I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1008: Sentiment

Didi, congratulations to the host for comprehending the second form of the blood of a century-old unicorn beast. "

At this moment, Yu Sheng was slightly shocked, and for a while, Yu Sheng's mind was filled with question marks, a bit inexplicable.

"Fuck, what the **** does this mean when the evil turns into good fortune? When did I realize that when evil turns into good fortune?"

For the rest of my life, I felt a little inexplicable and dumbfounded for a while!

Because he feels that it is impossible to realize that every evil turns good luck, it shouldn’t be, it doesn’t make sense. The blood of these centuries-old unicorn beasts seems to be talking about luck, but it’s just how **** good luck turns good luck. Coming here, how do I realize that when bad times turn into good fortune, why don't I know?

The rest of his life was also a little dumbfounded.

"System, you are sure that you are not mistaken, I really understand how bad things turn good?" Yu Sheng asked with a dazed expression.

"Not bad." The system explained faintly.

"But...I don't feel it at all, how come it turns out bad luck?" Yu Sheng asked inexplicably.

"Actually, just when the host had just consumed two thousand points of military merit and did a stupid thing."

When the system said this, Yu Sheng's forehead went dark, and Yu Sheng's expression became a little unnatural. My Nima, the system is really where the pot is not opened or not, your uncle.

However, I had bad luck just now, right? It took a thousand more points of military merit. Could it be that the system couldn't stand it anymore, so I forcibly improved myself.


When Yu Sheng thought about it, even Yu Sheng couldn't stand it anymore. Your uncle, who do you look down on...

However, for the rest of his life, he did not continue to mess with the system. Instead, he continued to study these thousand-year plum blossom genes. These thousand-year plum blossom genes, this is the rhythm of becoming a tree demon.

Yu Sheng felt it carefully, and was surprised to find that it seemed that he was not so cold anymore. In his own body, it seemed that there was a kind of magical power covering his whole body! This power seemed to be warm, very comfortable, which made Yu Sheng some indescribable warmth.

"What's the matter? The plum blossom gene works like this?"

When I felt this feeling, I was a little surprised for the rest of my life! The warm feeling makes the rest of my life feel very comfortable, just like a flower bathing in a greenhouse.

"What the **** is this?"

When Yu Sheng thought about it, it was a bit inexplicable for the rest of his life. For a while, he didn't even feel what was going on, because it was too nonsense.

What a mess.

Just when Yu Sheng thought of this, Yu Sheng gradually fell into a kind of contemplation. After Yu Sheng fell into this kind of contemplation, Yu Sheng had a very special feeling.

At this moment, Yu Sheng felt as if he had come to another place. Here, it was a piece of icy snow, surrounded by violent winds, this harsh gust of wind, abnormally biting, when it blows on people. , It was as if a knife was cutting a person's skin, and even the breath that came out was ice scum.

It can be seen how cold it is here.

Yu Sheng frowned and murmured: "What the **** is this place?"

Yu Sheng was puzzled, but when he was puzzled, Yu Sheng suddenly found pieces of dry plants. These plants have been covered by snow, so these plants have died in this cold winter, and there is nothing left. Vitality.

Yu Sheng looked at this piece of dry woods and plants, which made Yu Sheng shook his head slightly. Obviously, these plants could not bear the cold and died.

If these plants have good cold resistance, such things will not happen, which makes the rest of my life feel a bit pity.

Yu Sheng shook his head slightly.

He continued to look at this white-covered world, where there were large tracts of ice. I don't know how many years the ice had existed. Some plants were even covered by ice, directly forming a kind of ice sculpture.


At this moment, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered!

Because in this ice sculpture, he found a trace of life.

Yes, among the ice sculptures not far away, there seems to be a flower. This flower looks pink and blooms very beautifully, just like that shy girl. This makes Yu Sheng unable to tell. The surprise.

"The flower in this ice sculpture... looks familiar..."

Yu Sheng murmured to himself!

This flower looks so familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

At this moment, Yu Sheng seemed to recall something, and when Yu Sheng thought about it, it made Yu Sheng blurt out.

"Fuck, isn't this a **** plum..."

At this moment, Yu Sheng understood what this flower was. It was obvious that it was a plum... In this ice sculpture, almost all the plants were hanged up. This is the most colorful one. Only this plum is the only one.

In real life, Yu Sheng knows that some plum blossoms can withstand the temperature, which can even reach the terrible minus 30 degrees. This kind of plum blossoms are very hardy.

And his plum blossoms are obviously not ordinary plum blossoms, his plum blossoms are definitely more powerful than ordinary plum blossoms.

"Fuck, there is an ice tree here."

But at this moment, Yu Sheng was surprised to find that there really is a tree here, this tree has been frozen and covered by ice!


One thing that is special is that this tree does not seem to show any signs of losing its vitality, which surprised the rest of his life for a while.

The temperature of this ice is estimated to have reached minus fifty degrees long ago.

Nothing happens at this temperature, which is a bit terrible.

"No... there seems to be something wrong here."

Yu Sheng frowned, his face solemnly staring at the world in front of him, as if some changes had taken place in this world.

For the rest of my life, I was also curious about www.wuxiaspot.com~ what kind of world I came into, and how it felt a little weird.

Just when Yu Sheng just thought of this place, Yu Sheng suddenly realized that under his feet, it seemed that something was about to come out.

This sudden situation caused Yu Sheng to take a step back in a hurry. As Yu Sheng backed away, Yu Sheng saw that on the ground, a sprout had actually emerged.

For the rest of my life watching such a scene is a bit inexplicable.

In this cold season, it is really novel to be able to burrow tender shoots. Generally speaking, it is impossible for any seed to germinate in this season.

After all, this kind of weather is really too cold to adapt to the life of these plants at all, but...the young shoots have just popped out, which is really strange.


(End of this chapter)

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