I suddenly felt my scalp tingling and my heart was bitter.

Both sides are completely unable to provoke themselves, which is really who he provokes.

Taking a deep breath, the master weighed it up again and again, and finally made his choice, he looked at the beautiful woman who was even taller than himself in front of him, and said, “He is Thanos!” ”


As soon as these words came out, Li Yingnadai’s eyebrows tightened, and her expression was indifferent.

“Are you kidding?”

“I’m not kidding, he is indeed Thanos, but he has become completely different from what I knew before, and it was supposed that Thanos was judged by the Holy Realm and exiled to an unknown dimension, but I don’t know when he will return.” The Guru also frowned tightly.

Thoughts crossed the huge body, and the cold, death-like face, and the Sect Master was slightly uncomfortable.

But shaking his head to shake off these discomforts, he said with some trepidation: “He has become more powerful, he was originally only the strength of the Heavenly Father level, but I can feel that he must have surpassed the Heavenly Father level, and perhaps reached the level of the single universe.” ”

That’s interesting.

Thanos, who was supposed to be banished in a certain dimension, not only came back, but also became stronger, what exactly made you stronger? Thanos?

Who gave you the confidence to offend the Sanctuary again?

Li Yingna’s eyes flashed a cold light.

Whoever dared to calculate the Sacred Domain, no matter who it was, would have to accept the judgment of the Sacred Domain, even if it was Thanos who had already reached the level of the Single Universe.

However, the single universe itself is a bit powerless to catch alone, and maybe it needs to call a few other guys.

Even though Thanos already possessed the strength of a single universe, Li Yingna was confident that as long as there were three or more golden sequences, it was enough to make Thanos fall.

After all, they are different from other people’s one-plus-one-plus-one.

Other strong people of the same level may cooperate with 1+1+1=3 or greater than 3, but the combined combat power of the three golden sequences is increased by more than ten times, especially after the battle formation.

After a moment of thought, Li Yingna looked at Master Dao with interest.

“Since as a pawn, I didn’t expect you to actually want to jump out of the chessboard, did Thanos crush your chess piece?”

“I don’t want to be a pawn, I like my life now, ruling the Saka Star, watching those gladiators fight in the bloody gladiatorial arena, this is the most suitable state of my heart in countless boring times, I don’t want to be easily broken.” 」

“Even if he’s Thanos!”

Gao Tianzun smiled, there was truth and falsity in his words, but it was true that he really did not want to be a pawn.

To know what his identity is? The strongest of the universe’s top hegemons, who have ruled over countless beings, have a tendency to bow down to others and be treated as slaves by others.

In particular, let him offend another more terrifying force.

It was no different than having him die.

Whether it was the already single-body cosmic-level Thanos or the Sacred Realm of the Mighty Universe, it was obvious that he could not match.

If that is the case, then he must choose one of them.

As for the so-called waiting for Thanos and the Sanctuary to lose both? It is completely impossible, a little measurement of the Guru will get the answer, Thanos single universe is not false, but what about the Sacred Domain?

Fourteen Heavenly Father Levels, and one of them ruling the Sacred Realm to be more powerful is suspected to be a single cosmic level strongman, how could this multiple-choice question Gao Tianzun choose the wrong answer.

In particular, he personally tested the true combat effectiveness of the golden sequence.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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