As the world’s most advanced fleet of aircraft carrier fleets, the Third Fleet is enough to be closely watched by all countries.

What’s more, it is Antonia, which makes all the forces in all countries jealous.

For a time, the news of the confrontation between the Third Fleet and the border of Antonia was transmitted among all the powers, causing heavy concern.

They did not know why the fleet of the United States dared to sail to the waters of the past and was still close to Antonia.

Don’t you want to go to war with Antonia?

What really happened in between the two periods also made the various forces extremely interested.

“Find out what’s going on with me right now.”

“I want to know what happened between the United States and Antonia, and why the United States has the courage to provoke.”

“Maybe it’s a good opportunity.”


S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident headquarters.

Fury rubbed his forehead and looked wordlessly at Hill in front of him.

“Hill, am I dreaming or are you kidding?”


“Ok。。。。 Is the president crazy? Fark, he actually let go of an aircraft carrier equipped with nuclear bombs to Antonia? Was his brain kicked by a donkey on Uncle Sam’s farm? ”

Fury growled angrily.

“Sir, Bruce fled to Antonia.”

“Wow?” Fury immediately spread his hands, exaggerating in disbelief: “Bruce Banner fled to Antonia, and that idiot drove an aircraft carrier fleet?” Did he know that this was simply a threat of war? ”

“Sir, you should know that the president and the congressmen have seen the power of demons and gods, and they want to be able to create it.”

“Mortals try to match the gods, and such people do not exist at all.” Fury was utterly speechless about the stupidity of his own president and his superiors.

Of course, he knew what those stupid guys were thinking, that green monster had infinite potential, and as long as he could successfully capture and study the Hulk serum, even if he offended Antonia for it.

But is it really that easy?

Even he had never thought of trying to gain a power comparable to that of a god, let alone what if he studied the serum of that big monster? Really think you can fight Antonia?

“Let them solve it, we can’t mix this matter.”

“Wait, maybe…

Suddenly as if thinking of something, he touched his chin, and Fury’s eyes showed a hint of thought.

The screen rotates.

At the border of the sea, the confrontation continued, only a few minutes, although the teenager did not make any moves, but the atmosphere of slaughter became more and more intense.

All the soldiers felt their hearts beating faster.

Nervousness, extreme nervousness.

Navy Commander Smith frowned, and the teenager had been silent with no idea what he was thinking.

It’s just that he knows that if he continues to confront like this, the ending will definitely not be good.


Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by another voice.

Gentle and gentle, but not rejected.

“Leave immediately, or your actions will be seen as a threat of war.”

This is!!! Golden Saint Seiya Zoro?

Ross and the naval commander were shocked.

For the top sequence of the Sacred Domain, basically all countries have stored information, whether it is height and appearance, or sound ability, etc., which have been carefully analyzed and stored in the database.

Ross and the commander of the navy, of course, will not be unclear.

The power of the Golden Saint Seiya had already penetrated the hearts of the people when they guarded the gates of hell, and each of them had the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, especially the outstanding Zhuo Lu of the Golden Level.

Ross and others were not at all surprised by this kind of power, but Ross had illusions.

“Hey, this hasn’t set foot in Antonia’s waters yet, a joint exercise between the two countries…

“I think you’d better not disobey Lord Zoro’s words and leave !!!”

The deafening sound resounded again.

Rumble ~~~

A terrible lightning bolt under the black pressed clouds once again pierced the sky, and the dull roar almost made everyone’s ears shake faintly and painfully.

The most frightening thing is that the sea surface is also becoming more and more violent and rough.

Chiren’s icy voice was already full of impatience.

Apparently, the repeated delays of these people made Chiren a little angry.

“OK, OK, let’s leave immediately…

The suppressed and dull breath rippled through the hearts of all the soldiers, the rolling waves were about to overturn the fleet, and a group of people even stood unsteady on the deck, Smith hurriedly shouted.

“Fell, the order immediately turned around and left…

Hearing the other party’s reply, Chiron’s expressionless face turned into a beam of light and rushed into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

At the same time, the oppressive clouds slowly dissipated, and the rough sea calmed down.

Everything returned to calm with the departure of the teenager.

Seeing Smith leave, Rose stood up and gritted his teeth to keep up with the footsteps and whispered, “We can’t just leave, we have to catch Bruce.” ”

Smith heard this and stopped angrily, turned and poked his finger at Rose’s mouth, gasping for breath and saying loudly: “You listen to Ross, the president did ask me to cooperate with you, but that doesn’t mean I’ll allow you to mess around.” ”

“It doesn’t matter if you ask me to threaten other great powers with war, but in Antonia you have to be honest with me, and I won’t let my soldiers risk it for you.”

“Do you know what Antonia stands for in the world?” Without the slightest regard for Ross’s face, Smith continued to roar with a furious spit, “Then he represents this invincibility, and a teenager can easily destroy the terrible existence of the United States.” ”

“I tell you Rose, once I am to be held responsible, I will beat you into a whole body convulsions and foam in my mouth, and then I will throw you into the sea with a cigar and a smile, just to satisfy the one, do you understand?”

(Thank you very much for the tips of the four big guys of “1566”, “1373”, “Come to See” and “C196”, and thank you very much for the monthly passes and flowers that you tip.) )

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