I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1007: Gene fusion, increased combat power

"This system did not deliberately. According to the price of the intermediate mall, the blood and genes only have 1000 points of military merit, but because the host drew intermediate goods for the first time, and it is still a genetic product, this system has to give the host a discount, so Calculated the price was only 700 military merits, but the host did not wait for me to finish, so he bought it."


After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, this made Yu Sheng’s face stiff. For a while, Yu Sheng’s face became extremely difficult to look at. Yu Sheng never expected that things would turn out to be like this. This system, absolutely It was deliberate, deliberately pitting his military merit.

Two thousand? He bought something worth 700 yuan for two thousand military merits... He was a **** fool.

For a time, the rest of his life was crying without tears.

"You **** pit, just deliberately, pit, big pit, you **** it."

Yu Shengyu yelled incoherently. It was really that this system was too bad. It was really bad. If you have seen it, you have never seen such a bad. The **** cost of military merit was 1,300.

A huge loss.

"Then can I return the goods?" Yu Sheng couldn't help but said: "Let's start buying again, and try again."

"No." The system replied faintly.


After listening to it for the rest of my life, there was a moment of silence, it was too dark, it was fucking.

This gave Yu Sheng an indescribable pain.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. Yu Sheng took a deep look at the system, and then slowly said: "Okay, I won't say anything, this is something today. You remember it for me, if I spend money in the future...I will..."

"Didi, in order to make up for the host's loss, this system can give the host something extra."


After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, Yu Sheng's voice stopped abruptly. Yu Sheng looked at the system, and said painfully, "What's the gift?"

"You can give the host a comprehension card." The system said lightly.

"Enlightenment card? What is it?" Yu Sheng frowned when he heard the words: "Could it be something similar to enlightenment? Is this to make me immortal?"

"The host should not be daydreaming." The system faintly explained: "The perception card can make the host have some insights in an instant, but what the host can feel specifically depends on what the host is feeling. The perception card is not mandatory. The host generates perception, but to some extent, the perception card can allow the host to enter the perception faster and increase the guided entry perception."

After Yu Sheng listened to it, it was a bit painful. This perceptual card seemed to be useless. Yu Sheng took a deep breath. Although he didn't use it, he still didn't give any compensation, right?

Anyway, this is a free gift.

Thinking of losing a thousand and three military merits, Yu Sheng felt painful for the rest of his life. Yu Sheng immediately said, "Stop talking nonsense, and give it to me immediately."

"Didi, the perception card has been issued, and the host can use it at any time. As long as the host imagines using the perception card, the system will use it on its own." 62

"Um." Yu Sheng was taken aback after hearing this, and said, "Didn't you give me a card?"

"No." The system said faintly: "This system does not currently have the function of making physical objects."

After Yusheng finished listening to this, Wei Wei felt a little helpless. No matter what he said, there was compensation, and that was it. Even if he wanted to, there was no way.

The rest of his life immediately said: "Immediately integrate the millennium plum blossom gene."

"Didi, the host fuses the millennium plum blossom gene."

As the voice of the system just fell, Yu Sheng suddenly noticed that in this own body, it seemed that a tree gradually emerged from the pubic area. The rest of the life was slightly surprised at this scene. The sapling was small at first, but as it increased, it gradually evolved into a big tree.

The big tree blossomed gradually. The flower was very beautiful. At first it looked white and gradually turned pink. For a while, this made Yu Sheng a little surprised.

"This thing grows in my body, will it explode my body? He's meow, how do I feel that this is becoming more and more sci-fi?"

Yu Sheng thought about it secretly, and felt that this matter did seem to be a bit nonsense, too sci-fi, but even the system appeared, Yu Sheng was relieved.

As these flowers bloomed, Yu Sheng felt that his body had also quietly changed.

"Name: Yu Sheng"

"Age: 22 years old"

"Military Rank: Captain"

"Attributes: 16 bones, 16, comprehension 16, physique 16, strength 16, speed 16 (ordinary 1

"Military merit: 6030 points."

"Skills: world actor-level acting skills, blood of a century-old dragon elephant animal, blood of a century-old golden winged dragon, blood of a century-old western white tiger, blood of a century-old snarling dog, blood of a century-old cannibal willow gene, a gene of a century-old drug addict, blood of a century-old unicorn animal, a century-old six Eared macaque blood, centuries-old Kunpeng animal blood, centuries-old Bodhi heart, millennium Tyrannosaurus blood, millennium plum blossom gene, earth induction shooting, radar warning, earth simulation field, arc shooting, counterfeiting, perception card, ps magic, hacker skills , Intermediate data calculation, demining manual, shooting skills, training room, chess master, piano master."

The rest of his life saw this series of skills, especially his attribute value, which has been increased from 15 points to 16 points now. When he was promoted to 15 points, it was when Yu Sheng was just promoted to become the king of soldiers. , The reason why he can advance to 16 points is also because of the Millennium Plum Blossom Gene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which led to the increase in his attribute value.

When I saw this, Yu Sheng was a little excited.

Yu Sheng couldn't help but clenched his fists with both hands. For a while, Yu Sheng felt that his strength had increased a lot. Not only that, Yu Sheng also felt that his combat effectiveness must have also greatly increased.

Every time he improves, his combat effectiveness will increase, and the increase is not even a little bit, which can be regarded as a deep experience for the rest of his life.

"It's great." Yu Sheng was a little excited. Although he spent a lot of military merit, it also greatly improved his strength. This is a good thing for him. This military merit Although value is a good thing, if military merit only exists without consumption, then it will naturally not be able to exert its value.

Therefore, in general, this military merit only needs to be consumed in order to be able to display his value. For the rest of my life, I don't feel anything at all.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, but didn't know if the plum blossom gene had what he wanted...

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