“If you want to capture Bruce, find your own way, and I won’t let my fleet risk it for you.”

After the spray, Smith felt a lot of pleasure in his depressed mood, and turned away with his escort soldiers.

Leaving behind ugly-looking Ross and Bronsky and other guards.

“General, though I do not want to admit it, Commander Smith is indeed quite right, we cannot provoke Antonia, and if Antonia is held accountable, those high-ranking officials will not hesitate to abandon us…” Bronsky looked at the departing Smith and whispered.

Rose suppressed the anger and unwillingness in his heart, gritted his teeth and roared: “The military of the United States has never been so humble, look at their appearance, like the circus to make people laugh, humble and pitiful.” ”


Bronsky smiled bitterly.

“Hmm, now I can only think of other ways…

A confrontation that attracted the attention of all countries in the world ended with the retreat of the US naval fleet, and it is not surprising that countries that have learned a little inside information are not surprised.

Although Antonia sent only one Silver Saint Seiya.

But it is also enough.

Although the Navy sends an aircraft carrier fleet, what can it do?

In addition to marveling, he also laughed at the stupidity of the United States, but more than that, he was curious about why he was willing to take such a risk to enter the sea of the past of the Western Moon, and there must be some reason for it.

In the fifth-floor room of the Apollo Hotel on Island Thirteenth Street, Bruce stood on the balcony leaning on the railing and looking at the crowded street below, not knowing what he was thinking for a moment.

Poof, poof, poof

Suddenly, the heart began to beat wildly, and Bruce’s face changed, covering his mouth, green and brown changing back and forth in his pupils.

“Thanks, Set, the mood is obviously not fluctuating, why…

Bruce Banner felt that pain and collapsed under the railing, sweat hanging from his forehead.

If you become a Hulk here, then…

Bruce Banner thought about the consequences, gritted his teeth, and tried to take a deep breath, calming the anxious emotions in his heart and letting the Hulk, who was trying to transform, go back.

At the same time, the Apollo Hotel welcomed a blue-haired teenager wearing a jacket and jeans.

A manager at the front desk of the hotel was already waiting.

At the moment of seeing the teenager, the chubby hotel manager rushed up to greet him and whispered respectfully: “Lord Ofi, people are in room 308 on the fifth floor, no one has gone out, and the room code lock has been opened.” ”

“Well, don’t disturb the tourists, I’ll go up myself.”


The teenager known as Orphie took the elevator to the fifth floor, knowing that the target room stopped at the door, and seemed to feel some frown raised, and the handsome face was full of surprise: “This breath. ”

After thinking for a moment, instead of entering the door directly, I pressed the doorbell.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

On the balcony of the room, Bruce Banner, who had originally calmed down his emotions, heard the doorbell ring, and a violent and anxious mood burst out again, as if he felt something.

“Is it a threat to you that makes you start to be impatient?”

Bruce Banner, as one, suddenly knew in his heart, and his mood became heavier, and it was obvious that the people outside the door had made the big green monster feel the danger, and he looked at the door, as if he could see a terrible being standing behind the door.

However, at the same time, there was a glimmer of anticipation in my heart.

“Mr. Bruce Banner, can I come in?”

A soft voice sounded clearly in Banner’s ear.

“Please come in…


Orphie hit the door of the room, his eyes were fixed on the balcony, as if he had expected it, looking at the middle-aged man who collapsed on the balcony, Orphie’s black eyes crossed the ripples, “It seems that Mr. Banner is in a bad condition.” ”

“Maybe some people scared him.”

Banner smiled bitterly.

“My name is O’Fi, so just a few minutes ago, a fleet of aircraft carriers from the United States sailed to the sea border and wanted to negotiate with us to arrest Mr. Banner and go back on the grounds of the exercise.”

“I guess you didn’t agree.”

“It is true that any tourist entering Antonia is supposed to take shelter until they leave, but unfortunately you and the lady named Skye entered by tampering with your identity and have violated our laws.”

“So, I can only ask you to come with me.” Orphie smiled softly and held out his finger to Banner, whose pupils were already infected with green: “Go back, otherwise, death !!!” ”

The eyes were instantly cold and piercing, and the terrifying killing intent filled the room.

For a moment, the atmosphere became solemn.

Poof, poof!!

The beating heart slowly stopped, Bruce Banner looked at the teenager in front of him with a shocked face, Hulk was actually afraid, the terrible green monster full of destruction would actually be afraid, it was afraid of this teenager.

“Call that girl, Lord Zoru wants to see you.”

Orphie chuckled and turned away.

“Golden Saint Seiya, Zoro?”

A minute later, Bruce Banner and an inexplicably looking Skye got into a car and arrived at the Twelve Star Tower on Antonia.

The Star Tower is uninaccessible because it is the residence of the Golden Saints on the island.

Orphi took the two to the women’s palace, three stupa tops, green tile golden eaves, shining, magnificent, jade frescoes also carved Buddha sitting cross-legged, marble clear and even can see the reflection of people.

The whole palace looks solemn.

Not to mention Skye, even Bruce Banner secretly smirked at the extravagance of palace construction.

Coming to the main hall of the women’s palace, Ao Fei respectfully knelt on one knee on the ground, looked at the handsome young man sitting in the main hall with his eyes closed, and whispered, “Lord Zhuolu, people have been brought here.” ”

The two people behind them were nervous and a little overwhelmed.

The temple full of peace and tranquility should have let the two relax their emotions, but there was always an instinctive fear in the face of this teenager.

“Orphi, go for it!!”


(Thank you very much for the tips of the four big guys of “1566”, “1373”, “Come to See” and “C196”, and thank you very much for the monthly passes and flowers that you tip.) )

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