“Thanos, the single universe, originally in the Heavenly Father Level, the original combat strength was not particularly top-notch, and then it was directly abolished by His Highness, banishing the unknown dimension, and as a result, he was not only able to break the boundaries between the dimensions, but also directly hit the single universe level one step at a time.”

This matter was very strange, at the beginning, when Grandmaster Gao Tianzun said the name of Thanos, Li Yingna immediately thought of many unusual things.

Or rather, it’s very unusual to hear the name Thanos here.

The most critical of the two biggest doubts, how can Thanos be abolished in the case of breaking the boundaries between the two dimensions to come to the main universe, where did he come from the power?

The last one is how he broke through to the monolithic universe.

It is not that Li Yingna underestimated Thanos, don’t look at the Golden Sequence is not big in grades, but in more than ten years, it has grown from a mortal who can be killed by a bullet, or even a wrestling car accident or disease, to the top of the combat strength almost the Heavenly Father, and even can even resist the hegemonic strength of the single universe.

It looked very relaxed, and it didn’t seem that there was too much difficulty, as long as you cultivated, the battle would be smooth.

However, since the Sacred Domain had been connected to the universe, everyone’s understanding of the universe had improved slightly, at least Li Yingna knew very well that if the Heavenly Father level wanted to grow to the level of a single universe, it was not just possible to obtain it by fighting or cultivating.

It is more about the accumulation of time, even if the superfather-level apex is buried in the single universe, it may take hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years, or perhaps it will not be achieved in a lifetime.

For example, Grandmaster Gao Tianzun.

These two points alone let Li Yingna know that this matter is definitely far more than she thinks, and there must be a bigger secret behind it.

But she tries to see through the future and finds that the future of those associated with this matter has become chaotic.

Li Yingna knew that there must be a more powerful unknown behind it.

The tiger whiskers who dared to pinch the Sacred Domain, it was obvious that the other party was confident that he would not lose in the face of the Sacred Domain.

Who in the universe can do this?

As I was thinking, the voice of the Grandmaster came from my ear again: “If you can, I hope you can regain your momentum, after all, in this way, Saka Star may not be able to withstand this, and my favorite place for millions of years is still here.” ”

Raise an eyebrow.

The powerful senses told Li Yingna, the old fox, although the city government was very deep, but indeed there was no malice.

After all, this kind of person is also a piece of grass on the wall, if the Sacred Realm is weak, then she believes that this old fox is definitely moving closer to the other party for a while.

Although it was a wall grass, Li Yingna knew that this old guy was indeed useful, and for the time being, the two sides were indeed in the same position.


Without too much hesitation, the majestic Heavenly Power dissipated in a flash, and the Saka Star, which had been violently shaken, also calmed down.

Topaz, who was still on his knees, also breathed a sigh of relief.

Standing up and standing behind the Sect Master, he folded his face and did not dare to say a word.

Dare to complain in front of this god, afraid that I do not want to die.

But unfortunately, the beautiful Scorpion Girl has no interest in this middle-aged aunt who is as strong as a WWE professional wrestler, as long as she does not offend herself, the beautiful Scorpion girl does not even bother to take a look.

In fact, she thought the planet was disgusting.

If it weren’t for Gao Tianzun’s instant surrender, she would have planned to directly destroy this disgusting planet “naturally”.

Some regrets (〃▽〃).

Just when the Scorpion Girl had excellent appearance on the surface but regretted how she had not destroyed this disgusting planet in her heart, she suddenly sensed that a huge force was somewhere and looked up at the ceiling, as if she saw some corner of the endless distant universe through this thick ceiling.

Li Yingna’s sudden change made Gao Tianzun and the female deputy present very confused.

After two seconds, the Sect Master’s face suddenly changed drastically.

He also felt this terrifying wave of energy, but what he was even more horrified was that the “cub” in front of him, who was only about twenty years old, was actually two seconds ahead of him.

Although this sensing ability was not enough to fully explain anything, the Grandmaster knew, in fact, it also confirmed that he might not be able to beat the woman in front of him.

In addition to being depressed, I also relaxed a lot.

At least his choice didn’t seem wrong this time.


The master casually clicked his wrist twice, and a holographic projection suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, like a miniature cosmic star map, as the stars and galaxies crossed over, and finally sat on a planet, and the red dots kept flashing.

“This is Moss Elli, the most desolate planet in the Moss galaxy, but also the largest planet, with a volume of 3.445*15^19 cubic kilometers.”

“The environment of this planet is extremely harsh, so bad that the life there is extremely ugly but powerful, so strong that some life can even destroy a medium-sized warship.”

“But there’s absolutely no way to produce any energy there.”

“Maybe it’s a trap ~~”

Seeing the data of this planet, the Grandmaster frowned.

“Maybe it’s a trap, but it’s also an invitation, people are graciously invited, if I don’t go, I will lose my Scorpion etiquette!!” Xiu’s eyes flashed a ripple, and Li Yingna smiled lightly.

After saying that, he looked at Gao Tianzun.

Gao Tianzun was also numbed by this beautiful eye, and instantly realized the girl’s meaning, spreading his hands and looking reluctant: “Can I not go?” ”

“What do you say?”


Moss Airy is a huge, desolate planet where there is no sunlight, almost no clean water, and darkness, dryness, and desolation are the themes of this planet.

Only a distant planet has a faint glow, and only in a few decades can a cosmic storm erupt to bring a trace of water scraped by other planets.

This, combined with the planet’s own toxin-filled water, allowed the life on the planet to live.

The desolate planet, coupled with its scarce resources, makes life on the planet fight for survival, but because of this, the survival ability and combat effectiveness of life on this planet are extremely strong, coupled with the harsh environment, even the scavengers in the universe are not willing to come here.

But today there were two guests.

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