I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1009: Level 1 form is not afraid of severe cold

Under Yu Sheng's gaze, the young shoot grew rapidly, at the speed of growth, and the rest of his life looked like a ghost. Soon, the young shoot grew into a big tree.

With the gradual formation of this big tree, the rest of my life is a bit inexplicable, because this is really nonsense.

In this environment, survival is a problem. This big tree can still sprout and grow, it is really nonsense.

But... this big tree has not only grown up, but in front of the rest of his life, the big tree has gradually bloomed. At first the flower was white, but over time, the flower has gradually evolved. Became pink...

When Yu Sheng saw this scene clearly, for a while, Yu Sheng was directly stunned on the spot.

"This is……"

"plum Bossom……"

When Yu Sheng saw this scene in front of him, Yu Sheng was a little bit surprised and shocked.

Plum blossoms are in full bloom in this situation?

However, the next scene also shocked Yu Sheng!

Because he saw that the surrounding ice and snow seemed to be angry. Under his cover, no creatures could survive, but there were some special ones that could grow and even blossom in this situation.

For these ice and snow, this is the biggest challenge to him. Therefore, the cold wind is getting stronger and stronger, so forget it. The ice and snow seem to be gradually increasing.

Slowly, these plum trees were gradually covered by frost, but even so, these plum blossoms still showed no signs of drying up. The frost became more and more, gradually freezing the plum blossoms into ice sculptures.

But even so, the plum blossoms that have been frozen into ice sculptures still show no signs of withering. At this moment, these plum blossoms seem to be fighting against the ice and snow. Still blooming.

Even if you freeze me, I can still stand proudly in this blizzard.

At this moment, Yu Sheng seemed to see a scene where a small flower was fighting against this nature.

The power of nature is almost irresistible. However, this plum tree, which looks like an ant, is fighting against nature and not afraid of the severe cold. This gradually made Yu Sheng a kind of sentiment, this kind of sentiment, let For the rest of my life, I felt a little suddenly realized...

"I understand." By this time, Yu Sheng seemed to understand something, and his eyes flashed.

Although it is said that the external environment has a great impact, the plum blossom is still so unique. It blooms among the many plants and appears so unique. This is the plum blossom, which is not afraid of the severe cold.


When he got here, Yu Sheng's brain seemed to explode, and at the same time, there was a voice in Yu Sheng's mind that was constantly echoing, and this sound shocked Yu Sheng.

"Didi, congratulations to the host for understanding the first form of the millennium plum blossom gene, not afraid of the severe cold."

After Yu Sheng heard the news of this system, Yu Sheng also looked overjoyed. Yu Sheng also woke up in that state. At this time, Yu Sheng looked at his hands with some joy.

At this moment, the gusty wind roared, and the icy cold wind seemed to blow people away, but...when the gust of wind hit Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng did not feel the slightest, all he felt was A warmth is moisturizing his body.

Although the wind swept through, there was still indescribable warmth, which made the rest of his life extremely happy.

"Sure enough, the millennium plum blossom gene can keep out the cold and survive in this extremely harsh environment. Even the harsher the environment, the stronger the ability to survive. This also reflects the essence of plum blossom."

Yu Sheng had an indescribable joy. He felt that even if he was only wearing a camouflage outfit, he would not feel cold, even warm.

This feeling made Yu Sheng also a little surprised, and I don't know how it was caused.


But at this moment, He Chenguang noticed that Yu Sheng was not advancing. He Chenguang took a closer look at Yu Sheng, and he saw that Yu Sheng was actually laughing at this moment.

This made He Chenguang a little astonished.

"Fuck, he is still smiling?"

He Chenguang looked dazed, when is it? In such a cold day, everyone was trembling with the cold. Your kid is still laughing secretly here. Are you kidding me?

"What the hell……"

Song Kaifei also followed He Chenguang's gaze. When he saw this smiling face for the rest of his life, Song Kaifei was also stunned.

"He is actually laughing..."

"Isn't this fooling around? Have fun in hardship, right?" Xu Tianlong also complained for a while.

"Yeah...we are almost freezing to death. Judging from Yu Sheng's appearance, it seems that it is not cold at all..." Li Erniu also looked at Yu Sheng with constipation, feeling that Yu Sheng was too fake.

"The rest of my life, the rest of my life..."

At this time, Miao Lang couldn't help it anymore and screamed, but he was still immersed in his own joy for the rest of his life, so he didn't hear Miao Lang's cry at all.

Chen Shanming on the side took a picture of Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng was relieved. Yu Sheng looked at Chen Shanming and Miao Lang with a little bewilderment. For a moment, he was very puzzled.

Some didn't understand what the two of them meant.

"For the rest of your life, aren't you cold?" Chen Shanming couldn't help but said.


After Yu Sheng heard this, he didn't think much, he blurted out: "It's not cold...It feels warm and warm, why? You feel a little cold..."

It was really cold for the rest of my life at first, but after getting the plum blossom gene, the rest of my life was wrapped in that kind of warmth and was extremely comfortable. Therefore, I didn’t think much about it for the rest of my life, and just said this straightforwardly. talk.


When Chen Shanming and the others heard this, for a while, they were all a little confused...what the **** did this mean?

not cold?

They are almost freezing to death, but for the rest of their lives, it makes them feel cold, which is a bit nonsense... What's the situation, you don't feel cold, isn't this a mess...

This kind of bad weather is estimated to be 30 degrees below zero~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although they wear a lot of clothes, but... they can't stop this kind of cold attack...

But for the rest of my life, they wore the same clothes, and they didn't even feel cold...

For a while, Chen Shanming and others didn't know what to say.

"Yu Sheng, are you really cold?" He Chenguang couldn't help but said.

"It's not cold." Yu Sheng said casually: "I feel quite warm, do you all feel cold?"

He Chenguang: "..."

Wang Yanbing: "..."

Everyone present was silent for a while, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Why don't you feel cold? It doesn't make sense? Such a low temperature..." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but vomit.

(End of this chapter)

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