
Sonosaki Wakana felt a little strange: "I'm sorry, listeners, this program should be about me asking you questions."

But the other end of the phone didn't care about Wakana's words at all, and asked himself:

"Princess Wakana, what is your favorite number?"

It was a deep and hoarse male voice.

Wakana's smile froze instantly, and she felt disgusted in her heart, because she guessed the purpose of this person's visit: "Tsk, it's such a crazy fan and stalker again."

She barely managed to maintain a voice that fit her image.

"Listener, if it's a personal question, Wakana can't fully answer you..."

Before Wakana could finish speaking, the man shouted in a crazy voice: "It's 7, right? I know, it's 7! Even if you don't answer, I know everything about you!"

"Next, I will give you the number 7 as a gift!"

"Look out the window!"

Wakana frowned: "Give me the number 7? Outside the window?"

"Mr.question, what exactly are you going to give me?"


As soon as Wakana finished speaking, a burst of explosions came from outside, and the ground shook at the same time.

"What's going on?" Wakana quickly walked to the window.

What comes into view is the huge silver windmill in the distance.

The support pillars of the windmill were twisted and bent by an unknown force, and the huge fan blades were falling off and hitting the ground heavily.

"Princess Wakana, it's not over yet, just wait for my next gift..."


The other end of the phone turned into a long blind tone.

Looking at the huge collapsed windmill outside.

Wakana shouted in surprise: "Who are you and why do you do such a thing!"

But Mr.question has hung up the phone and of course cannot give her an answer.

In the studio, Wakana had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, because this was a live broadcast, netizens immediately exploded when something like that happened.

Wakana used her mobile phone to check the message board of the program website.

There has been an influx of negative comments about Wakana.

"What is this? A terrorist attack?"

"It's because Wakana deliberately used provocative voices in the show and was too ostentatious that she attracted such crazy fans."

"You keep making noises all day long. Do you really think this is cute? Let her compensate the city for the damage!"

Looking at these insulting and accusing comments, Wakana took a deep breath angrily: "Damn it!"

"Why did this happen to me!"

If this incident is not handled well, it will definitely have a great impact on Wakana's anchor career.

The most terrifying thing is that Mr. Question has no intention of stopping.

If she continues to cause trouble, she may no longer be able to continue being a radio idol and must go home to inherit the family fortune.

Just thinking about being in the same room with Saeko all day makes Wakana collapse!

She was itching with hatred: "Tsk, Mr.question...who are you! Why do you make me angry!"

"I'm going to catch you and crush you to pieces!"

At this time, the door opened, and Wakana's gentle and weak manager came in in a panic: "Princess Wakana, are you okay?"

"This threatening phone call from Mr. Question didn't scare you, did it?"

"What do you think!" Princess Wakana picked up the bag again and hit the agent on the head several times. "Shouldn't the caller have been reviewed? Why would such a strange person call?"

"Buy Nase! There may be some mistakes in the directing process, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future! But the interrupted program must continue. Princess Wakana, you need to adjust your mentality, don't read those bad reviews, and continue to finish the program! "The agent said.

Wakana clicked her tongue, but she also knew that the show couldn't end like this, so she adjusted it and turned the broadcasting equipment back on.

"Dear listeners, something unexpected happened just now, which caused the live broadcast to be interrupted, and Wakana was also shocked!" Wakana continued to say in a clipped tone.

But the audience clearly didn't buy it.

Many people left messages directly: "You are still pretending, just because the citizens of Fengdu lost a windmill!"

"Maybe you and this Mr. Question are in the same group, just for publicity!"

Wakana was watching the comments during the live broadcast and became increasingly angry.

But for the sake of her own image and career, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue reading the script:

"I have good news to tell you. Tomorrow's Mysterious Journey will be filmed on location for the first time. In other words, Wakana will meet you on the online channel!"

"For the first outdoor scene, the theme we chose is culture and history. Therefore, the location is the newly opened Decade Museum in Fengdu. Please be sure to watch our program and explore the history of Fengdu with Wakana."

"Decade Museum, isn't that where the Square Wing is?"

Wakana only remembered after seeing the script that Fang Yi invested in a radio station and asked the radio station to promote the opening of his museum. At that time, he booked the schedule for the location program.

Of course Wakana didn't think anything was wrong before.

But now she knows that Fang Yi is a partner of the Ensaki family and is very close to her sister Saeko.

If Mr. Question appears on the show again tomorrow to cause trouble, and Fang Yi is present, he will definitely tell Seiko.

She knew her bastard sister. Saeko would use this as an excuse to force her to give up being a radio idol and go home to help.

"Fang Yi... don't run into him." Wakana prayed silently in her heart.


Inside the museum space.

On the vast grassland.

The huge and deep lake in the north suddenly had violent waves.

The surface of the lake was surging.

Suddenly, a figure flew out of the lake, splashing huge water and falling on the grass.

Fang Yi patted his soaked clothes and sighed: "The repair value is still a little short."

After many attempts and exercises, he finally relied on telekinesis to adapt to the water pressure at the bottom of the lake, and was able to move freely and patrol the entire picture of the Yak satellite.

He also found the most critical information. It takes 1,600 repair points to repair the Yak satellite.

After defeating the eye doping body and the virus doping body, Fang Yi gained more than 700 repair points.

In addition, the Dragon Black has been hunting those unknown doping bodies hidden in the corners of Fudu.

Fang Yi looked at the remaining repair value displayed in front of him. There were still a total of 1,360 points, which was still a little short.

"Where should I go to collect the missing 200 points?"

Fang Yi temporarily returned to the real space and thought.

Coincidentally, the staff of Fengdu Radio called: "Director Fang, there is a problem with the program scheduled to be filmed in your museum tomorrow."

"Our most popular anchor Ruocai was entangled by a stalker fan who called himself Mr.question."

"So, when the program is filmed tomorrow, we arranged for the police to be present to protect Ruocai's safety. I hope you don't mind."

"Okay, I understand." Fang Yi communicated some details of tomorrow's program with the staff.

He was very happy in his heart: "Mr.Question, you came just in time. In this case, I will help Ruocai by the way."

He immediately asked the staff of the radio station: "Excuse me, can I appear as a guest on tomorrow's program?"

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