At the same time.

Narumi Office.

When Princess Sonosaki's program started, Philip, who had been watching beside her, of course listened to it immediately, without missing a minute.

Although Shotaro was not as obsessed with Princess Wakana as Philip, he felt that Princess Wakana's voice was much better than Yakiko's screams every day. Anyway, he couldn't figure out the answers to those mysteries for the time being, so he also moved a stool and listened to the program with Philip.

As a result, the two happened to hear the whole process of Mr. Question's conversation with Wakana.

Moreover, Narumi Office was not far from Fuuto Radio Station.

Philip and Shotaro heard the loud noise and vibration coming from outside Narumi Office with their own ears.

Outside the window, the silver windmill generator in the distance broke and collapsed, raising smoke and dust.

Shotaro couldn't help but take off his hat and sighed: "Is this the gift that Mr.question said he would give to Wakana?"

"What a crazy fan, he actually did this to attract Wakana's attention! How did he do it? A bomb?"

"Oh no, Princess Wakana is in danger!" Philip stood up excitedly. It was the first time in Shotaro's life that he saw him so nervous.

"This Mr.question must be a dopant! Shotaro, we must go out and protect Princess Wakana!"

"Huh?" Shotaro was stunned, "How can you be sure that it is a dopant incident?"

"It can instantly break the windmill, and there is no sign of a bomb explosion. This kind of power must be a dopant!"

Shotaro half-squinted his eyes: "You just want to protect Princess Wakana."

Philip's expression suddenly became nervous: "No, no."

Shotaro sighed and put on his hat again: "Forget it, even if it is an incident unrelated to Gaia's memory, this Mr.question dared to destroy everyone's windmill and make this city cry. I will not let it go..."

"According to Wakana's announcement, she will go to the Decade Museum to do a show, and Mr.question may take action at that time."

"Tomorrow, the Decade Museum may be very lively."


No words all night.

The next day.

Sono Saki's house.

Saeko got up early and drank morning tea in the front garden.

Kirihiko called; "Ms. Saeko, I finally found the buyer of the virus memory, Yuki Yamamura."

"According to the information I got from her, it can be confirmed that the virus memory remained in her body during her coma, and some kind of mutation accidentally occurred, causing Yuki Yamamura's spirit to be mixed and transformed, so the special phenomenon of the memory always showing that it was used appeared."

"But unfortunately, Kamen Rider and that urban legend got involved before me, and now the virus memory has been destroyed and cannot be recovered."

"When I went to the hospital, Yuki Yamamura had disappeared. After she woke up, she went to the police station to surrender, so it took me so many days to investigate it clearly."

Saeko frowned slightly: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"Since the work at hand has been handed over, you can report to Fang Yi."

"Got it, goodbye, Miss Saeko." Kirihiko hung up the phone.

Saeko held the teacup tightly, and her good mood was directly destroyed.

She wanted to study the special phenomenon of virus memory, thinking that she might be able to get new ideas for memory development from it: "The dragon shadow in the mirror... It's that cruel guy again... Is he determined to kill all my clients!"

At this time, Wakana came out of the house, dressed very solemnly, and quietly walked past Saeko.

"Asshole sister, are you going to play the idol game again?" Saeko mocked.

And because Wakana felt guilty, she rarely said anything back, and ran away in shame.

Saiko looked puzzled: "This girl, why is she so abnormal today?"


Half an hour later.

In front of the Decade Museum.

The scene was already full of radio staff.

Wakana had come here a long time ago, put on makeup, and now she started the show with a smile on her face and enthusiasm with the microphone.

"Hello, dear audience friends, welcome to today's Healing Princes! Next, Wakana will lead everyone into the outdoor program of the first Fuuto Mysterious Journey unit."

"Behind me is the Decade Museum, which has just opened in Fuuto. According to feedback from tourists, the exhibits inside are mysterious and ancient, and there are legendary stories behind each one, which can reveal the veil of history for us bit by bit."

"Let's go in and take a look."

In front of her was a group of staff members lighting, recording, and videotaping, surrounding her.

Wakana began to walk into the museum, and the staff followed her.

A tall and straight handsome young man was standing at the front desk of the exhibition hall, of course, it was Fang Yi.

At this time, he was wearing the uniform of the museum staff and a hat, but his upright model-like figure still exuded a sharp temperament.

Wakana knew that this person was the guest she was going to interview at the end of the program, but she didn't notice that it was Fang Yi at this time.

For the first online live broadcast, many fans online soared in number to see Princess Wakana.

Netizens were discussing wildly:

"The employee at the front desk is quite handsome. Are the museum's recruitment standards so high? I heard the security guard is also a beauty!"

"Damn it! How can there be other men standing next to Princess Wakana!"

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of messages appeared in the comment area.

Everything went smoothly in the first half of the show, and soon it was time to connect with the audience by phone.

Wakana became nervous. In the last show, Mr. question called in like this.

If there was another performance accident, she might really have to say goodbye to the career of radio anchor.

"After listening to my introduction, I believe everyone has a certain understanding of the artifacts in the Decade Museum. So what questions do you have? Next, we will randomly connect with lucky audiences!"


The next second, the program group's phone rang instantly.

Wakana's heart began to beat in panic: "Okay, the first audience called in, let's answer it."

She picked up the phone nervously: "Hello?"

A deep and gloomy voice came:

"Princess Wakana, see you again, I am Mr. question."

Wakana's wrist trembled. Although she was the princess of the Sonozaki family, she was no different from an ordinary girl now. She was powerless and even wanted to cry.

Although she is willful, she really loves the job of being a radio host. She worked so hard for so long to get away from the Sonozaki family, which she disliked.

Now everything is going to be ruined.

"Mr. question! What do you want?" Wakana asked.

Mr. question seemed to enjoy the feeling of controlling Wakana's emotions, and said proudly: "Princess Wakana, please answer my second question."

At this moment, Fang Yi suddenly walked past Wakana and took the phone.

Wakana realized who was in front of her, and her eyes widened: "You, how did you become a guest?"

Fang Yi's expression did not change, and he said to Mr. question on the other end of the phone: "This audience, I am the director of the Decade Museum. If you have any questions, let me, a professional, answer them."

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