I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1010: climb mountains

That is, why don't you feel cold. "Song Kaifei also looked at Yu Sheng like a monster.

"Yu Sheng, shouldn't you be an alien?" Wang Yanbing glanced suspiciously at Yu Sheng, wanting to see something in Yu Sheng's body, which made Yu Sheng quite uncomfortable.

"Fart alien."

When Yu Sheng heard this, some silently glanced at the people present, and said helplessly: "I really don't feel cold, maybe it is related to the formula I read."


After He Chenguang and others heard this sentence, for a while, they all looked at Yu Sheng with a dumbfounded expression.

"We read less, don't you scare me? What's the formula?"

He Chenguang grumbled.

Indeed, if you can resist the cold by reciting the mantra, then there will not be so many people who freeze to death every year. If you also recite the mantra, you think you are a god.

"Yu Sheng, what formula do you recite?" Chen Shanming couldn't help but said.

"The heart is clear, the sky will fall without any surprise..."

Yu Sheng said casually.

As this sentence was uttered, for a while, the skins of He Chenguang and others twitched fiercely. It's not that they didn't know what this formula was, but that it was totally different from his cold protection. It's nonsense for you to get half a dime.

Isn't this good risk a special Bing Xin tactic? It seems that there is another name called Qingxinshu, you tell me this thing can protect me from the cold? This is the **** sentence the author wrote in it.

Chen Shanming and others were all dumbfounded. They all looked at the rest of their lives speechlessly, and didn't know what to say for a while.

For the rest of his life, he didn't continue to explain anything, but the system was really unclear. He couldn't even explain the genes, because the things involved in it were really nonsense.

Yu Sheng did not continue to talk nonsense about this matter. At this time, Yu Sheng said solemnly: "We can't continue to wait here. We must leave here as soon as possible. If we continue to wait here, we won't wait for the enemy to kill. We will all be frozen to death by this environment."

"Maybe we will starve to death, so we must leave here as soon as possible."

The rest of my life also knew that in this harsh environment, there is relatively little food. If there is not enough heat, they will be frozen to death sooner or later, so they must find a way to leave here as soon as possible, but if they leave here, it will take several days. In addition, the cliffs here are full of unknown dangers.

It can be said that their next trip is still very troublesome.


Chen Shanming nodded solemnly and said, "That's right, we really have to find a way to get out of here."

"Everyone has something to eat first, and we set off after eating." Yu Sheng thought for a while.


With an order, everyone ate something, and then everyone set off. When they got outside, the biting cold feeling made them shiver even more, but they still faced the strong wind and moved towards one. Run in the direction.

Time is passing by, and they have been away for half a day for the rest of their lives.

In the past half day, He Chenguang and others are passive and not light. To say that the only person who feels nothing, I am afraid that he will be the rest of his life. The rest of his life is very open and closed, and there is no coldness, as if it is in autumn. In one scene, He Chenguang was also envious of them.

Being with Yu Sheng, only to be envied, this makes them a little bit painful.

This person is more annoying than a person.

Soon, they came to a mountainside. When they came to this mountainside, Yu Sheng and the others all had their expressions condensed, and their expressions were a little dignified staring at this mountainside, and there was something in their eyes. dignified.


"This is a mountainside, the road is so small..." Li Erniu couldn't help but say.

"This is where we want to go." Yu Sheng said with a solemn expression: "From the perspective of this road, this road is very narrow and narrow, and can only accommodate one person at a time. If one slips accidentally, It's possible to fall from here, but we can't make a detour. If we make a detour, we will at least increase the distance by three days. Time does not allow it, so we can only pass from here."

"Moreover, even if we take a detour, we don't know what else is waiting for us behind this."

The words of the rest of his life made He Chenguang and others all look solemn and a little heavy.

They all know that in the following process, they may only have to take risks.

"Let's go over here." He Chenguang said in a calm voice: "As long as we are more careful, there shouldn't be any major problems."

"Yeah." Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said: "But we should be the most careful, it should be the enemy. If there is an enemy on the other side to intercept, we will be very passive, and maybe we will become a target."

"Then there is no other way to go?" Xu Tianlong frowned and said, "I just saw a way."

"That road can't be passed." Yu Sheng shook his head slightly and said, "Although the road is easy to walk, there is a cliff ahead. This cliff is so big that we can't cross it. Unless we build a bridge, but we don't have tools. The bridge is not realistic, and the bridge cannot be completed in a moment."

Yu Sheng's words stunned Xu Tianlong, and said, "How do you know there is a cliff over there?"


He had seen that road before, and they hadn't passed that road, so they probably didn't know that the opposite was a cliff, but how the rest of their lives knew it, it didn't make sense.

Yu Sheng smiled casually and said: "You can see the cliffs over there. It's winding and undulating. I have analyzed the path. Therefore, it just leads to the cliff. When you reach the cliff, there is no way. NS."

After Xu Tianlong listened to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it suddenly dawned on him. At this moment, everyone said in a deep voice: "If this is the case, then we can only go this way. I hope that there will be no problems."

"Well, everyone quickly eat something. After eating, we set off immediately. The longer we stay here, the more disadvantaged it will be for us."


Everyone simply ate something, and their food was limited. At this time, they naturally did not dare to waste a lot of food. After they simply ate some, they walked towards this path.

It was okay at the beginning.

The road is very spacious, but as they move forward, the path gets narrower and narrower. At the end, it can only accommodate one person. That’s fine. They have to cling to the stone wall because their feet become very narrow and narrow. If you are not careful, you will fall off the cliff. If a person with fear of heights sees this, his legs will become weak and he will be unable to walk.

(End of this chapter)

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